FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2869: Attacks decisively!

This sword, needs to go against heaven's will Order to be able carrying/sustaining its might. 这一剑,需要逆天秩序才能承载其威力。 Goes against heaven's will Order, with Life Tribulation Order, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, even it can be said that one type, is resistant spirit to destiny congeals. 逆天秩序,和命劫秩序,有异曲同工之妙,甚至可以说是一种,都是一种对命运的抗争精神凝结而成。 Defying Heavenly Emperor, is one of the Yanhuang Divine Clan Heavenly Emperor. 逆天帝,亦是炎黄神族天帝之一。 Realized that from the mural will, he is different from that Sovereign Heavenly Emperor, his initial position is very low, fights by oneself completely step by step, finally goes against heaven's will the rise, becomes Yanhuang Divine Clan one generation of Heavenly Emperor! 从壁画中体会到了意志来看,他和那皇天帝不同,他初始的地位很低,完全是靠自己一步步打拼,终于逆天崛起,成为炎黄神族一代天帝 Sovereign Heavenly Emperor sword, overbearing, dignity and a Emperor anger, corpse on the ground 1 million! 皇天帝剑,霸道、威严、帝皇一怒,伏尸百万! But this Defying Heavenly Emperor sword, mental willpower violent and hang tough and making a great show of one's talents! 而这逆天帝剑,精神意志暴烈、顽强不屈、锋芒毕露! Two styles, oneself agree with Li Tianming, he soon learned the Sovereign Heavenly Emperor sword, and fuses in the middle of it own Heavenly Emperor Sword Chart. 两种风格,都和李天命本人契合,他很快学会了皇天帝剑,并且将其融合进自己的天帝剑图当中。 This Defying Heavenly Emperor sword, should not be difficult to me, conforms to my state of mind.” “这逆天帝剑,对我而言应该不难,符合我的心境。” After Emperor and Life Tribulation Order move into the body, supplemented on him the weak area, this period of time his cultivates personally is, no matter the boundary promotes, battle skill studies, has the feeling of soaring! 帝皇命劫秩序入驻身体后,补充了他身上的短板,这段时间他的个人修为,不管是境界提升,还是战诀修习,都有腾飞之感! The mental willpower transformation that this breakthrough brings, lets him on Sun, the guts are astonishing. 这一次突破带来的精神意志蜕变,让他在太阳上,胆量惊人。 Big breadth of spirit! 大气魄! This spirit, integrates in the Defying Heavenly Emperor sword. 这种精神,融入逆天帝剑中。 When he in the middle of the counter character mural, sees that Defying Heavenly Emperor to arrive for the first time, sees it displays that sword of going against heaven's will time, Li Tianming then knows in heart. 当他在逆字壁画当中,第一次见那逆天帝降临,见其施展出那逆天之剑的时候,李天命便心里有数。 This sword, I must take!” “这一剑,我要拿下!” ...... …… The less than half month passes by. 小半个月过去。 In the starry sky, Sun of pink ignition, with that darkness mysterious Dark Star, forms the two stars structure in the starry sky, mutual hauling. 星空中,粉色灼烧的太阳,和那黑暗神秘的闇星,在星空中形成双星结构,互相牵引。 Sun regarding the Dark Star rotation! 太阳围绕着闇星转动! The two big stars, like the giant boundless mother and child star, sparkle in the middle of this endless star sea. 两大星辰,如同巨大无边的母子星,在这无尽的星海当中闪耀。 Sun at 1/10 mass, sent out compared with the Dark Star dazzling ray, the vitality is very exuberant. 太阳以十分之一的体量,发出了比闇星更耀眼的光芒,生命力无比旺盛。 Compared with Dark Star, it is truly young, but with this Immeasurable World Territory other stars comparisons, particularly Divine Ruins Rank following Star Source World, Sun is the starry sky jumbo. 闇星比,它确实小,但是和这无量界域其他星辰比较,尤其是神墟级以下的恒星源世界,太阳已经是星空巨无霸。 At this moment! 此刻! The three people, stand in the sky of Sun, stares at pink Sun of this burning down. 正有三人,站在太阳的上空,凝望这一颗焚烧的粉色太阳。 These three people, it can be said that two people. 这三人,也可以说是两人。 That is because, that is placed about Meng Ying Mr. and Mrs. World King in Myriad Dao Valley Li Fan, can be a combat unit. 那是因为,那分列在万道谷李凡左右的梦婴界王夫妇,也可以算是一个战斗单位。 After all, they and Beast Master and Companion Beast are the same, shares practice system, although the Illusion Spirit strong and weak has the difference, however both's boundary is the same, the strength exchanges. 毕竟,他们和御兽师伴生兽一样,彼此之间共用一个修炼体系,虽然幻神强弱有区别,但是两者的境界相同,力量互通。 For a long time passes, Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying, strangeness that could not say. 这么长时间过去,梦婴夫妇,还是说不出的怪异。 They are stronger, however in front of Li Fan, their stance is low, like set-off. 他们更强,然而在李凡面前,他们姿态较低,如同陪衬。 You said, this Heavenly Weight Rank world, was depends to swallow without owner Star Source and Sword God Star part forms, wasn't it sometimes a pink color?” In the Li Fan eye has the thick curious color. “你们说,这个天钧级世界,是靠吞了无主恒星源剑神星的一部分而形成的,它有时候并不是粉色的?”李凡眼中有浓浓的好奇之色。 Mister Taihe thinks that Supreme World and Meng Ying, have reservation to him, therefore lets Li Fan first, finds the details of prey. 太和先生认为无上界梦婴,对他有保留,所以才让李凡先一步来,摸一下猎物的底细。 This is Li Fan presents the reason here today. 这就是李凡今天出现在这里的原因。 Yes!” Meng Ying nods. “是的!”梦婴点头。 Some people guessed, its limit possibly is Immeasurable Rank World, because of that two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, has the complicated relations with this world?” Li Fan asked. “有人猜测,它的极限可能是无量级世界,因为那两艘无量级星海神舰,和这个世界有千丝万缕的关系?”李凡问。 He these, walked many places on , asked many things. 他这几日,走了不少地方,问出了不少东西。 Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying looked at each other one, their mind is interlinked, said with one voice: Is such hearsay, before handling Li Tianming, we are not good to judge. After all Heavenly Weight Rank world, has possibly to make Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship.” 梦婴夫妇对视了一眼,他们心灵相通,异口同声道:“是这样传闻的,不过在搞定李天命前,我们都不好判断。毕竟天钧级世界,也不是没可能制造出无量级星海神舰。” After Li Fan hear, smiles, said: You do not use anxiously. Even if it is Immeasurable Rank World, to my Myriad Dao Valley, still no use. Here is too far from Myriad Dao Valley, if wants this stars to pass through the starry sky wilderness to arrive in Myriad Dao Valley, has not arrived, its Star Source consumed cleanly. In fact regarding the Order Starry Sky truly strong influence, the Star Source importance is bigger than the decline the world empty shell. Understands?” 李凡听完后,莞尔一笑,道:“你们不用紧张。就算它是无量级世界,对我万道谷来说,也没什么用处。这里距离万道谷太远,如果要这星辰穿越星空荒漠抵达万道谷,还没到,它的恒星源都消耗干净了。实际上对于秩序星空真正强大的势力来说,恒星源的重要性大于没落的世界空壳。懂吧?” „Is. Our frog in a well.” The Meng Ying shaking the head regret said with a smile. “是是。我们井底之蛙了。”梦婴摇头遗憾笑道。 But, words seemingly, this world truly a little meaning.” Li Fan feeling. “不过,看起来的话,这世界确实有点意思。”李凡感慨。 At present what their Myriad Dao Valley wants is Immeasurable World Monument and Zi Zhen, was takes them to need. 目前他们万道谷要的是无量界碑紫禛,算是取了他们所需。 Even this, they must make clear, treasure that others obtain, is what details, conceals. 就算这样,他们也要搞清楚,别人得到的宝贝,到底是什么底细,有没有隐瞒。 Can go in this stars, walks everywhere?” Li Fan asked Meng Ying. “可以进去这星辰内部,到处走走么?”李凡梦婴 Meng Ying shakes the head saying: Was too dangerous, your elder must arrive immediately, your status is honored, if made the opposite party find the flaw, will create much troublesome.” 梦婴摇头道:“太危险了,你的长辈马上就要到了,你身份尊贵,若是让对方找到破绽,会造成不少麻烦。” Li Fan thinks, can only say with a smile: „, Although said that you are Xu Realm, but on this Sun does not have Xu Realm, but in order to insurance.” 李凡想了想,只能笑道:“罢了,虽然说你们是垿境,而这太阳上没有垿境,但还是保险起见。” Shenxi Xingtian worried, will lose so many times, they grow the memory very much. 神羲刑天就是太着急了,才会输这么多次,他们很长记性。 Lin Xiaodao breaks through the Xu Realm matter, is a secret, has looked on Yi Daiyan, but she will not say absolutely. 林小道突破垿境的事情,是一个秘密,也就伊代颜看过,但她绝对不会说。 The Li Fan vision is deep! 李凡目光深沉! It is said that my brother was Lin Ke killed by that Li Tianming? Fengqing Youmeng that young person, but also in this stars?” He clenches teeth to say. “据说,我兄弟林克是被那李天命杀死的?风清幽梦那小可人,还在这星辰里?”他咬牙道。 Yes.” Meng Ying nods. “是的。”梦婴点头。 This Li Tianming about hundred years old, is the strength so exaggerating? If really ninth Universe Chart, he exceeded Myriad Dao Valley these supreme evildoer/monstrous talent, these evildoer/monstrous talent come from innumerable World Territory exists top, how possibly......” Li Fan narrows the eye to say. “这李天命百岁左右,实力怎如此夸张?真要是第九宙图,那他就超越了万道谷那些至尊妖孽了,那些妖孽可是来自无数界域的最顶尖存在,怎么可能……”李凡眯眼道。 It is said that he can use the strength of all living things, the real boundary Universe Chart Realm, this sounds unthinkable, but is actually the only explanation.” Meng Ying said. “据说他能动用众生的力量,真实境界还不到宇宙图境,这听起来匪夷所思,但却是唯一的解释。”梦婴道。 All living things strength?” Li Fan is quite shocking, Supreme World has not said this matter!” “众生力量?”李凡相当震惊,“无上界可没说这事!” The Supreme World information, came from Star Hunter mainly greatly. 无上界的情报,主要来自于猎星者大当家。 „Hadn't they said?” Meng Ying is slightly awkward. “他们没说?”梦婴略显尴尬。 It seems like between Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World, have reservation. 看来万道谷无上界之间,都有保留。 According to the agreement, Li Tianming oneself, belong to Supreme World. 按照约定,李天命本人,属于无上界 Li Fan may calculate that asked a thing. 李凡可算问出点东西了。 However, he himself instead shook the head, said: All living things like the ants, I come from Myriad Dao Valley, feels unthinkable, this possibly is a rumor. Perhaps he has any special treasure. Big of starry sky, the special treasure were too many. You best check, do not let Supreme World pick up a bargain.” 不过,他自己反而摇头了,道:“众生如蝼蚁,我来自万道谷,都觉得匪夷所思,这可能是个谣言。说不定他是有什么特殊宝贝。星空之大,特殊宝贝太多了。你们最好查一查,别让无上界捡了便宜。” Also yes, ok, we miss.” Meng Ying nods. “也是,行,我们差。”梦婴点头。 The Myriad Dao Valley influence is bigger, since Li Fan first arrived, Meng Ying first stands certainly him, does not offend. 万道谷势力更大,既然李凡先到了,梦婴当然先站在他这边,不得罪。 Weisheng Moran that their Illusion Heaven God Clan wants in any case, Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World, have no interest. 反正他们幻天神族要的微生墨染,万道谷无上界,都没兴趣。 If there is an opportunity, really wants to meet in the real world this Li Tianming, before a snow Chengtian bridge, shame!” “若有机会,真想在现实世界会一下这李天命,一雪承天桥前耻!” On the Chengtian bridge, he has not mastered, how oneself are defeats! 承天桥上,他都没搞懂,自己是怎么战败的! At heart choking with rage. 心里窝火着呢。 Li Fan, here is unsafe, that Li Tianming informer is numerous, we walk.” The Meng Ying prompt said. 李凡,这里不安全,那李天命眼线众多,我们还是走吧。”梦婴提示道。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Li Fan coldly smiles, actually he fears only has Yi Daiyan, the so-called discretion, is for safety's sake. 李凡冷冷笑了笑,其实他怕得只有伊代颜,所谓的谨慎,都是为了保险起见。 But, at this time, an invisible crisis, covered this starry skies. 可是,就在这时候,一股无形危机,笼罩这一片星空。 Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! A big group invisible cockroach, comes in the middle of the starry sky, appears in Meng Ying at present. 一大团无形蟑螂,在星空当中现身,出现在梦婴眼前。 Bang! 轰隆! Cockroach dispersing! 蟑螂散开! Lin Xiaodao, Lin Xiāo, Lin Changkong, Dongshen Zhuojun and the others, kill suddenly, charges into Meng Ying and Li Fan. 林小道林猇林长空东神灼焌等人,陡然杀出,冲向梦婴李凡 Crowd final, Li Tianming appears! 人群最后,李天命出现! Yin Chen (silver dust) has told them, these three people appeared beside Sun. 银尘早就告诉他们,这三个人出现在太阳之外了。 After the decision, Li Tianming decided immediately, captures Li Fan! 决策后,李天命当即决定,擒拿李凡 Lin Xiaodao Xu Realm, is they biggest taking advantage. 林小道垿境,是他们最大的依仗。
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