FGOAA :: Volume #40

#4000: Sees your father to perform!

„Do you become Universe God?” “你们成宙神?” Ji Ji hears this saying, that small cheek is full immediately is the color of ridicule, she hehe said: Do not have a dream, next is one's turn the elder sister absolutely! Your Brother two, waits toward behind.” 姬姬听到这话,那小脸蛋马上满是讥笑之色,她呵呵道:“别做梦了,下一个绝对轮到姐!你们两个小弟,往后面再等等。” You talk nonsense, wait and see.” Bai Ye (white night) short of breath. “你放屁,走着瞧。”白夜气急。 Laughable!” Bai Ling (white rise) cold snort/hum one, younger sister is a younger sister!” “可笑!”白凌冷哼一声,“妹妹就是妹妹!” This was they stands the matter only in united front. 这算是它们俩唯一站在统一战线上的事了。 Other time are fighting. 其他时间都在打架。 You become Universe God, had confidence that breaks through so many people to stop up the gate?” Li Tianming asked. “你们成宙神,就有把握突破这么多人堵门?”李天命问。 „Did you try not to know?” Bai Ye (white night) despises to say. “你试试不就知道了?”白夜鄙视道。 That line! Really had/left the critical matter, I interrupt practice to kill directly.” “那行!实在出了紧要的事,我中断修炼直接杀进去也可以。” The person who now stops up the gate although are many, but the whole is not too strong, really must spell flushed toward inside, is hopeful. 现在堵门的人虽然多,但整体都不算太强,真要拼了往里面冲,还是有希望的。 Moreover the time grew, these people cannot wait for me, oneself will also feel not to have the meaning, perhaps on powder.” “而且时间长了,这些人等不到我,自己也会觉得没意思,说不定就散了。” Thinks of here, Li Tianming then precipitated. 想到这里,李天命便沉淀了下来。 Small beast ball Star Sea Rank Heavenly Soul Order, in addition Derivation Ruins and Nine Lives Fruit, all sprint Universe God conditions enough.” “小兽球的星海级天魂秩序,加上衍生墟九命果,所有冲刺宙神的条件都够了。” Li Tianming then makes Yin Chen (silver dust) strengthen the detection, particularly the situation in that peak, informs momentarily. Meanwhile, he Ancestral World Nether Boat as far as possible close to that Miracle Mountain. 李天命便让银尘加强侦查,尤其是那峰顶的情况,随时告知。同时,他将祖界冥舟尽可能的靠近那神迹山 That three heads and six arms Soul Demon, defends in the Ancestral World Nether Boat entrance day and night, if Ye Lingfeng comes again, it may also feel. 那三头六臂的魂魔,日日夜夜都守在祖界冥舟的门口,假若夜凌风再现身,它也是有可能感受到的。 What's wrong? That side the peak, Eight Departments Gods and do Immemorial Permanent Sand both sides have the conflict?” “怎样?峰顶那边,八部神众太古恒沙双方有冲突吗?” Before closing up, Li Tianming asked a Yin Chen (silver dust) mouth. 闭关之前,李天命问了银尘一嘴。 Temporarily, but also, insisted. Thinks, enters, that sword hole.” Yin Chen (silver dust), stopped the moment to say at this point again: Temporarily, no one, succeeds.” “暂时,还在,坚持。都想,杀入,那个,剑洞。”银尘说到这里,停顿了片刻再道:“暂时,没人,成功。” Blind time-consuming.” Li Tianming does not believe in front of some people , but can also take away own Eastern Sovereign Sword fragment? “瞎费工夫。”李天命就不信有人自己面前,还能拿走自己的东皇剑碎片? He no longer said, starts to close up in this Ancestral World Nether Boat! 他不再多说,在这祖界冥舟开始闭关! Weisheng Moran, Zi Zhen and Li Qingyu are also so, particularly Li Qingyu, she cannot help temporarily, in practice, has been very basically assiduous. 微生墨染紫禛李轻语亦是如此,尤其是李轻语,她暂时帮不上忙,基本一直都在修行,十分刻苦。 Her natural talent far exceeds that Princess Youyou at present, and still in the growth stage, after mounting Universe God, still with irresistible force. 她的天赋目前远超那沋沋公主,且还在成长阶段,登上宙神后仍势如破竹。 If no Weisheng Moran and monster of Zi Zhen two promotion to exist ultra-fast, should no one suppress her in the speed, but Li Tianming was quicker than her recently , because he did not have tenth Universe God, Derivation Ruins also uses, once Li Tianming no longer is half-step Universe God, that may not be uncertain. 如果不是有微生墨染紫禛两位超快提升的怪物存在,应该没人在速度上压住她,而李天命最近比她快,是因为他还没成宙神,衍生墟还有用,一旦李天命不再是‘半步宙神’,那可就不一定了。 Recently Derivation Ruins used a lot, first to consolidate.” “最近衍生墟用得多,先稳固一下吧。” Li Tianming has the innumerable small beast balls , to continue to observe and emulate Heavenly Soul, simultaneously Derivation Ruins and Nine Lives Fruit such as sugar bean attracting income within the body. 李天命坐拥无数小兽球,一个个继续观摩天魂,同时衍生墟九命果如糖豆似的吸收入体内。 Ji Ji, did not do right by!” 姬姬,对不住了!” It and two Little Six, who will first become Universe God? 它和两个小六,谁会先成宙神 Li Tianming has the answer at heart. 李天命心里早就有答案。 He does not have Universe God now mainly has three places, respectively is brain star organ, seventh star organ and whole body. 他现在身上还没宙神化的主要有三个地方,分别是大脑星脏第七星脏和全身。 And, Ji Ji World Creation Order in whole body, but Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise) Life Spirit Order in brain star organ. 其中,姬姬创世秩序在全身,而白夜白凌生灵秩序在大脑星脏 The normal people become Universe God, so long as on the half-step Universe God boundary, Seven Star Organs first changes to neutron particles completely, to last step is the whole body. 正常人成宙神,只要上半步宙神境界,七星脏全部先化作中子微粒,到最后一步才是全身。 Therefore is very obvious, this time can be the brain! 所以很显然,这次会是大脑! On me besides these seven big Companion Beast Self Born Order, Emperor Order and Life Tribulation Order. The present suspense is, remaining World Creation Order, Emperor Order and will Life Tribulation Order, when transform?” “我身上除了这七大伴生兽自生秩序之外,还有帝皇秩序命劫秩序。现在的悬念是,剩下的创世秩序帝皇秩序命劫秩序,会在什么时候蜕变?” Li Tianming do not know! 李天命自己也不知道! Nine Lives Fruit and Derivation Ruins efficacy, truly goes forward in the brain star organ direction, Bai Ye (white night) and Bai Ling (white rise) directly dull here, they and Li Tianming's brain spirit body, stars particle rank, even if the mass is very big, in fact the lethality and defensive power have the limit. 九命果衍生墟的药力,确实往大脑星脏的方向前进,白夜白凌直接就呆在这里,它们和李天命的大脑灵体,都还是星辰微粒级别,哪怕体量很大,实际上杀伤力和防御力还是有限制。 They are the stars particle can kill Universe God, once soul seed becomes neutron particles, to explode?” “它俩还是星辰微粒就能杀宙神,一旦灵魂种成为中子微粒,岂不是炸了?” Read here, Li Tianming temporarily no matter first Life Tribulation Order in brain star organ, first were main attack Life Spirit Order, simultaneously transformed the brain stars particle with Nine Lives Fruit. 念到这里,李天命暂时先不管大脑星脏中的命劫秩序,先是主攻生灵秩序,同时用九命果转化大脑星辰微粒。 From the outside, his brain is erupting the blazing glare, even that white long hair danced in the air, eyes of pair of golden-black erupt ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, illuminated entire Ancestral World Nether Boat, nearby small beast balls look very excitedly. 从外面看,他的脑子正爆发出炽烈的强光,连那白色长发都飞舞了起来,一双金黑色的双眼爆发万丈光芒,照亮了整个祖界冥舟,旁边的小兽球们看得十分兴奋。 I said! This wave definitely is brain star organ. Small Plum two Ji Ji, but must wait in the future.” Bai Ye (white night) laughs loudly, self-satisfied extremely. “我就说嘛!这一波肯定是大脑星脏小李子两个姬姬,还得往后等。”白夜捧腹大笑,得意万分。 What you said is which two?” Bai Ling (white rise) said. “你说的是哪两个?”白凌道。 On, in Companion Space.” Bai Ye (white night) despised to look at Bai Ling (white rise) one, waste, this stem you could not catch.” “一个身上的,一个伴生空间里的。”白夜鄙夷看了白凌一眼,“废物,这个梗你都接不住。” Dies to father!” “给老子死!” Li Tianming is still transforming Life Soul, they wrestled in side, really speechless. 李天命还在蜕变命魂呢,它们就在旁边扭打了起来,着实让人无语透顶。 What because this transformation is the brain, but the brain is the precisest and frail part, therefore Li Tianming does not dare is too fierce, but is the choice carefully. 因为这次蜕变的是大脑,而大脑是最精密且脆弱的一部分,所以李天命不敢太猛,而是选择一步一个脚印。 He transforms part of neutron particles every time, stayed some time, when the brain is not sore , to continue again next. 他每转化一部分中子微粒,都停留了一段时间,等脑子没那么疼了,再继续下一步。 Under moistening of Derivation Ruins, that Life Spirit Order gradually had the change, crossed the constructions of remaining several mainland, finally in one day, the achievement Order stars, sparkled in Li Tianming's brain star organ. 衍生墟的滋润下,那生灵秩序逐渐产生了改变,越过了剩下几片大陆的构建,终于在某一天,成就了一个秩序星辰,闪耀在李天命的大脑星脏之中。 Order leads the way, became......” 秩序引路,成了……” A Order transformation, transformation speed most promotion of Li Tianming entire Life Soul spirit body, Bai Ling (white rise) and Bai Ye (white night) also stopped wrestling finally, both come out from the Li Tianming brain, change to two white clouds, during the smoke cloud tumbling, the drastic change starts! 秩序一蜕变,李天命整个命魂灵体的蜕变速度大部分提升,白凌白夜也终于停止了扭打,两者从李天命脑子里出来,化作两片白云,烟云翻滚之中,剧变开始! Their soul seed, are the spirit body stars particles, is they smallest life body, each Small Infant Soul, is comprised of innumerable soul seed! 它们的灵魂种,就是灵体星辰微粒,也是它们最小的生命体,每一个小婴魂,都是由无数的灵魂种组成! But now, each soul seed essence changes, from the spirit body particle, turns into spirit body Neutron Stars, the sparkle soul glow! 而现在,每一个灵魂种的本质改变,从灵体微粒,变成灵体中子星辰,闪耀灵魂辉光! This is similar wood/blockhead changes the golden essence to transform, does not awaken several magical powers to weigh. 这是类似木头变黄金般的本质蜕变,不是觉醒几个神通能衡量的。 From Yin Chen (silver dust) later Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast, often eats the essence, once the essence transforms, is completely not a rank. 银尘之后的太古混沌巨兽,往往更吃本质,一旦本质蜕变,完全不是一种级别。 great perfection Derivation Realm, becomes!” 大圆满衍境,成!” When the Li Tianming's brain star organ completely transformation is neutron particles, the road of his Universe God only has half-step Universe God this stair, but nine big Order have three! 李天命的大脑星脏完全蜕变为中子微粒的时候,他的宙神之路就只剩下半步宙神这一个台阶,而九大秩序则剩下三道! Bang! 轰! When he opens eyes, at present two dazzling white clouds explode generally suddenly on such as the vast nebula! 当他睁开眼的时候,眼前两朵耀眼的白云就如浩瀚星云一般猛然爆开! The body of other Universe God, explodes so the degree of smashing, must form the Universe God source, but they are not, they are only the radical transformation are the soul seed conditions! 别的宙神之体,爆成如此粉碎的程度,都要形成宙神本源了,但是它们并不是,它们只是彻底转化为灵魂种的状态! Looking into the distance, entire Ancestral World Nether Boat is flooding this white fluorescent soul seed. 放眼望去,整个祖界冥舟都充斥着这白色荧光般的灵魂种 Li Tianming puts out a hand, soul seed that a point almost cannot see stays on his finger, this clearly is as small as pinnacle neutron particles, but Li Tianming can feel, this gadget makes faces to oneself! 李天命伸出手,一点几乎看不见的灵魂种停留在他的手指上,这分明是微小到极致的中子微粒,可李天命能感受到,这玩意儿对自己做了个鬼脸! Said that how can you help me infiltrate Miracle Mountain?” Li Tianming asked. “说吧,你要怎么帮助我混进神迹山?”李天命笑问。 You open the door of this broken ship, sees your father to perform.” Bai Ye (white night) from channel. “你打开这破船的门,看你爹表演。”白夜自信道。 Obviously, this gadget fluttering heaven. 很显然,这玩意儿又飘上天了。
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