FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2862: Cuts Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast again

Hears here, Lin Xiaodao is very satisfied with the Li Tianming's response, he added: 听到这里,林小道李天命的回应特别满意,他补充道: In other words, we will attack, however our goals, are not the fighting to win or die dark demon cities, but is its outside ring fencing shield ‚the Ominous Beast wall! This is we are once in a thousand years, eliminates the Ominous Beast opportunity truly significantly, Ominous Beast is the Dark Clan basis! When we perished thoroughly these Ominous Beast walls, didn't that dark demon city expose under our cutting edge?” “也就是说,我们还是会进攻,但是我们的目标,不是背水一战的闇魔城,而是它的外圈护盾‘凶兽墙’!这是我们千载难逢的,真正大幅度消灭凶兽的机会,凶兽才是闇族的根本!等我们彻底灭亡这些凶兽墙了,那闇魔城不就暴露在我们刀口之下了么?” Then, Dark Clan also walked into the fast knot. 如此一来,闇族也走入了死结中。 Disbands Ominous Beast, that dark demon city lost the strongest protection, exposes under two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship. 遣散凶兽,那闇魔城就失去了最强保护,暴露在两艘无量级星海神舰之下。 Gathers Ominous Beast, that butchers Ominous Beast. 聚集凶兽,那就宰凶兽 Many Star Sea Divine Ship, do not use the thorough beast tide, so long as they dare to gather massively, bombs in the distant place directly, can die a big piece. 诸多星海神舰,根本不用深入兽潮,只要它们敢大规模聚集,直接在远处轰炸,都能一死一大片。 This strategy, certainly!” “这计策,绝了!” Anxiously!” “急不来啊!” I also just received the message, probably beast tide really all toward dark demon city that side.” “我也刚收到消息,好像兽潮真的全往闇魔城那边了。” Dark Clan loses this, must prevent their final counter-attacks.” 闇族输成这样,一定要防止他们最后的反扑。” We have won most probably, do not finish in a haste, now swallows their times one after another, could not eat the hot tofu impatiently, but also easy to burn oneself.” “我们已经赢了大半,不要急于求成,现在正是一口一口吞掉他们的时候,心急吃不了热豆腐,还容易把自己烫死。” Do not blow, who does not know that you just married the bride, wants to go home earlier.” “别吹了,谁不知道你是刚娶了新媳妇,想早点回家。” „......!” “……!” No matter how said, looking from the responses of innumerable Star God, they accept the Li Tianming's viewpoint obviously. 不管怎么说,从无数星神的反应看,他们显然更接受李天命的观点。 Therefore, people look at Yi Daiyan, how wants to have a look at her to say. 于是,人们都看着伊代颜,想看看她怎么说。 Most people realized, this is among them an invisible confrontation. 大多数人都意识到,这是他们之间一次无形的交锋。 Under is a focus of public attention, Yi Daiyan smiles, shakes the head, said: Was I thinks shallowly, was you are more careful, the news was also quicker. Then, defers to the office that you said that all Star Sea Divine Ship recharge, then, the target will first change to the Ominous Beast wall.” 万众瞩目下,伊代颜莞尔一笑,摇了摇头,道:“是我想得粗浅了,还是你们心细一些,消息也灵通一些。那么,就按照你们说的办,全体星海神舰充能,然后,将攻击目标改为凶兽墙。” Good!” “好!” This was right!” “这就对了!” Then, the heartstrings tight Star God soldiers, relax finally. 如此一来,心弦紧绷的星神战士们,终于松了一口气。 After all, who likes the war? 毕竟,谁喜欢战争呢? Just a bombing of four million Star Sea Divine Ship, enough made many people remember for a lifetime. 刚刚一次四百万星海神舰的大轰炸,足够让很多人记住一辈子了。 Suddenly, harmony happiness. 一时间,其乐融融。 The new plan, starts to carry out. 新计划,开始执行。 Everyone was relaxed, Li Tianming is actually also looking at each other with Yi Daiyan, he is not relaxed, because he does not know that this woman is thinking anything. 大家都轻松了,李天命却还在和伊代颜对视,他心里可不轻松,因为他不知道这女人心里在想什么。 Attacks the Ominous Beast wall, do you participate?” Yi Daiyan asked. “攻击凶兽墙,你们参与吗?”伊代颜问。 This time, her sound, only spreads to Lin Xiaodao and Lin Feng, has not enhanced the intonation again. 这一次,她的声音,只传入林小道林枫这边来,没有再提高声调了。 Cannot use. But if An demon sends out, we can keep in balance it.” Li Tianming said. “用不上吧。但如果闇魔号出动,我们可以制衡它。”李天命道。 Un, becomes.” Yi Daiyan chuckle. “嗯,也成。”伊代颜轻笑了一下。 World King.” Li Tianming shouted she, then said: According to our previous agreements, this time strategic target, is to destroy the Dark Clan war ability, now after Dark Clan loses too Xi city, no matter dark demon city, is left over about 1 million Star God and Star Sea Divine Ship, is actually not the war ability, this is the ordinary World King clan level, cannot turn the storm. Dark Clan the remaining three true war abilities, only have three now.” 界王。”李天命喊了她一声,然后道:“按照我们先前的约定,这次的战略目标,是摧毁闇族的战争能力,如今闇族失去太羲城后,不管是闇魔城,还是剩下百万左右的星神星海神舰,其实都算不上战争能力,这就是普通界王族水平,翻不起风浪。闇族现在剩下的三个真正的战争能力,只有三个。” Which three?” Yi Daiyan asked patiently. “哪三个?”伊代颜耐心问。 First, An demon, second, beast tide, third, Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast. The three, are we must destroy, can cause the damage to the Dark Star people truly.” Li Tianming said. “第一,闇魔号,第二,兽潮,第三,无量级凶兽。这三者,才是我们必须要摧毁的,也是能给闇星民众真正造成伤害的。”李天命道。 Rather than dark demon city! 而不是闇魔城! Yi Daiyan is silent. 伊代颜沉默。 Beast tide forms the Ominous Beast wall, is our opportunities. An demon short not, therefore does not need to manage. However-” “兽潮形成凶兽墙,是我们的机会。闇魔号短暂不会出了,所以不用管。不过-” Li Tianming enhanced the intonation, shows a faint smile, said: Remaining four Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, proliferated the entire Dark Star bloodlines vine unable to find the true body except for that three Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, because they just came to attack the domains of major World King clans, therefore they stared by me, I had their positions! Therefore, World King wants in one vigorous effort, to extinguish these three Ominous Beast, making Shenxi Xingtian spit blood again time one?” 李天命提高了声调,微微一笑,道:“剩下四头无量级凶兽,除了那遍布全闇星的血脉藤找不到真身,还有三头无量级凶兽,因为它们刚刚现身进攻过各大界王族的地盘,所以它们被我盯上了,我有它们的位置!所以,界王想一鼓作气,灭了这三只凶兽,让神羲刑天再吐血一次么?” Really?!” Yi Daiyan eye one bright. “真的?!”伊代颜眼睛一亮。 Really.” Li Tianming said. “真的。”李天命道。 These Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, their battle strength have not threatened to Yi Daiyan, instead is threatening to Dark Star all living things, often can cause the innumerable casualties. 这些无量级凶兽,它们的战力伊代颜没有威胁,反而对闇星众生有威胁,动不动都能造成无数死伤。 Destroys completely them, is Yi Daiyan and Li Tianming's common interests. 灭掉它们,是伊代颜李天命的共同利益。 Also conforms to their alliance goals- disintegrates the Dark Clan war ability. 也符合他们的联盟目标-瓦解闇族战争能力。 Your eye, really somewhat fearful.” Yi Daiyan said. “你的‘眼睛’,真的有些可怕啊。”伊代颜称赞道。 Also ok.” Li Tianming modest say/way. “还行。”李天命谦虚道。 But, on you are better, is your thought. The brain is very clear, analyzes very much has the orderliness.” Yi Daiyan said. “不过,你身上更好的,是你的思维。脑子很清楚,分析得都很有条理。”伊代颜道。 „...... World King did not need to praise me, made the best use of the time, I did not determine how long can stare at their.” Li Tianming said. “……界王不用夸我了,还是抓紧时间吧,我不确定能盯上它们多久。”李天命道。 Ok, the old rule, you show the way, I slaughter.” “行,老规矩,你指路,我宰杀。” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Said that this, Yi Daiyan vanished before him. 说完这一句,伊代颜就消失在他面前了。 Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao looked at each other one. 李天命林小道对视了一眼。 Two people relax slightly. 两人微微松了一口气。 If were just she one launched an attack, that said, we have reduced and solved?” Li Tianming asked. “如果说刚刚是她一场发难,那是不是说,我们已经化解了?”李天命问。 Was yourself reduced and solved, I have not striven, haha.” Lin Xiaodao awkward say/way. “是你自己化解了,我没出力,哈哈。”林小道尴尬道。 Goes!” “去!” At least to them, these wins total victories time. 起码对他们来说,这一次大获全胜。 Walks, return trip!” “走,回程!” ...... …… Besides bloodlines vine, other three Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, at present also in the Yin Chen (silver dust) monitoring. 除了血脉藤,其他三头无量级凶兽,目前还在银尘监控中。 Their physique were too big, in fact is not good to hide. 它们的形体太大了,实际上并不好隐藏。 Had not previously found them, is place that because they hid, close to Fusion Barrier, the Star Source storm was extremely too intense, Yin Chen (silver dust) of 300,000 star point, the individual was not strong, to the deepest place bottom, was melted easily. 先前没找到它们,是因为它们藏的地方,太靠近聚变结界,恒星源风暴太过强烈,三十万星点的银尘,个体不算强,到了最深的地底,容易被融化。 But this Nine Dragons Emperor Burial comes, Li Tianming branched out 10.0009 billion star point Yin Chen (silver dust) to get down, their individual was stronger, can transform calling silver ant shape, excelled in various bad environment specially survives. 但这次九龙帝葬进来,李天命分出了百亿九十万星点的银尘下去,它们个体更强,能变换成一种叫‘白银蚁’的形态,特别擅长在各种恶劣的环境当中生存。 Nine Dragons Emperor Burial speeds along, they sprinkle various Dark Star places, starts, multiplication thoroughly. 九龙帝葬飞驰,它们洒落闇星各处,开始深入、繁衍。 That three Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast present time, many Yin Chen (silver dust) crawled in their body crevices, with their together thoroughly bottom. 那三头无量级凶兽出现的时候,就有不少银尘爬到了它们的身体夹缝中,跟着他们一起深入地底。 To these ultra-large Ominous Beast, Yin Chen (silver dust) these individuals, are simply smaller than the flea, is similar to the bacteria, is not Ominous Beast, does not seem like Companion Beast, they naturally cannot care. 对这些超大凶兽来说,银尘那些个体,简直比跳蚤还小,跟细菌都差不多,既不是凶兽,也不像是伴生兽,它们自然不会在意。 After all, their intelligence quotient is not high. 毕竟,它们智商也不算高。 At least does not have the Xi demon beast too is so high. 起码没有太羲魔兽那么高。 Therefore, besides bloodlines vine, that three Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, even if they sink now were profound, the place bottom world of deathly stillness and riot, Yin Chen (silver dust) still deadlocked them! 于是,除了血脉藤外,那三头无量级凶兽,哪怕它们现在沉入了非常幽深、死寂、暴乱的地底世界,银尘仍然锁死了它们! The place bottom world of most deep place, at present on Dark Star, only has several people able to get down! 最深处的地底世界,目前闇星上,也就只有几个人能下去! Yi Daiyan, is its one. 伊代颜,就是其一。 She leads the way with Immeasurable World Monument directly, kills straightly to the place bottom of most deep place. 她直接用无量界碑开路,直线杀向最深处的地底。 Everyone thinks that this Dark Star war, has come to the end temporarily, no one thinks radically, too Xi city war just ended, Yi Daiyan is continue create a more explosive news. 所有人都以为这场闇星大战,暂时已经告一段落,根本没人想到,太羲城战争刚结束,伊代颜就在继续制造更劲爆的新闻。 Too the war of Xi city, cuts to kill too Xi demon beast to start from her! 太羲城之战,是从她斩杀太羲魔兽开始的! But now, continue. 而现在,继续。
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