FGOAA :: Volume #40

#3999: Oppressive cat!

In Companion Space, in the surface of that gray coffin presented a big Ganu Ghost King mark, can say lifelike. 伴生空间内,那灰色棺木的表面上出现了一个较大的伽奴鬼王印记,可以说栩栩如生。 On this resembles with to seal/confer Guibang, who was eaten, who was mounted.” “这上面就跟封鬼榜似的,谁被吃了,谁就被裱起来。” Li Tianming does not know whether to laugh or cry. 李天命哭笑不得。 He acts fast, carries off these Heaven-Fighting God Clan strong two generations of Xumi Ring completely, simultaneously wait/etc gave to the twin ghost slightly eight! 他动作快速,将这些战天神族强二代的须弥之戒全部带走,同时将双生鬼等等送给了小八! After the gray coffin in that Companion Space finished eating, is excited to smoke like a chimney, looks, it very satisfactory today's harvest. 伴生空间内的灰色棺木吃完之后,兴奋得吞云吐雾,看得出来,它很满意今日的收获。 All is the 5-Layer hell above ghost! 全是五重地狱以上的鬼! Un?” “嗯?” Li Tianming suddenly discovered, the coffin of this gray coffin covers, as if twisted slightly, edge had a crack, in the crack the gray fog rolls up and pushes along outward. 李天命忽然发现,这灰色棺木的棺盖上,似乎稍微歪曲了一些,边缘处出现了一条裂缝,裂缝中灰雾往外卷动。 Showing had the progress!” “说明有进度了!” Li Tianming eye slightly bright. 李天命眼睛微亮。 more to following Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast, is mysterious and strange, that Little Six Life Soul has made Li Tianming experience hard to deal with, therefore this small eight, what degree can strangely to? 越到后面的太古混沌巨兽,越是神奇和诡异,那小六命魂已经让李天命见识到了难缠,所以这小八,到底能诡异到什么程度? Also must continue to hunt and kill Heaven-Fighting God Clan.” “还得继续猎杀战天神族。” Handles Princess Youyou not to use up Li Tianming how much time, he is pursuing Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran tightly enters the cavern, making Yin Chen (silver dust) die of suffocation cave entrance, then locks each Ghost God, delivers them to return to the western paradise! 搞定完沋沋公主并没有用掉李天命多少时间,他紧追着紫禛微生墨染杀入洞窟内部,让银尘将洞口堵死,然后锁定每一个鬼神,送他们归西! This is a unilateral slaughter! 这是一场单方面的屠杀! Remaining more than ten Heaven-Fighting God Clan, how long simply have not insisted, all dies in this cavern. 剩下十几个战天神族,根本没坚持多长时间,就全死在这洞窟之中。 The spoils of war take away completely! 战利品全部收走! These most precious, naturally is Yu Qing Universe God Item Dark Eclipse Galaxy, Li Tianming threw this weapon to Zi Zhen directly. 这其中最珍贵的,当然就是狱擎宙神器暗蚀星河’,李天命直接将这兵器丢给了紫禛 Although she is Ghost God, but can also use the weapon! 她虽然是鬼神,但也能用兵器! So, she becomes loli who grasped dark beheads greatly. 如此,她成了一个手持黑暗大砍头的萝莉。 Everyone......” “各位……” Li Tianming arrives in front of these small beast balls. 李天命来到那些小兽球前面。 They look with own eyes these Heaven-Fighting God Clan are capturing them, looks with own eyes Li Tianming comes to save them. 它们是亲眼看着这些战天神族在擒拿它们的,也是亲眼看着李天命进来拯救它们的。 They have certainly the impression to Li Tianming! 它们对李天命当然有印象! After handling 30 Heaven-Fighting God Clan talent Universe God, Li Tianming said to them immediately: I have Ancestral World Nether Boat, inside has your companions, here has exposed, will immediately have many people to catch you. Or takes risk one time with me, goes out to converge with the partners together?” 搞定完三十个战天神族天才宙神后,李天命当即对它们道:“我有一座祖界冥舟,里面有你们的同伴,这里已经暴露了,马上就会有很多人来抓你们。要不跟我冒险一次,一同出去和伙伴们汇合?” Chicken! Chicken!” “鸡!鸡!” They as if understood the Li Tianming's words! 它们似乎听懂了李天命的话! Those who make Li Tianming accidental/surprised is, they displayed to be excited, the interested appearance, gathered side Li Tianming completely. 李天命意外的是,它们表现出了非常兴奋、有兴趣的样子,全部聚集在李天命身边。 I get up your net, pick up the speed.” “那我把你们网起来,加快速度。” The small beast ball is willing to coordinate, that convenience were many, the surroundings have Yin Chen (silver dust) to act as lookout, Li Tianming picks up the speed, wrapped this all small beast balls. 小兽球愿意配合,那就方便很多了,周围还有银尘望风,李天命加快速度,将这所有小兽球包了起来。 These small gadget felt that must go out traveling, is much more excited, pastes that big eye in online, making an effort looked out, looked while the chicken called, doing Ying Huo (Firefly) thinks that these were its illegitimate child. 这些小玩意儿感觉是要出去旅游似的,一个个兴奋得不得了,将那大眼睛贴在网上,使劲的往外看,一边看一边鸡叫,搞得荧火以为这些都是它的私生子。 Walks!” “走!” During this rescue imagines Li Tianming wants to be smoother than! 这次救援比李天命想象之中要顺利一些! Was lucky you.” Li Tianming said to Weisheng Moran and Zi Zhen. “多亏了你们。”李天命微生墨染紫禛道。 They cover in the middle of the purple fog, smiled, had not said. 她们笼罩在紫雾当中,微微笑了一下,没有多说。 Especially praised you, the mask was very effective.” Li Tianming said to Zi Zhen. “尤其夸奖你,面具很管用。”李天命紫禛道。 This also almost.” Zi Zhen light snort/hum. “这还差不多。”紫禛轻哼了一声。 Li Tianming smiles, did not have while the above person, as well as outside person has not blocked the Miracle Mountain entrance, he picks up the speed, makes Miao Miao dash about wildly, but their three sit in it conducts the back, dragging the innumerable small beast balls to dash about wildly across the sky. 李天命莞尔一笑,趁着上面的人还没下来,以及外面的人还没堵住神迹山的入口,他加快速度,一路让喵喵狂奔,而他们三个则坐在它背上,拖着无数小兽球横空狂奔。 Meow!” “啊啊啊喵!” Miao Miao also several hundred meters, change to the Demon Emperor Chaos words approximately to be the kilometer now, on the form fitting rides one male and two female to have enough to do. 喵喵现在也有数百米了,化作帝魔混沌的话大约有千米长,可身上骑着一男二女还是很吃力。 Help, maltreats child Mao!” “救命啊,虐待童猫!” This scene indecently. 这场面不堪入目。 Virgin your younger sister, except for me, you were oldest.” The Ying Huo (Firefly) irresponsible fork waist laughs. “童你妹,除了我,就你最老了。”荧火不负责的叉腰大笑。 Aloof overload, but Miao Miao not lets people down, beyond the speed of ultra chasing down runs out of Miracle Mountain, but Li Tianming has arrived at the recent position Ancestral World Nether Boat, is opening the door the waiting to greet. 超然超载了,但喵喵还是不负众望,以远超追杀者的速度冲出神迹山,而李天命已经将祖界冥舟开到最近的位置,开着门等待迎接。 After Yin Chen (silver dust) breakthrough, the control large scale promotion to entire lower-level vestige, nearby this Miracle Mountain, it controls to the surrounding entire field of vision particularly, is Li Tianming dares to feel relieved the adventurous reason! 银尘突破后,对整个下层遗迹的掌控大幅度提升,尤其是这神迹山附近,它对周围的全视野把控,是李天命敢放心冒险的原因! Smooth! 一路顺畅! Li Tianming all small beast balls, led into Ancestral World Nether Boat smoothly completely. 李天命顺利将所有小兽球,全部带入了祖界冥舟 Two waves of small beast ball meets, look like the good friend who many years has not seen to be the same, the crazy revelry gets up. 两波小兽球相遇,就像是多年没见的好友一样,疯狂狂欢起来。 Sees them to be happy, Li Tianming is also very gratified. 看到它们高兴,李天命也很欣慰。 Pitifully temporarily does not have the means that brings to come up to Sun them.” “可惜暂时没办法,将它们带到太阳上去。” Now the effect exposition of small beast ball, that side that vestige entrance, definitely will check strictly, will not make so many living creatures depart. 现在小兽球的功效暴露,那遗迹入口那边,肯定会查得更加严格,根本不会让这么多的活物离去。 First walks.” “先走。” Ancestral World Nether Boat so approaches, the sound is very big, in addition some lots of people go to the Miracle Mountain entrance, nearby this is the place of danger! 祖界冥舟如此靠近,动静还是挺大的,加上正有大量人前往神迹山入口,这附近已经是危险之地了! Li Tianming makes Yin Chen (silver dust) lead the way directly, all the way around walking, starts out the risk area Ancestral World Nether Boat! 李天命直接让银尘开路,一路上绕着走,将祖界冥舟开出危险区域! Bad.” “糟了。” Ancestral World Nether Boat was safe, but Yin Chen (silver dust) said, nearby that Miracle Mountain entrance, quick died of suffocation by several thousand Eight Departments Gods, moreover there person were getting more and more. 祖界冥舟是安全了,可银尘却说,那神迹山入口附近,很快就被几千八部神众堵死了,而且那里的人越来越多。 As the matter stands, we must go in again, going to the peak was more difficult.” “这样一来,我们要再进去,前往峰顶就难一些了。” In any case impossible to present frankly and uprightly, that will be chased down. 反正不可能光明正大亮相,那会被追杀。 Was good Yin Chen (silver dust) after promotion has entered Miracle Mountain, quick will arrive at the summit, so long as the breeze appeared, can contact with him.” “好在提升后的银尘已经进了神迹山,很快就会到山顶,只要小风出现,就能联系他了。” Because has Yin Chen (silver dust), Li Tianming is also not worries. 正因为有银尘,李天命还不算着急。 But he knows, Miracle Mountain entrance step, must pass suddenly! 但他知道,神迹山入口这一步,必须要突过去! ...... …… Great Darkgreen Universe City! 太苍宙城 Heavenly Demon Palace! 天魔殿 When Yu Qing and Youyou died in battle continuously, an audience deathly stillness. 狱擎沋沋连续战死时,全场一片死寂。 Innumerable Heaven-Fighting God Clan, rending. 无数战天神族,撕心裂肺。 Nine Hells War God, one loses two in the future, does not know that meets sorrowfully......” 九狱战神,一下痛失两个未来,不知会何等悲痛……” For a long time later, Universe God talked in whispers. 许久之后,宙神们才窃窃私语。 „The loss of lower-level vestige, was getting bigger and bigger! This way is really easy the important matter.” “下层遗迹的损失,越来越大了!这样下去真容易出大事。” To Immemorial Permanent Sand, our advantage is truly big, but Yan and Huang odd/surplus evil of that hidden place, virtually impossible to guard against!” “对太古恒沙,我们确实优势很大,但那暗处的炎黄余孽,防不胜防!” Heard that has related Emperor Heaven, perhaps the latter extended session has the emperor level talent to arrive, does not know when can come?” “听说已经联系帝天了,或许后续会有帝级天才降临,就是不知道何时才能来?” The discussion is gradually noisy. 议论声逐渐吵闹。 Finally, everyone draws the conclusion, Emperor highest of these universe most peaks the level bloodlines, quick come back! 最后,大家得出结论,那些宇宙最巅峰的至高帝级血脉,很快就回来! For two reasons! 原因有二! First: Super Universe God Item! 第一:超级宙神器 Second: Innumerable small beast balls! 第二:无数小兽球! This two buried treasure, has been able to attract these to exist to take risk. 两个宝藏,已经能吸引那些存在来冒险了。 ...... …… After some time . 一段时间后。 Several tens of thousands of, the troops, stop up, entrance.” Yin Chen (silver dust) somewhat said depressed. “数万,人马,堵住,入口。”银尘有些郁闷的说。 This is the small beast ball creates. 这是小兽球造成的。 At the present that several tens of thousands of people, but also is discussing death of Youyou and Yu Qing intensely. 而今那数万人,还在激烈议论沋沋狱擎之死。 At this moment gets up, most people knew the matters of three Yan and Huang evil mask people! 此刻起,大多数人都知道了三个炎黄余孽面具人的事! Must kill from several tens of thousands of people, is no different courts death......” “要从数万人中杀进去,无异于找死……” Li Tianming knits the brows to say. 李天命皱眉道。 Has means.” Bai Ye (white night) said suddenly. “有一个办法。”白夜忽然道。 What means?” Li Tianming asked. “什么办法?”李天命问。 Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise) look at each other one, then said: Makes us become Universe God!” 白夜白凌对视一眼,然后道:“让我们成宙神!”
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