FGOAA :: Volume #40

#3997: One male and two female, sweep away all obstacles!

Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! The body of Zi Zhen wants a change, moe the younger sister to transform from one instantaneously for cruelest Hell Ominous Demon. 紫禛的身体只要一变化,就从一个萌妹瞬间转化为最残暴的地狱凶魔 Scale, sharp claws, spur and canine...... pure fight machine! 鳞片、利爪、骨刺、尖牙……纯纯一个战斗机器! Moreover Li Tianming discovered, this Chinese redbud mask worthily is her thing, after she wears, that purple fog was in the flawless situation to her cover simply, can only see reluctantly, this is Ghost God! 而且李天命发现,这紫荆花面具不愧是她的东西,她佩戴上后,那紫雾对她的掩盖简直到了天衣无缝的地步,只能勉强看出,这是一个鬼神 „Does Ancestral World have Ghost God?” That charges into her Heaven-Fighting God Clan is quite surprised. 祖界也有鬼神?”那冲向她的战天神族极为惊讶。 Perhaps has!” “或许有!” When they have have doubts, two vast top Illusion Spirit has opened suddenly, blocks this cave entrance directly, extends toward the cavern, presses in the middle of five Heaven-Fighting God Clan the Illusion Spirit control range directly! 就在他们还有所疑惑的时候,两个浩瀚的顶级幻神已经猛然撑开,直接将这洞口封死,朝着洞窟内部延伸,直接将五个战天神族都压入幻神掌控范围当中! Illusion Spirit Cultivator?” Yu Qing ice-cold knits the brows. 幻神修炼者?”狱擎冰冷皱眉。 Complex of this Ancestral World indigenous practice system, exceeded their imagination slightly, they think that this Yanhuang Divine Clan odd/surplus evil, basically is primarily the double god bloodlines of Companion Beast and Consciousness Spirit Dual Cultivation. 祖界土著的修炼体系之复杂,稍微超出了他们的想象,他们以为这炎黄神族余孽,基本以伴生兽识神双修的双神血脉为主。 Has this mask, couldn't they even discover the small fish Illusion Heaven God Clan status?” To Li Tianming, this is an accident/surprise is pleasantly surprised. “有这面具,他们甚至发现不了小鱼幻天神族的身份?”对李天命而言,这算是一个意外惊喜。 Illusion Spirit Cultivator, truly not necessarily is Illusion Heaven God Clan! 幻神修炼者,确实并不一定是幻天神族 So, she is not Illusion Heaven God Clan, naturally by relates will not be Heavenly Nine. 如此,她都不是幻天神族,自然更不会被联想为天九 No matter she is Li Tianming and Zi Zhen, first stage biggest goal, still promoted itself, had with the qualifications of entire Eight Departments Gods resistance. 不管是她还是李天命紫禛,先阶段最大的目标,仍然是提升自己,才有和整个八部神众对抗的资格。 You, we let us not fire off a bit faster, your soldier did not have clear to end.” Weisheng Moran controls among Illusion Spirit, but also the quiet sound said one to Zi Zhen. “你快点吧,别我们打完了,你小兵都没清完。”微生墨染掌控幻神之间,还幽声对紫禛说了一句。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Zi Zhen clenches jaws, the anger heartburn, opens a palace eye again! 紫禛咬牙切齿,怒火烧心,再开一个宫眼! Buzz! 嗡! She obviously is 4th-Rank Universe God, at the present the height is more than 600 meters, is higher than Li Tianming and Weisheng Moran. 她明明是四阶宙神,而今身高已经有六百多米,比李天命微生墨染都高。 Only in a flash, she dashes with a Heaven-Fighting God Clan violence together! 只一瞬间,她就和一个战天神族暴力冲撞在一起! Bang! 轰! She has the claw suddenly, tore into shreds that Heaven-Fighting God Clan three arms at the scene, that several hundred meters, brought the tail of hangnail to pass through the chest of opposite party suddenly, put out a hand under a racket, hit to explode that person of head directly! 她猛然出爪子,当场撕碎了那战天神族三条手臂,那数百米长、带着倒刺的尾巴陡然贯穿了对方的胸膛,伸手一拍之下,更是直接打爆了那人的脑袋! Simple and savage! 简单、凶残! Bang! 轰隆! The next flash, she puts out a hand the chest, opens up the stomach that Heaven-Fighting God Clan directly, the terrifying power erupts, tears into shreds the opposite party for the fireworks directly breaks! 下一刹那,她伸手开胸,直接将那战天神族开膛破肚,恐怖力量爆发,直接将对方撕碎为烟花砸碎! Buzz! 嗡! During that Heaven-Fighting God Clan in the panic-stricken pain called, the transformation was the Universe God source, pounded on the ground! 战天神族在惊恐痛叫之中,转化为宙神本源,砸在地上! Bang! 砰! The next twinkling, Zi Zhen steps on, steps on a cake the Universe God source of this sphere directly! 下一瞬息,紫禛一脚踩下,直接将这球形的宙神本源踩成一张饼! „......” “呃……” The strength that Heaven-Fighting God Clan hits back continually did not have, dead at the scene, that just summoned the malicious ghost not to have the opponents, was sealed in this caky Universe God source, escaped unable to escape! 战天神族连还手的力气都没有,当场死亡,那刚刚召唤出来恶鬼连对手都没有,就被封在这饼状的宙神本源当中,逃都逃不出去! Quite fierce!” “好猛!” Li Tianming can look, this miss stayed in Eternal Divine Territory for a long time, is suppressing at heart early all at once! 李天命看得出来,这姑娘在万古神畿呆久了,心里早憋着一股气呢! At the present this erupts all at once, these Heaven-Fighting God Clan all became her undeserved target of anger. 而今这一股气爆发,这些战天神族全成了她的出气筒。 Be careful!” “小心!” Remaining three responded, the eyelid jumped crazily, besieged directly, doing to Zi Zhen was too terrifying, almost fist, Li Tianming has not made war, she killed four 4th-Rank Universe God continually, all made into the meat patty, with warming up the cutting melon cut the vegetable/dish! 剩下三个反应过来,眼皮狂跳,直接围攻,奈何紫禛实在太恐怖,几乎一拳一个,李天命这边还没开战,她连杀四个四阶宙神,全打成了肉饼,就跟热身似的砍瓜切菜! Bang! 砰! She fell by Li Tianming directly, surrounded Yu Qing with him. 她直接落在了李天命旁边,和他一起围住了狱擎 So cruel, let alone Yu Qing, Li Tianming and Weisheng Moran also stayed. 如此残暴的一幕,别说狱擎,李天命微生墨染这边也是呆了一下。 Is gawking doing? Begins.” Zi Zhen stared his one eyes, changes to together purple divine light directly, kills toward Yu Qing, direct current venting. “愣着干什么?动手啊。”紫禛瞪了他一眼,直接化作一道紫色神光,朝着狱擎杀去,直接当前排去了。 Three dozens five, turned into three dozens in a flash one! 三打五,转瞬之间就变成了三打一! Do not look that the Zi Zhen boundary is lower than Weisheng Moran, so long as she gets angry, the strength of fight battle definitely above Weisheng Moran. 别看紫禛境界比微生墨染低,她只要怒起来,战斗厮杀之力肯定在微生墨染之上。 Really fierce.” “真猛。” Li Tianming and Weisheng Moran looked at each other one, coordinated to kill one on the left and other on the right to that Yu Qing! 李天命微生墨染对视了一眼,一左一右配合杀向了那狱擎 Rumbling! 轰轰! Weisheng Moran that Heaven Controlling Life Sealing Forbidden Sea Illusion Spirit evolves purple star sea, covers battlefield interdiction Yu Qing, but its Three Lives Three Generations Heavenly Wheel Illusion Spirit drops from the clouds, pounds down like extremely heavy galaxy revolving, the entire cavern embezzles by the purple fog and starlight! 微生墨染司天封命禁海幻神演化成紫色星海,笼罩战场封锁狱擎,而其三生三世轮天幻神则从天而降,如同万钧星河旋转砸下,整个洞窟都被紫雾和星光吞没! But his oneself both hands grasp that Universe God Item Three Lives Love Sword, coordinating Illusion Spirit to appear in Zi Zhen behind, she grows stronger is too quick, on battle strength blends quite disappointingly, therefore Li Tianming made her mainly by the Illusion Spirit suppression good, Three Lives Love Sword was used to protect itself temporarily. 而其本人双手掌握那宙神器三生恋剑,配合幻神出现在紫禛身后,她变强太快,战力上融汇比较差劲,所以李天命让她主要以幻神镇压就行了,三生恋剑暂时都用来保护自己。 In this instant, Li Tianming glitters in the purple thunder, has circled Yu Qing behind, in the hand in the Eastern Sovereign Sword might is inferior to Three Lives Love Sword temporarily, but blessing killing of Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword and Bai Ling (white rise), soul sword aura fluctuated, looked was very hard to deal with. 在这电石火光之间,李天命在紫色雷霆中闪烁,已经绕到了狱擎的身后,手中东皇剑威力上暂时不如三生恋剑,但加持十方纪元神剑白凌之杀,灵魂剑气波动,一看就很难缠。 Three Lives Love Sword?” 三生恋剑?” Yu Qing deeply knits the brows. 狱擎深深皱眉。 The death of Siming Shengshi, deeply had deterred them, the appearance of this Three Lives Love Sword makes him deeply realize crisis at this moment. 司命生世之死,已经深深震慑了他们,这三生恋剑的出现让他深刻意识到此刻的危机。 Picks up the speed, I met am greatly troublesome!” Yu Qing roared to several friends with the pass on message stone, simultaneously lowers the eyebrow to look at Li Tianming and Zi Zhen, in the eye murderous aura to surge. “加快速度,我遇到大麻烦了!”狱擎用传讯石对几个朋友吼了一声,同时低眉看着李天命紫禛,眼中杀气涌动。 During the speeches, he has been the three heads and six arms shape, black and white mist surges, the powerful flesh erupts the stars clash the sound of thundering! 说话之间,他早已经是三头六臂的形态,一身黑白雾气涌动,强悍的血肉爆发出星辰对撞般的轰鸣之声! Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! His chest position, that 6-Layer Hell Wheel rotates, the gate of hell opens greatly, the aura of incomparable evil spirit gloomy ghosts and demons, two deafening roaring shake one after another! 他胸口位置,那足足六重地狱轮转动起来,地狱之门大开,无比凶煞阴森鬼魅的气息鱼贯而出,两声震耳欲聋的咆哮震荡而出! Li Tianming fixes the eyes on looks, sees only in this Hell Wheel, presented the two malicious ghost, one black one white, explodes rudely ominously, the black is human-body ox-head, the white is human-body horse-head! 李天命定睛一看,只见这地狱轮之中,出现了两个恶鬼,一黑一白,粗蛮凶爆,黑色为人身牛头,白色则为人身马首 Although is the head of beast of burden, is actually growing the sharp fang, both eyes are scarlet, the face is rotten, like zombie. 虽是牛马之头,却长着尖锐的獠牙,双目猩红,脸面腐烂,如同僵尸。 two ghost! 两个鬼! This calculates very rare natural talent in Heaven-Fighting God Clan, named twin ghost, but Yu Qing this twin ghost, distinction named Demon Ox Ghost and Divine Horse Ghost...... 这在战天神族算很罕见的天赋,名为双生鬼,而狱擎这双生鬼,分别名为魔牛鬼神马鬼…… Zheng! 铮! This twin ghost is born, Yu Qing both hands grip a jet black sword, this sword is fierce and giant, like a canine, above circulation black vortex starlight, understands at a glance the might explosion. 这双生鬼诞生的时候,狱擎双手握住一把漆黑的战刀,这战刀狰狞而巨大,如同一根尖牙,其上流转黑色漩涡般的星光,一看就知威力爆炸。 Li Tianming has looked in the material, this is also Universe God Item, named Dark Eclipse Galaxy, is one of the 9-Layer Hell Star buried treasures! 李天命在资料上看过,这也是宙神器,名为‘暗蚀星河’,乃是九重地狱星的宝藏之一! Obviously, this 6th-Rank Universe God talent opponent is very hard to deal with! 很显然,这六阶宙神的天才对手很难缠! Here has exposed, must take them as soon as possible, shifts the small beast ball.” “这里已经暴露,必须尽快拿下他们,转移走小兽球。” Read here, the Li Tianming one male and two female almost mind was interlinked, almost simultaneously launched the most ominous attack. 念到这里,李天命一男二女几乎心灵相通,几乎同时发动最凶的进攻。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! That Heaven Controlling Life Sealing Forbidden Sea Illusion Spirit forms the Nine Layered Galaxy vortex, suppressed Yu Qing that wild body, the giant universe wheel disk pounded loudly in its top of the head! 司天封命禁海幻神形成九重星河漩涡,压住了狱擎那狂暴之躯,巨大的宇宙轮盘轰然砸在了其头顶上! When-! 当-! In an explosive, that Dark Eclipse Galaxy of Yu Qing in the hand blocked this universe grinding pan, suddenly feeling this Illusion Spirit somewhat is familiar, probably oneself had been suppressed in the Heaven Universe List fight! 一声爆响中,狱擎用手中那暗蚀星河挡住了这宇宙磨盘,却忽然感觉这幻神有些熟悉,好像自己在天宙榜战斗中被镇压过! On the attack of this god, Zi Zhen kills him suddenly at present, her sharp hair number by trillion explodes shoots, the thorn to Yu Qing, simultaneously both hands is the fist, kills loudly! 就这一个愣神的攻击,紫禛猛然杀到其眼前,她那尖锐的发丝数以亿万爆射,刺向狱擎,同时双手为拳,轰然杀出! That twin ghost sees that comes out from Hell Wheel, the mutual winding coiled a black and white sex maniac gate to hit to Zi Zhen! 那双生鬼见状,从地狱轮当中出来,相互缠绕卷成了一个黑白色鬼门撞向紫禛 Bang-! 轰-! This is the front impact between Ghost God, directly causes the loud burst. That long spear/gun hair and this black and white ghost gate pester mutually, firm another such as the ghosts and demons vortex, pestered suddenly in one! 这是鬼神之间的正面碰撞,直接引起大声震爆。那长枪般的发丝和这黑白鬼门互相纠缠,一个刚硬另一个如鬼魅漩涡,一时间纠缠在了一起! Is so fierce?” Yu Qing suddenly in great surprise. “这么猛?”狱擎陡然大惊。 Weisheng Moran two Illusion Spirit, suppressed his Universe God Item, but Zi Zhen compels him to make the twin ghost resist, he thinks that can suppress this two female with ease, instead was actually entangled! 微生墨染两个幻神,就压住了他的宙神器,而紫禛则逼得他让双生鬼对抗,他本以为可以轻松镇压这两个女子,反而却被缠死! That Li Tianming's existed is very fatal! 李天命的存在就很致命了! Sure enough, in he time turn head, the back purple mist gets angry suddenly together suddenly cuts, his sword surpassed the Yu Qing imagination, under that sword, purple sword aura composed one starry sky cage, that starry sky cage super revolving, like the starry sky meat grinder that the crowd star forms! 果不其然,就在他猛然回头的时刻,背后一道紫色雾气猛然怒斩,他这一剑可谓超出了狱擎的想象力,那一剑之下,紫色剑气组成了一片星空牢笼,那星空牢笼高速旋转,如同群星形成的星空绞肉机! A sword, becomes Eternal Star Cage! 一剑,成永恒星牢 This is that Yanhuang Nether Clan Universe God Dao/said second sword! 这正是那炎黄冥族宙神道的第二剑! This sword is displayed by Li Tianming, the ordinary strength is not but actually strong, the soul lethality that but Bai Ling (white rise) provides is truly virtually impossible to guard against! 这一剑由李天命施展,普通力量倒还不强,但是白凌提供的灵魂杀伤力确实防不胜防! But before then, Ying Huo (Firefly) their magical powers bombing! 而在这之前,还有荧火它们的神通轰炸! Damn!” “该死!” Yu Qing prevents with the remaining four arms suddenly, however that Burning Heavens Feather Plume, Six Paths Fire Lotus, Three Worlds Reincarnation Palace wait/etc magical powers pounded, hits his four arms to tremble to explode the blood, in this moment, Li Tianming that sword chops to cut, killed on the forehead of Yu Qing! 狱擎猛然用剩下四条手臂阻挡,然而那焚天羽翎六道火莲三界往生殿等等神通砸来,打得他四条手臂震颤爆血,在这关头,李天命那一剑劈斩而下,杀在了狱擎的脑门上! When!! 当!! Under this sword, sparks/Mars scatters, Eastern Sovereign Sword cut to kill the chest from his head, caught thoroughly! 这一剑下,火星四溅,东皇剑一路从其脑袋斩杀到了胸口,就彻底卡住了! However, Bai Ling (white rise) that Earth Soul sword aura actually all poured into the head of Yu Qing! 不过,白凌地魂剑气却全灌入了狱擎的脑袋! "geh!" “呃!” During Yu Qing pitiful yell, no matter the Universe God Item twin ghosts collapse, Zi Zhen and Weisheng Moran seized the opportunity, bombs by Illusion Spirit and flesh and blood continually! 狱擎惨叫之中,不管是宙神器还是双生鬼都崩溃,紫禛微生墨染抓住了机会,以幻神和血肉之躯连番轰炸! Stop!” Princess Youyou comes out from inside, saw this savage one. “住手!”沋沋公主从里面出来,就看到了这凶残的一幕。 However, no one responds her radically. 然而,根本没人搭理她。 Therefore, she can only see her elder brother helplessly, under encirclement of this one male and two female kills blasts out, turned into a Universe God source...... 于是,她只能眼睁睁的看着她的兄长,在这一男二女的围杀之下炸开,变成了一个宙神本源……
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