FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2877: Yi Daiyan on road

So long as they are separated from the control area of young slave bottle gourd, can leave from the gate of Bizarre World!” “只要他们脱离小奴葫芦的控制范围,就能从异度界之门离开了!” Ties down them as far as possible!” “尽可能缠住他们!” Li Fan is the big fish, Meng Ying is also. 李凡是大鱼,梦婴也是。 Li Tianming they, now the appetite is very big, dares very much! 李天命他们,现在胃口很大,很敢! I come!” “我来!” Saw that Lin Xiaodao was surrounded by massive Illusion Spirit, Li Tianming without delay, controls Nine Dragons Emperor Burial to hit directly, in that big rolls on Illusion Spirit. 眼看林小道被大量幻神包围,李天命二话不说,直接驾驭九龙帝葬撞在那一大团幻神上。 He may, no matter Lin Xiaodao in inside! 他可不管林小道在里面了! The Nine Dragons Emperor Burial impulse, majority hits on Illusion Spirit, Lin Xiaodao withstood/top, the absolute issue is not big. 九龙帝葬的冲击力,大部分是撞在幻神上,林小道被顶一下,绝对问题不大。 Buzz! 嗡! Hits at the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial such big mass, suddenly that big group floats the fresh illusion and Eight Department Specter disperses suddenly, Lin Xiaodao stuck on dragon head, was hit by Li Tianming. 九龙帝葬这么大的体量撞上去,一时间那一大团浮生幻境和八部幽灵骤然散开,林小道黏在了一个龙首上,被李天命生生撞了出来。 Here!” “这边!” Yin Chen (silver dust) disperses in the starry sky, sees the position that Meng Ying flees from clearly. 银尘在星空中散开,清楚看到梦婴逃离的位置。 Bang! 轰隆! In this starry sky, Star Sea Divine Ship was good to display to be many, so long as started, in straight line acceleration invincible. 在这星空中,星海神舰好发挥多了,只要启动,在直线加速上还是无敌的。 Li Tianming this, withstood/top nearby Lin Xiaodao Meng Ying again. 李天命这一顶,再次把林小道顶到了梦婴附近。 Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying is forcing to rip open the Bizarre World front door fast, result that small slave bottle gourd shakes, this together front door smoothing. 梦婴夫妇正在强行快速撕开异度界大门,结果那小奴葫芦震荡,又将这一道大门给抚平了。 This Illusion Heaven God Clan, almost the air/Qi results in the five main internal organs (entrails) to blast out. 幻天神族,差点气得五脏六腑炸开。 Bang! 轰隆! Li Tianming Gluttony Demon Dragon Breath, shells together to the region that they are. 李天命一道饕魔龙息,轰击向他们所在的区域。 Is better than the Xu Realm powerhouse, at this moment also can only run away! 强如垿境强者,这一刻也只能逃窜! Rests!” “休走!” The Lin Xiaodao governing sword killed, frequently blocks them, Li Tianming disturbs in side. 林小道御剑杀了过去,时时刻刻拦住他们,李天命则就在旁边干扰。 Although Lin Xiaodao just mounted Xu Realm, but Meng Ying these two too old, egg star Demon Art has also incurred, was only deals with is very distressed. 林小道虽然刚登上垿境,但梦婴这两位年岁太大,卵星魔功还中招过,光是应付起来就十分狼狈了。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The Xu Realm powerhouse fights, that Xu Realm strength, the direct production a city, Li Tianming controlled Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, once enters their Order cities, like falling into mire! 垿境强者争锋,那垿境的力量,直接形成了一座城池,李天命驾驭九龙帝葬一旦进入他们的秩序城池,都如同陷入泥沼! Plays you!” “玩死你们!” Here in Illusion Heaven God Clan of horizon, must come to butt in obviously to ask for the advantage, gave back to Dark Clan to pull Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World line, Li Tianming had a mortal hatred of them. 明明是远在天边的幻天神族,非得来这边插一脚讨好处,还给闇族牵上了万道谷无上界的线,李天命恨死他们了。 Hates to turn over to hate, but he has not lost the reason, instead is very calm, gives Lin Xiaodao all, he disturbs in side. 恨归恨,但他没失去理智,反而很冷静,把一切交给林小道,他就在旁边干扰。 Meng Ying wants to limit Lin Xiaodao to run! 梦婴就是想限制住林小道跑! Each limit, Lin Xiaodao can break through, once, Li Tianming hit to help suddenly. 他们每一次限制,林小道自己都能突围,一旦突不了,李天命就撞上去帮一把。 Clever disciple, I may be unable to kill them!” Lin Xiaodao projects on the present, some was exhausted. “乖徒儿,我可杀不了他们!”林小道打到现在,都有一些疲惫了。 I know, Yi Daiyan on road.” Li Tianming said. “我知道,伊代颜在路上。”李天命道。 Understood! He meow, such being the case, I must drag this two old domestic animal is not possible today here! Our Immeasurable World Territory matter, closes your Vault of Heaven World Territory trifling things, but also comes to this position swaggering?” “懂了!他喵的,既然如此,今天我非得把这两个老畜生拖死在这里不可!我们无量界域的事情,关你们那天穹界域屁事,还大摇大摆来这个位置?” Now, is not before. 现在,可不是以前。 Meng Ying kills that time, Lin Xiaodao also Xu Realm, can only hide in the Sword God Star vestige. 梦婴号杀过来那一次,林小道还不到垿境,只能躲藏在剑神星遗迹中。 Now, he does not endure! 现在,他不忍了! Meng Ying runs, he pursues! 梦婴跑,他就追! Sword God Lin Clan fuses Sword Beast to enter the sword, that is also quite flexible in the starry sky. 剑神林氏融合剑兽入剑,在星空中那也相当灵活。 Even if opposite party Illusion Spirit blots out the sky, has Yin Chen (silver dust) and Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, Lin Xiaodao can always hang them, has not opened the gate of Bizarre World opportunity to them. 哪怕对方幻神铺天盖地,有银尘九龙帝葬,林小道总能吊住他们,没给他们打开异度界之门的机会。 They cannot go toward Dark Star, does not have Star Sea Divine Ship, only has a gate of road Bizarre World!” “他们不能往闇星去,更没星海神舰,只有异度界之门一条路!” At their levels, must open the door of Bizarre World to be quick, therefore Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao concentrate on, they were clear, so long as there is a same negligence, these two big fish ran absolutely. 以他们的水平,要打开异度界之门应该很快,所以李天命林小道全神贯注,他们心里都清楚,只要有同一个疏忽,这两条大鱼就绝对跑了。 Here!” “这边!” Gives up any idea of, old ordinary man!” “休想走,老匹夫!” Lin Xiaodao sword aura is turbulent, the city of Undead sword aura chases down to go, sword aura covers, strangles to death to float the fresh illusion and Eight Department Specter, reduces and solves the opposite party two people combining and complementing one another sword technique. 林小道剑气汹涌,死灵剑气之城追杀而去,剑气笼罩,绞杀浮生幻境和八部幽灵,化解对方两人的合璧剑术。 Old you? On this skill?” “老了吧你们?就这点本事?” The Lin Xiaodao again and again ridicule, air/Qi that Meng Ying compares black and blue. 林小道一次次讥笑,把那梦婴气得比鼻青脸肿。 They worry! 他们心里更着急! Lin Xiaodao cannot kill us, but if Yi Daiyan arrived, that was finished!” 林小道杀不死我们,可要是伊代颜到了,那就完蛋了!” What to do?” “怎么办?” Where I know what to do!” “我哪里知道怎么办!” Lin Xiaodao is not weak! 林小道又不弱! The key is the suppression range of young slave bottle gourd is very big, is almost impartial with their Illusion Spirit regions. 关键是小奴葫芦的镇压范围还是很大的,几乎和他们的幻神区域持平。 We run, he pursues, this way simply does not have the time to walk!” “我们跑,他就追,这样下去根本没时间走!” Right, has been towed, but the time does not wait for the person......” “对,会被一直拖着,可时间不等人……” After Li Fan rout, they felt another being flustered for the first time, this being flustered related to their life. 李凡溃败后,他们第一次感受到了另一种心慌,这种心慌关系到他们自己的性命。 The war has not started! 大战还没开始! They bring Li Fan to come to see a Sun today merely. 他们今天仅仅只是带李凡来看一眼太阳的啊。 Looks at one, had an accident? 看一眼,就出事了? If confesses today like this here, even they find it ridiculous, after all they are Vault of Heaven World Territory World King, the control of trillions all living things, always no can die is so optional? 如果今天就这样交代在这里,连他们都觉得好笑,毕竟他们可是天穹界域界王,万万亿众生之主宰,总不呢能死这么随意吧? Two people also see the world, this, they thoroughly understand, wants to throw off Lin Xiaodao this tagalong to be very difficult. 两人也是见惯世面的,这一下,他们彻彻底底明白,想甩掉林小道这跟屁虫很难。 Concentrates all battle strength, first wound he, this opportunity!” “集中一切战力,先创伤他,这样还有机会!” Good!” “好!” Really worthily is the couple concentric, decided to complete immediately, at this moment, them struck back suddenly, floated the fresh illusion and Eight Department Specter forms the sea, attacked suddenly to Lin Xiaodao, but they such as two murder sharks in sea! 真不愧是夫妻同心,决定马上就做好了,就在此刻,他们猛然杀了一个回马枪,浮生幻境和八部幽灵形成沧海,猛然冲击向林小道,而他们两人则如沧海中的两头杀人鲨鱼! Virgin forest, be careful!” Li Tianming reminded hastily. “老林,小心!”李天命连忙提醒。 Relax!” “放心吧!” Lin Xiaodao expected the opposite party to meet acting out of desperation early. 林小道早料到对方会‘狗急跳墙’了。 He without delay, withstand/top by the small slave bottle gourd in the front, that bottle gourd expands, spouts a green Universe Heavenly Yuan mighty current, withstood the Illusion Spirit impact of Meng Ying directly. 他二话不说,以小奴葫芦顶在前方,那葫芦扩大,喷出一股绿色的宇宙天元洪流,直接顶住了梦婴幻神冲击。 When ding-dong! 当当当! In the city of Order, Lin Xiaodao by an enemy two, the sword shadow and person's shadow fills the universe instantaneously. 秩序之城池中,林小道以一敌二,剑影和人影瞬间弥漫宇宙。 I die to consume with them today!” “我今天就跟他们死耗了!” I could not kill them, but they also gave up any idea of that took me!” “我杀不了他们,但他们也休想拿下我!” Yi Daiyan must arrive at this position, but must be very long, however Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming are hard to deal with, the willpower of becoming famous is powerful, prepared for consuming opposite at heart completely. 伊代颜要到达这个位置,还得很久,然而林小道李天命就是出了名的难缠的,意志力强大,完全做好了耗死对面的心里准备。 I came!” “我来了!” While Meng Ying offensive wave of time, Li Tianming controls Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, attacked the past from this battlefield, compelling them to withdraw. 正当梦婴攻势如潮的时候,李天命驾驭九龙帝葬,从这战场上冲击过去,逼得他们双方都得退避。 Also so, helped Lin Xiaodao consume a wave of opponent. 如此,又帮助林小道耗了一波对手。 Let them pester like this, Meng Ying powerful nowhere causes simply, like like ants on a heated pan, the complexion is one by one red. 让他们这样纠缠,梦婴简直有力无处使,如同热锅上的蚂蚁,脸色一个比一个红。 They had arrived at the lifespan end, even if continues the life forcefully, by the consumption of Illusion Spirit, their fight endurance still has the issue. At least is inferior to me!” “他们已经到了寿元尽头,就算强行续命,以幻神的消耗来看,他们的战斗持续性也有问题。起码不如我!” Continues to consume!” “继续耗!” Young is the capital. 年轻就是资本。 When the Meng Ying offensive, Lin Xiaodao concentrates on wave, hits while draws back. 梦婴攻势如潮的时候,林小道全神贯注,边打边退。 So long as he does not injure heavily, the opposite party cannot run away, the goal was achieved, definitely does not need to wrestle with the opposite party life and death. 只要他不伤重,对方没能逃走,目的就达到了,完全没必要和对方生死相搏。 Like this hit above the quarter of an hour, Meng Ying this two old fogy is tired pants, has not actually caused the destructive damage to Lin Xiaodao! 就这样打了一刻钟以上,梦婴两个老家伙累得气喘吁吁,却并没有给林小道造成毁灭性的损伤! This injury, cannot kill the Xu Realm powerhouse. 这种伤势,杀不死垿境强者。 They have not only taken Lin Xiaodao, Li Tianming still arranged massive Yin Chen (silver dust) in the surroundings, staked them thoroughly. 他们不仅没有拿下林小道,李天命还在周围布置了大量的银尘,彻底盯死了他们。 Meng Ying has exploded with rage. 梦婴已经气炸了。
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