FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2870: Thwarting

Illusion Heaven God Clan can leave through the Bizarre World shuttle! 幻天神族能够通过异度界穿梭离开! Therefore, Li Tianming they arrive, basically continued previously coped with the Fengqing Youmeng means that came from the Yanhuang Divine Clan treasure by young slave bottle gourd this directly, disturbs the surrounding big piece space, let within the Meng Ying short time, could not start out the gate of Bizarre World. 所以,李天命他们到来,基本延续了此前对付风清幽梦的办法,直接以小奴葫芦这来自炎黄神族的宝贝,来干扰周围大片空间,让梦婴短时间之内,开不出异度界之门。 What with previous time is different, that captures Lin Ke and Fengqing Youmeng time, is confident, Li Tianming begins personally, to raise morale. 和上次不同的是,那一次擒拿林克风清幽梦,把握十足,李天命亲自动手,亦是为了鼓舞士气。 But this time, without a doubt, is a adventure! 而这一次,毫无疑问,是一场冒险! Meng Ying was Vault of Heaven World Territory World King, Li Fan is also the Myriad Dao Valley top powerhouse, Lin Xiaodao just mounted Xu Realm, fought to slaughter with them, had the demise crisis. 梦婴天穹界域界王,李凡亦是万道谷顶级强者,林小道刚登上垿境,和他们交手厮杀,是有灭亡危机的。 But, they had a premonition that in the future the oppression of Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World will be very absolutely serious, but they except for the waiting, have no other alternative, when this only opportunity appears at present, they choose to grasp. 但,他们预感未来万道谷无上界的压迫绝对会很严重,而他们除了等待,别无他法,当这唯一机会出现在眼前,他们选择把握住。 Therefore, does not hesitate to expose Lin Xiaodao Xu Realm. 为此,不惜暴露林小道垿境 In time that the decision begins, they have informed Yi Daiyan on Dark Star, but Yi Daiyan requires the time. 在决定动手的时刻,他们就已经通知闇星上的伊代颜了,不过伊代颜过来需要时间。 This time, finally the decision what decides to go to battle is Li Tianming! 这一次,最终拍板决定出战的是李天命 Naturally, absolutely oneself personally with is also he. 当然,绝对自己亲自跟来的也是他。 His reason is very simple. 他的理由很简单。 Must him to appear in the middle of Meng Ying and Li Fan field of vision, the opposite party by seduction, the meeting is wanted to thwart instead kills the Sword God Lin Clan people. 得要他出现在梦婴李凡的视野当中,对方才会被‘诱惑’,才会想将计就计反杀剑神林氏众人。 Dark Star is so big, Yi Daiyan has Immeasurable World Monument even, arrives in the battlefield to truly small quite a while, Yin Chen (silver dust) discovers them with great difficulty, moreover they will walk momentarily, therefore Li Tianming understands, this war, the big probability can only depend on them. 闇星那么大,伊代颜就算有无量界碑,真正抵达战场都得小半天,银尘好不容易发现他们,而且他们随时都会走,所以李天命明白,这一战,大概率只能靠他们自己。 Li Wudi could not count on, because of this position from the Yanhuang Protection Barrier distance, Thousand Xu Divine Puppet could not have displayed battle strength. 李无敌也指望不上,因为这个位置距离炎黄守护结界还有一段距离,千垿神傀发挥不了战力 As the final card in a hand, Thousand Xu Divine Puppet must endure patiently again! 作为最终底牌,千垿神傀还得再忍耐! Lin Xiaodao, Lin Xiāo, Lin Changkong and Dongshen Zhuojun...... Sun, had set out the highest level powerhouse lineup. 林小道林猇林长空东神灼焌……太阳这边,已经出动了最顶级的强者阵容。 The adventure wrestles! 冒险一搏! Won, definitely also has certainly initiative. 赢了,绝对又有一定主动权。 Did not seek the interception, to kill Meng Ying, only asked Li Fan! 不求拦截、杀死梦婴,只求李凡 Therefore this time, the Lin Xiaodao duty is to tie down Meng Ying, the powerhouse who three have 12 Universe Great Chart encircles kills Li Fan, Li Tianming is responsible for working as the bait. 所以这一次,林小道的任务就是缠住梦婴,三个拥有十二张宇宙宏图的强者围杀李凡,李天命则负责当诱饵。 Their strategies are very clear. 他们的战略很明确。 Before Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World arrive, should not bump into the Li Fan opportunity again like this. 万道谷无上界降临前,应该再也没有这样碰上李凡的机会了。 The small slave bottle gourd can restrain the casual shift of Illusion Heaven God Clan, is a big key, at present that side Illusion Heaven God Clan has not known, only then Fengqing Youmeng has met with a disaster. 小奴葫芦能克制幻天神族的随便转移,是一个大关键,目前幻天神族那边还不知道,只有风清幽梦遭殃过。 At this moment! 此刻! In order to quietly close to Meng Ying and forest Fan, does not alarm them, Li Tianming they do not dare to open Star Sea Divine Ship, with the Yin Chen (silver dust) camouflage and package, in this boundless starry sky, truly is completely indiscoverable. 为了能悄无声息靠近梦婴和林凡,不惊动他们,李天命他们连星海神舰都不敢开,全部用银尘伪装、包裹,在这茫茫星空中,确实难以发现。 Waits for Meng Ying and Li Fan to realize danger time, Li Tianming and the others have appeared in them at present. 梦婴李凡意识到危险的时候,李天命等人已经出现在他们眼前了。 The small slave bottle gourd first appears, the vibration, sends out the dark green light wave loudly, the suppression starry sky, as Lin Xiaodao supreme Heavenly Yuan Divine Item, it is all around more splendid, has the ultra Immeasurable Rank omen. 小奴葫芦第一时间出现,轰然震动,发出墨绿色的光波,镇压周遭星空,作为林小道的至尊天元神器,它越加出色,已经有了超无量级的预兆。 In sword compared with the Lin Xiāo forest, functionality. 林猇的林中剑,功能性强多了。 Un?” “嗯?” Meng Ying first sees Lin Xiaodao and the others, complexion that is extremely stunned. 梦婴第一眼看到林小道等人,面色那是极其错愕的。 At least stands in his angle, before him, on Sun this group of people, only with hiding trembles in the middle of Stars Protection Barrier and Star Sea Divine Ship. 起码站在他的角度上,在他面前,太阳上这帮人,只配躲藏在星辰守护结界星海神舰当中瑟瑟发抖。 Dares to look for me unexpectedly? Yi Daiyan in?!” Meng Ying frightens immediately. “竟然敢来找我?伊代颜在?!”梦婴顿时吓出一身冷汗。 Their couples concentric, immediately coordinates, the baby boy starts Transient Life World Illusion Spirit immediately, the baby girl opens the gate of Bizarre World. 他们夫妻同心,立刻配合,其中男婴立刻启动浮生世界幻神,女婴则开启异度界之门。 Thus it can be seen, in the powerhouse level, they and Li Fan feared only, only has Yi Daiyan. 由此可见,在强者层面上,他们和李凡唯一怕的,都只有伊代颜 Bad! That bottle gourd is disturbing me!” The baby girls were startled to call out. “糟了!那个葫芦在干扰我!”女婴惊叫道。 They think of under this situation, if Yi Daiyan appears, they were finished absolutely. 他们一想到这种情形下,伊代颜要是出现,他们绝对完蛋了。 „It is not right!” “不对!” In this thrilling instantaneous, the baby boy realized the two quite essential issue. 就在这惊险瞬间,男婴意识到了两个相当关键的问题。 First is: His Transient Life World Illusion Spirit, opens the big region instantaneously, includes to be equivalent to a Sun Mortal Rank Star Source World starry sky range, but in this range, except for Li Tianming, Lin Xiaodao and other people, simply does not have the trails of others. 第一是:他的浮生世界幻神,瞬间撑开好大一片区域,囊括相当于一个阳凡级恒星源世界的星空范围,而这个范围内,除了李天命林小道等五个人,根本没有其他人的踪迹。 Second is more essential! 第二更关键! He looked, before Lin Xiaodao, was different, his body had and Meng Ying same Xu Realm Order strength, that was supreme Order control makings. 他看出来了,林小道和以前不同了,他的身上有了和梦婴相同的垿境秩序力量,那是一种至高无上秩序主宰气质。 Lin Xiaodao mounted Xu Realm!” Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying also calls out in alarm. 林小道登上垿境了!”梦婴夫妇同时惊呼。 They fully realize Xu Realm difficultly. 他们深知垿境有多难。 No one is clearer than them! 没有人比他们更清楚! Immeasurable World Territory, has Shenxi Xingtian and Yi Daiyan two Xu Realm powerhouse, already compared with their Vault of Heaven World Territory. 无量界域,已经有神羲刑天伊代颜两个垿境强者,已经比他们天穹界域强了。 They have not thought that but can also be born third! 他们万万没想到,还能诞生第三个! Their Vault of Heaven World Territory, laborious training, at present what is most hopeful in future achievement Xu Realm is Fengqing Youmeng and Fengqing Youyun, what a pity their couples have the fissure, making Meng Ying be greatly disappointed. 他们天穹界域,辛苦培养,目前最有希望在未来成就垿境的是风清幽梦风清幽云,可惜他们夫妻产生裂痕,让梦婴大失所望。 Regarding the future, Meng Ying even despairs. 对于未来,梦婴甚至绝望。 Their Fengqing Clan new Xu Realm, cannot only support by hard and stubborn effort by them, then, another Weisheng Clan, has the possibility of rise. 他们风清氏没有新的垿境,只能靠他们硬撑,如此一来,另外一个微生氏,就有崛起的可能。 It is for this reason that when Lin Xiaodao achievement Xu Realm, they deeply shock. 正是因为如此,当林小道成就垿境的时候,他们才深深震撼。 However quick, they straightened out the aspect. 不过很快,他们就理顺了局面。 We appear here shortly, even if they discovered, informs Yi Daiyan, Yi Daiyan must come here, at least must small quite a while! Therefore, the truth was Lin Xiaodao arrived at Xu Realm, he wants through diverting us, making others take Li Fan!” “我们出现在这里没多久,就算他们发现,通知伊代颜,伊代颜要到达这里,起码都得小半天!所以,真相是林小道到达了垿境,他想通过牵制我们,让其他人拿下李凡!” „Is goal I?” Li Fan hears Yi Daiyan is not , instead was relaxed. “目标是我?”李凡听到伊代颜不在,心情反而放松了。 He and Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying the look ice-cold looked at each other one. 他和梦婴夫妇眼神冰冷对视了一眼。 Just mounted Xu Realm, dares with your achievement Xu Realm several thousand years of existence confrontation, this little underestimates you.” Li Fan sneers to say. “刚登上垿境,就胆敢和你这成就垿境几千年的存在交锋,这是有点小看你们啊。”李凡冷笑道。 Was somewhat rampant.” Meng Ying did not fear Shenxi Xingtian, now does not only dare to bump into Yi Daiyan, just mounted Xu Realm Lin Xiaodao, but also really cannot make him produce the mighty waves. “是有些嚣张了。”梦婴神羲刑天都不怕,现在只不敢碰上伊代颜,一个刚登上垿境林小道,还真不能让他心里产生波澜。 Mr. and Mrs. Meng Ying that dry old facial features twisted, their Transient Life World Illusion Spirit to the solar powerhouses made certain trouble, in which Li Tianming, how obviously! 梦婴夫妇那枯老的面容扭曲了一下,他们的浮生世界幻神给冲过来的太阳强者们造成了一定的麻烦,其中的李天命,何其明显! Appeared including the most important characters, was really rampant, has not paid attention to us completely.” Li Fan said. “连最重要的人物都出现了,真是太嚣张了,完全没把我们放在眼里。”李凡道。 He sees Li Tianming, the eye was directly fiery, in long hair that orange flies upwards, has started to emit the blazing flame. 他看到李天命,眼睛直接就火热了,那橙色飞扬的长发上,已经开始冒出炽烈的火焰。 They affirmed that informed Yi Daiyan, but some of our at least a lot of time. Now has the two choice, first, stops them with the aid of our Illusion Spirit, pulls open with their distances directly, then leaves through the gate of Bizarre World. This safest, moreover knew that Lin Xiaodao became Xu Realm this matter, we also calculate that has the harvest.” Meng Ying earnest say/way. “他们肯定通知伊代颜了,但我们起码还是有不少时间。如今有两个选择,第一,是借助我们的幻神阻拦他们,直接拉开和他们的距离,然后通过异度界之门离开。这样最安全,而且得知林小道成了垿境这事,我们也算有收获。”梦婴认真道。 Said the second choice directly.” Li Fan clenches teeth to say. “直接说第二个选择。”李凡咬牙道。 Exploratory nature hits one dozen! The goal of opposite party is you, our goals are that Li Tianming, looked that who first works! They rarely have to do with the Illusion Spirit powerhouse, does not know that the Illusion Spirit powerhouse fights in the group, we can also be the two Xu Realm powerhouse, Illusion Spirit open, can attack their five simultaneously, except for Lin Xiaodao, 12 Universe Chart in my Illusion Spirit, is even difficult!” Meng Ying jokes. “试探性打一打!对方的目标是你,我们的目标是那李天命,看谁先得逞!他们很少和幻神强者打交道,不知道幻神强者强在团战上,我们也可以算是两个垿境强者,幻神一开,可以同时攻击他们五个,除了林小道,就算是十二宙图在我幻神内,都寸步难行!”梦婴讥笑道。
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