FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2864: Very miserable

The Dark Star ten thousand numerous burst with joy again. 闇星万众再度沸腾。 In the middle of mood that then in all Immeasurable Dao Temple followers anticipate, goes to the Ominous Beast wall Star Sea Divine Ship to see with one's own eyes, the heart devil beast died on Immeasurable World Monument! 然后在所有无量道场信徒们期待的心情当中,很多前往凶兽墙的星海神舰亲眼看到,心魔鬼兽死在了无量界碑上! In addition too Xi demon beast, Yi Daiyan kills four Great Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast continually. 加上太羲魔兽,伊代颜连杀四大无量级凶兽 Entire Dark Star, Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast only has a bloodlines vine! 整个闇星,无量级凶兽只剩下一头血脉藤! The life span form and Star God of bloodlines vine are different, it is said it lived for tens of thousands years, is on Dark Star the most ancient lifeform, in the true sense achieved did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 血脉藤的寿命形式和星神不同,据说它活了几万年,是闇星上最古老的生物,真正意义上达到了不死不灭。 The plant Ominous Beast life, is truly mysterious. 植物凶兽生命,确实神奇。 As the king of Dark Star Ominous Beast, the bloodlines Fujiyuki invincible might, no one did not fear, moreover it is everywhere, even if now, its branches and leaves stretch out the Dark Star ground, flutters everywhere. 作为闇星凶兽之王,血脉藤之神威,无人不怕,而且它无处不在,哪怕是现在,它的枝叶都伸出闇星地面,四处招展。 However! 然而! Even Yi Daiyan could not solve her temporarily, she killed four Great Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast things to pass on continually, to the vibration of Dark Star Immeasurable Dao Temple, was as good as too Xi city to be shattered. 就算伊代颜暂时解决不了她,她连杀四大无量级凶兽的事情传出去,对闇星无量道场的震动,不亚于太羲城破灭。 Is one win!” “又是一场大胜!” Dark Star Ominous Beast, creates disaster for a long time, first World King cuts to kill four big Immeasurable Ominous Beast now, the merit is high!” 闇星凶兽,为患已久,如今第一界王斩杀四大无量凶兽,功高盖世!” First World King Yi Daiyan, inevitably throughout the ages!” “第一界王伊代颜,势必千秋万代!” „The Dark Clan mouse and Dark Star Ominous Beast, exterminates surely! This side world, only belongs to our Human Race sooner or later.” 闇族老鼠、闇星凶兽,必定灭绝!这一方天地,迟早只属于我们人族。” Dark Star boils again. 闇星再度沸腾。 Previous time boils also shortly , such inspired news, was really been again maddening. 上次沸腾还没多长时间,再次得到这样振奋的消息,实在让人发狂。 Outside the dark demon city, the soldier in many Immeasurable Dao Temple Star Sea Divine Ship, sees with one's own eyes Yi Daiyan to cut to kill the heart devil beast, the innermost feelings is shocked without doubt. 闇魔城外,很多无量道场星海神舰中的战士,亲眼看到伊代颜斩杀心魔鬼兽,内心无疑更加震动。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! World shake. 天下震荡。 At this moment, position of Yi Daiyan on Dark Star, is supreme, even if Li Tianming Lin Xiaodao this time renders meritorious service greatly, is incomparable. 此刻后,伊代颜闇星上的地位,更是至高无上,哪怕李天命林小道这次立功巨大,也是不能比较的。 In such atmosphere, that white hair succuba grasps a sword, is stepping on the corpse of heart devil beast, turns away from the rear tens of trillions of Star Source beast tide safely, said to several million Star Sea Divine Ship that these were just arriving at: At this time can kill these four big Immeasurable Ominous Beast, the Sword God Lin Clan Lin Feng merit is huge, was he locked the Ominous Beast position for me, otherwise I spent millennium for ten thousand years, was impossible to seize these four sin dreadful evildoer/monstrous talent.” 在这样的氛围中,那白发魔女手持一剑,踩着心魔鬼兽的尸体,安然背对后方的数十万亿恒星源兽潮,对着那些刚刚到达的数百万星海神舰道:“此时能杀这四大无量凶兽,剑神林氏林枫功劳巨大,是他为我锁定了凶兽位置,否则我花费千年万年,都不可能逮住这四只罪孽滔天的妖孽。” The words that this emphasized specially, made people slightly somewhat bewildered actually. 这一段特意强调的话,倒是让人们稍微有些莫名其妙。 „Don't World King how for fear that we feel grateful Lin Feng?” 界王怎么生怕我们不感激林枫似的?” This is the good deed, explained them really already the vanishing past animosity! Such Immeasurable Dao Temple is stabler! She wants to make us accept Lin Feng, explained that their relations, is really excellent.” “这是好事,说明他们真的已经冰释前嫌了!这样的无量道场更加稳固!她想让我们接受林枫,说明他们的关系,真是极好。” Moreover, I truly heard, eye that this Lin Feng pair looks at completely the world, is terrifying, anybody does not have the secret in his there. On in that Sun the ghost, is he searches. This indicated that World King can kill four big evildoer/monstrous talent, really has the Lin Feng merit.” “而且,我确实听说,这林枫有一双看尽天下的眼睛,非常恐怖,任何人在他那里都没有秘密。那太阳上一个个内鬼,都是他搜出来的。这说明界王能杀四大妖孽,确实有林枫的功劳在内。” World King is truly great!” 界王确实伟大!” „Did you forget? The hearsay they were mother and child...... even Sword God Lin Clan accept this fact. Lin Mu and Yi Daiyan first give birth, then the middle two people do not know to have problems, but finally, mother and son became reconciled. After all shares the same roots.” “你们忘记了?传闻他们就是母子……连剑神林氏都接受这个事实了。林慕伊代颜先生子,然后中间两人不知道出了什么问题,但最后,母亲和儿子和好了。毕竟血脉相连。” Reasonable.” “有道理。” Even if there is a father crux, when son, how also to hate mother?” “纵使有父亲这个症结在,当儿子的,又怎样怨恨母亲呢?” The broad masses, the brain had made up many unusual dog blood story, gave in these questionable points the circle automatically. 广大人民群众,已经脑补了不少非同寻常的狗血故事,自动把这些疑点给圆上了。 No matter how said that everyone's excited at the same time, relaxes at heart. 不管怎么说,人人激动的同时,心里也都松了一口气。 They, did not fear Dark Clan! 他们,更加不怕闇族了! Present Dark Clan, except for the bloodlines vine and An demon, really and Holy light envoy clan was similar.” “现在的闇族,除了血脉藤和闇魔号,真的和圣光使族差不多了。” „A slightly powerful point ordinary World King clan, Sword God Lin Clan was even inferior!” “一个稍微强大点的普通界王族,连剑神林氏都不如!” Does not have the threat again.” “再无威胁。” Now, on and other Star Sea Divine Ship, destroys that Ominous Beast wall step by step, exterminated Dark Star Ominous Beast!” “现在,就等我们的星海神舰,一步步摧毁那凶兽墙,灭绝闇星凶兽了啊!” Exciting!” “大快人心!” Dark Star, the world rouses. 闇星,全球振奋。 War threats, dissipation! 战争威胁,消散! Worldwide celebration! 普天同庆! To the average person, they had seen the peace dawn. 对普通人来说,他们已经看到了和平的曙光。 ...... …… Dark demon city! 闇魔城! In An demon! 闇魔号内! When Shenxi Xingtian hear of people reported, the heart devil beast dies, when outside dark demon city, in his eye that black ink black liquid, crash-bang falling, his skeleton facial features, dyeing black. 神羲刑天听人报告,心魔鬼兽死在闇魔城外的时候,他眼中那墨黑色的液体,哗啦啦的落下,将他的骷髅面容,给染成了黑色。 Very miserable. 别提有多惨了。 Doesn't matter.” At this time, some back people spoke. “没关系。”就在这时候,背后有人说话。 Shenxi Xingtian has turned head, youth men and women of pair of skin old wrinkle, appeared in him behind, two people hair were pale, the complexion was grieved, resembling young also was very old, seemed extremely strange. 神羲刑天回过头,一对皮肤老皱的青年男女,出现在了他的身后,两人头发苍白,面色惨然,似年轻却又很老,显得极其怪异。 Meng Ying Mr. and Mrs. World King. 正是梦婴界王夫妇。 After Li Wudi ruins many young vat babies, they have stayed such condition, egg star Demon Art could not save them. 李无敌毁掉不少小缸婴儿后,他们就一直保持这样的状态,卵星魔功都救不了他们。 „Hasn't this related?” The Shenxi Xingtian sound twists, cannot listen to cry or smile, instead is very ugly. “这还没关系?”神羲刑天声音扭曲,听不出是在哭还是在笑,反而很难看。 Has not truly related, the war level, you have lost in any case to the end, Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast to the powerhouse showdown, the use is not big.” Baby boy sat before him, is staring at Shenxi Xingtian, said: Now only needs the dedicated powerhouse level to be OK.” “确实没关系,反正战争层面,你已经输到头了,无量级凶兽对强者对决来说,用处不大。”‘男婴’在他面前坐了下来,盯着神羲刑天,道:“现在只需要专注强者层面就可以了。” Baby girl then said ; Shenxi Xingtian, do not look that you lose now miserably, then, only need Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World powerhouse to arrive, helping you kill Yi Daiyan, Lin Xiaodao, Lin Feng and the others, on Dark Star Immeasurable Dao Temple instantaneous a group of people without a leader, the remaining people cannot haunch the scene, your Dark Clan can compel everyone to stand you with ease, relaxed, monopolizes again.” ‘女婴’接着道;“神羲刑天,别看你现在输得多惨,接下来,只需要万道谷无上界的强者降临,帮你杀了伊代颜林小道林枫等人,闇星无量道场瞬间群龙无首,剩下的人根本撑不起场面,你们闇族还是能够轻松逼所有人站在你们这边,轻轻松松,再度一统天下。” The baby boys nod saying: Right! This is the clan background, these do not have the clan of background, supports by a two miracle person, these people die, actually their interior is the empty shell.” 男婴点头道:“对!这就是氏族底蕴,那些没有底蕴的氏族,都是靠一两个奇迹人士撑起来的,这些人一死,其实他们内部都是空壳。” The baby girls continue saying: At that time, do not make Immeasurable Dao Temple this system ten million/countless again, wants the bloody suppression, oppresses the existing space of other World King clans, even extinguishes up them, reveres Dark Clan alone! So long as you control the entire star life, making the position of hunger World King forever hereditary, gathers entire Immeasurable World Territory material back and forth blood Dark Clan, ten thousand years, your Dark Clan is surely more magnificent, lords over Dark Star, all that today loses, will supplement at the appointed time, moreover this is the power of throughout the ages , like our Illusion Heaven God Clan.” 女婴继续道:“那时候,你千万就别再弄无量道场这种制度了,一定要血腥镇压,压迫其他界王族的生存空间,甚至灭光他们,独尊闇族!只要你控制住全星命脉,让饥界王之位永远世袭,汇聚全无量界域的资料来回血闇族,不出万年,你们闇族必定更加辉煌,独霸闇星,今日失去的一切,届时都会补充回来,而且这才是千秋万代的强盛,和我们幻天神族一样。” Their two is a happy couple, the two person spoke, told a person. 他们两个夫唱妇随,两个人说话,就跟一个人说的似的。 After Shenxi Xingtian hear, the complexion was finally more relaxed. 神羲刑天听完后,面色终于轻松多了。 His paralysis on the chair, said with a smile grieved: „, No matter you said that these do have the significance, I was the letter/believes, at least like this, my can be happier. Moreover anticipated that Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World friends arrived.” 他瘫在椅子上,惨然笑道:“罢了,不管你们说这些有没有意义,我还是信了吧,起码这样,我心情能好一些。而且更期待万道谷无上界的朋友们降临了。” Will not be long. They have shifted from Supreme World to Myriad Dao Valley, then from Myriad Dao Valley to my Vault of Heaven World Territory. These days, you are hiding considering as finished, do not cause trouble again.” The baby boys said. “不会太久了。他们已经从无上界转移到万道谷了,接下来就是从万道谷到我天穹界域。这段时间,你就躲着算了,别再生事了。”男婴道。 Naturally, we can present a Myriad Dao Valley key man for you today.” The baby girls said. “当然,今天我们就可以为你引见一个万道谷的关键人物。”女婴道。 Who?” Shenxi Xingtian anticipates to ask slightly. “谁呢?”神羲刑天略微期待问。 Mister Taihe disciple.” The baby boys, the back presents a Bizarre World vortex at this point, he hit the sound to refer , the smile said: Comes out, Li Fan.” 太和先生的弟子。”男婴说到这里,背后出现一个异度界漩涡,他打了响指,微笑道:“出来吧,李凡。” ...... …… 6 chapters. 六章。 New week. 新的一周。 tui jian piao firewood! Qiu piao! 蓷鞯飃唰薪了!俅飃!
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