FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2874: Immemorial Mirror Demon

Li Tianming the spatial sword secret art original pressure on Universe Great Chart of opposite party, ‚the Heavenly Ghost numerous temples the might eruption of magical powers was shaken at that time at this moment by that! 李天命那时空剑诀本来压向对方的宇宙宏图,此刻被那一个‘天鬼众神殿’神通的威力爆发震开! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Heavenly Ghost numerous temple 81 Ghost God clone, suddenly arranges the array, the strength passes mutually, withstood rush of Li Tianming and Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast forcefully, formed a diamond not to extinguish great formation! 天鬼众神殿八十一的鬼神分身,一时间排列成阵列,力量互相流转,硬生生顶住了李天命太古混沌巨兽们的冲杀,形成了一个金刚不灭大阵 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! These golden Ghost God and Li Fan same place, erupts the boundless voice, shakes the powder the surrounding insect pest directly, suddenly, the Li Fan imposing manner soars to the heavens. 这些黄金鬼神李凡一起,爆发出磅礴的声浪,更是将周围的虫害直接震荡成粉末,一时间,李凡气势冲天。 His that gold/metal orange long hair flies upwards, lets his shape such as the chaotic demon. 他那金橙色长发飞扬起来,让他形如乱魔。 The double pupil of that pair of ignition, locks the Li Tianming's time again, has the color of looking disdainfully. 那一双灼烧的双眸,再度锁定李天命的时候,已然有睥睨之色。 Somewhat was previously negligent, makes your frog in a well profit actually, feared that is you now many somewhat is at heart self-satisfied...... now, makes you see clearly, even if you used many means to promote battle strength forcefully, between you and me disparity, still such as bead of bright moon to the grain of rice!” The Li Fan ferocious sound laughs. “先前有些大意,倒是让你这井底之蛙占了点便宜,怕是你现在心里多少有些得意吧……现在,就让你看清楚,纵使你用了多少办法强行提升战力,你和我之间的差距,仍然如皓月对米粒之珠!”李凡狞声大笑。 „Am I for the bright moon, you grain of rice?” Li Tianming looks unemotionally he asked with surrounding these golden Ghost God. “我为皓月,你是米粒?”李天命面无表情看着他和周围那些黄金鬼神问。 Hehe hehe......” “呵呵呵呵……” Li Fan hears word, smiled hard. 李凡闻言,笑得更厉害了。 Stares the big dog eye, appreciates the miracle from Myriad Dao Valley.” “瞪大狗眼,欣赏来自万道谷的神迹吧。” He stretches out the arms, the body erupts the sound suddenly, naked eye his body is having the inflation obviously, never to two meters body, rises dramatically to about five meters all of a sudden. 他张开双臂,身体陡然爆发出噼里啪啦的声音,肉眼可见他的躯体在发生膨胀,从不到两米的躯体,一下子暴增到五米左右。 Meanwhile, his appearance and shape, had the change of similar Zi Zhen. 与此同时,他的样貌、形态,亦发生了类似紫禛的变化。 His face, changes face of the golden malicious ghost, the canine that corners of the mouth stretch out, such as gold/metal to stab, golden hair on top of the head is concentrates golden sharp thorns, lets his head shape like the hedgehog! 他的脸,变化成一张金色的恶鬼之脸面,那嘴角伸出的尖牙,都如金刺,头顶上的金发更是凝成一根根金色尖刺,让他的脑袋形如刺猬! The body of his golden Star God, is also strong, emits the golden scales and spur, the arm becomes thicker than the thigh. 他的黄金星神之躯,同样壮大,冒出金色的鳞甲、骨刺,手臂变得比腿部还要粗大。 What is scariest, in his each eye pupil, that golden eye pupil divided into two, turned into two, let him four eye pupils! 最骇人的是,他的每一只眼眸中,那金色眼瞳一分为二,变成了两个,让他了四个眼瞳! Four eye pupils, were short of two compared with Zi Zhen, although this golden malicious ghost the boundary is higher, but by fierce is worse compared with Zi Zhen. 四个眼瞳,比紫禛少了两个,这黄金恶鬼虽然境界更高,但论凶恶比起紫禛还是差一些。 Even so, Li Tianming facing such opponent, the pressure is quite huge. 即使如此,李天命面对这样的对手,压力还是相当巨大的。 Li Fan not only also has the body of this malicious ghost, 81 golden Ghost God clone! 李凡不但也有这恶鬼之躯,还有八十一个黄金鬼神分身! His battle strength, has risen dramatically to the dreadful degree at this moment. 他的战力,此刻已经飙升到滔天程度。 His body rises dramatically from two meters to more than five meters, the density has not changed, he and Zi Zhen are the same, is the stars particle individual inflation and distortion in within the body, formed the transformation on semblance. 他的躯体从两米飙升到五米多,密度并没有改变,他和紫禛一样,都是体内的星辰微粒个体膨胀、变形,才形成了外表上的蜕变。 Really must change the density, Li Fan inflates to several kilometers high does not have the issue. 真要改变密度,李凡膨胀到几千米高都没问题。 His moment all changes, are telling Li Tianming, he is in the middle of this Order Starry Sky, stands in supreme Ghost God of food chain peak! 他此刻所有的变化,都在告诉李天命,他就是这秩序星空当中,站在食物链顶端的至尊鬼神 Compared with the Ghost God bloodlines of Bizarre Abyss Ancient Nether Kingdom, is strong, is pure. 异度深渊古冥国鬼神血脉,都强,都纯正。 The strong single body, took to the Li Fan will without a peer at this moment, making his fierce eyes stare at the Li Tianming's time, in the eye, only then the fierceness of hunter. 超强单体,带给了此刻的李凡不可匹敌的意志,让他那凶恶的双眼盯上李天命的时候,眼中只有猎人的狰狞。 Hehe......” “呵呵呵……” He smiled again, his throat seems like overgrown brambles, the sent out sound is the belt/bring thorn! 他再度笑了起来,这一次他的嗓子像是荆棘丛生似的,发出的声音都是带刺的! Finally, but must give you a pleasant surprise! This was used to break your Star Sea Divine Ship, actually you are not in that tortoise shell, I used ahead of time.” “最后,还要给你一个惊喜!这本来是用来破你的星海神舰的,竟然你不在那龟壳内,我就提前用了。” Li Fan puts out a hand, a black sword appears in his hands, this sword emergence, the dreadful demon air/Qi sweeps across the entire battlefield, even Lin Xiaodao they can feel immediately. 李凡一伸手,一把黑色的剑出现在其手中,这一把剑一出现,滔天的魔气就席卷整个战场,连林小道他们马上都能感受到。 In the sword higher level compared with the forest, is scarier. 比林中剑更高级,更骇人。 This can only explain, the level of this sword, it contains to result in Universe Heavenly Yuan, surpassed Immeasurable Rank, exceeded World Territory! 这只能说明,这一剑的层次,它蕴含得宇宙天元,都超过了无量级,超越了界域 Its name, is called Immemorial Mirror Demon, my teacher has broken many Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship with it, its Universe Heavenly Yuan antique demon owlet, kills your frog in a well specially, hehe......” “它的名字,叫做‘太古鉴魔’,我师尊用它破过不少无量级星海神舰,它的宇宙天元‘太古魔枭’,专杀你们这种井底之蛙,呵呵……” Golden malicious ghost mirthless smile. 黄金恶鬼惨笑。 On that black sword, there is a scarlet blood line, the blood line passes through the tail together from the beginning, probably tongue of the devil, puts in order the sword demon air/Qi upwells, Order Divine Mark of Universe Heavenly Yuan bringing passes on the sword, becomes small-scale barrier, locks in the strength of sword, making it more suitable to coordinate to use the sword eruption! 那黑色剑上,有一道猩红的血线,血线从头贯穿到尾,像是一条恶魔之舌,整把剑魔气上涌,宇宙天元自带的秩序神纹在剑上流转,自成一个小型结界,锁住剑的力量,让其更适合配合用剑者爆发! This sword, shocked Li Tianming really! 这一剑,着实震慑了李天命一把! Very powerful!” “好强!” The Li Tianming eye is narrowing the eyes slightly. 李天命眼睛微微眯着。 Li Fan came from the Myriad Dao Valley capital with him, resulted in the tremendous pressure on Li Tianming. 李凡用他来自万道谷的资本,给李天命造成了巨大的压力。 However, in the Li Tianming heart simply does not have the half a point to dread! 然而,李天命心中根本没有半分畏惧! That is because, his back, is Sun, is trillions Sun all living things, they are choked up with emotions at this moment, is connected with the Li Tianming intention, they have not dreaded, Li Tianming what to come dreads! 那是因为,他的背后,就是太阳,就是数万亿太阳众生,他们此刻都心潮澎湃,和李天命心意相连,他们都没有畏惧,李天命何来畏惧! All living things, bestow my strength!” “众生,赐我力量!” Li Tianming stretches out the arms, on him on each stars particle, has an invisible line, on Sun of that ignition, scalding hot hearts, hot blooded dreadful, gives to the Emperor their faith! 李天命张开双臂,他身上每一个星辰微粒上,都有一道无形的线,那灼烧的太阳上,一颗颗灼热的心脏,热血滔天,将他们的信念献给帝君! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! On Sun the rhythm of raging fire combustion, with the Li Tianming's breath union in one, Li Tianming each inspiration, the innumerable solar Star Source strength, had entered his within the body on own initiative! 太阳上烈火燃烧的节奏,都已经和李天命的呼吸结合在了一起,李天命每一次吸气,无数的太阳恒星源力量,主动进入到了他的体内! Bang bang! 轰隆轰隆! Stronger and more blazing solar all living things strength, swamps into the Li Tianming's body crazily, making him have almost no way to support, can only forward to Companion Beast, Consciousness Spirit and Illusion Spirit! 更强、更炽烈的太阳众生力量,疯狂涌入李天命的躯体,让他几乎没法支撑,只能转给伴生兽识神幻神 Contrasts that golden malicious ghost, the Li Tianming's strength, is more sacred, is more dignified! 对比那黄金恶鬼,李天命的力量,更神圣,更威严! Moreover at this time, Lin Xiaodao they also gave the good news, on the one hand was Nine Dragons Emperor Burial and Sword God Star vestige kills quickly, on the other hand, through suppressing Meng Ying, causing Meng Ying has to contract Illusion Spirit to protect oneself, this caused Li Tianming's Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit to empty! 而且这时候,林小道他们也给了好消息,一方面是九龙帝葬剑神星遗迹快杀到了,另一方面,通过压制梦婴,使得梦婴不得不收缩幻神以自保,这导致李天命的大夏汉字幻神空了出来! You, I am also strong! 你强,我也强! Two people imposing manner is dreadful, is only the form is different. 两人气势都滔天,只是形式不同。 Li Tianming at all is not a person is fighting! 李天命根本不是一个人在战斗! All living things such as I, Emperor god line!” “众生如我,帝君神行!” Kills-!” “杀-!” A Li Tianming low roar, even if he does not have Universe Great Chart, the strength that this moment within the body erupts can definitely meet as an equal to that golden malicious ghost. 李天命一声低吼,纵使他没有宇宙宏图,此刻体内爆发的力量完全能和那黄金恶鬼分庭抗礼。 Ying Huo (Firefly) they, obtained more all living things strengths, similarly so! 荧火它们,得到了更多众生力量,同样如此! Hehe......” “呵呵……” Li Fan is still sneering, he knows that drags for a long time, they are more dangerous, therefore he also worries compared with Li Tianming, rushes ahead with that Heavenly Ghost numerous temples directly! 李凡还在冷笑,他知道拖得越久,他们就越危险,所以他比李天命还着急,直接和那天鬼众神殿一起冲杀! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Several billions Yin Chen (silver dust) form the endless sea, the time hit in its, Li Fan breaks through unceasingly, the Annihilation insect sea, everywhere one visit is the dust! 数十亿银尘形成无尽沧海,时刻撞击在其身上,李凡不断冲破,湮灭虫海,所到之处都是粉尘! Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! All Annihilation. 一切湮灭 When he strangles to death Yin Chen (silver dust), massive Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit arrive, more than 500 writing combined tens of thousands of regular strengths, the blockade under. 就在他绞杀银尘的时候,大量的大夏汉字幻神降临,五百多个文字组合成了成千上万的规则力量,封锁而下。 The Li Fan violence broke through the Illusion Spirit strength, however his clone is not good, under the suppression of that Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit, he discovered suddenly, oneself involvement that was forced and clone, operated is affected enormously. 李凡暴力突破了幻神力量,但是他的分身却不行,在那大夏汉字幻神的镇压下,他陡然发现,自己被迫断了和分身的牵连,操纵被极大影响。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” The profound mystery of Li Tianming's Illusion Spirit, makes the Li Fan complexion change again. 李天命的幻神之玄奥,再度让李凡脸色一变。
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