FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2872: Selects only!

Has Transient Life World Eight Department Specter, couple concentric, truly is much stronger, were too powerful more than Fengqing Youmeng and Fengqing Youyun these two. 浮生世界八部幽灵,夫妻同心之下,确实强得离谱,比风清幽梦风清幽云这两人强大太多了。 Li Tianming oneself, am also facing massive Illusion Spirit attacks. 李天命本人,同样面临着大量的幻神进攻。 Meng Ying also wants to depend on the domain strength directly, crashes Li Tianming, takes him directly! 梦婴也想直接靠着领域优势,压垮李天命,直接拿下他! However Meng Ying have not thought, Li Tianming also has Illusion Spirit, moreover his Illusion Spirit might is not weak. 不过梦婴自己都没想到,李天命也有幻神,而且他的幻神威力还不弱。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! On Sun all living things, know Li Tianming to fight, suddenly the vigorous all living things strength sweeps across to come, to attack on Li Tianming, stimulates Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit! 太阳上众生,知晓李天命在战斗,一时间雄浑的众生力量席卷而来,冲击到李天命身上,激发出大夏汉字幻神 Bang bang! 轰隆轰隆! Enough more than 500 giant Great Xia Chinese characters, with it say/way as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, in the middle of this Transient Life World, open a pure brightness world to Li Tianming. 足足五百多个巨型大夏汉字,用其言出法随之道,生生在这浮生世界当中,给李天命开辟出一个清明的世界。 clear and clear(ly)! 清和明! On this two character, towers in the high place, becomes the pyramid peak, other writing are supporting them, at the strength of pure brightness, withstood Eight Department Specter of top scale forcefully! 就这两个字,耸立在高处,成为金字塔顶端,其他一个个文字支撑着它们,以清明之力量,硬生生顶住了顶级规模的八部幽灵 These Eight Department Specter come, was burnt down and melted. 那些八部幽灵一进来,就被焚烧、融化。 Li Tianming like the god of writing, the surroundings innumerable Great Xia Chinese characters flutters about, forms a book article world, in this book article world just, bright and deep, has the noble of scholar, such as Eight Department Specter this demon Illusion Spirit approaches, was purified very much easily! 李天命如同文字之神,周围无数大夏汉字纷飞,形成一个书文世界,这个书文世界中正、光明、深厚,有着读书人的浩然正气,如八部幽灵这种邪魔幻神一靠近,很容易就被净化! 500 world most commonly used Chinese characters, have been able to make Li Tianming use many Illusion Spirit writing combination might, his Illusion Spirit now is also Immeasurable Rank, moreover is ever changing, by wonderful unparalleled in the world, even Meng Ying that couples looked simply stupidly. 五百个世间最常用的汉字,已经能让李天命用出很多的幻神文字组合威力,他的幻神现在也是无量级,而且千变万化,论神妙简直天下无双,连梦婴那夫妇都看傻了。 What Illusion Spirit is this?” “这是什么幻神?” This boy is not skilled, if were later skilled, that also?” “这小子还不熟练,要是以后熟练了,那还了得?” „This......” “这这……” It can be said that Li Tianming performance at this moment, made them be shocked directly. 可以说,李天命此刻的表现,直接让他们惊呆了。 Facing the Illusion Spirit attack of similar scale, Li Tianming light Illusion Spirit reduces and solves, supports actually, compared with its distressed Lin Xiāo they, he was simply good is too many. 面对同样规模的幻神进攻,李天命幻神化解,硬是支撑下来,比其狼狈的林猇他们,他简直好太多了。 Meng Ying attempted to give Li Tianming two times in the Lin Xiāo pressure, has not broken the Li Tianming's Illusion Spirit wonderful defense unexpectedly. 梦婴尝试给了李天命两倍于林猇的压力,竟然都没打破李天命的幻神神妙防守。 This not did not say that Li Tianming's Illusion Spirit attacks to kill the sword and Companion Beast of ability in the Lin Xiāo forest is stronger, but was he uses ingenious Illusion Spirit to reduce and solve restrained Meng Ying! 这并非不是说李天命的幻神攻杀能力比林猇的林中剑和伴生兽强,而是他用了巧妙的幻神化解克制了梦婴 On Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit, Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying saw the real good fortune. 大夏汉字幻神上,梦婴夫妇看到了真正的造化。 If we obtain the ability of Heavenly Nine rebirth, this Illusion Spirit, we can also absorb!” “如果我们得到天九重生的能力,这个幻神,我们也是可以吸收的!” Right!” “对!” Two people eyes were at the scene red. 两人的眼睛当场就红了。 The red eyes, was more difficult to leave. 红眼了,就更难离开了。 Li Fan!” 李凡!” They branch out Illusion Spirit to attack Lin Xiāo and the others, kills facing attacking of Lin Xiaodao again, the pressure is certainly huge, cannot take Li Tianming by Illusion Spirit, they do not have idea, can only lead the way to Li Fan, directs the Li Tianming's position. 他们两人分出幻神进攻林猇等人,再面对林小道的攻杀,压力当然巨大,靠幻神拿不下李天命,他们已经没辙,只能给李凡引路,指引李天命的位置。 I reinforce the attack, compels that three mixed fish, you take Li Tianming directly! Is as far as possible quicker, I divided the energy, resisting this Lin Xiaodao is somewhat strenuous!” Meng Ying said hastily. “我加强进攻,把那三个杂鱼逼开,你直接去拿下李天命!尽量快一些,我分了精力,对抗这林小道有些吃力!”梦婴连忙道。 Speech time, their couples display the combining and complementing one another sword secret art jointly, surrounding myriad Eight Department Specter howl, but that Lin Xiaodao the city of Order disperses, Companion Beast enters the sword, that small slave bottle gourd follows him to dance, sword aura is cold and gloomy, is quite fatal! 说话的时候,他们夫妻联手施展合璧剑诀,周围万千八部幽灵呼啸,而那林小道秩序之城散开,伴生兽入剑,那小奴葫芦伴随他起舞,剑气森冷霸道,相当致命! He has compelled Meng Ying to retreat in defeat again and again. 他已经逼得梦婴节节败退。 If not for in the dog generation by that coffin were ruined we 1/5 egg star Demon Art, if not for must lose concentration to limit that several people, your Lin Xiaodao pulls on shoes to me does not match!” “若不是被那棺材里的狗辈毁掉了我们五分之一的卵星魔功,若不是还要分神限制那几个人,你林小道给我提鞋都不配!” This saying, Meng Ying has not said that only at heart aggrieved. 这话,梦婴没说出来,只在心里憋屈。 He and Shenxi Xingtian are the same , aggrieved was very long. 他和神羲刑天一样,也憋屈很久了。 Only then Myriad Dao Valley Supreme World can save them. 只有万道谷无上界能救他们。 Li Tianming, is in all person eyes a motion buried treasure. 李天命,就是所有人眼中一个移动宝藏。 At this moment, as he expected, does not need him to look for Li Fan, Li Fan looked for his bait. 这一刻,不出他的预料,不用他去找李凡,李凡就来找他这个诱饵了。 Grandson, you are careful!” Lin Xiāo nervous say/way. “孙儿,你要小心啊!”林猇紧张道。 Captures Li Fan, according to the plan, is their matters. 擒拿李凡,按照计划,本来是他们的事。 All right, Nine Dragons Emperor Burial and Sword God Star vestige hit quickly, Grandpa Xiong they and others killed, but can also diverge the Meng Ying lethality, at the appointed time you can make a move spatially, so long as I supported on the line.” “没事,九龙帝葬剑神星遗迹快撞上来了,熊爷爷他们等十几个人杀进来,还能更分流梦婴的杀伤力,届时你们都能空出手来,我只要支撑住就行了。” Although on the mouth said like this, but Li Tianming thinks is not supports. 嘴上虽然这样说,但李天命想的可不是支撑住。 This breakthrough, so long as near Sun, his intention is stronger than anyone, such as peerless Emperor, looking disdainfully all living things! 这一次突破,只要在太阳附近,他的心念比谁都强,如绝世帝君,睥睨众生! Lin Xiong and the others are also supporting. 林熊等人也在支援。 Now for does not alert the enemy, they do not dare too many people to act together, now the bait becomes effective, making the opposite party be crazy, did not need to manage so many. 现在为了不打草惊蛇,他们不敢太多人一起行动,现在诱饵生效,让对方着迷,就不用管这么多了。 Like the thunder, is very quickly important! 快如雷霆,很重要! „Does Li Fan, work as the prey me?” 李凡,把我当猎物是么?” Li Tianming just sneered, his Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit had made a breach, pure brightness both characters break, the entire Illusion Spirit structure cracked the flash. 李天命刚冷笑一声,他的大夏汉字幻神就已经被人打开了缺口,清明两字都震碎,整个幻神结构崩裂了一瞬间。 Bang! 轰! The next flash, in the top of the head the golden light shoots together by terrifying speed whirlwind. 下一瞬间,头顶上一道金光以恐怖的速度飚射进来。 That is a golden person's shadow! 那是一个黄金人影! His body, the orange sends the long hair to blast open, flap flap burning down, the whole person covers in the middle of one group of gold/metal orange flame, the whole body flesh blooms the dazzling golden stars ray, like together bright human form gold! 他的身上,橙发长发炸裂起来,猎猎焚烧,整个人笼罩在一团金橙色的火焰当中,浑身血肉绽放刺眼的金色星辰光芒,如同一块灿烂的人形黄金! In his eyes, 1 million star point sparkles. 其双眼中,百万星点闪耀。 Myriad Dao Valley powerhouse Li Fan! 正是万道谷强者李凡 He is not Chengtian bridge 500-year-old Li Fan, but is close to the 2000-year-old top powerhouse, more than 1000 years ago, he was too powerfully many. 他可不是承天桥500岁的李凡,而是接近2000岁的顶级强者,比起一千多年前,他强盛太多了。 When he to/clashes, the small person's shadow, such as Star Source World hit, everywhere one visit, Li Tianming these Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit unceasing disintegrations. 当他冲下来的时候,小小一个人影,就如一个恒星源世界撞了下来,所到之处,李天命那些大夏汉字幻神不断崩碎。 My goodness, the meaning is I today, but can also besieges by your Li Fan and Meng Ying?” “好家伙,意思就是我今天,还得被你李凡梦婴围攻?” Li Tianming bears the two big pressure, naturally can understand like this. 李天命承受两大压力,当然可以这样理解。 However, his boundless intention, making in his heart simply not have the least bit to dread, facing this golden war-god Ghost God, he narrows the eyes slightly, in the look is blooming golden-black divine light. 不过,他磅礴的心念,让他心中根本没有半点畏惧,面对这黄金战神般的鬼神,他微微眯着双眼,眼神里绽放出金黑色神光 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! His surrounding all regions, present the innumerable silver steel sea instantaneously, this was just invisible cockroach changes! 他周围所有区域,瞬间出现无数的银色钢铁海洋,这是刚刚的无形蟑螂变化出来的! At this moment, Li Fan angrily roars, in the eye erupts two golden divine light, forms two column of flame impacts, happen to hits in this silver steel sea! 此刻,李凡怒吼一声,眼中爆发两道金色神光,形成两道火柱冲击而下,正好撞击在这银色钢铁海洋上! ten million/countless Yin Chen (silver dust) instantaneous evaporation! 千万银尘瞬间蒸发! However, Li Tianming is safe and sound. 但是,李天命安然无恙。 Regarding having 100 billion individual Yin Chen (silver dust), the individual simply is flexure is surely itchy, after being crushed, whether there is also to perform Yin Chen (silver dust) to flood into, enters the Li Tianming's Illusion Spirit region, making this entire region turn into his Yin Chen (silver dust) domain, the action of Li Fan is limited everywhere, the attack was eaten up, but Li Tianming was completely not affected! 对于有千亿个体的银尘来说,千万个体简直就是挠痒痒,被粉碎后,又有无尽银尘涌入,进入李天命的幻神区域,让这整个区域变成了他的银尘领域,李凡的行动处处受到限制,攻击都被吃下,而李天命完全不受影响! The entire big battlefield, belongs to control Transient Life World Illusion Spirit Meng Ying! 整个大战场,属于掌控浮生世界幻神梦婴 However he and Li Fan small battlefield, the field of vision and rhythm, is controlled by Yin Chen (silver dust). 但是他和李凡的小战场,视野和节奏,由银尘来掌控。 This is Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast. 这就是太古混沌巨兽 Ji Ji also on Sun and Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, under the diversion of Yin Chen (silver dust), other Li Tianming Companion Beast appeared at this moment. 姬姬还在太阳和九龙帝葬上,此刻在银尘的牵制下,李天命其他伴生兽都出现了。 In order to resist this individual small Ghost God, even Lan Huang (Blue Desolate) compressed the body, only then more than two meters high, whole body Primordial Chaos Kui Sword and Myriad Stars Sword Rings it, after changing small, the simple point demolition ability is also very terrifying. 为了对抗这个体小的鬼神,连蓝荒都压缩了身体,只有两米多高,浑身鸿蒙夔剑万星剑环的它,变小之后,单点爆破能力也很恐怖。 Not to mention was used to it Ying Huo (Firefly) and Miao Miao. 更不用说习惯了的荧火喵喵 Ten Sides Beginning of An Era Divine Sword, opens!” 十方纪元神剑,启!” That ten Consciousness Spirit great swords, were just born, integrated in Eastern Sovereign Sword! 那十把识神巨剑,刚刚诞生,就融入到了东皇剑中! Li Fan......” 李凡……” Li Tianming that golden-black double pupil penetration silver insect sea. 李天命金黑色双眸穿透银色虫海。 Originally thinks that cannot use me, but you must create the opportunity that selects only, I give you again an opportunity.” “本来以为用不上我,但你非要制造一个单挑的机会,那我就再给你一个机会。” You understand, no matter in the Illusion Heaven Realm real world, such as your so person, only with, when my defeated!” “你会明白,不管是在幻天之境还是现实世界,如你这般人,只配当我手下败将!”
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