FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2867: Raising of female fiendish person

Li Tianming turns head suddenly. 李天命猛然回头。 The back purple fog, beautiful figure standing is one of them, her purple long hair disperses, floating to Li Tianming at present, a pair of deep purple eye pupil like gem, on elegant face , if there is cold frost. 背后紫雾当中,一个倩影站在其中,她紫色长发飞散,飘然到李天命眼前,一双深紫色眼眸如同宝石,俏脸上如有寒霜。 Zi Zhen. 正是紫禛 As Heavenly Ghost Sacred Demon, her makings even more become strange, even if present soft younger sister shape, gloomy and cold scary. 作为‘天鬼圣魔’,她的气质愈发变得古怪,哪怕是如今的‘软妹’形态,也阴冷得吓人。 Until she looked at several Li Tianming, his cold intent, dissipated slightly some, making people feel comfortably, but was still not good to approach. 直到她看多了几眼李天命,其身上的冷意,才稍微消散一些,让人感觉舒服一点,但仍然不好靠近。 Li Tianming does not dare the same as tease her with the past. 只是,李天命不太敢和从前一样调侃她了。 This fellow, cultivating to be getting more and more profound, gives me such strong constriction, does not know that what degree now is in?” “这家伙,修为越来越高深了,给我这么强的压迫感,不知道如今又到了什么程度?” Li Tianming does not have all living things line blessing now, the boundaries or the Realm of Order 11 star boundaries, in the confidence are truly weaker. 李天命现在没有众生线加持,境界还是秩序之境十一星境,信心上确实微弱一些。 If on Sun, he estimated was full on the security sense. 如果是在太阳上,他估计就安全感十足了。 For a long time does not see, fortunately?” Li Tianming launches the smile to say. “好久不见,还好吧?”李天命展开笑脸道。 Zi Zhen has not answered his issue, but turns Xumi Ring, threw to Li Tianming, the complexion said lightly: Gives to you.” 紫禛并没回答他的问题,而是翻出来一个须弥之戒,扔给了李天命,面色平淡道:“送给你的。” What gadget?” “什么玩意儿?” Then long does not see, meets gives a present, this was also too polite. 那么久不见,一见面就送礼,这也太客气了。 The Li Tianming doubt looked at her one eyes, then opens that Xumi Ring one to look toward inside, his eye stared the circle immediately. 李天命狐疑看了她一眼,然后打开那须弥之戒往里面一看,他的眼睛顿时瞪圆了。 At the same time, both sides...... five!” “一面、两面……五面!” He sees, is five hexagons intersects in the same place, formed Order Ruins. 他所看到的,是五面六边形交叉在一起,形成的秩序墟 This Order Ruins interlocks mysteriously, is very complex, the bringing deep meaning, such as sea of the small-scale Order, only looked that then has the brain confused feeling. 秩序墟玄奥交错,无比复杂,自带奥义,如一个小型的秩序之海,只看一眼便有脑子错乱之感。 Five levels of Order Ruins?” “五级秩序墟?” Li Tianming has a dream has not thought, she, will give suddenly a precious gift. 李天命做梦都没想到,她会冷不丁的,给自己一份如此珍贵的礼物。 A little does not dare to receive to him preciously. 珍贵到他有点不敢收了。 After all idle work not by wealth. 毕竟无功不受禄。 The previous time, he for four levels of Order Ruins, exposed the status to the New Temple palace lord, making the ninth block everyone come under the influence, until now the Ancient Nether Kingdom high level is still seeking for his trail. 上一次,他为了一个四级秩序墟,向新神殿殿主暴露了身份,使得第九街区所有人都受到了影响,至今古冥国高层还在寻找他的踪迹。 That four levels of Order Ruins, above value several billions soul stones. 那四级秩序墟,价值数十亿魂石以上。 Five levels of Order Ruins, are the Ancient Nether Kingdom senior figure has probably it is said that more often does not have the city valuably, can say extremely preciously, these Ancient Nether Kingdom high-level juniors, rush to want. 五级秩序墟,据说得是古冥国高层人物才可能拥有,更多时候有价无市,可以说极其珍贵,那些古冥国的高层子弟,都是抢着要的。 Where do you obtain this treasure?” The Li Tianming shock asked. “你哪里得到这宝贝的?”李天命震惊问。 Taking was good, do not ask too.” Zi Zhen light say/way. “拿着就行了,别问太多。”紫禛淡淡道。 It is overbearing! 还挺霸道! Issue is, I solve the bizarre decline time for you, these conditions that puts forward, you have fulfilled.” Li Tianming said. “问题是,我为你解决异度衰竭时候,提的那些条件,你都已经履行了。”李天命道。 Your meaning is, don't you want? That gives back to me.” Zi Zhen puts out a hand, that slender finger seems somewhat pale in the purple fog. “你的意思是,你不想要?那还给我。”紫禛伸出手来,那纤细的手指在紫雾中显得有些苍白。 Not! Naturally wants, hehe.” Li Tianming scratches the head , said: Is a little embarrassed.” “不不不!当然要,嘿嘿。”李天命挠挠头,顿了顿,道:“就是有点不好意思。” Your facial skin is so thick, will be embarrassed?” Zi Zhen is very that earnest asking and has doubts very much. “你脸皮这么厚,也会不好意思吗?”紫禛很认真、很疑惑的问。 Goes! Do not talk nonsense.” Li Tianming stared her one eyes, hastily that five levels of Order Ruins receiving, said: Resulted , the gift I receive, then calculates that I owe you, you have any need at any time, no matter mediates lonely needs to share sorrow, can look for me momentarily.” “去!不要瞎说。”李天命瞪了她一眼,连忙把那五级秩序墟给收起来,道:“得了,礼物我就收下来,接下来算我欠你的,你任何时候有任何需要,不管是排解寂寞还是需要分忧,随时都可以找我。” I do not need.” Zi Zhen purses the lips, after hesitation moment, she withdrew several steps, looks at Li Tianming saying: You let my rebirth, this matter priceless, I come the safe/without matter a long time idly, looks for Order Ruins to you, you have free time to have a look then, if there is a harvest, I look for you.” “我不需要。”紫禛抿了抿嘴,沉吟片刻后,她退后了几步,看着李天命道:“你让我重生,这事是无价的,我很长一段时间闲来无事,就给你找秩序墟,你有空进来看看即可,若有收获,我就找你。” „......!” “……!” She is so good, made Li Tianming somewhat speechless actually. 她这么好,倒是让李天命有些无言了。 Really doesn't put forward a condition?” Li Tianming asked. “真的不提点条件?”李天命问。 Zi Zhen shakes the head, said: You are busy, bye.” 紫禛摇了摇头,道:“你忙吧,再见。” After saying, she especially is actually simple, turns around to disappear in the middle of the purple fog, goes at the extremely quick speed floating. 说完之后,她倒是格外干脆,转身就消失在紫雾当中,以极快的速度飘然而去。 Security is on, hey!” Li Tianming shouts to the back that she is departing. “安全为上,喂!”李天命对着她离去的背影喊道。 Zi Zhen has not responded, but should hear. 紫禛没有回应,但应该是听到了。 This was also too good.” Li Tianming also immerses in the middle of a unexpected happiness. “这也太好了。”李天命还沉浸在意外之喜当中呢。 You became the pretty boy, was ruled by force the female fiendish person to raise.” The Ying Huo (Firefly) eye puts the ecliptic. “你成了小白脸了,被霸道女魔王饲养了。”荧火眼睛放光道。 Your excited what?” Li Tianming asked speechless. “你激动个啥?”李天命无语问。 Does not have him, wants to have a look at the two ghost woman for the good play that to seize the young recruit slaughters merely.” Ying Huo (Firefly) said with a smile. “无他,仅仅只是想看看两个老妖婆为夺小壮丁而厮杀的好戏而已。”荧火啧啧笑道。 Go away.” “滚。” Li Tianming is drawing the without a gap different line, returned day intranuclear, returns to the middle of Nine Dragons Emperor Burial again. 李天命拉动着无间异度线,回到了日核内,再回到九龙帝葬当中。 He first was asking situation on a Dark Star. 他先是问了一下闇星上的情况。 At present the Ominous Beast wall loss of dark demon city is heavy, but Star Source Ominous Beast were too many, setting out Star Sea Divine Ship to bomb, needs to return to recharge unceasingly. 目前闇魔城的凶兽墙损失不轻,但恒星源凶兽实在太多了,出动星海神舰轰炸,都需要不断回归充能 To disintegrate the Ominous Beast wall thoroughly, lets the Dark Star Ominous Beast quantity sharp decline, obviously must a lot of time. 想要彻底瓦解凶兽墙,让闇星凶兽数量锐减,显然还得不少时间。 Now the pattern on Dark Star, was controlled thoroughly by Yi Daiyan, all folk cities and peak clans, including the Holy light envoy clan and other World King clans, standing that strengthened her, defended the Immeasurable Dao Temple justice. 现在闇星上的格局,算是被伊代颜彻底控制住了,所有民间城池、巅峰氏族,包括圣光使族界王族,都坚定的站在她这边,维护无量道场的正义。 I have the time, can try to absorb these five levels of Order Ruins!” “我有时间,可以试试吸收这五级秩序墟!” Li Tianming precipitates. 李天命沉淀下来。 These days the self-torture, makes his eight big Order return finally stably. 这一段时间苦修,总算让他的八大秩序回归稳定。 However, such quickly on attempt new, Order Ruins of higher level, is a little profound. 不过,这么快就尝试新的、更高级的秩序墟,还是有点玄。 Does not manage, Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World powerhouse will soon arrive, I as the first goal of opposite party, my individual battle strength am also very important. Even empty, can hit on the line! On this Sun, compared with me also empty!” “不管了,万道谷无上界强者即将降临,我作为对方的第一目标,我的个人战力也很重要。就算虚一点,能打就行!这太阳上,还有一个比我还虚的呢!” Thinks that also has Li Wudi to establish, Li Tianming decided to spell. 想到还有李无敌奠定,李天命决定拼了。 Ying Huo (Firefly) their Order, grew compared with Li Tianming together quickly, now sets the base on Li Tianming, so long as Li Tianming's Order grew, by Symbiotic Practice System, they can fast since the new boundary. 荧火它们就一道秩序,成长比李天命快多了,现在就李天命垫底,只要李天命的秩序成长起来,以共生修炼体系,他们能快速进入新的境界。 That is- 那就是- 12 star boundaries! 十二星境! Realm of Order last stage. 秩序之境的最后一个阶段。 Realm of Order small perfection, Dark Universe Chart comes, starts to transform toward Universe Great Chart, opens the Star God life the new stage, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 秩序之境小圆满,暗宇宙图现身,开始朝着宇宙宏图转变,开启星神生命的新阶段,更加不死不灭。 Without Universe Great Chart, no matter Li Tianming is strong, his vitality and fault-tolerant rate/lead, are worse compared with the Universe Chart Realm powerhouse. 没有宇宙宏图,不管李天命多强,他的生命力、容错率,比起宇宙图境强者还差一些。 In the middle of the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial secret room, the Li Tianming deep breath one breath, swallows into the whole body that five levels of Order Ruins, once that five levels of Order Ruins enter the human body, immediately changes to the invisible liquid flow, rushes to Li Tianming's Seven Star Organs, diverges the whole body, enters World Creation Order that’ Ji Ji gives. 九龙帝葬密室当中,李天命深呼吸一口气,将那五级秩序墟吞入周身,那五级秩序墟一旦进入人体,马上化作无形的液流,涌向李天命的七星脏,还有一份则分流全身,进入姬姬赋予的‘创世秩序’。 Heart and liver spleen lung kidney, purgatory, origin, chaos, Primordial Chaos and eternal life five big Order! 心肝脾肺肾,炼狱、起源、混沌、鸿蒙、永生五大秩序 Brain star organ, Life Tribulation Order! 大脑星脏,命劫秩序 seventh star organ, Emperor Order! 第七星脏,帝皇秩序 It is said a five levels of Order Ruins effect, even compares ten four levels of Order Ruins to be good. Previously four levels of Order Ruins, then made my boundary grow, this time should also the energy.” “据说一个五级秩序墟的效果,甚至比十个四级秩序墟都好。此前一个四级秩序墟,便让我境界成长,这一次应该也能。” Growth of eight big top Order, even if only the single layer, was too difficult. 八大顶级秩序的成长,哪怕只是一重,都太艰难了。 Li Tianming has no way to imagine simply, even if he is Eternal Ten Sides Great Life Tribulation, without Order Ruins, his boundary grows, slow! 李天命简直没法想象,纵使他是万古十方大命劫,若是没有秩序墟,他的境界成长,会有多慢! Order numerous and complex advantage, are once grows, is simply invincible.” 秩序众多、复杂的好处,就是一旦成长起来,简直无敌。” He is only 11 star boundaries, by the boundary, is too farther than Lin Xiaodao and Yi Daiyan difference, however battle strength on Sun, has approached toward these World Territory peak control. 他还是只是十一星境,论境界,比林小道伊代颜差太远,然而在太阳上的战力,已经朝着这些界域巅峰主宰靠近了。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Five levels of Order Ruins Order strengths, flood into Seven Star Organs, integrates in the middle of that eight big Order, the entire process has no pain, swallowed magical things practice too to be with ease more than past. 五级秩序墟秩序力量,涌入七星脏,融入那八大秩序当中,整个过程没有任何痛苦,比从前吞食灵物修行轻松太多。 Order Ruins this official taking medicine, is such perfect. 秩序墟这‘官方嗑药’,就是这么完美。 So long as has it, understands to control, can promote with ease. 只要拥有它,懂得节制,就能轻松提升。 Rises to me completely!” “全部都给我涨!” Without this period of time precipitates, perhaps this Order large scale growth, can be the castle in the air. 如果没有这段时间沉淀,这一次的秩序大幅度成长,恐怕会是空中楼阁。 Luckily, this Li Tianming resisted. 幸好,这次李天命抗住了。 His these eight big Order, have strongly self- consolidates the ability, these go against heaven's will the Order strength, so long as the will is firm, itself does not crash easily. 他这八大秩序,都有很强的自我稳固之能力,这些逆天秩序力量,只要意志坚定,本身也不容易崩盘。 Especially Emperor Order! 尤其是帝皇秩序
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