FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2873: Heavenly Ghost numerous temples

Frog in a well, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, hehe......” “井底之蛙,不知天高地厚,呵呵……” Hears Li Tianming this opinion, Li Fan smiles somewhat speechless. 听到李天命这番言论,李凡笑得有些无语。 Experience superficial person, I saw, but your World Territory talent rank, but also only had so experiences, was truly rare.” “见识浅薄的人,我见多了,但你这种界域天才级别的,还仅有这般见识,确实罕见。” In the golden eye pupil of Li Fan that ignition, does not have many patience. 李凡那灼烧的金色眼眸中,已然没有了多少耐心。 His at present, is the silver insect sea without limits, that dozens steel insects willful surge before him, Li Fan is one of them sleepily. 他的眼前,是无止境的银色虫海,那数十种钢铁昆虫在他面前‘恣意’涌动,将李凡困在其中。 Snort!” “哼!” The Li Fan complexion is indifferent, he lost the Li Tianming's position temporarily, but he actually knows, Li Tianming in his Illusion Spirit range, had not been separated from this region, enters Transient Life World Illusion Spirit! 李凡面色冷漠,他暂时失去了李天命的位置,但他却知道,李天命仍在其自己的幻神范围内,并没有脱离这片区域,进入浮生世界幻神 These insect quantities are no doubt many, but is the ants, there is what using?” “这些虫子数量固然多,但都是蝼蚁,又有何用?” In front of Li Fan, they are the ants that the paper sticks. 李凡面前,它们都是纸糊的蝼蚁。 Rips! 撕拉! Li Fan changes to together the golden ray, enters in the middle of the insect sea, its side emerges ten Universe Great Chart suddenly, these Universe Great Chart golden light are radiant, the golden honey-comb in midpoint position such as the golden construction, divine light shines, Order suppresses! 李凡化作一道金色光线,杀入虫海当中,其身边陡然涌现出十张宇宙宏图,那些宇宙宏图金光璀璨,正中央位置的金色蜂巢如黄金浇筑,神光照耀,秩序镇压开来! The Order strength, precise hit each Yin Chen (silver dust) individual, is affecting their march, even disintegrates their structures. 秩序的力量,精确的命中每一个银尘个体,影响着它们的行进,甚至瓦解它们的结构。 Broken!” “破!” Li Fan fights with the fists suddenly, the golden air wave sweeps across, turbulent Heavenly Cycle Star Sea Power adds on the body of Ghost God mortal body, immediately several million Yin Chen (silver dust) Annihilation becomes the silver dust it at present. 李凡猛然一拳打出,黄金气浪席卷,汹涌的周天星海之力加上鬼神肉身之躯体,顿时将其眼前数百万的银尘湮灭成银色粉尘。 Really fierce! 着实很凶猛! Extinguishes!” “灭!” No matter he radically the Li Tianming's position, only extinguishes Yin Chen (silver dust), a fist fist makes the powder holes this insect sea. 他根本不管李天命的位置,只灭银尘,一拳一拳将这虫海打出一个个粉末窟窿。 I do not believe that this insect hasn't killed cleanly?” “我就不相信了,这虫子还杀不干净?” The Li Fan innermost feelings are very calm, although Meng Ying is urging him, but he also understands, does not extinguish light/only these insect seas, he cannot see Li Tianming. 李凡内心很镇定,虽然梦婴在催促他,可他也明白,不灭光这些虫海,他看不到李天命 By the insect dragging time, waits for Yi Daiyan to support...... Li Tianming, you also only then this guts.” “靠虫子拖延时间,等伊代颜支援……李天命,你也就只有这点胆量了。” Li Fan laughs loudly, his laughter shake surroundings, are very grating. 李凡放声大笑,他的笑声震荡周围,十分刺耳。 Before placing, can delay the time, Li Tianming will truly arrive to the key man careless, not needing to begin. 放在以前,能拖延时间,李天命确实会苟到关键人物到来,用不上自己动手。 However this time, he has not thought the dragging from the beginning. 但是这一次,他从一开始就没有想过拖延。 Li Fan cannot see him, because he is fermenting, acts as the camouflage by the Yin Chen (silver dust) insect sea, then the critical moment kills decisively! 李凡看不见他,只是因为他正在酝酿,以银尘的虫海来充当障眼法,然后关键时刻断然杀出! Li Fan is destroying the insect sea, suddenly behind feeling one cool. 李凡正在毁灭虫海,陡然感觉背后一凉。 He turns head suddenly! 他陡然回头! The insect sea dispersing time, altogether several enemies, from appear in all directions its periphery, the rear area grasps Eastern Sovereign Sword Li Tianming! 虫海散开时刻,一共好几个敌人,从四面八方出现在其周围,其中正后方正是手持东皇剑李天命 Before Li Tianming, his these also absorbed Companion Beast of all living things strength, first step launched the attack! 李天命之前,他那些同样吸收了众生力量的伴生兽们,先一步发动了进攻! This is besieges. 这是围攻。 Bang! 轰! What first arrives is the Xian Xian magical powers, after its body reduces, then the transformation is the Flower Fairy condition, Origin World Tree and spirit body nearly two-in-one, although the rattan and root hair were short, short, but each sacred light vine and intensity of black root hair, was raised! 最先抵达的是仙仙的神通,它身体缩小后,再转化为花仙状态,起源世界树灵体近乎二合一,虽然藤条、根须都少了、短了,但是每一根圣光藤蔓、黑色根须的强度,提升了许多! Similarly the truth, that Blood Devouring Sword Rain, the ghost surface demon cherry and Netherworld Azure Lotus small range single body lethality rises dramatically! 同样道理,那噬血剑雨、鬼面魔樱、幽冥青莲的小范围单体杀伤力飙升! Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Altogether several magical powers, are coordinating by Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) that Myriad Stars Sword Rings strangles to death, before attacking the Li Fan body, ruthlessly. 一共好几种神通,配合着以万星剑环绞杀的蓝荒,狠狠冲击到李凡身前。 Hehe!” “呵呵!” Li Fan has not seen has dared with he hard anti- Companion Beast, is laughing at heart, Xian Xian that many magical powers adhere to stick cohere either on him, either explodes by his Universe Great Chart. 李凡没见过敢和他硬抗的伴生兽,心里正嗤笑,仙仙那诸多神通要么附着在他身上,要么就在他的宇宙宏图旁边爆炸。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Origin World Tree invincible might, even if the Xian Xian strength also misses this Li Fan to be many, the mystery of its magical powers, still made Li Fan knit the brows instantly, that Blood Devouring Sword Rain and black root hair, even can pierce his flesh. 起源世界树的神威,哪怕仙仙的力量还差这李凡不少,其神通之玄妙,仍然让李凡刹那皱眉,那噬血剑雨、黑色根须,甚至都能刺穿他的血肉。 Bang! 轰隆! Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) this fierce hits, attacks on the chest of Li Fan, hit to fly him actually, chest that golden flesh cracked, inside starlight surged. 蓝荒这凶猛一撞,冲击在李凡的胸口上,硬是将他撞飞了出去,胸口那黄金般的血肉崩裂开来,里面星光涌动。 Judged from the ray, its body density, is simply exaggerating, perhaps Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) after compared with reduction wants crowded over ten times. 从光芒判断,它的身体密度,简直夸张,比缩小后的蓝荒恐怕都要密集十倍以上。 „Is Companion Beast, so fierce?” 伴生兽,都这么猛?” Li Fan flies into a rage, although was concussioned burst the body, uses Universe Great Chart to restore immediately, but this suppressed feeling, making it extremely uncomfortable. 李凡勃然大怒,虽然被撞裂身体,动用宇宙宏图马上修复,但这种被压制的感觉,让其极其不爽。 Does not wait for him to erupt, Ying Huo (Firefly) and Miao Miao kill in the both sides, Miao Miao in this flash congealment Highest Beginning Divine Thunder and Chaos Demon Lightning, uses Universe Lightning Lance and Yin positive electricity round and other magical powers, shells on Li Fan, the thunder twinkling embezzles it, making him turn into a black and white thunder spheroid! 不等他爆发,荧火喵喵在两侧杀到,喵喵在这一瞬间凝结太初神雷混沌魔电,动用乾坤电矛、阴阳电轮等神通,轰击在李凡身上,雷霆瞬息将其吞没,让他变成一个黑白雷霆球体! Ding! 叮叮叮! The Ying Huo (Firefly) magical powers and battle skill dual display, that had the feather of god hot tribulation to dig in Li Fan that firmly to the pinnacle flesh and blood, let his distressed wind blood. 荧火神通、战诀双重施展,那带有神火劫的羽翎更是扎入了李凡那刚硬到极致的血肉之躯,让其狼狈飙血。 „The strength of all living things, is quite crisp!” “众生的力量,好爽!” Ying Huo (Firefly) cannot bear cry out strangely. 荧火忍不住怪叫。 After Li Tianming's Dark Universe Chart presently, is more splendid regarding the transformation of all living things strength, these strengths enter Companion Beast within the body through Symbiotic Practice System, made them erupt several times of battle strength, the level of matched previous 900,000 star 1 李天命的暗宇宙图现后,对于众生力量的转化更出色,这些力量通过共生修炼体系进入伴生兽体内,亦让它们爆发出了好几倍的战力,配的上九十万星的层次一 Purgatory, chaos, Primordial Chaos and origin! 炼狱、混沌、鸿蒙、起源! The high ends of these four Order strengths, let their four, even if in strength level, was still lower than Li Fan, makes him suffer loss. 这四种秩序力量之高端,让它们四个哪怕在力量层面,仍然低于李凡,还是让其吃尽了苦头。 Serving , the Li Fan whole body cracks, the stars blood splash, the complexion is pale, shouted two miserably howlingly. 一番‘伺候’下,李凡周身崩裂,星辰鲜血飞溅,面色铁青,足足惨嚎嘶吼了两声。 You!” “你!” The opening besieges is punched, regarding Li Fan such Myriad Dao Valley talent powerhouse, that is quite disgraced, is equivalent tramples the status. 开局围攻被揍,对于李凡这样的万道谷天才强者来说,那是相当丢人的,相当于践踏身份。 What a pity he has no time of being furious, because Li Tianming grasps the eastern sovereign double sword, by Great Void Sword Record and Xiaozhi Sword Art, has locked him! 可惜他并没什么震怒的时间,因为李天命手持东皇双剑,以太虚剑录小稚剑诀,已经锁定了他! Great Void Sword Record vicissitudes! 太虚剑录・沧海桑田! Xiaozhi Sword Art three sword broken! 小稚剑诀・三剑碎界! The consecutively two swords quickly like the thunder, the sword of vicissitudes, the time fast-flow, making Li Tianming that black Eastern Sovereign Sword carry the strength of five big era divine sword, the twinkling lock Li Fan Universe Great Chart, at the same time three sword broken puncture, point to the Li Fan back. 连续两剑快如雷霆,沧海桑田之剑,时间快速流动,让李天命那黑色东皇剑携带五大纪元神剑之力,瞬息锁定李凡宇宙宏图,与此同时三剑碎界穿刺而下,直指李凡后背。 The sword of space and time, jointly strangles to death. 时空之剑,联合绞杀。 In the insect sea, Li Tianming white hair flies upwards, if the body has the innumerable silk thread windings, the whole person like fused with back Sun in one. 虫海之中,李天命白发飞扬,身上如有无数丝线缠绕,整个人如同和背后的太阳融合在了一起。 Good!” “好!” Li Fan this time, faced the life and death crisis truly. 李凡这一次,才算是真正的面临了生死危机。 He has nothing to dread, instead laughs to make noise, the look becomes extremely frantic. 他并没有任何畏惧,反而大笑出声,眼神变得极其狂热。 Besieges me? You?” “围攻我?就你人多是吧?” In this hopeless situation moment, in the Li Fan eye 1 million star point rotations, that shining body erupts suddenly, the dreadful strength shakes! 在这绝境关头,李凡眼中百万星点转动,那金灿灿的身体猛然爆发,滔天之力震荡开去! Magical powers Heavenly Ghost numerous temples! 神通・天鬼众神殿! The terrifying magical powers strength erupts from his body, the innumerable golden light surge, formed the diamond body of 9x9 = 81, each diamond body rapid turned into the solid state from liquid, formed appearance various gold Ghost God! 恐怖的神通力量从其身上爆发,无数金光涌动出去,形成了九九八十一的金刚躯体,每一个金刚躯体都迅速从液态变成了固态,形成了一个个模样各不相同的黄金鬼神 Some person of many items, some people of many hands and feet, have the life to have several heads, some people of grotesqueness, person first snake tail! 有人多目,有人多手脚、有人生出好几个脑袋,更有人奇形怪状,人首蛇尾! This magical powers manufacture, should clone, but this clone to be very high-level, each shape is different, is equivalent deposits the older generation strength eruption in Li Fan within the body!” “这神通制造的,应该都是分身,不过这分身很高级,每一个的形态都不同,相当于寄存在李凡体内的先辈力量爆发!”
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