FGOAA :: Volume #40

#3998: You are too naive!

Elder Brother......” “哥……” Princess Youyou looks at that white jade 60 meters Universe God source, backing up several steps, sat falls down. 沋沋公主看着那一个白玉般的六十米宙神本源,倒退数步,坐倒在了地上。 She recognized certainly Li Tianming. 她当然认出了李天命 From the previous cooperation, how long not to have passed, Youyou remembers clearly Li Tianming exceeded her at that time slightly, but now he was still half-step Universe God, led the two helper, can fight including 6th-Rank Universe God? 距离上次合作,并没过去多久,沋沋清楚记得李天命当时只是稍微胜过她,而现在他仍是半步宙神,带两个帮手,连六阶宙神都能战? This is not main body frail Demon Heaven God Clan, but is single body strongest Heaven-Fighting God Clan! 要知道,这可不是本体脆弱的魔天神族,而是单体最强战天神族 During her mind fell into is completely unbelievable. 她脑海完全陷入了难以置信之中。 However, those who let her scared out of one's wits is, Li Tianming had received Three Lives Love Sword in Weisheng Moran, just like must extinguish kills Yu Qing. 然而,更让她吓破胆的是,李天命已经接过了微生墨染手里的三生恋剑,俨然是要灭杀狱擎 Do not kill him!” “别杀他!” The Youyou sad and shrill anger shouted one, flushed toward Li Tianming, shouted sternly: Do not kill! Has anything to discuss! We can continue to cooperate!” 沋沋凄厉怒喊一声,朝着李天命冲来,厉声喊道:“别杀!有什么事可以商量!我们可以继续合作!” Pitifully you are opening Image-Recall Ring.” The Li Tianming sound sinks coldly. “可惜你们开着追影戒。”李天命声音沉冷。 He is saying, both hands simply have not stopped, in the hand Three Lives Love Sword dug in the Yu Qing Universe God source suddenly, Yu Qing the pain was called one immediately, that firm incomparable Universe God source cracked together the gap! 他说着,双手根本没停下,手中一把三生恋剑猛然扎入到了狱擎宙神本源之中,狱擎当即痛叫一声,那刚硬无比的宙神本源崩裂出一道缺口! Youyou, walks quickly! Leads the person to come!” Yu Qing shouts one, said to Li Tianming again: You kill me although, my Eight Departments Gods brothers and elders, the slaughter extinguishes and enslaves your inferior stocks sooner or later! Your Yan and Huang have suffered a crushing defeat, the remaining your group of inferior stocks, coordinates us to fight?” 沋沋,快走!带人过来!”狱擎嘶吼一声,再冲着李天命道:“你尽管杀我,我八部神众的兄弟、长辈,迟早屠灭、奴役你们这些劣种!你们炎黄早就输得一败涂地,就剩下你们这帮劣种,也配和我们争锋?” Yes? What a pity you cannot see the Eight Departments Gods result.” In the Li Tianming eye the cold light surges, two big Soul Beast on brain star organ enters in Yu Qing this Universe God source following Three Lives Love Sword suddenly, to this fellow nine boundary souls launch to extinguish kill! “是么?可惜你看不到八部神众的结局。”李天命眼中寒光涌动,大脑星脏上的两大灵魂兽顺着三生恋剑猛然杀入狱擎宙神本源之中,对这家伙的‘九境道魂’展开灭杀! Yu Qing called out pitifully immediately. 狱擎当即惨叫起来。 Walks quickly!” He exclaimed to Princess Youyou. “快走!”他对沋沋公主吼道。 Did not have the time......” Li Tianming to look to Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran, fought a battle to force a quick decision, sweeps clear the enemy, can carry off the small beast ball fast.” “没时间了……”李天命看向紫禛微生墨染,“速战速决,清扫掉敌人,才能快速带走小兽球。” Yin Chen (silver dust) under the surroundings arrange/cloth, has grasped the position of outcomer, the change of Miracle Mountain entrance, many direction people have gathered toward here now, the time is quite urgent! 银尘已经在周围布下,把握外来者的位置,已经神迹山入口的变化,现在很多方向都有人往这里聚集,时间还是相当紧迫的! Ok!” “行!” Their two this matter can not, the coordination with each other enter the cavern deep place ambiguously, saw that these are catching the small beast ball Heaven-Fighting God Clan, first made into the Universe God source to say directly again. 她们两个也得这事含糊不得,相互配合杀入洞窟深处,见到那些正在捕捉小兽球的战天神族,直接先打成宙神本源再说。 So long as first becomes the Universe God source, first was immediately honest. 只要先成宙神本源,马上就先老实了。 But at this time, Yu Qing during the pain called spirit body to be strangled to death cleanly, returned to the western paradise officially. 而这时,狱擎在痛叫之中灵体被绞杀干净,正式归西。 Elder Brother......” Princess Youyou the tears and snivel crossflow, her eyes looks at Li Tianming immediately scarlet, sad Jue said: You died! Why you killed him, your cruel ominous demon...... I will never forgive you!” “哥……”沋沋公主当即涕泗横流,她双眼赤红看着李天命,悲绝道:“你死定了!你凭什么杀了他,你这残暴的凶魔……我永远不会原谅你!” „It is not, do you have the misunderstanding to me?” “不是,你对我有误会?” Li Tianming pulled out from Yu Qing that Universe God source Three Lives Love Sword, stared at Princess Youyou suddenly. 李天命三生恋剑狱擎宙神本源上拔了出来,猛然盯上了沋沋公主 What misunderstands?” The Princess Youyou whole body shakes. “什么误会?”沋沋公主浑身一震。 Thinks that I and you have cooperated, therefore with you are the friend, but also needs your forgiving?” Li Tianming selects the eyebrow. “以为我和你合作过,所以和你算朋友,还需要你的原谅?”李天命挑眉。 You!” Princess Youyou trembles at heart, retreats in fear several steps. “你!”沋沋公主心里一颤,吓退好几步。 Your many are a little naive.” Li Tianming said. “你多少有点天真。”李天命道。 From his ice-cold look, Youyou saw the thought of withering. 从他那冰冷的眼神里,沋沋看到了肃杀的意念。 Her whole body trembles, looks deathly pale, the chin shivers. 她浑身一颤,脸色惨白,下巴颤抖。 The next instance, she used all methods, Thousand Hands Bodhisattva Type changes and 7-Layer Hell Wheel Ganu Ghost King, after summoning, both fused in together, the speed of only to increase escaping! 下一个瞬间,她将所有手段都施展了出来,千手菩萨种的变身、七重地狱轮伽奴鬼王,召唤出来后,两者融合在一起,只为了增加逃亡的速度! From this natural talent, she truly is much stronger than her elder brother, that Yu Qing is also only three heads and six arms, has not inherited the emperor bloodlines of this Thousand Hands Bodhisattva Type! 从这天赋上,她确实比她哥还强得多,那狱擎都还只是三头六臂,没有继承这千手菩萨种的帝王血脉! But 7-Layer Hell Wheel Ganu Ghost King, even if only the childhood ghost king, the strength of his bloodlines is also scarier than Yu Qing that twin ghost. 七重地狱轮伽奴鬼王,哪怕只是幼年鬼王,其血脉之力也比狱擎那双生鬼更加骇人。 You will pay the most serious price!” “你会付出最惨重的代价!” She just spoke these words, has not escaped from this to flash, Li Tianming appears in it suddenly at present, that twined the right leg of over ten thousand heavy star links to trample suddenly in the chest of Princess Youyou! 她刚说完这句话,还没逃出这闪动,李天命猛然出现在其眼前,那缠绕着上万重星环的右腿猛然踹在了沋沋公主的胸口! Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) magical powers eruption! 蓝荒神通爆发! Over ten thousand Three Abilities Primordial Chaos World magical powers might erupt, in addition the flesh and blood strength, forms to thunder the eruption. 上万种三才鸿蒙界的神通威力爆发,加上血肉之躯力量,形成轰鸣爆发。 Bang-! 轰-! Princess Youyou pounds on the ground, falls into the mountain wall of Miracle Mountain, the surroundings are split up unexpectedly, obviously of Li Tianming this leg might. 沋沋公主砸在地上,陷入神迹山的山壁之中,周围竟然四分五裂,可见李天命这一腿威力之强。 That this girl received this struck, his body ruptured at the scene, even if could not block the Li Tianming long leg to trample with that Ganu Ghost King body-fusion! 那这女孩受了这一击,其身体当场爆裂开来,哪怕和那伽奴鬼王合体都挡不住李天命长腿一踹! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! She crawls furiously, the back thousand shoujuans move, that Ganu Ghost King appears from its face, thousand and ghost king mixes, the light shadow transforms, the invincible might...... was a pity layer on layer/heavily she too young, has no way to give Li Tianming to pose the threat! 她奋力爬起来,背后千手卷动,那伽奴鬼王从其脸面上浮现出来,千手和鬼王混合,光影变换,神威重重……可惜她太年幼了,没法给李天命造成威胁! Buzz! 嗡! Li Tianming appears in it suddenly at present, Eastern Sovereign Sword cuts suddenly! 李天命猛然出现在其眼前,东皇剑猛然斩下! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Youyou prevents Li Tianming this sword by thousand, may work as this sword to explode cuts when next, this quite firm thousand actually unceasing disintegrations! 沋沋以千手去阻挡李天命这一剑,可当这剑爆斩而下时,这相当刚硬的千手却不断崩碎! What is most fatal is Bai Ling (white rise) Earth Soul sword aura on Eastern Sovereign Sword! 最致命的乃是东皇剑上的白凌地魂剑气 Although Youyou also has nine boundary souls, but must be weaker than her elder brother! 沋沋虽然也有九境道魂,但比她的兄长要弱多了! Eastern Sovereign Sword cuts off arms, but that Bai Ling (white rise) sword aura actually enters Youyou brain star organ, strangles to death directly! 东皇剑斩断一条条手臂,而那白凌剑气却杀入沋沋的大脑星脏,直接绞杀过去! „......” “呃……” Youyou brain star organ explodes at the scene broken. 沋沋大脑星脏当场爆碎。 She stares the big eye, dull looks at Li Tianming, gravity that in this eyes has not clearly realized the matter. 她瞪大眼睛,呆呆的看着李天命,这一双眼里分明还没意识到事情的严重性。 All that Li Tianming and behind him represents, with Eight Departments Gods is not the child's play, but is a true clan war! 李天命和他背后所代表的一切,和八部神众之间可不是儿戏,而是一场真正的氏族战争! These Eight Departments Gods young people, could not have realized that temporarily this issue, the intention is high, but Li Tianming clearly knows what kind of road at heart he must take in the future. 这些八部神众的年轻人,暂时还意识到不到这个问题,心念非常高,但李天命心里清清楚楚知道他未来要走怎样的路。 Perhaps regardless the clan hatred, he may become the friend with Princess Youyou. 抛开氏族仇恨,他或许和沋沋公主有可能成朋友。 But, she is impossible to abandon Eight Departments Gods, Li Tianming is impossible to abandon the Yan and Huang, supposed that the friend, definitely will also quarrel finally, therefore Li Tianming omitted directly troublesome, reaches one's goal instantly, should kill kills, does not hesitate! 但,她不可能背弃八部神众,李天命也不可能背弃炎黄,假设成了朋友,最终也必然会反目,于是李天命直接省去了麻烦,一步到位,该杀就杀,绝不犹豫! If hesitant, to the back supporter, is unfair! 若犹豫,对自己背后的支持者,不公平! A sword cuts the younger sister! 一剑斩妹! Youyou has not even exploded the Universe God source, predeceased in his hand, the head was divided to cut, became a headless corpse. 沋沋甚至还没炸成宙神本源,就先死在了他手上,脑袋被劈斩开来,成了一个无头尸体。 Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List first three? Heaven-Fighting God Clan in Ten Desolate Star Furnace highest level natural talent?” 十荒天宙榜前三?战天神族十荒星炉最顶级的天赋?” Strong talent, so long as the person dies, anything did not have. 再强的天才,只要人一死,什么都没有了。 This immature body, only has Ganu Ghost King in Li Tianming at present a value, Youyou dies suddenly, this 7-Layer Hell Wheel has not opened, that Ganu Ghost King cannot run away, is reappearing from the body of Youyou, neighed to Li Tianming! 这幼小的身体,在李天命眼前就只剩下‘伽奴鬼王’一个价值了,沋沋死得突然,这七重地狱轮都没重新开启,那伽奴鬼王逃走不了,正从沋沋的身体浮现出来,冲着李天命嘶叫! What called? Food.” “叫什么?食物而已。” Li Tianming pats the chest, a giant death fish eye appears from this position, one bunch of gray rays appeared from the purple fog, lock on the body of that Ganu Ghost King! 李天命一拍胸口,一个巨大的死鱼眼从这个位置浮现出来,一束灰色光芒从紫雾当中出现,锁定在了那伽奴鬼王的身上! That Ganu Ghost King sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, probably saw the world's most terrifying matter, it struggles to run away, a point with does not have, was swallowed by this dead fish eye directly. 伽奴鬼王发出凄厉的惨叫,像是见了世界上最恐怖的事,它挣扎逃窜,却一点用都没有,被这死鱼眼直接吞了进去。
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