FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2875: My this sword gets down

He has not responded, Ying Huo (Firefly) and other big Companion Beast enter in the middle of his clone community, this golden Ghost God bombing and strangling to death, disintegration! 他还没反应过来,荧火等四大伴生兽就杀入他的分身群体当中,将这一个个黄金鬼神轰炸、绞杀,崩碎! These Heavenly Ghost numerous temples, to put it bluntly are together the magical powers, after being suppressed and strangled to death, each restoration, needs to consume Li Fan massive battle strength, is released externally with Illusion Spirit has no way to compare. 这些天鬼众神殿,说白了就是一道神通,在被镇压、绞杀后,它们每一次恢复,都需要消耗李凡大量的战力,和幻神外放是没法比的。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! 81 golden Ghost God fast collapse to extinguish, is not big to the lethality that Ying Huo (Firefly) they create. 八十一黄金鬼神快速崩灭,给荧火它们造成的杀伤力不大。 Li Fan sees this, is furious directly! 李凡看到这一幕,直接震怒! What a pity is, he wants to counter-attack, could not find the person, existence of Yin Chen (silver dust), making this war very much the brazen. 可惜得是,他想反击,还是找不到人,银尘的存在,让这一战变得很赖皮。 Li Fan anger! 李凡怒了! In his hand that Immemorial Mirror Demon a sword erupts, terrifying Universe Heavenly Yuan forms sword astral to erupt, chops to cut two halves the Yin Chen (silver dust) insect sea unexpectedly forcefully, several hundreds of millions silver individuals at the scene Annihilation! 他手中那‘太古鉴魔’一剑爆发,恐怖的宇宙天元形成剑罡爆发,竟然硬生生将银尘的虫海劈斩两半,数亿银色个体被当场湮灭 Ants, only with by Annihilation!” “蝼蚁,只配被湮灭!” Under this Immemorial Mirror Demon violent kills, speed that the Yin Chen (silver dust) insect sea sieges, has been lower than the destroyed speed, Li Fan depends on this Heavenly Yuan Divine Item, killed to be his field of vision, found his all opponents. 在这太古鉴魔的暴杀之下,银尘的虫海围困的速度,已经低于被毁灭的速度,李凡靠着这天元神器,杀出了属于他的视野,找到了他所有的对手。 Actually, Li Tianming has not hidden! 其实,李天命也没有藏! Ying Huo (Firefly) they have not hidden! 荧火它们都没躲藏! Li Fan twists the insect disinfestation sea at the same time, Li Tianming they kill again. 李凡绞杀虫海的同时,李天命他们再度杀到。 Li Fan! We must walk, opposite party two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship drew near, once these two colossi banged into my Illusion Spirit, displaying of my Illusion Spirit will be disturbed, in addition some opposite party many Universe Chart Realm reinforcements, will be more scattered my Illusion Spirit battle strength! When the time comes I feared that cannot protect you!” Meng Ying said urgently. 李凡!我们得走了,对方两艘无量级星海神舰快到了,一旦这两艘庞然大物撞入我幻神,我幻神的施展会受到干扰,加上对方有不少宇宙图境援军,会更加分散我的幻神战力!到时候我怕护不住你!”梦婴紧急说道。 Gives me ten breaths!” Li Fan shone Immemorial Mirror Demon, this moment prey at present, him does not certainly want to give up, thick greedy thought covered him. “给我十息!”李凡太古鉴魔都亮出来了,此刻猎物就在眼前,他当然不想就此放弃,浓浓的贪念笼罩了着他。 Was suppressed by Li Tianming continuously, Meng Ying cannot hold on Li Fan. 李天命连续压制,梦婴都拉不住李凡 My this sword gets down, do not die!!” “我这一剑下去,你千万别死!!” Li Fan angrily roars, displays battle skill by Immemorial Mirror Demon evolution Saint fencing, that sword coordinates his flesh invincible might to erupt, startled day sword astral whirlwind shoots together, aims at Li Tianming! 李凡怒吼一声,以太古鉴魔施展战诀‘天衍圣斗剑’,那一剑配合他的血肉神威爆发,一道惊天剑罡飚射,指向李天命 The life and death is thrilling! 生死惊险! Li Tianming stands in his sky, looks disdainfully, facing this fatal sword, he such as the unparalleled Emperor, in the eye does not have the half a point to dread. 李天命站在他的上空,睥睨而下,面对这致命一剑,他如盖世帝君,眼中没有半分畏惧。 You to all living things strength, know nothing.” “你对众生力量,一无所知。” Announced indifferently, shakes the battlefield. 一句冷漠宣告,震荡战场。 At that moment, Li Tianming both hands grip that Eastern Sovereign Heavy Sword, the strength from Sun floods into the sword innumerably, Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword the strength of Consciousness Spirit erupts full power! 那一刻,李天命双手握住那东皇重剑,无数来自太阳的力量涌入剑中,十方纪元神剑识神之力量全力爆发! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Before then, his Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit complete contraction, suppresses the day of Li Fan spreads out at the Saint fencing, at the same time, Ying Huo (Firefly) they have solved Li Fan golden Ghost God clone, from kills in all directions again! 在这之前,他的大夏汉字幻神全部收缩,镇压在李凡那天衍圣斗剑上,与此同时,荧火它们已经解决了李凡的黄金鬼神分身,从四面八方再度杀来! Fire Yuan Kun Xi! 燧元坤隰 Ying Huo (Firefly) and Miao Miao this combines the magical powers together, attacks Li Fan from behind, this lets him, when displayed spread out the Saint fencing on that day, has to branch out 1/3 sword astral to deal with this magical powers! 荧火喵喵这一道组合神通,从后面攻击李凡,这让他在施展那天衍圣斗剑的时候,不得不分出三分之一的剑罡来应对这神通! pū pū! 噗噗噗! Xian Xian many magical powers and Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) rushes come, under Li Fan is furious, can only block them with ten Universe Great Chart, if so, will cause the might of his sword to be weakened again, even some are unstable. 仙仙的诸多神通和蓝荒冲杀而来,李凡震怒之下,只能用十张宇宙宏图挡住它们,但这样的话,会导致他这一剑的威力再度被削弱,甚至有些不稳定。 Rips! 撕拉! A Immemorial Mirror Demon sword soars to the heavens, finally kills a giant demon, this demon comprised of crowded sword astral, it howls wild, sword aura is dreadful, but to be honest, it imagines compared with Li Fan, at least must weaken half! 太古鉴魔一剑冲霄,最终杀出一个巨大的魔头,这魔头由密集的剑罡组成,它狂暴呼啸,剑气滔天,但说实话,它比李凡想象之中,起码要削弱了一半! Happen, will not kill him!” “正好,不会杀死他!” Li Fan must use the Li Tianming's life, looks Zi Zhen. 李凡还要用李天命的命,去找紫禛呢。 What makes Li Fan spit blood, his gathers the silver insect sea at present again, that several hundreds of millions metal insects prevent this sword with the life directly! 只是让李凡吐血的是,他的眼前再度聚集了银色虫海,那数亿的金属昆虫直接拿命来阻挡这一剑! Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Innumerable Yin Chen (silver dust) were evaporated! 无数银尘被蒸发! Li Fan cannot see Li Tianming directly. 李凡直接看不到李天命 Such, lets him one thump. 这样一幕,让他心里一咯噔。 Sure enough, in the next instance, Fire Yuan Kun Xi and space golden-black form descends together, combines in the together riot sword to incur from solar all living things, passes through to kill! 果不其然,就在下一个瞬间,燧元坤隰和天上一道金黑色身影降落,来自太阳众生组合在一起的暴乱剑招,贯穿杀下! Blaze Heavenly Emperor, Killing Heavenly Emperor, Bell Heavenly Emperor, World Heavenly Emperor, Sovereign Heavenly Emperor and Defying Heavenly Emperor! 燚天帝殛天帝銮天帝界天帝皇天帝逆天帝 Six big Yanhuang Divine Clan Heavenly Emperor illusory shadow appears above the upper air, palatial such as six mountain peaks, suppressed Li Fan in the invincible might directly! 六大炎黄神族天帝虚影出现在高空之上,巍峨如六座山峰,在神威上直接镇压了李凡 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit and Fire Yuan Kun Xi, shake the Li Fan vitality to tumble. 大夏汉字幻神燧元坤隰,震得李凡气血翻滚。 What?!” “什么?!” Most makes his heart twitch is, after he spread out on that day the Saint fencing experienced weakened several times, in instance that Li Tianming Heavenly Emperor Sword Chart strangled to death, was penetrated unexpectedly, shakes the powder! 最让他内心抽搐得是,他那天衍圣斗剑经历数次削弱之后,在那李天命天帝剑图绞杀的瞬间,竟然就被穿透,震散! This is the Immemorial Mirror Demon invincible might! 这可是太古鉴魔的神威! Is impossible!” “不可能!” Li Fan stares suddenly, the two eye four eye pupils are trembling, in his field of vision, Li Tianming keeps aloof, that Emperor looking disdainfully look, to pinnacle the strength of steamroll, lets Li Fan innermost feelings tearing intrepidly, because of as existence of Myriad Dao Valley family background, he really has the feeling of feeling inferior at this moment. 李凡陡然瞪眼,两个眼睛四个眼瞳都在震颤,在他的视野中,李天命高高在上,那帝皇般的睥睨眼神,强悍到极致的碾压之力,都让李凡内心撕裂,因为作为万道谷出身的存在,他这一刻竟然有自惭形秽的感觉。 Was bad!” “糟糕了!” The Li Fan complexion big change, he realized finally could have the big problem. 李凡终于脸色大变,他意识到可能要出大问题。 Among instant, even if knew to fear, that did not have the time, Li Tianming that fused the Heavenly Emperor Sword Chart rushes of six big Yanhuang Heavenly Emperor, was completely irresistible, only the flash on Universe Heavenly Yuan that thorough Annihilation Immemorial Mirror Demon erupted! 电石火光之间,就算知道怕了,那也没时间了,李天命那融合了六大炎黄天帝天帝剑图冲杀而下,完全势不可挡,只一瞬间就彻底湮灭太古鉴魔爆发出的宇宙天元 Li Fan can only gather all strengths, resists forcefully. 李凡只能聚集一切力量,强行抵挡。 Bang- 轰隆- Resists forcefully, cannot withstand completely! 强行抵挡,完全顶不住啊! Heavenly Emperor Sword Chart adds on the eruption of Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword, evaporated directly Li Fan that gold malicious ghost the flesh and blood of the ashes, that ten Universe Great Chart were cracks, dimly, during sword aura wreaked havoc such as the frail paper to be equally precarious! 天帝剑图加上十方纪元神剑的爆发,直接将李凡那黄金恶鬼的血肉之躯蒸发成了灰烬,那十张宇宙宏图更是崩裂、黯淡,在剑气肆虐当中如脆弱的纸张一样风雨飘摇! Even Immemorial Mirror Demon flew, the inside innumerable demons angry roar! 太古鉴魔都飞了出去,里面无数魔头怒吼! Without a doubt, Li Fan defeats! 毫无疑问,李凡战败! The body of his golden ominous demon, was strangled to death, obviously an invincible might of Li Tianming this all living things sword strong. 他那黄金凶魔之躯体,都被绞杀,可见李天命这众生一剑的神威有多强。 If not Universe Great Chart are many enough, lethality that shares, he under this sword, has died! 如果不是宇宙宏图够多,分担的杀伤力,他在这一剑下,就已经死了! Even so, the flesh and blood complete disintegration, only has ten Universe Great Chart, this means that he has also caused heavy losses, Ghost God based on surrounding stars particle, even if Universe Great Chart also, but can also form the body, the new body also wants to forge the peak degree, at least needs several hundred years! 即使如此,血肉之躯完全崩碎,只剩下十张宇宙宏图,这意味着他也已经重创,以周围星辰微粒为基础的鬼神,哪怕宇宙宏图还在,还能形成身体,新的身体还想锻造到巅峰程度,起码都要几百年! Has not died, but with dying almost. 没死,但跟死了差不多。 In several hundred years, do not want to crop up. 几百年内,都别想冒头。 Regarding Cultivator of rise, this is fatal. 对于一个上升期的修炼者来说,这是致命的。 Li Tianming-!!” 李天命-!!” In the middle of ten Universe Great Chart, heard the Li Fan rending pitiful yell sound. 十张宇宙宏图当中,传来了李凡撕心裂肺的惨叫声。 Such result, to Li Fan, the ratio killed him to be uncomfortable simply. 这样的结局,对李凡来说,简直比杀了他还难受。 Destroyed! 毁了! I am the Myriad Dao Valley pillar of the state, you dare so to injure me, you and your back world and influence, were finished absolutely! You will pay thousand times of ten thousand times of prices for this reason! Your this life, being doomed is the tragedy! You do not know that Myriad Dao Valley means anything!” “我乃万道谷栋梁,你敢如此伤我,你和你背后的世界、势力,绝对完蛋!你会为此付出千倍万倍的代价!你这一生,注定都是悲剧!你根本不知道万道谷意味着什么!” Li Fan sound tearing, brings the weeping voice. 李凡声音撕裂,带着哭腔。 „!” “嘘!” Li Tianming arrives to these Universe Great Chart by, suppresses Universe Great Chart with Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit, locks in that Immemorial Mirror Demon. 李天命降临到这些宇宙宏图旁边,用大夏汉字幻神镇压住宇宙宏图,锁住那太古鉴魔 You said that is the later matter, can happen is uncertain. However now, you were finished, tragedy, hehe.” “你说的,那都是以后的事情,会不会发生都不一定。但是现在,你完蛋了,也悲剧了,嘿嘿。” A laughter of Li Tianming ridicule, making the Li Fan mentality collapse. 李天命一声嘲弄的嬉笑,让李凡心态更崩溃了。 After all, a point that Li Tianming said right. 毕竟,李天命说的一点都没错啊。 Moreover, I do not know that Myriad Dao Valley means anything. But I went on an expedition so many years, only recognizes stubbornly held argument, that is, Sun in this, who comes who dies.” “另外,我不知道万道谷意味着什么。但我征战了这么多年,只认一个死理,那就是,太阳就在这,谁来谁死。”
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