FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2878: I have no complain and regret

Lin Xiaodao they, the enemy enters me to draw back, the enemy draws back me to enter, is how shameless! 林小道他们,敌进我退,敌退我进,何其无耻! Mounts dead Meng Ying in any case. 反正就黏死梦婴 Meng Ying cannot kill them, cannot return to the city! 梦婴打不死他们,又不能回城! Opened the door of Bizarre World, Lin Xiaodao on and with hitting coming up of chicken blood, one disturbed with that small slave bottle gourd, breaks them to flee the battlefield. 一开异度界之门,林小道就又跟打了鸡血似的上来,拿那小奴葫芦一顿干扰,打断他们逃离战场。 Too shameless! 太无耻了! But because of this, lets Meng Ying this existence unexpectedly, simply and ate the excrement to be equally uncomfortable, has bitter being able to say. 可就因为这样,竟然让梦婴这种存在,简直跟吃了粪一样难受,有苦说不出。 The time more passes, their mentality is blasting open. 时间越是流逝,他们心态就越是炸裂。 Until now, Meng Ying understood the feeling of Shenxi Xingtian that mentality blasting open finally. 直到现在,梦婴终于体会到了神羲刑天那种心态炸裂的感觉了。 They was mad by Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao! 都是被李天命林小道他们气的! Defeats bewilderedly! 败得莫名其妙! These fellows, the card in a hand always emerges one after another incessantly, today Meng Ying brings Li Fan to take a look at one, finally Lin Xiaodao pulls out Xu Realm directly, punished them! 这些家伙,底牌总是层出不穷,今天梦婴只是带李凡过来瞅一眼,结果林小道直接掏出一个垿境,制裁了他们! „!” “啊啊啊!” This old ordinary man and old lady, the brain with was stabbed by the sharp thorn, quickly by Lin Xiaodao compelling insanely. 这老匹夫、老太婆,脑子都跟被尖刺刺中似的,快被林小道给逼疯了。 Runs away, does not let escape! 逃走,不让逃! The counter-attack, cannot kill! 反击,打不死! Meng Ying has not chosen. 梦婴没有选择。 Even Li Tianming hides in Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, does not give the opportunity completely. 李天命都躲在九龙帝葬内,完全不给机会。 Two, left unproductive, came, left behind the life.” Lin Xiaodao cold sound said with a smile. “两位,别徒劳了,来都来了,就把命留下吧。”林小道冷声笑道。 Must stay behind, who makes you so greedy? Runs to keep thinking about us far away? Previous Demon infant causes heavy losses, you cannot obtain to teach, no wonder others.” Li Tianming talked about with interest. “必须留下,谁让你们这么贪心呢?大老远跑来惦记我们?上次魔婴号重创,你们都得不到教训,怪不得别人。”李天命乐道。 Happy should not be early!” “别高兴太早!” The wrinkle on that young fellow face was deeper, his flesh is exuberant, the facial features have the senile feeling, extremely distortion. 那男青年脸上的皱纹更深了,他血肉还算旺盛,面容却已经有老态龙钟的感觉,极其扭曲。 Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World powerhouse, you jumps immediately fiercely, then knows at the appointed time some were miserable!” The female similar wrinkle is profound, the facial features are ugly. 万道谷无上界强者马上就到,你们现在跳得厉害,届时便知道有多惨了!”那女子同样皱纹深邃,面容丑陋。 They twist, the vexed fire, grieved! 他们更扭曲、怄火,惨然! What's the big deal? Your this two old codgers, today, no matter what, you will unable to see in any case absolutely exactly in the future, meaningful?” The Lin Xiaodao ridicule said. “那又如何?反正你们这两个老不死的,绝对活不过今日,未来不管怎样,那你们都看不见,有意义么?”林小道讥讽道。 You!” Meng Ying is angry. “你!”梦婴大怒。 Your this is incompetent wild with rage, haha......” Lin Xiaodao smiles. “你们这是无能狂怒,哈哈……”林小道莞尔。 The lukewarm water boils the frog! 温水煮青蛙! Meng Ying, is two is boiled the whole body to be red, frog that also cannot run. 梦婴,就是两只被煮得浑身通红,又跑不出去的青蛙。 Starry sky environment, was too simple, moreover benefits the display of Star Sea Divine Ship, this place, is really instead difficult to run. 星空这个环境,太简单了,而且还有利于星海神舰的发挥,这种地方,反而真的难跑。 Meng Ying can only attempt unceasingly! 梦婴只能不断尝试! A while runs, a while attacks Lin Xiaodao. 一会儿跑,一会儿攻击林小道 Even they are separate, until was played jokes upon exhausted by Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming. 连他们自己都是割裂的,直到被林小道李天命戏耍得筋疲力尽。 By this moment, the couple look at each other, is understands truly, they have very big possibility today, will plant here. 到这一刻,夫妻两人对视,算是真真正正明白,他们今天有很大可能性,会栽在这里了。 They are not truly negligent, because of considering everything, cannot calculate that Lin Xiaodao can enter Xu Realm, but can also break them to enter in the gate of Bizarre World. 他们确实不算大意,因为千算万算,也不能算到林小道能进垿境,还能打断他们进入异度界之门内。 In this exhausted instance, several thousand years of wind and rain, in mind. 在这精疲力尽的瞬间,几千年风雨,在脑海当中过了一遍。 Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying, stopped attacking Lin Xiaodao, deep looks at the eyes of opposite party. 梦婴夫妇,停止了进攻林小道,深深的看着对方的眼睛。 The look, trembles. 眼神,微颤。 Lin Xiaodao sword aura, periphery the blockade, does not attack, does not ask them to leave. 林小道剑气,封锁周围,不攻上来,也不让他们走。 What is more fearful, the Dark Star direction, has transmitted the Immeasurable World Monument sword cry, this divine object has its special energy-field, even if it has not arrived truly, its terrifying shadow, has suppressed on the heart of Meng Ying. 更可怕的是,闇星的方向,已然传来了无量界碑的剑鸣,这神物有着它特殊的气场,哪怕它还没有真正降临,它的恐怖阴影,就已经镇压在梦婴的心脏上。 Yi Daiyan also far, death far. 伊代颜还有多远,死亡就有多远。 Stares. 凝望中。 We die to fight!” The baby boys hold on the hand of baby girl, the look decidedly. “我们死战到底!”男婴拉住女婴的手,眼神决然。 The baby girls shake the head, said: That final result, is we dies certainly together.” 女婴摇头,道:“那最后的结局,一定是我们一起死。” „During this isn't we imagines the best fate? Lives and dies together, in the life each instantly, follows shoulder to shoulder, never moment betrayal! We are most qualified Illusion Heaven God Clan, not?” Baby boy voice hoarse say/way. “这不是我们想象当中最好的宿命吗?同生共死,生命里每一个刹那,都并肩相随,从未有一刻背叛!我们是最合格的幻天神族,不是吗?”男婴声音沙哑道。 To be honest, they early were not the babies, the sound was drier than old appearance. 说实话,他们早不是婴儿了,声音比样子更枯老。 Lives and dies together......, but, our so many years, abandoned so many painstaking care, continued these lives, for what? If seeks to live and die together at this moment, all our efforts and pursues, wasted!” The baby girl voice said chillily certainly. “同生共死……可是,我们这么多年,废了那么多心血,才延续了这些生命,为的是什么?如果这一刻寻求同生共死,那我们所有的努力和追求,都白费了!”女婴声音凄绝道。 They were too exactly long, this thinks that can use the moderation facing the life and death, in fact is completely not good. 他们活太久了,本以为可以用平常心面对生死,实际上却完全不行。 Arrived decision time, wants the choices are more, more struggles at heart. 越是到决定的时候,要取舍的就越多,心里就越是挣扎。 You said, what we also do have to choose?!” The baby boys shout in a low voice, the eyeball bulge, above blood threads proliferates. “那你说,我们又还有什么选择?!”男婴低声嘶吼,眼球凸起,上面血丝遍布。 Has one!” “有一个!” The baby girls are nipping the arid red lip, the vision crosses the baby boy, looked to Lin Xiaodao and Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, she hugged the baby boy, said near his ear: 女婴咬着枯燥的红唇,目光越过男婴,看向了林小道九龙帝葬,她拥抱了男婴,在他耳边道: I stay behind, blocks Lin Xiaodao with the life, I die, yourself walk!” “我留下,用命拦住林小道,我死,你自己走!” The baby boys shake greatly. 男婴巨震。 He looks at the baby girl, immediately shakes the head, said: „It is not good, your my life and death involves, only leaves behind me to be useful, egg star Demon Art one broken, how long I could not live, that might as well dies today together!” 他怔怔看着女婴,立刻摇头,道:“不行,你我生死牵连,只留下我有什么用,卵星魔功一破,我活不了多久,那还不如今天一起死!” At this moment came quickly, even if were they, at this time the mood was subverts, always thought that this was a nightmare, no preparation. 这一刻来得太快了,哪怕是他们,这时候心情都是颠覆的,总觉得这是一场噩梦,毫无心理准备。 Useful!...... Heavenly Nine! She is the only hope, so long as you obtain her, you only by yourself, you can still go on living even, and became the control of our Illusion Heaven God Clan...... you to forget? Heavenly Nine, she is only a person! If that day truly arrives, you must extinguish light/only here all, takes revenge for me! This is our only choices! Only hope!” Baby girl voice sad and shrill say/way. “有用!……天九!她就是唯一的希望,只要你得到她,你就算只靠自己,你也能活下去,并且成为我们幻天神族的主宰……难道你忘了吗?天九,她就只是一个人!如果真有那一天,你要灭光这里的一切,为我复仇!这才是我们唯一的选择!唯一的希望!”女婴声音凄厉道。 The baby boys are startled thoroughly. 男婴彻底怔住。 I......” “我……” His both hands grasp the both arms of baby girl, the whole body is stiff. 他双手抱住女婴的双臂,浑身僵硬。 Takes care.” “保重。” The baby girls smile, takes his both hands gently, said: This whole life and you co-exist, like a person, looks like the two person, I have no complain and regret.” 女婴微笑,轻轻拿下他的双手,道:“这辈子和你共生,像一个人,又像两个人,我无怨无悔。” Heavenly Nine......” 天九……” Lowering the head of baby boy pain. 男婴痛苦的低下头。 Next life again person of same belief.” “来生再同道。” The baby girls broke free from his hand, bringing Eight Department Specter Illusion Spirit to kill to Lin Xiaodao. 女婴甩开了他的手,带着八部幽灵幻神杀向林小道 No!” “别!” The baby boy turn head pain bellows. 男婴回头痛苦大吼。 Under he howled, the baby girl stopped the footsteps suddenly, turned head brokenheartedly with tears. 在他吼叫下,女婴忽然停下脚步,心碎含泪回头。 Therefore , all are false, right?” “所以说,一切都是假的,对吗?” After saying, she weeps copiously. 说完后,她泪如雨下。 What?” The baby boys stupidly asked. “什么?”男婴傻傻问。 If you really love me, if we are really the Illusion Heaven God Clan models, when I proposed that guarantees with the life you are complete, you should on own initiative replace me, rather than plays the fool. You have actually had long known, the life dies is the best way, but you have been waiting for me first to open the mouth.” The baby girls choked. “如果你真的爱我,如果我们真的是幻天神族的模范,当我提出用命保你周全的时候,你应该主动代替我,而不是装傻。你其实早就知道,一生一死就是最好的办法,可你一直在等我先开口。”女婴哽咽道。 Baby boy facial features distortion. 男婴面容扭曲。 He got hold of the double fist, the look from gentle gradually becomes manic, he is staring at the baby girl stubbornly, clenches teeth saying: „Aren't you also same? Has not first said that then waits for me to replace you! Aren't you selfish? Do you match to raise the love?” 他握紧了双拳,眼神从温柔逐渐变得狂躁,他死死盯着女婴,咬牙道:“你还不是一样?还不是先说出口,然后等着我去代替你!你难道就不自私吗?你就配提爱吗?” The love, is the Illusion Heaven God Clan theme, is the virulent brand mark that their clan cannot go to forever, they live for this reason, for this reason the death, struggles, twists and suspects the life for this reason. 爱情,是幻天神族的主旋律,也是他们一族永远去不了的恶毒烙印,他们为此生,为此死,为此挣扎、扭曲、怀疑一生。 Sometimes, likes with not loving, they are not clear. 有时候,爱和不爱,他们自己都不清楚了。 Looks at each other on such as Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying at this moment, the content in that look, was too abundant. 就如梦婴夫妇此刻的对视,那眼神里的内容,实在太丰富了。 However finally, the baby girl smiled suddenly with tears. 然而最终,那女婴忽然含着泪笑了。 She said: 她说: I am and you am eventually different, because after saying so many, I decided finally, I die, leaves you hope.” “我终究是和你不一样的,因为说了这么多后,我最后还是决定,我去死,把希望留给你。” Then, she turns around, is curling all Eight Department Specter, the hominization as the white malicious ghost who is full of the complaint, kills to Lin Xiaodao. 说完,她转身,卷着所有的八部幽灵,人化身为充满怨念的白色恶鬼,杀向林小道
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