FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2863: Heart devil beast

She is also lucky Li Tianming, otherwise the bottom world is so boundlessly giant, everywhere is Star Source and element god disaster and Universe Heavenly Yuan, she looks for over a thousand years, could not find these giant beasts! 她也多亏李天命,要不然地底世界如此巨大无边,到处都是恒星源、元素神灾和宇宙天元,她找上千年,都找不到这些巨兽! Bottom world, like vast ocean, even if these giant beasts such as the great whale is giant, that cannot look. 地底世界,如同汪洋大海,纵使这些巨兽如巨鲸般巨大,那也找不着。 Was deadlocked the position by Yin Chen (silver dust), that was basically equal to catching a turtle in a jar.” “被银尘锁死位置,那基本等于瓮中捉鳖了。” Look!” “看吧!” Li Tianming they returns, while is waiting for the Yin Chen (silver dust) report present situation. 李天命他们一边返回,一边等着银尘汇报现状。 Quick! 很快! Yi Daiyan with three prey overheads, the first prey bumped into. 伊代颜就和三头猎物当头,第一头猎物碰上了。 She naturally without delay, starts to cut to kill! 她自然是二话不说,开始斩杀! That deepest place bottom world, no one can see the tactical situation. 那最深的地底世界,谁都看不到战况。 Li Tianming intense waiting. 李天命紧张等待。 About the general quarter of an hour, Yin Chen (silver dust) feeds in the news. 大概一刻钟左右,银尘就传回消息。 Killed!” “杀了!” Heard this accidental/surprised two character, Li Tianming expects even, somewhat admired. 听到这不出意外的两个字,李天命就算预料到了,还是有些佩服。 Really is fierce!” He says with emotion. “真是厉害!”他感慨道。 Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, extinguishes casually kills. 无量级凶兽,随随便便灭杀。 „Very normal. Ominous Beast is getting more and more powerful, will have development in some types, Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast on Dark Star, is very big, to ordinary High God lethality terrifying, but resists top single body powerhouse ability deviation some. After all they have not had Seven Star Universe Body.” Lin Xiaodao said. “很正常。凶兽越来越强大,会有一些类型上的发展,闇星上的无量级凶兽,都很大,对普通上神杀伤力恐怖,但对抗顶尖的单体强者能力都偏差一些。毕竟它们没没有七星宇宙体。”林小道说。 Before Realm of Order, Star Source Ominous Beast is stronger than the person and Companion Beast. 秩序之境前,恒星源凶兽比人、伴生兽都强。 After Realm of Order, is Star God is strong! 秩序之境后,还是星神强! Dark Star altogether five Immeasurable Rank Star Source Ominous Beast, are the Shenxi Xingtian partners, these five Ominous Beast add on Shenxi Xingtian, once lost to Yi Daiyan, not to mention now. 闇星一共五头无量级恒星源凶兽,都是神羲刑天的伙伴,这五头凶兽加上神羲刑天,曾经都败给伊代颜,更不用说现在。 At that time, Yi Daiyan put to death their weapons deficient. 当时,伊代颜缺乏诛杀它们的兵器。 Now had! 现在有了! Has Immeasurable World Monument, but can also have selects the Ominous Beast opportunity only, by Yi Daiyan battle strength, extinguishes it kills truly easily. 无量界碑,还能有单挑凶兽的机会,以伊代颜战力,将其灭杀确实容易。 Another two do start to escape?” Li Tianming asked Yin Chen (silver dust) hastily. “另外两头开始逃吗?”李天命连忙问银尘 God Xi, punishment day, but also no, receives, news.” “神羲,刑天,还没,收到,消息。” „......!” “……!” These Ominous Beast hide too, they and Shenxi Xingtian, is not the symbiotic practice relations, the relation, without Beast Master and Companion Beast is close. 这些凶兽躲藏得太远,它们和神羲刑天,又不是共生修炼关系,彼此之间的联系,没有御兽师伴生兽紧密。 At this time, died Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, Shenxi Xingtian actually does not know! 这种时候,死了一头无量级凶兽,神羲刑天竟然不知道! Or he knows quite slowly. 或者说,他知道得比较慢。 To Beast Master, this is also inconceivable. 御兽师来说,这也是不可思议的。 Therefore , so-called infinite Beast Master, has the strong point, there is a weak point.” “所以说,所谓的无限御兽师,有长处,也有短处。” Yi Daiyan has rushed to second Ominous Beast, that second Ominous Beast also defers to the instruction of Shenxi Xingtian, hides in the place bottom deep place. 伊代颜已经奔赴向第二头凶兽,那第二头凶兽还按照神羲刑天的吩咐,躲藏在地底深处。 This gave Yi Daiyan to extinguish its opportunity! 这给了伊代颜灭了它的机会! Naturally, its body has Yin Chen (silver dust), did not run away. 当然,它身上有银尘,也逃不了。 To the trillion common people, Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast is the nightmare, however to Yi Daiyan, with killing pig. 万亿苍生来说,无量级凶兽是噩梦,然而对伊代颜来说,就跟杀猪似的。 Also made her catch! 又让她逮到了! Until this time, third Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, ran in the direction of dark demon city, wants to converge the beast tide of dark demon city to maintain life. 直到这时候,第三头无量级凶兽,才往闇魔城的方向跑,想汇入闇魔城的兽潮保命。 That side Shenxi Xingtian, should obtain the news. 神羲刑天那边,应该得到消息了。 Without Yin Chen (silver dust), they truly do not use the beast tide, that position is easier to expose. 没有银尘,它们确实不用去兽潮,那个位置更容易暴露。 Fights a battle to force a quick decision!” “速战速决!” Li Tianming told the news of Yi Daiyan that third Ominous Beast rapid traverse. 李天命告诉了伊代颜那第三头凶兽快速移动的消息。 Knows.” “知道。” Yi Daiyan displays full power, Consciousness Spirit Pseudo Shape 6-Layer, Immeasurable World Monument changes to incomparably giant sword blade, her governing sword puncture, black sword astral puts on the day of penetrating place, does not have the body of Star God this, big strangles to death the meat sauce to boundless Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast purely. 伊代颜全力施展,识神拟象六重,无量界碑化作无比巨大的剑锋,她御剑穿刺,黑色剑罡穿天彻地,将这没有星神之体,纯粹大到无边的无量级凶兽绞杀成肉酱。 This meat quantity, was really big enough to is boundless!” “这肉量,真是大到无边了!” Xian Xian has cried greedily! 仙仙已经馋哭了! What a pity, it has eaten today too full. 可惜,它今天已经吃得太饱了。 Present Dark Star, simply is her heaven, the war of that too Xi city, she had just eaten to spit quickly, even spirit body turned into one completely fat and not the greasy young fatty. 现在的闇星,简直是她的天堂,刚刚那一场太羲城之战,她已经快吃吐了,连灵体都完全变成了一个肥而不腻的小胖子。 Therefore, she can only look helplessly second Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast died, that powerful and tenacious flesh, by Star Source strength cremation. 于是,她只能眼睁睁看着第二头无量级凶兽死去,那强大、坚韧的血肉,被恒星源力量焚化。 To be honest, these Immeasurable Rank Star Source Ominous Beast flesh, the ordinary Heavenly Weight Rank Heavenly Yuan Divine Item estimate chops unable to cut, but must be Immeasurable World Monument!” “说实话,这些无量级恒星源凶兽的血肉,普通天钧级天元神器估计都劈斩不开,还得是无量界碑!” Yi Daiyan now, depends on Immeasurable World Monument this trump card, killing Dark Clan is wiped out to the last man. 伊代颜现在,就靠无量界碑这王牌,杀得闇族片甲不留。 Then, except for not being able to kill the bloodlines vine, remaining last are escaping to Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast of dark demon city. 如此一来,除了杀不死的血脉藤,就剩下最后一头正在逃亡向闇魔城的无量级凶兽了。 Li Tianming gave her to direct the position! 李天命给她指引了位置! Yi Daiyan breaks open the rock and magma of bottom world by Immeasurable World Monument, she in the speed that the place bottom world goes through, is quicker than any Ominous Beast and Star Sea Divine Ship. 伊代颜无量界碑破开地底世界的岩石、岩浆,她在地底世界穿行的速度,比任何凶兽星海神舰都要快。 In front of Immeasurable World Monument, the soil and rock of bottom world, with tofu. 无量界碑面前,地底世界的泥土、岩石,都跟豆腐似的。 This also lets Li Tianming sober realizing, to Cultivator, Heavenly Yuan Divine Item is most important, and protects barrier as for Star Sea Divine Ship, is protection all living things, fights for the war weapon of domain, has no way to be used to participate in the true powerhouse fighting. 这也让李天命清醒的意识到,对一个修炼者来说,天元神器才是最重要的,至于星海神舰和守护结界,都是保护众生、争抢地盘的战争武器,没法用来参与真正的强者争锋。 Including Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, actually favors war weapon! 包括无量级凶兽,其实都倾向于‘战争武器’! Therefore they when facing having Immeasurable World Monument Yi Daiyan, so will be distressed. 所以它们在面对有无量界碑伊代颜的时候,才会这么狼狈。 They, kill all living things to be an expert, kill the peak powerhouse, is not good! 它们,杀众生在行,杀巅峰强者,不行! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Third Immeasurable Ominous Beast, runs away toward the dark demon city in a panic. 第三头无量凶兽,仓皇朝着闇魔城逃窜。 Yi Daiyan chases down high-speed! 伊代颜高速追杀! Does not have the Yin Chen (silver dust) words, the place bottom world of most deep place, is truly safer than the dark demon city by. What a pity, Shenxi Xingtian, actually you lost to me!” “没有银尘的话,最深处的地底世界,确实比闇魔城旁边还要安全。可惜,神羲刑天,其实你还是输给了我!” Lost to Immemorial Chaos Giant Beast. 输给了太古混沌巨兽 Going against heaven's will of Yin Chen (silver dust), in war, everywhere. 银尘的逆天,在战争之中,无处不在。 „Can dust master, according to both speed, Yi Daiyan catch up with that heart devil beast?” Lin Xiaodao asked. “尘爷,按照两者速度来看,伊代颜能追上那‘心魔鬼兽’吗?”林小道问。 This is the third Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast name. 这就是第三头无量级凶兽的名字。 Should, Ok. However, the place, can be, dark demon, city, nearby!” “应该,可以。不过,地点,会是,闇魔,城池,附近!” In other words, is a little dangerous! 也就是说,有点悬! Bloodlines vine has no way, if can butcher this heart devil beast, Dark Clan really did not have the striving for hegemony ability in war......” Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao looks at each other one. “血脉藤没法,如果能把这心魔鬼兽宰了,闇族就真的没有战争方面的争霸能力了……”李天命林小道对视一眼。 Very essential! 很关键! They wait slowly! 他们慢慢等! After less than half double-hour . 小半个时辰后。 Yin Chen (silver dust) fed in the news. 银尘传回了消息。 Yi Daiyan, caught up! 伊代颜,追上了! However, place near the Ominous Beast wall of dark demon city, in other words, under the nose of Shenxi Xingtian. 不过,地点就在闇魔城的凶兽墙附近,也就是说,在神羲刑天的眼皮底下。 „Does Shenxi Xingtian dare to come out to rescue the heart devil beast?” Li Tianming asked. 神羲刑天敢不敢出来救心魔鬼兽?”李天命问。 Also no!” “还没!” Li Tianming smiled, said: This fellow is really timid, it seems like he must in front of the dark demon city, give up the heart devil beast.” 李天命笑了,道:“这家伙果然胆小,看来他要在闇魔城面前,放弃心魔鬼兽了。” If he must rescue, actually has come out to greet, not when Yi Daiyan pursues the careful devil beast, but also in dark demon city. 如果他要救,其实早就出来迎接了,不会在伊代颜追上心魔鬼兽的时候,还在闇魔城内。 He truly lost miserably, now the stance is very low, his only hope was Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World. I guessed that before this both sides support arrives, no matter we how provoke, attacks his Ominous Beast wall, he will not go to battle again.” Lin Xiaodao said. “他确实输惨了,现在姿态很低,他唯一的希望就是万道谷无上界。我猜测这双方支援到达之前,不管我们如何挑衅,攻击他的凶兽墙,他都不会再出战了。”林小道说。 All such as Lin Xiaodao expectation such. 一切就如林小道预料的那样。 Interception heart devil beast of Yi Daiyan in front of the Ominous Beast wall, Shenxi Xingtian set out the beast tide disturbance, An demon does not dare to come out. 伊代颜凶兽墙面前截杀心魔鬼兽,神羲刑天就出动了兽潮干扰,连闇魔号都不敢出来。 Today his An demon, was poked several holes by Li Tianming's Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, obviously he is also feared that Yi Daiyan kills from this place! 今日他的闇魔号,被李天命的九龙帝葬戳出了好几个窟窿,显然他也是怕伊代颜从这个地方杀进去! Therefore! 于是! Yi Daiyan kills two Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast news continually, had passed on. 伊代颜连杀两头无量级凶兽的消息,已经传了出去。
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