FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2876: Killing two birds with one stone

Li Fan!!” 李凡!!” Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying calls out in alarm one. 梦婴夫妇惊叫一声。 Whooshing that shivers, sees their state of mind sufficiently, at this moment is confused. 那颤抖的嘶吼,足以见他们的心境,此刻到底何等错乱。 They have reminded Li Fan, should give up Li Tianming this bait, hurried to leave. 他们已经提醒过李凡,应该放弃李天命这‘诱饵’,赶紧走人了。 Is Li Fan must add ten breath time again! 李凡自己要再加十息时间! They can only wait! 他们只能等! Properly speaking, Li Fan vows solemnly to say ten breaths, should have the confidence to be right very much. 按理说,李凡信誓旦旦说出十息,应该很有信心才对。 However, ten breaths just arrived, in that battlefield transmits, unexpectedly is Li Fan rending miserable howling. 然而,十息刚到,那战场中传来的,竟然是李凡撕心裂肺的惨嚎。 Hears miserably this howling, Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying at the scene delay, then scalp tingles. 听到这惨嚎,梦婴夫妇当场呆滞,尔后头皮发麻。 What situation?” “什么情况?” That insect gathers the metal sea, cannot see completely!” “那虫子汇聚成金属海,完全看不到!” In this chaotic battlefield, the shielding effect of Yin Chen (silver dust) is very big, with the Li Tianming's Illusion Spirit same place, opened a small war in Transient Life World directly. 在这混乱战场上,银尘的遮蔽作用很大,和李天命的幻神一起,直接在浮生世界内撑开了一个小战争。 Li Fan, walks quickly!” Massive Eight Department Specter kill in the middle of the silver insect sea, bellows by the Meng Ying tone with one voice. 李凡,快走!”大量八部幽灵杀进银色虫海当中,以梦婴的口吻齐声大吼。 Saves me quickly!” Li Fan tearing calls out in alarm. “快来救我!”李凡撕裂般惊叫。 Rescues?” “救?” In this silver insect sea range, others have not come. 这个银色虫海范围内,并没有其他人进来。 In other words, Li Fan lost to Li Tianming! 也就是说,李凡败给了李天命 After realizing this point, Meng Ying is like Shenxi Xingtian, some hemp. 意识到这一点后,梦婴神羲刑天一样,都有些麻了。 This Li Tianming is what kind of monster, even can the Myriad Dao Valley people be defeated? He starts for the material from High God in cultivating of Illusion Heaven Realm, how the short dozens years, are defeated to be close to existence of Universe Chart Realm peak!” “这李天命是何等怪物,连万道谷的人都能打败?他在幻天之境的修为资料是从上神开始的,如何短短数十年,打败接近宇宙图境巅峰的存在!” Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying is soul-stirring. 梦婴夫妇惊心动魄。 They know Li Tianming to be strong, has not thought that but can also exaggeratingly to this degree. 他们知道李天命强,就是没想到,还能夸张到这种程度。 Is scarier than the Yi Daiyan growth history! 伊代颜的成长史还吓人! They want to rescue Li Fan actually, but the aspect to them, is also quite disadvantageous! 他们倒是想救李凡,可局面对他们来说,同样相当不利! When they increase several times Eight Department Specter, storms into the Li Tianming's Illusion Spirit region, after embezzling and strangles to death the Yin Chen (silver dust) insect sea seeks for Li Fan, their main bodies encounter Lin Xiaodao near body to chase down. 当他们增加数倍八部幽灵,攻入李天命的幻神区域,吞没、绞杀银尘虫海来寻找李凡后,他们的本体就遭到了林小道近身追杀。 Lin Xiāo, Lin Changkong and Dongshen Zhuojun these have the workaholic of Sword God Lin Clan traditional spirit, once does not limit, their initiative attack Eight Department Specter. 林猇林长空东神灼焌这些有着剑神林氏传统精神的拼命三郎,一旦不限制,他们就主动攻击八部幽灵 Was troublesome!” “麻烦了!” Those who most make Meng Ying uncomfortable is- 最让梦婴难受的是- Nine Dragons Emperor Burial and Sword God Star vestige, has hit. 九龙帝葬剑神星遗迹,已经撞来了。 In order to control battlefield, the Transient Life World Illusion Spirit proliferation range is big, is almost similar to that two Great Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship. 为了掌控战场,浮生世界幻神的扩散范围非常大,几乎和那两大无量级星海神舰差不多。 Bang! 轰隆! This two big war machine, pushes in forcefully, even if they have no way to destroy the two big Illusion Spirit structure, but depends on their mass, can affect the Illusion Spirit reassignment of Meng Ying to a great extent! 两大战争机器,硬生生挤入进来,它们纵使没法破坏两大幻神的结构,但靠着它们的体量,还是能很大程度上影响梦婴幻神调动! Moreover, the next instance, has the Lin Xiong, Lin Chongyao and other patriarchal clan ancestral temple members, brings their Companion Beast, kills from Star Sea Divine Ship! 而且,下一个瞬间,就有林熊林崇耀等宗族祠堂成员,带着他们的伴生兽,从星海神舰当中杀出! Yin Chen (silver dust) directed the Meng Ying position to them, they killed completely. 银尘给他们指引了梦婴的位置,他们全部杀了过去。 They naturally are not the Meng Ying opponents, therefore they only want to use Companion Beast magical powers and other might, reduces two Great Immeasurable Rank Illusion Spirit might, making Lin Xiaodao hit comfortably! 他们当然不是梦婴对手,所以他们只想用伴生兽神通等威力,削减两大无量级幻神的威力,让林小道打得更舒服! Sword God Lin Clan, is the model of daring to challenge, the special cutting edge licks the blood, depends on this braveness, can blow Meng Ying. 剑神林氏,就是敢打敢拼的典范,专门刀口舔血,就靠这股勇武,都能镇住梦婴 Li Fan! You where?” Meng Ying was anxious. 李凡!你在哪里?”梦婴急了。 Also is anxiously useless, when they shout, Li Tianming is suppressing Li Fan ten Universe Great Chart directly, sent under custody Nine Dragons Emperor Burial them with Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit, wanted to run away Immemorial Mirror Demon including that was also taken by Li Tianming. 急也没用,在他们呼喊的时候,李天命直接镇压着李凡的十张宇宙宏图,用大夏汉字幻神将它们押送进了九龙帝葬,包括那想要逃窜的‘太古鉴魔’,亦被李天命拿下。 Heavily damaged Li Fan, can only clamor, even Xumi Ring was paid by Li Tianming, he has certainly no way with the pass on message stone and Meng Ying communication. 重创的李凡,只能叫嚣,连须弥之戒都被李天命缴纳,他当然没法用传讯石和梦婴沟通。 More than 500 writing, press stubbornly him. 五百多个文字,把他压得死死的。 In Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, Li Tianming's Grandma Dongshen Yue, she is idling is being all right, puts out the skeleton head walking stick directly, controls Li Fan. 九龙帝葬内,还有李天命的奶奶东神玥,她正闲着没事呢,直接拿出骷髅头拐杖,将李凡控制住。 So, Li Tianming can also make a move spatially, fuses the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial control center. 如此,李天命还能空出手来,融合九龙帝葬的控制中心。 Adventure ended!” “冒险结束!” Chapter of Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, in addition the thing of Immemorial Mirror Demon this type of danger, but also was taken by him luck on, the Li Tianming thorough security, did not need to work as the bait. 一回九龙帝葬,加上太古鉴魔这种危险之物,还被他幸运拿到了手上,李天命彻底安全,不用在当诱饵了。 This time, he is making the best use of things. 这一次,他算是把自己‘物尽其用’。 Exposes itself in front of Li Fan and Meng Ying, the risk is truly huge, once he cannot be victorious Li Fan, is certainly more miserable than present Li Fan, will discard Sun and Dark Star excellent situation, affects the destiny of trillions common people. 把自己暴露到李凡梦婴面前,确实危险性巨大,一旦他打不过李凡,铁定比现在的李凡还惨,而且还会丢掉太阳和闇星的大好局面,波及数万亿苍生的命运。 Thus it can be seen, this adventure thrilling, pressure that he shoulders big. 由此可见,这一次冒险有多惊险,他背负的压力有多大。 Is good because, he succeeded! 好在,他成功了! Captures Li Fan, attained to me very fatal weapon Immemorial Mirror Demon again, killing two birds with one stone, the harvest is simply huge.” “俘虏李凡,再拿到了对我来说非常致命的兵器太古鉴魔,简直一石二鸟,收获巨大。” Does not attack, he does not know in Li Fan, there is such a terrible thing! 不出击,他都不知道李凡手里,有这么可怕的东西! This calculates that the accidental/surprised blood gained. 这算意外血赚了。 Even so, Li Tianming is not quite satisfied. 即使如此,李天命还是不太满足。 Beats severely don't hit a person when he's down, quickly!” “痛打落水狗,快!” Meng Ying, is don't hit a person when he's down in his eye. 梦婴,就是他眼中的落水狗。 After controlling Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, the Li Tianming at the scene incarnation is black-gold Nine-Headed Machinery Divine Dragon! 掌控九龙帝葬后,李天命当场化身为一只黑金九头机械神龙 Invulnerability. 刀枪不入。 Normal, Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, not possible to pose the threat to the Xu Realm powerhouse.” “正常来说,无量级星海神舰,怎么也不可能对垿境强者造成威胁。” But, Meng Ying is Illusion Spirit Cultivator, their Illusion Spirit must display battle strength, must unfold, Eight Department Specter is the mighty force! Although I cannot move their two main body, however confusing and destruction of Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, can actually disturb their Illusion Spirit might enormously!” “但是,梦婴幻神修炼者,他们的幻神要发挥战力,必须铺开,八部幽灵就是千军万马!我虽然动不了他们两个本体,但是九龙帝葬的搅乱、毁灭,却能极大干扰他们的幻神威力!” Li Tianming without delay, under his control, that Nine Dragons Emperor Burial nine dragon head, is saving the Emperor Burial Star Source strength completely, the concentration time eruption. 李天命二话不说,在他的掌控下,那九龙帝葬的九个龙首,全部积蓄着帝葬恒星源力量,浓缩时刻爆发。 Gluttony Demon Dragon Breath! 饕魔龙息 Bang ~ 轰隆~ Nine black-golden flame dragon breaths spray, pierced in this Transient Life World Illusion Spirit directly, that nine black fires refine like nine big dragons, burns thousands of Eight Department Specter at the scene Annihilation, floats the fresh illusion also to be burnt down, burns through at the scene! 九道黑金色火焰龙息喷洒而过,直接在这浮生世界幻神内部洞穿了出去,那九道黑色火炼如同九条巨龙,烧得数以千计的八部幽灵当场湮灭,许多浮生幻境亦被焚烧,当场燃尽! Your daughters met with a disaster, you do not have Star Sea Divine Ship to protect, but also dares to run back and forth in confusion outside my Sun swaggering? Came not to walk!” “你女儿都遭殃了,你没星海神舰保护,还敢大摇大摆在我太阳外面乱晃?来了就别走!” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Li Tianming controls that nine black-gold machinery Divine Dragon, enters in the middle of the Eight Department Specter community, the opens the mouth swallows, if simply the beast of prey enters the basin, even if the beast of prey cannot eliminate water, but it tumbles everywhere, can cause the water splash to scatter, causes to float the fresh illusion and Eight Department Specter massively has no way to coordinate. 李天命掌控那九头黑金机械神龙,杀入八部幽灵的群体当中,张口就吞,简直如猛兽杀入水池,哪怕猛兽本身不能消灭‘水’,但它到处翻滚,亦能造成水花四溅,使得大量浮生幻境和八部幽灵根本没法配合。 The Meng Ying true opponent, is Lin Xiaodao! 梦婴真正的对手,还是林小道 Makes them have a headache truly, is he, his strange small slave bottle gourd, this small slave bottle gourd looks like life, oneself can fight, the ancient spirit demon, coordinates very well with Lin Xiaodao. 真正让他们头疼的,也是他,还有他那古怪的小奴葫芦,这小奴葫芦就像是一个生命似的,自己能战斗,古灵精怪的,和林小道配合得非常好。 Li Fan did not have the sound!” 李凡没声息了!” Can be killed by Li Tianming......” “会不会被李天命杀了……” Li Tianming is obviously controlling Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, but Li Fan does not have the sound, vanished in their Illusion Spirit regions! 李天命明显在控制九龙帝葬,而李凡却没声息,在他们的幻神区域消失了! Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying stares the big eye, the complexion starts grieved. 梦婴夫妇瞪大眼睛,面色开始惨然。 Two people look at each other one, knows that was then bad. 两人对视一眼,都知道这下糟糕了。 Even if has not died, still possibly shut in Nine Dragons Emperor Burial!” “就算没死,也可能被关进了九龙帝葬!” Lin Xiaodao achievement Xu Realm, light/only by us, could not have saved him.” 林小道成就垿境,光靠我们,已经救不了他了。” Walks quickly!” “快走!” Until this time, they know finally gave up. 直到这时候,他们终于知道放弃了。 That Li Tianming, is the toxic bait!” “那李天命,就是有毒的诱饵!” They are calm, what a pity Li Fan is not calm, at this moment lost a big chess simply. 他们想冷静,可惜李凡不冷静,这一刻简直输了一步大棋。 Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying does not have the time to think how they then should face Mister Taihe, is placed only has a road in front of them, that escapes. 梦婴夫妇已经没时间去想,他们接下来该如何面对太和先生了,摆在他们面前只有一条路,那就是逃命。 Two people contract Illusion Spirit suddenly, no matter Nine Dragons Emperor Burial and Lin Xiāo and the others, attack completely to Lin Xiaodao, surrounds them by part of Illusion Spirit again, in order to gets out of trouble! 两人猛然收缩幻神,不管九龙帝葬林猇等人,全部冲击向林小道,再以一部分幻神围住他们,以求脱困!
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