FGOAA :: Volume #40

#3996: Three dozens five?

Then, under the arrangement of Yu Qing, approximately leaves behind ten Ghost God Universe God to act as lookout outside, others grasp various Heavenly Yuan Divine Item, the preparation start to catch the small beast ball. 接下来,在狱擎的安排下,大约留下十个鬼神宙神在外面望风,其他人都手持各种天元神器,准备开始捕捉小兽球。 Various Miracle Mountain places, some 9-Layer Hell Star Ghost God were summoned to come, but, because most people go to the peak, therefore under these Ghost God want to arrive at entrance position, but also requires some time. 神迹山各处,还有一些九重地狱星鬼神被召唤而来,不过,因为大多数人都去峰顶,所以这些鬼神要下到入口这个位置,还需要一些时间。 Moreover, Eight Departments Gods elder through Image-Recall Ring, knew this explosive news, they will arrange their junior descendants to come, but the information transmits from outside, instead requires some time, moreover does not have the pass on message stone, their juniors do not have the exact location suddenly, contrasts 9-Layer Hell Star Ghost God, the advantage wants certainly to be smaller. 另外,八部神众的长辈通过追影戒,也得知了这劲爆消息,他们自会安排自家的小辈子孙过来,只不过信息从外面传递进来,反而需要一些时间,而且没有传讯石,他们的小辈一时间没有具体位置,对比九重地狱星鬼神,优势肯定要小很多。 But this is also reasonable! 但这也合理! Even if the Eight Departments Gods union, the dispatching rule is also first come , first served, such as small beast ball resources are also like Nine Lives Fruit, was impossible to take, but must be divided in Eight Departments Gods. 哪怕八部神众联合,分配规则也是先到先得,如小兽球这种资源也和九命果一样,不可能拿到手了,还要在八部神众共分。 They stand in the united front, is not property sharing, without bystander, should the struggle also probably struggle. 他们站在统一战线上,又不是财产共享,在没有外人的情况下,该争还得争。 Obviously, contrasts Nine Lives Fruit and that super Universe God Item that has no way to determine, this small beast ball can affect a Myriad Universe Rank world throughout the ages inheritance truly the resources! 很显然,对比九命果和那没法确定的超级宙神器,这小兽球才是真正能影响一个万宙级世界万代传承的资源! Movement is slightly light, does not need to be scared them, temporarily did not determine this gadget can have the countermeasure.” That such as white jade stars Yu Qing told numerous 9-Layer Hell Star young talent Universe God. “动作稍微轻一点,没必要吓着它们,暂时不确定这玩意儿会不会有反抗手段。”那如白玉星辰般的‘狱擎’吩咐一众九重地狱星的年轻天才宙神 Yes!” “是!” About in 20 Ghost God enter, basically with the netted or vessel type Heavenly Yuan Divine Item, starts to catch the small beast ball. 大约二十个鬼神入内,基本以网状或者容器类型的天元神器,开始捕捉小兽球。 Although their method is not cruel, but these small beast balls to this behavior are very scared, their chicken and chicken are calling, runs toward the deep place in a panic, hustles, even also collides in the same place, hits has a dizzy spell. 他们手段虽不残暴,但那些小兽球对这种行为还是很恐慌,它们鸡、鸡叫着,仓皇往深处跑,撞来撞去,甚至还相互撞在一起,撞得头晕目眩。 Really cute, but, overwhelming majorities are our 9-Layer Hell Star. If there are other Eight Departments Gods to come, gives them to divide a small part at most.” Princess Youyou exciting say/way. “真可爱,不过,绝大多数都是我们九重地狱星的了。若是有其他八部神众过来,顶多给他们分一小部分。”沋沋公主兴奋道。 Has not will difference.” Yu Qing light say/way. “未必要分。”狱擎淡淡道。 But our last internal fights, have paid the price, Heavenly Demon Child died.” Princess Youyou honk the mouth said. “可是我们上次内斗,已经付出代价了,天魔子都死了。”沋沋公主嘟嘴道。 That is because he was too waste.” Yu Qing coldly said. “那是因为他太废了。”狱擎冷冷道。 Ten Desolate Heavenly Universe List, is the talent natural talent list, really calculates the battle strength list, in fact Yu Qing has been able to enter first ten, before him, only then a few 7th-Rank Universe God under 500 years old, but the Yu Qing age is smaller than them, entered the 7th-Rank Universe God boundary very much hopefully before age 500, in the future achievement kilometer Universe God, will be the matter of being settled. 十荒天宙榜,乃是天才天赋榜单,真算战力榜,实际上狱擎已经能进前十了,在他面前,就只有少数几个500岁以下的七阶宙神,而狱擎的岁数比他们还小一些,也是很有希望在500岁之前杀入七阶宙神境界,未来成就千米宙神,亦是板上钉钉的事。 Let alone, the speed was fast.” “别说了,速度要快。” After Yu Qing said that changes to white jade strong winds, escapes into the cavern deep place. 狱擎说完后,化作一阵白玉狂风,遁入洞穴深处。 He happen to starts to catch, the body pass on message stone shone! 他正好开始捕捉呢,身上传讯石就亮了! Has the situation?” Yu Qing opens passes on a message stone to ask. “有情况?”狱擎打开传讯石问。 Has the person! Wears the mask! Three!” Universe God of pass on message endolithic, impressively is the person who outside acts as lookout. “有人!戴面具的!三个!”传讯石内的宙神,赫然就是外面望风的人。 Can cope?” Yu Qing ice-cold asked. “能对付吗?”狱擎冰冷问。 Cannot! Quickly!” “不能!快!” Under finishes speaking, the pass on message stone should be hit to explode! 话音刚落下,传讯石应该是被打爆了! Mask?” The Princess Youyou tender body shakes, is the eye of reveal angry color, that fellow? His strength is not very strong, but also dared to crop up at this time?” “面具?”沋沋公主娇躯一震,目露恼怒之色,“是那个家伙吗?他实力也不算很强,还敢这时候冒头?” Previous time said that he is this Ancestral World indigenous, the method is very strange! Moreover what this time comes is three......” Yu Qing looks suddenly to outside, at this time that side has broadcast the sound of fighting. “上次说了,他是这祖界土著,手段很诡异!而且这次来的是三个……”狱擎猛然看向外面,此时那边已经传来了打斗的声音。 The sound is big! 动静不小! He takes the bull by the horns, said to Princess Youyou: You continue to grasp this small beast ball in inside, above all 4th-Rank Universe God, along with me goes out!” 他当机立断,对沋沋公主道:“你们继续在里面抓这小兽球,所有四阶宙神以上者,随我出去!” In capturing the efficiency of small beast ball, stronger Universe God has not been higher than many. 在擒拿小兽球的效率上,更强的宙神并没有高出多少。 Runs into the foreign enemy, is headed by Yu Qing, must certainly first shut off the danger! 遇到外敌,以狱擎为首,肯定要先把危险扼杀! Elder Brother, do I also go?” “哥,我也去?” You keep here management general situation!” Yu Qing said, brings altogether four 4th-Rank Universe God, altogether five Ghost God together upward from going. “你留在这边主持大局!”狱擎说完,带着一共四个四阶宙神,一共五个鬼神一起往上从去。 oh oh.” Hears itself also to have heavy responsibility, Princess Youyou has not then gone out to join in the fun, she shouted one to the direction that Yu Qing departed: Elder Brother, if the previous that boy, you may are more careful, this person of strength is ordinary, but deceitful sly, best not to listen to him to speak, fights a battle to force a quick decision! On him definitely has many Nine Lives Fruit!” 哦哦。”听到自己还有‘重任’,沋沋公主这才没出去凑热闹了,她冲着狱擎离去的方向喊了一句:“哥,如果是上次那小子,你可要小心一些,此人实力一般,但奸诈狡猾,最好别听他说话,速战速决!他身上肯定有很多九命果!” Knew!” “知道了!” Yu Qing and other people dash about wildly outward. 狱擎等五人往外狂奔。 Ten people who acts as lookout outside, strongest one is 3rd-Rank Universe God, other are 2nd-Rank Universe God. 在外面望风的十个人,最强的一个是三阶宙神,其他都是二阶宙神 When Yu Qing is close to outside, cave entrance that fight sound actually vanished suddenly. 狱擎接近外面的时候,洞口那战斗动静却陡然消失了。 Such quickly?!” “这么快?!” Yu Qing has transferred a curve suddenly, looks out, sees only that cave entrance to pile up ten Universe God sources, obviously is Ghost God! 狱擎猛然转过一个弯道,往外看去,只见那洞口堆集着十个宙神本源,明显全是鬼神 Yu Qing sweeps, sees only the opponent truly three people, the middle person is standing before a Universe God source, his chest front seems like the dark green white vortex, actually that Universe God source did not have the hell malicious ghost who escaped with enough time to swallow to attract. 狱擎一眼扫过去,只见对手确实有三人,其中中间一个人正站在一个宙神本源前,他胸前好像有一个苍白色漩涡,竟然将那宙神本源内没来得及逃亡的地狱恶鬼给生生吞吸了进去。 Buzz! 嗡! That hell malicious ghost in the pitiful cry, disappears! 那地狱恶鬼在凄惨叫声当中,不见了! What thing?!” “什么东西?!” Although is only the glance, in the Yu Qing eye had deep dreading, his eyes locked among this purple fog person stubbornly, approximately can look from the physique, this is a man! 虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,狱擎眼中有了深深的忌惮,他双眼死死锁定了中间这个紫雾人,从形体上大约可以看出来,这是一个男子! But it one on the left and other on the right, two purple beautiful figures, selects high slenderly, a petite person, naturally is a female. 而其一左一右,还有两道紫色倩影,一个高挑修长,一个娇小可人,自然是女子。 Male should be that Youyou meets, does not seem like very pure Universe God, but aren't these 500 meters bodies half-step Universe God come? Possibly is the mistake that the road of practice presents. What as for this two female is new! Is 4th-Rank Universe God and 5th-Rank Universe God.” “男的应该是沋沋碰见的那个,好像不是很纯粹的宙神,但这五百米身躯也不算半步宙神而来吧?可能是修行之路出现的错误。至于这两个女的是新出现的!是四阶宙神五阶宙神。” A Yu Qing pair of white jade double pupil sweeps, flashed through these information at heart. 狱擎一双白玉般的双眸扫过去,心里闪过了这些信息。 He remembers the words that Princess Youyou spoke, the opposite party is deceitful, best not to talk, if can capture, naturally all come to light! 他想起了沋沋公主说的话,对方狡诈,最好别交谈,若能俘虏,自然一切水落石出! Your four, went capturing 4th-Rank Universe God, must hold to keep the living witness! Remaining gives me!” Yu Qing made in his opinion very correct order immediately. “你们四个,去把四阶宙神给擒拿了,务必抓住留活口!剩下的交给我!”狱擎当即做出了在他看来非常正确的命令。 Breach on weakest that! 突破口在最弱那个身上! He thinks that the opposite party does not know his existence, he kills at the present suddenly, belongs to stem from the matter of opposite party expectation. 他认为对方不知道他的存在,而今他陡然杀出,属于出乎对方预料之事。 Yes!” “是!” That four 4th-Rank Ghost God locked Zi Zhen suddenly, their both eyes murderous intention surges, the body drastic change of everyone, the fierce three heads and six arms image showed suddenly, becomes the incomparably crude and ominous offense, the mortal body strength steps on the Miracle Mountain ground, can trigger the earthquake! 那四个四阶鬼神猛然锁定了紫禛,他们双目杀机涌动,每人的身躯陡然剧变,凶恶的三头六臂形象展现了出来,变得无比粗暴、凶戾,肉身力量踩在神迹山的地面上,都能引发地震! Four Ghost God, two male and two female! 四个鬼神,两男两女! two Hell Wheel in chest front, moreover two in back. 两个地狱轮在胸前,另外两个则是在背后。 The one who makes Li Tianming somewhat accidental/surprised is, these four 4th-Rank Universe God Hell Wheel, have 5-Layer, this explained that they in 9-Layer Hell Star, is extremely the Universe God talent! 李天命有些意外的是,这四个四阶宙神地狱轮,都有五重,这说明他们在九重地狱星,都是绝顶宙神天才! Zi Zhen, they worked as the fruit cake you.” Li Tianming cold eye swept, cannot bear sympathize with these people. 紫禛,他们把你当软柿子了。”李天命冷眸一扫,忍不住同情这些人了。 Is a snob.” “狗眼看人低。” After Zi Zhen transformation, becomes very testy, this looks down upon, has stimulated opening of her three palace eyes. 紫禛蜕变之后,变得十分易怒,就这一个看不起,就已经激发出了她三个宫眼的开启。 Kills!” “杀!” Li Tianming said one, three dozens five, direct eruption! 李天命说了一声,三打五,直接爆发!
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