FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2866: Previous place

That is good.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “那再好不过。”神羲刑天道。 Dark Star Yi Daiyan, gave my teacher on the line. At the appointed time Supreme World over a hundred powerhouses, can ride your An demon to go to Sun with us. Puts to death Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming.” Li Fan said. 闇星伊代颜这边,交给我师尊就行了。届时无上界上百位强者,会和我们一起乘坐你的闇魔号去太阳。诛杀林小道李天命。”李凡道。 Attacks forcefully, possibly needs part of Star God to share the Stars Protection Barrier lethality. Our dark demon city only then million Star God, moreover was encircled, it is estimated that insufficiently.” Shenxi Xingtian said, looked at Meng Ying one. “强行攻进去,可能需要一部分星神来分担星辰守护结界的杀伤力。我们闇魔城只有百万星神,而且都被围死,估计不够。”神羲刑天说完,看了梦婴一眼。 Meng Ying cannot help laughing, said: Ok, this matter gives me, at the appointed time our Illusion Heaven God Clan sets out four million Star God armies, passes through Bizarre World to go, we under protecting barrier arranged the coordinates, four million Star God took their supreme headquarters.” 梦婴哑然失笑,道:“行吧,这事交给我,届时我们幻天神族出动四百万星神大军,穿越异度界进去,我们已经在守护结界下方定好坐标了,四百万星神直取他们大本营。” 4 million? Brother Meng Ying, are really the great writers!” Shenxi Xingtian says with emotion. “四百万?梦婴兄弟,真是大手笔!”神羲刑天感慨道。 His Dark Clan peak, on 400 ten thousand Star God, moreover disperses in entire Immeasurable World Territory. 闇族巅峰时期,也就四百多万星神,而且分散在整个无量界域 Illusion Heaven God Clan can set out four million Star God, this explained their total minimum over 10 million. 幻天神族能出动四百万星神,这说明他们总数起码一千万以上。 Normal, our Illusion Star volume, greatly were more than you, can be used to train the Star God resources more. Most critically, our Illusion Heaven God Clan series, controls Vault of Heaven World Territory, without internal friction internal fight, the nature is easy to store up Star God.” Meng Ying said. “正常,我们幻星的体积,本来就比你们大不少,能用来培养星神的资源更多。更关键的是,我们幻天神族一统,主宰天穹界域,没有内耗内斗,自然容易囤积星神。”梦婴道。 Regarding this, Shenxi Xingtian envies very much. 对此,神羲刑天很羡慕。 „The Immeasurable Dao Temple path, was wrong!” 无量道场的路子,就是错了!” After sighing with emotion, he looks to Meng Ying World King, said: Although does not have Star Sea Divine Ship, but, I have started to expect, the going against heaven's will invincible might of Illusion Spirit army 4 million mysteriously appear and disappear.” 感慨完后,他看向梦婴界王,道:“虽没星海神舰,不过,我已经开始期待,四百万神出鬼没的幻神大军的逆天神威了。” Has this foul odor for god Brother Xi, is the Immeasurable World Territory compatriot recaptures the homeland and dignity, drives away the intruder, our Illusion Heaven God Clan is bounden.” Meng Ying said. “为神羲兄弟出这一口恶气,为无量界域同胞夺回家园和尊严,驱赶入侵者,我们幻天神族义不容辞。”梦婴道。 Although trades, but at least, these words sound of pleasant to hear. 虽然都是交易,但最起码,这些话听起来好听啊。 Shenxi Xingtian has nothing to lose. 神羲刑天已经没什么好输的了。 Then, so long as gains, he will wrestle finally. 接下来,只要还有赚,他就会最后一搏。 That set, main attack Sun!” “那就定下了,主攻太阳!” ...... …… Sun! 太阳! Nine Dragons Emperor Burial and Sword God Star vestige returns, accepts in Heavenly Palace Divine World, the solar people ten thousand numerous cheer. 九龙帝葬剑神星遗迹返回,接受天宫神界内,太阳生民万众欢呼。 Full win, lets not know that Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World ordinary citizens, think the war had ended. 一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,让不知道万道谷无上界的寻常百姓,以为战争已经结束了。 The Dark Clan disastrous defeat, Li Tianming and Yi Daiyan become reconciled, the chaos caused by war ended, this is people estimates the most perfect result. 闇族惨败,李天命伊代颜和好,战乱结束,这是人们预想中最完美的结局。 Sun, fiery. 太阳,一片火热。 Most people do not know, the biggest crisis has covered the top of the head. 大多数人都不知道,最大的危机已经笼罩头顶。 The Heavenly Palace Divine World population density, simply is much higher. 天宫神界的人口密度,简直高得离谱。 Heavenly Palace Divine World, here is the pure land, once were disillusioned, here is a cemetery. 天宫神界还在,这里就是净土,一旦被破灭,这里便是坟场。 The casual bombardment, can evaporate over a hundred million human lives. 随便一次轰击,都能蒸发上亿人命。 Because of this, Li Tianming they and have nothing with ease. 正因为如此,李天命他们心里并没有任何轻松。 That side Dark Star, the Yi Daiyan Star Sea Divine Ship army, has started the bang to kill the Ominous Beast wall.” 闇星那边,伊代颜星海神舰大军,已经开始轰杀凶兽墙了。” If Shenxi Xingtian does not change, takes the Ominous Beast life to protect the dark demon city like this, that top year, Dark Star Ominous Beast, will die mostly 3/4!” “如果神羲刑天不变化,就这样拿凶兽的命护住闇魔城的话,那顶多半年时间,闇星凶兽,会死掉四分之三!” That was few, could not affect the Dark Star general situation. 那就很少了,更影响不了闇星大局。 If, Shenxi Xingtian does not care about these Ominous Beast life and death, shoulders like this, can only explain a point, that is- he is very confident to the following support, he thinks that the Myriad Dao Valley Supreme World powerhouse, can behead Yi Daiyan and your I.” Lin Xiaodao said earnestly. “如果说,神羲刑天不在乎那些凶兽生死,就这样扛下去的话,只能说明一点,那就是-他对接下来的支援很有信心,他认为万道谷无上界的强者,能斩首伊代颜和你我。”林小道认真说。 How to raise me? Doesn't my Immeasurable World Territory first talent have the sign surface?” Li Wudi stares to say. “怎么没提我?我无量界域第一天才没有牌面?”李无敌瞪眼道。 „......!” “……!” Li Tianming aspirates. 李天命吐了一口气。 „The Star Source war calculated to end, but the following peak slaughtered, was our great misfortune.” He said. 恒星源战争算结束了,但接下来的巅峰厮杀,才是我们的大劫。”他道。 Originally thinks that Immeasurable Rank Nine Dragons Emperor Burial in the hand, will not die. 本来以为无量级九龙帝葬在手,就再也不会死了。 Now looks, was more naive. 现在看,天真了一些。 Myriad Dao Valley told this group of people, the martial arts were the overlord of starry sky! 万道谷告诉这帮人,武道才是星空的霸主! No matter how said, Sun here, we cannot escape, the only way meets head-on. But the only means of meeting head-on, is stronger! I already limit. You final, looked that can also spell again.” Lin Xiaodao said. “不管怎么说,太阳就在这里,我们不能逃,唯一方法就是迎战。而迎战的唯一办法,就是更强!我已经极限了。你们最后,看还能不能再拼一下。”林小道说。 I continue to absorb Yanhuang Blood Soul, two secret room.” Li Wudi said. “我继续吸收炎黄血魂,还有两个密室。”李无敌道。 I? Before the bubble of fast breakthrough, consolidated actually similarly, but that side the Bizarre Abyss ninth block, was blocked early!” “我?之前快速突破的泡沫,倒是巩固得差不多了,但是异度深渊第九街区那边,早被封死了啊!” Li Tianming eight big Order, have Xu Realm Heavenly Soul, a Star God boundary breaks through, little said that is over several years. 李天命八大秩序,就是有垿境天魂,一次星神境界突破,少说都是几年以上。 Too difficult! 太难了! „, I go to Bizarre Abyss to try one's luck again.” Li Tianming said. “罢了,我再去异度深渊碰碰运气。”李天命道。 Goes, has what situation, we inform you momentarily.” Lin Xiaodao said. “去吧,有什么情况,我们随时通知你。”林小道说。 Inquires your younger sister's news while convenient again.” Li Wudi urging. “顺便再打探打探你妹的消息。”李无敌叮嘱。 Is wordy with your this Immeasurable World Territory first talent?” “用你这无量界域第一天才啰嗦?” ...... …… Once again through the without a gap different line, across that boundless white sea of clouds, arrived at Bizarre Abyss. 又一次通过无间异度线,穿过那茫茫白色云海,到达了异度深渊 The ninth block! 第九街区! Above the gloomy land, the strong purple fog sweeps across. 灰暗的大地之上,浓重的紫色云雾席卷。 The raising the head time, can see space that incomparably huge purple Eye of Heaven indistinctly, it indifferent, absorbs the person heart and soul. 抬头时候,隐约能看到天上那无比巨大的紫色上苍之眼,它冷漠、摄人心魄。 Bizarre Abyss, Li Tianming also had billions Yin Chen (silver dust) reserved, Li Tianming just arrived, their twinkling revived, starts work. 异度深渊这边,李天命还保留有几十亿的银尘,李天命刚到,它们就瞬息苏醒过来,开始‘工作’。 Looks at the Ancient Nether Kingdom recent situation, should still chase down me?” “看一下古冥国近况,应该还在追杀我吧?” Naturally.” “当然。” Until now, the ninth block everyone, was previously controlled in New Temple. 直到现在,先前第九街区所有人,都还被控制在新神殿 The ninth block, continually seal. 第九街区,持续封闭。 Looked to find Li Fan.” Li Tianming said. “看能不能找到李凡。”李天命道。 He guessed, this person definitely knows Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World comes the person rank and quantity. 他猜测,此人肯定知道万道谷无上界的来人级别、数量。 Although Li Tianming cannot be victorious Li Fan, but at least, Yin Chen (silver dust) can intercept. 虽然李天命打不过李凡,但最起码,银尘可以窃听。 Li Fan, not in!” Yin Chen (silver dust) draws the conclusion quickly. 李凡,不在!”银尘很快就得出结论。 You did not say, Ancient Nether Kingdom ban, the alien races do not permit, walked did not permit to come in again?” Li Tianming said. “你不是说,古冥国禁令一下,异族都不准走,走了不准再进来吗?”李天命道。 Yin Chen (silver dust) told him, the Myriad Dao Valley position was special, so long as were pure from the card, can walk. 银尘告诉他,万道谷地位特殊,只要‘自证清白’,可以走。 Ok!” “行吧!” Monitors Li Fan, is one of goals Li Tianming comes, since the opposite party in Bizarre World, that were not equal to wanting to fail. 监听李凡,是李天命进来的目的之一,对方既然不在异度界,那等于希望落空了。 Looks for the Zi Zhen present situation while convenient.” Li Tianming along with tastes. “顺便找下紫禛现状。”李天命随口道。 Oh! 哦了! Zi Zhen is getting more and more mystical, mysteriously appears and disappears in this Ancient Nether Kingdom imperial capital, Li Tianming does not know whether she can leave the ninth block. 紫禛越来越神秘,在这古冥国帝都神出鬼没,李天命都不知道,她是否能离开第九街区。 As for the strength, he did not know Zi Zhen to what degree completely. 至于实力上,他完全不知道紫禛到什么程度了。 He thinks Yin Chen (silver dust) looks for Zi Zhen, must for a long time to come very much, without thinking of also in a while, Yin Chen (silver dust) said: Zi Zhen. Appearance. She lets, you go, for the first time, meets, the place, looks for her.” 他本来以为银尘紫禛,得要很久来着,没想到还没过多久,银尘就道:“紫禛。现身。她让,你去,首次,见面,之地,找她。” Looks for her?” “找她?” Li Tianming is somewhat stunned. 李天命有些错愕。 She may be willing to meet finally. 她可终于舍得见面了。 The place of meeting, that attains the Ruins Returning Old Man Great Xia Chinese Character Illusion Spirit place for the first time, there is not far from the Li Tianming present position, moreover enough hides. 首次见面之地,那就是拿到归墟老人大夏汉字幻神的地方,那里距离李天命现在的位置不远,而且也足够隐蔽。 Li Tianming without delay, then lets that side. 李天命二话不说,便让那边去。 Her present condition how?” He spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “她现在状态咋样啊?”他随口问道。 Fierce.” Yin Chen (silver dust) used this word. “凶猛。”银尘用了这个词。 „Can a young broken little girl, where to go fiercely?” “一小破妞,能猛到哪里去?” Li Tianming shows the whites of the eyes, does not care at all. 李天命翻翻白眼,毫不在意。 Shortly , before he returned to the Ruins Returning Old Man grave . 不久后,他就回到了归墟老人的墓前。 „The entire ninth block, it is estimated that had been searched by rug, even this old grave was dug thoroughly.” Li Tianming is flabbergasted. “整个第九街区,估计都被地毯式搜索过,连这老坟都被挖透了。”李天命咋舌。 The issue is, Zi Zhen? 问题是,紫禛呢? He turned head to look. 他扭头看了一圈。 Comes out, peeps I to do? To make anything, frank and upright!” Li Tianming from channel. “出来吧,偷看我干什么?想做什么,光明正大一点!”李天命自信道。 Suddenly, lets the person whole body icy cold aura, appeared in him behind. 陡然,一股让人浑身冰凉的气息,出现了在他身后。 The Li Tianming twinkling is absolutely terrified. 李天命瞬息毛骨悚然。
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