FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2865: Myriad Dao Valley name

Mister Taihe disciple?” 太和先生的弟子?” Shenxi Xingtian that dim eyes, finally had some gloss. 神羲刑天那黯淡的双眼,总算有了一些光泽。 Invited.” He said. “有请。”他道。 The voice just fell, a Illusion Heaven God Clan powerhouse brings the orange of a long hair and waist sends Ghost God to step into An demon. 话音刚刚落下,一个幻天神族强者就带着一个长发及腰的橙发鬼神踏入闇魔号内。 That orange sends Ghost God, seemingly young capable, in the eye the star point about 1 million, or might also surpass 1 million. 那橙发鬼神,看起来年轻精壮,眼中星点近百万,或者亦有可能超过了百万。 When the Shenxi Xingtian vision, falls on Seven Star Universe Body of this youth, in the eye gushes out the dignified color immediately, to praise sighed: Really worthily is the Myriad Dao Valley peerless evildoer/monstrous talent, the so powerful mortal body, so big stars particle density, I have not experienced my entire life, admire!” 神羲刑天的目光,落在这青年的七星宇宙体时,眼睛里立刻涌出凝重之色,赞叹道:“真不愧是万道谷的绝世妖孽,如此强悍的肉身,如此大的星辰微粒密度,我一生都未曾见识过,佩服!” The real world and Bizarre Abyss Li Fan, is not Li Fan of Chengtian bridge. 现实世界、异度深渊李凡,可不是承天桥的李凡 Is close to be 2000-year-old he, with was limited to be 500-year-old initially he, at all is not a concept. 接近2000岁的他,和当初被限制到500岁的他,根本不是一种概念。 Even Lin Ke and Fengqing Youmeng have ninth Universe Chart, Li Fan can enter Myriad Dao Valley, real battle strength can be imagined. 林克风清幽梦都有第九宙图,李凡能入万道谷,真实战力可想而知。 That is natural! At the Li Fan stars particle quantity, if maintains the same density with common 1 million star point Companion Beast, his volume, will surpass your Dark Star biggest Companion Beast.” Meng Ying World King baby boy applause said. “那是自然!以李凡的星辰微粒数量,如果和寻常百万星点伴生兽保持相同密度,那他的体积,将会超过你们闇星最大的伴生兽。”梦婴界王的‘男婴’赞许道。 Not is only Companion Beast? In my war beast, except the bloodlines vine, the build biggest heart devil beast, it is estimated that is inferior to Li Fan.” Shenxi Xingtian says with emotion. “岂止是伴生兽?我的战兽里面,除开血脉藤,体型最大的心魔鬼兽,估计都不如李凡。”神羲刑天感慨道。 Numerous stars particles, condense to so the degree, it can be imagined this mortal body quality strong. 众多星辰微粒,凝缩到如此程度,可想而知这肉身素质有多强。 „It can be said that Brother Li Fan, making me realize the road of true Ghost God! To come peak Ghost God, pursues absolutely does not exceed the mortal body inflation of Human Race, but maintains the human form at the same time, increases the stars particle and density!” Shenxi Xingtian also said one. “可以说,李凡兄弟,让我认识到了真正的鬼神之路!想来最顶尖的鬼神,追求得绝对不是超越人族的肉身膨胀,而是保持人形的同时,增加星辰微粒和密度!”神羲刑天又说了一句。 He and Meng Ying, person, blows to ascend the sky Li Fan directly. 他和梦婴,一人一句,直接将李凡吹上了天。 However such praise, Li Fan has listened too, the two World Territory emperor status, as if is not too to him high-end, therefore he was only the politeness gave regards one, then said: Two World King overpraised, in Myriad Dao Valley, I am very ordinary one.” 然而这样的夸赞,李凡已经听太多了,两个界域帝王身份,对他来说似乎也不算太高端,所以他只是礼貌问好了一声,然后道:“两位界王过奖了,于万道谷,我不过是非常普通的一员。” Was modest.” Shenxi Xingtian said with a smile. “谦虚了。”神羲刑天笑道。 The loss is so big, he can also smile, sees the anti- setback ability to be very strong sufficiently. 损失这么大,他还笑得出来,足以见抗挫折能力很强。 The rout becomes this, but can also not be unhurried, is the talent. 溃败成这样,还能不慌,也是人才。 Li Fan is not glad insignificant exchanging greetings, he sits near this long table, said: „Before coming, Dark Clan encountered our Myriad Dao Valley to know. This Yi Daiyan starts the aggression, not only broke your Xi city too, brutally extinguishes kills several billions common people, right?” 李凡不太乐意无意义的寒暄,他坐在这长桌边上,道:“来之前,闇族的遭遇我们万道谷已经知晓了。这次伊代颜发动侵略,不但破了你的太羲城,更是无情灭杀数十亿苍生,对吧?” Right. She also killed my many Immeasurable Rank war beasts.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “对。她还杀了我许多无量级的战兽。”神羲刑天道。 Fighting the beast is not the key, the key is she launches the war on own initiative, killed too many innocent people.” Li Fan earnest say/way. “战兽不是关键,关键是她主动发动战争,害死了太多无辜人。”李凡认真道。 Right!” Shenxi Xingtian nods. “对!”神羲刑天点头。 God Xi World King should know, we as Myriad Dao Valley, cannot facilitate to meddle the internal controls of major World Territory, right?” Li Fan visits him to say. “神羲界王应该知道,我们作为万道谷,不能方便插手各大界域的内部治理,对吧?”李凡看着他说。 Listened to Meng Ying World King to say.” Shenxi Xingtian nods. “听梦婴界王说了。”神羲刑天点头。 That is good.” Li Fan coughs lightly, said: God Xi World King, Spirit of Light Demon Clan from Supreme World, invades your Immeasurable World Territory, forces the native influence treachery by individual military force, launches the Star Source war to attack you, creates the innumerable casualties and plunging the people into disaster. Yi Daiyan and her Spirit of Light Demon Clan, guilty of the most heinous crime, is unforgivable, therefore you as Immeasurable World Territory World King, seek help from Myriad Dao Valley, requested that I and others uphold the justice for you, protecting your Immeasurable World Territory is complete. Right?” “那就好。”李凡轻咳一声,道:“神羲界王,来自无上界光之灵魔族,入侵你们无量界域,以个人武力逼迫本土势力倒戈,发动恒星源战争进攻你们,造成无数死伤、生灵涂炭。伊代颜和她的光之灵魔族,罪大恶极,不可饶恕,故而你作为无量界域界王,向万道谷求助,请求我等为你主持公道,护你无量界域周全。对吧?” Right! Is this! Our Dark Clan, would rather die than surrender, defends the Immeasurable World Territory warrior. Yi Daiyan is the intruder.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “对!就是这样!我们闇族,才是宁死不屈,保卫无量界域的斗士。伊代颜是外界入侵者。”神羲刑天道。 Considering the Yi Daiyan evil act, our Myriad Dao Valley decided that sends out Mister Taihe to uphold the justice for you. Meanwhile, Supreme World Divine Hidden Clan because of invasion of secretly Spirit of Light Demon Clan, expressed deep regrets, decided that coordinated Mister Taihe and you captures Yi Daiyan on own initiative!” Li Fan sincere said. “鉴于伊代颜的罪恶行径,我们万道谷决定派出太和先生为你们主持公道。与此同时,无上界神隐族光之灵魔族的私自入侵,深表歉意,决定配合太和先生和你们主动擒拿伊代颜!”李凡正色说道。 Our Vault of Heaven World Territory, as the Immeasurable World Territory blood brother, we are also willing to set out some powerhouses, upholds the justice for god Xi World King, but also Immeasurable World Territory ringing universe.” Meng Ying World King said with one voice. “我们天穹界域,作为无量界域的亲兄弟,我们亦愿意出动一些强者,为神羲界王主持公道,还无量界域朗朗乾坤。”梦婴界王齐声说道。 Good! Thank, feels grateful!” Shenxi Xingtian slightly has the excitement. “好!感谢,感恩!”神羲刑天略有激动。 Everyone smiles. 大家相视一笑。 Li Fan shrugs, added: These names and banners, sound very bored, but is actually very essential. When my teacher and Supreme World friend arrives and acts, at the appointed time you must disseminate as soon as possible, lets our making a move, turns into the nominal justice!” 李凡耸耸肩,补充道:“这些名义、旗号,听起来很无聊,但其实很关键。等我师尊和无上界的朋友降临、出手,届时你们务必需要尽快传播出去,让我们的出手,变成名义上的正义!” Understands!” “懂!” Shenxi Xingtian understands certainly this field of endeavor. 神羲刑天当然深谙此道。 In fact, in this time defeats on, he also has very big nominal justice in the folk. 实际上,在这次战败上,他在民间还有很大的名义正义。 Strength is to decide the basis of victory and defeat. But the name is just, can let successfully improve on perfection, avoids tracing troublesome.” Li Fan said. “实力是决定胜负的根本。但名义正义,能让胜利锦上添花,也避免很多追查麻烦。”李凡道。 Asked Myriad Dao Valley to feel relieved, so long as Yi Daiyan died, on this Dark Star, will not have to be disobedient again my person. At the appointed time, I said anything, that is anything.” Shenxi Xingtian vision cold and gloomy say/way. “请万道谷放心,只要伊代颜一死,这闇星上,就不会再有忤逆我的人。届时,我说什么,那便是什么。”神羲刑天目光森冷道。 „The authority of god Xi World King, we naturally are believe.” Li Fan smiles to say. “神羲界王之权威,我们自然是相信的。”李凡莞尔道。 In An demon, the people smiled. 闇魔号内,众人笑了。 Shenxi Xingtian follows to smile. 神羲刑天跟着笑。 Although he loses too miserably, is very at heart bitter, however hopeful, he can also fierce, twist the facial features, waits for is stepping on Yi Daiyan the day of the under foot. 虽然他输得太惨,心里很苦,然而有希望在,他也能狰狞、扭曲着面容,等待着将伊代颜踩在脚下那一天。 „The right and wrong success or failure, the twinkling inverts, you, do not want is too early happily.” In Shenxi Xingtian heart the fire of extremely heavy hatred, flaming combustion. “是非成败,瞬息颠倒,你们,千万不要高兴太早。”神羲刑天心中万钧仇恨之火,熊熊燃烧。 After agreeing the good name the matter, then discussed the specific cooperation. 约定好名义的事情后,接下来谈具体合作。 Li Fan emphasized: Yi Daiyan and Li Tianming, guaranteeing a minimum method of this both sides, emerges one after another incessantly, although in my hand currently has to break their Star Sea Divine Ship treasure, I and your two, seem like that can go to that Heavenly Weight Rank world to solve the problem, does not need my teacher and Supreme World senior runs one......, but I believe, at this time, we do not return to the light road. Then little segment time, we hold troops.” 李凡强调说:“伊代颜李天命,这双方的保底手段,层出不穷,虽然我手里现在就有打破他们星海神舰的宝贝,我和你们二位,看似就能去那天钧级世界解决问题,不需要我师尊和无上界的前辈跑一趟……但我认为,都这时候了,我们就不要重蹈轻的覆辙了。接下来小段时间,我们就按兵不动。” Reasonable.” “有道理。” Shenxi Xingtian several times, think that enough takes the opposite party, finally missed one step. 神羲刑天好几次,都认为足够拿下对方,结果就差了一步。 He lost on the impatience. 他就是输在心急上了。 My this time really has not thought of them to be able the treachery! Now thinks, may be Lin Xiaodao and Lin Feng, ahead of time obtained Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World news.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “我这次真是没想到他们会倒戈!现在想想,有可能是林小道林枫,提前得到了万道谷无上界的消息。”神羲刑天道。 Who divulges?” Li Fan cold sound asked. “谁泄露的?”李凡冷声问。 Might be Star Hunter manage a household greatly is discovered.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “有可能是猎星者大当家被发现了。”神羲刑天道。 He knows Fengqing Youmeng also that side Sun, but matter had happened, he naturally not at Meng Ying surface premise. 他知道风清幽梦还在太阳那边,不过事情已经发生了,他当然不会在梦婴面前提。 Ahead of time knows also uselessly, only if he discards Sun now, runs away to enter the starry sky wilderness.” Meng Ying sneers. “提前知道也没用,除非他现在舍弃太阳,逃窜进入星空荒漠。”梦婴冷笑。 As far as I know, by Lin Feng and Yi Daiyan individuality, cannot absolutely. They do not know that Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World come the scale of person, many will be proud, has leaving things to chance.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “据我所知,以林枫伊代颜的个性,绝对不会。他们不知道万道谷无上界来人的规模,多少会自傲,有侥幸心理。”神羲刑天道。 Hope so, it seems like must make my teacher they again quicker.” Li Fan said. “希望如此吧,看来还得让我师尊他们再快一些。”李凡道。
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