FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2868: Defying Heavenly Emperor sword

On Sun, this Order, is supported together by all living things, its each part, has Heavenly Will, Divine Will and Order trillion common people to crowd around. 在太阳上,这一道秩序,是由众生支撑起来的,它的每一个部分,都有万亿苍生的天意神意秩序在簇拥。 The Sword God Star immigrant on Sun are many, at present some people also join the belief, this makes the Li Tianming's all living things strength originate is more widespread. 太阳上的剑神星移民不少,目前这部分人也加入了信仰,这使得李天命的众生力量来源更加广泛。 Emperor Order, first grew the new degree. 帝皇秩序,首先成长到了新程度。 Buzz! 嗡! At that moment, all living things on Sun felt, from the Li Tianming's Emperor feedback, fell again returned to their Heavenly Will, Divine Will and Order. 那一刻,太阳上的众生都感受到了,来自李天命的帝皇回馈,再度落回到了他们的天意神意秩序中。 trillions all living things! 数万亿众生! Heavenly Will of mortal, because of the promotion of Li Tianming Emperor Order, many can break through several heavy boundaries. 凡人的天意,因为李天命帝皇秩序的提升,多少都能突破几重境界。 Even if High God Divine Will, breaks through twofold, countless. 哪怕是上神神意,突破一两重者,不计其数。 As for Order on, that is definitely impossible, only if the Li Tianming's energetic principle strength, can exceed Order, is the new level. 至于秩序上,那肯定不可能,除非李天命的精神法则力量,能超越秩序,达到新的层次。 Emperor and all living things system is the mutual feedback, after all living things are powerful, millions of people are all of one mind, Li Tianming's Emperor Order is also stabler. 帝皇、众生体系是互相回馈的,众生强盛后,万众一心,李天命的帝皇秩序又更加稳定。 That seventh star organ, direct soars to the heavens fiery, straight, such as the flag of victory, towers high, the invincible might is vast, murderous aura to reveal completely. 第七星脏,直接火热冲天,笔挺非常,如胜利的旗帜,高高耸立,神威浩瀚,杀气毕露。 Driven by Emperor Order, growth of other Order, no doubt is not quite stable, slightly has the void, but they in a balanced structure. 帝皇秩序带动,其他秩序的成长,固然不太稳定,略有空虚,但它们都在一个平衡的结构当中。 Emperor Order regarding the poising action of this structure, very obviously! 帝皇秩序对于这个结构的平衡作用,非常明显! The Li Tianming clear feeling, has it to assume own Seven Star Universe Body, leads other Order, even if he continues to use Order Ruins again, in the mild degree, should also be able to stand firm. 李天命清楚的感受到,有它坐镇自己的七星宇宙体,引领其他秩序,他就算继续再用秩序墟,小程度内,应该还能稳住。 What a pity, even these five levels of Order Ruins, do not know that Zi Zhen experiences many dangers to obtain, stronger Order Ruins, is more precious, is not the cabbage. 可惜,连这五级秩序墟,都不知道紫禛经历多少危险得到的,更强的秩序墟,更加珍贵,又不是大白菜。 The thing of only happening by happy circumstance, do not demand. 可遇不可求的东西,就不要强求。 Li Tianming is very pleasantly surprised today, his thoughts precipitated, at the Order control strength, absorbs solar Star Source to enter within the body, by Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast cultivation technique, transfers Heavenly Cycle Star Sea Power, floods into the stars particle, within the body the strength of star sea starts to rise dramatically, gradually reached the standard of new realm. 李天命今日已经很惊喜了,他的心思沉淀了下来,以秩序掌控力量,吸收太阳恒星源进入体内,以太古混沌巨兽功法,转为周天星海之力,涌入星辰微粒之中,体内的星海之力开始飙升,逐渐达到了新境界的标准。 12 star boundaries, became!” “十二星境,成了!” 12 star boundaries, are the Realm of Order last level, can say that is essential. 十二星境,是秩序之境的最后一个层次,可以说非常关键。 It is not only Star God Order first stage small perfection, is the complete body of spherical honeycomb briquet, is the start of next stage, has to link the preceding with the following to affect. 它既是星神秩序第一阶段小圆满,是球状蜂窝煤的完全体,同时也是下一个阶段的起步,有承上启下作用。 Order aspect, to the strongest degree of this stage.” 秩序方面,到了这个阶段的最强程度了。” „Should Dark Universe Chart, to start presents?” 暗宇宙图,应该要开始呈现了吧?” Does not have Li Tianming to expect, previously Little Heaven Star Chart of Emperor Venerable boundary, transformed Dark Universe Chart, slowly the layout whole body, experiences entire Realm of Order, the Dark Universe Chart layout completes finally. 不出李天命所料,先前帝尊境界的小天星图,转化成了暗宇宙图,慢慢布局全身,经历一整个秩序之境,暗宇宙图终于布局完成。 Li Tianming's within the body, the stars particles of these original disorderly disorder, start to hover and shift, rearrangement combination. 李天命的体内,那些原来杂乱无序的星辰微粒,开始游动、转移,重新排列组合。 His semblance seems like has not changed, five senses, long hair, flesh and physique as if, however in fact, his within the body that innumerable stars particle, actually has experienced earth-shakingly changed. 他的外表看起来没变化,五官、长发、血肉、筋骨似乎都在,然而实际上,他体内那无数的星辰微粒,其实已经经历了翻天覆地之变。 A miniature universe blueprint, presented in his within the body, temporarily was unable to melt to outside obviously, bringing Order to turn into true Universe Great Chart, but, so long as this step, Universe Chart Realm is not far. 一张微型的宇宙蓝图,呈现在了他的体内,暂时还不能显化到外面来,带着秩序变成真正的宇宙宏图,但,只要进了这一步,宇宙图境已经不远了。 The transformation of body structure, builds the foundation for the next stage, lets the Li Tianming's vitality and battle strength, has dramatic rise of certain extent, is more suitable to revolve the strength from all living things. 身体结构的蜕变,为下一个阶段打下基础,同时也让李天命的生命力、战力,都有一定程度的飙升,更加适合运转来自众生的力量。 Strength from all living things, boundless endless, the universe blueprint is like beforehand Chaos Divine Sun and Samsara Divine Sun, can a better revolution, transfer the strength of all living things. So long as I utilize well, the battle strength upper limit that displays is higher! In addition I have Order Vestige Universe Body, does not fear the Order suppression, should also be able to be stronger!” “来自众生的力量,磅礴无尽,宇宙蓝图和以前的混沌神阳轮回神阳一样,可以更好的运转、调用众生之力。只要我运用得好,那发挥出的战力上限更高!加上我有秩序遗迹宇宙体,不怕秩序镇压,应该还能更强!” Li Tianming on Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, attempts to transfer the strength from solar trillions all living things, at that moment the entire Heavenly Weight Rank world as if with his body universe blueprint union in one, his within the body innumerable stars particles, each seemed like a person , a small Sun, the illumination gives off heat probably. 李天命九龙帝葬上,尝试调用来自太阳数万亿众生的力量,那一刻整个天钧级世界似乎和他的身体宇宙蓝图结合在了一起,他体内无数星辰微粒,每一个都像是一个人,亦像是一个小太阳,发光发热。 Bang! 轰! A scalding hot air wave, sweeps across on Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, obviously his invincible might at this moment powerful. 一股灼热的气浪,在九龙帝葬上席卷,可见他此刻的神威有多强悍。 battle strength jumps the ranks, is only one performance of Chaos Divine Emperor inheritance! In fact, so long as I on Sun, so long as the will of I and world and all living things unifies well, battle strength that I can display, is certainly endless!” 战力越级,只是混沌神帝传承的一种表现!实际上,只要我在太阳上,只要我和世界、众生的意志结合得更好,那我所能发挥的战力,一定是没有止境的!” All living things were too many. 众生太多了。 Li Tianming from each all living things there, obtained strength, but is their 1/100000000. 李天命从每一个众生那里,得到的力量,不过是他们的亿分之一。 Like this combines, can make the Li Tianming powerful jump the ranks. 这样组合起来,就能让李天命强力越级。 If develops the degree to be higher, forms a more intense resonance, so long as Universe Great Chart can shoulder, he does not have the upper limit simply. 若是开发程度更高,形成更激烈的共鸣,只要宇宙宏图能扛得住,他简直无上限。 Will of Sun! Yanhuang Divine Clan will......” “太阳的意志!炎黄神族的意志……” Indistinct, Li Tianming has comprehended, this lets him before Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World powerhouse arrives, in the mentality had an eruption of powerful, the faith is dreadful. 隐约中,李天命已经领会了许多,这让他在万道谷无上界强者降临前,心态上有了一次强力的爆发,信念滔天。 His back the whole world and innumerable all living things, gave him the courage. 他背后整个世界、无数众生,给了他勇气。 Therefore at this moment, his innermost feelings are extremely fiery. 所以这一刻,他的内心极其火热。 ! 呼! Li Tianming opens the eyes, divine light deep deep of that golden-black double pupil, the whole person such as Heavenly Emperor arrives, overbearing unparalleled. 李天命睁开双眼,那金黑色双眸的神光湛湛,整个人如天帝降临,霸道无双。 What a pity at this moment, in front of him , is defending his Jiang Feiling. 可惜这一刻,他面前只有一个守着他的姜妃棂 Breakthrough?” Jiang Feiling honk mouth. “突破了啊?”姜妃棂嘟了嘟嘴。 That is!” Li Tianming stretched physique, is confident. “那是!”李天命舒展了一下筋骨,信心满满。 It is said some people must wrap and raise you. Really extraordinary.” Jiang Feiling said. “据说有人要包、养你了。真是了不起。”姜妃棂道。 ga? 嘎? The Li Tianming invincible might releases. 李天命神威一泄。 He sees, at present the miss of that peony, then with meets initially at that time, nimble and resourceful, person, including appearance that this is jealous, is such certainly. 他看到,眼前那国色天香的姑娘,便和初遇那时候一样,灵动、可人,连这吃醋的样子,还是这么绝。 Misunderstanding!” Li Tianming said hastily. “误会!”李天命连忙道。 Has not misunderstood, I thought you very enjoy......” “没有误会,我看你挺享受的……” No matter, clever Ling'er, I to your love, the world may reflect, the livelihood proves!” “没有的事,乖棂儿,我对你的爱,天地可鉴,日月共证!” Jiang Feiling saw him to be earnest, tittered smiles, said: Good, I tease your. Fools.” 姜妃棂见他认真了,却噗嗤一笑,道:“好啦,我逗你的。傻瓜。” Dares to tease me? This , your Jiang woman, committed the guilt of deceiving one's monarch!” The Li Tianming anger said. “敢逗我?这还了得,你这姜氏妇人,犯了欺君之罪!”李天命怒道。 How do you want to determine guilt?” Jiang Feiling bites the red lip lightly, the coquettish look such as asked. “那你要怎么定罪呀?”姜妃棂轻咬红唇,媚眼如丝问。 Simply pure desire ceiling. 简直纯欲天花板。 Li Tianming could not defend immediately, originally Emperor Order grows, the anger is quite exuberant. 李天命顿时守不住了,本来帝皇秩序成长,火气比较旺盛。 Stick responsibility 300, not, 30,000! This king executes personally.” “杖责三百,啊不,三万!本王亲自行刑。” As for what stick, understands understands, here did not give unnecessary detail. 至于什么杖,懂得都懂,这里就不赘述了。 ...... …… Sword God Star vestige. 剑神星遗迹。 Li Tianming steps into that mural room again. 李天命再次踏入那壁画室。 Lin Xiaodao only cultivates the Undead swordsmanship, therefore can only practice Death Heavenly Emperor Sword. 林小道只修死灵剑道,故而只能修炼亡天帝剑 However Li Tianming is different. 但是李天命不同。 Kills, small tinkling bell and yi, and sovereign! 殛、銮、燚、界、皇! Heavenly Emperor Sword of these five big murals, he has blended the penetration. 这五大壁画之天帝剑,他都已经融汇贯通。 On Sun, Heavenly Emperor Sword Chart from Yanhuang Divine Clan, the lethality is definitely fiercer than Great Void Sword Record and Xiaozhi Sword Art, in the situation of time press, Li Tianming decides first to attack and capture Heavenly Emperor Sword Chart. 在太阳上,来自炎黄神族天帝剑图,杀伤力肯定比太虚剑录小稚剑诀要凶猛,时间紧迫的情况下,李天命决定先攻克天帝剑图 The benefit is biggest. 效益最大。 „After Life Tribulation Order moves into brain star organ, once Eternal Ten Sides Great Life Tribulation Three Souls Great One, the effect seemed to be more tangible. I comprehend this Heavenly Emperor Sword Chart ability, truly promoted. Moreover fused to be quicker!” 命劫秩序入驻大脑星脏后,曾经的万古十方大命劫三魂太一,似乎效果更明显。我领悟这天帝剑图的能力,确实提升了许多。而且融合起来更快捷了!” Remaining four murals. 剩下四种壁画。 Li Tianming chose, currently speaking, is most suitable his Order, is one counter character mural. 李天命自己挑选了一下,目前来看,最适合他的秩序的,是一张‘逆字壁画’。 This mural, from Defying Heavenly Emperor! 这一壁画,来自‘逆天帝’!
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