FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2861: Ominous Beast wall

Therefore, Lin Xiaodao said: 于是,林小道说: World King overpraised. Our masters and disciples were only completely oneself as a Immeasurable Dao Temple duty. Splits my Sword God Lin Clan to start from the Dark Clan design, we and Dark Clan are the absolutely irreconcilable enmity, for successive two times routed the Dark Clan expeditionary force is the ironclad proof. The action of today, but is we take revenge extension of Dark Clan, is we should do. In comparison, World King destroys completely the two essential revolting clan leader, is the biggest merit.” 界王过誉了。我们师徒只是尽了自己作为无量道场一员的本分。从闇族设计分裂我剑神林氏开始,我们和闇族就是不共戴天之仇,连续两次击溃闇族远征军便是铁证。今日之举,不过是我们复仇闇族的延续,是我们本来就该做的。相比之下,界王灭掉两个关键的叛族领袖,才是最大功劳。” His these words, do not take undeserved credit, only stressed that Sword God Lin Clan and Dark Clan enmity, said very reasonably, lets the Dark Star common people, felt relieved to them. 他这段话,不邀功,只强调剑神林氏闇族的仇怨,说得十分合理,也让闇星苍生,对他们放下心来。 At least Sword God Lin Clan and Dark Clan are different, even if they and Yi Daiyan strive for the power, should still have the bottom line, will not affect the common people absolutely, that will not have today so frigid global war. 最起码剑神林氏闇族不同,就算他们和伊代颜争权,也会有底线,绝对不会波及苍生,那就不会有今日这般惨烈的全球大战。 You were modest. I kill pity, Ling E unreliably, but improves on perfection, cannot be regarded anything. Said fairly, the biggest merit truly is you. You brave by the risk of Immeasurable Dao Temple sanction, returns Immeasurable Dao Temple, opposes with Dark Clan, this spirit, the world common people will remember!” Yi Daiyan emphasized. “你们谦虚了。我杀玄惜、凌娥,只是锦上添花,算不得什么。公平的说,最大的功劳确实属于你们。你们冒着被无量道场制裁之风险,回报无量道场,和闇族作对,这种精神,天下苍生都会记住的!”伊代颜强调道。 She as if regards as important this very much reputation/honorary issue. 她似乎很看重这个‘名誉’的问题。 Right!” “对!” Sword God Lin Clan has your two, truly is the entire clan glory.” 剑神林氏有你们两位,确实是全族荣耀。” Your name will follow reality.” “你们实至名归。” Tushan is too abundant, night emperor and the others, said. 涂山太豐、萨夜帝等人,都笑着说。 After Li Tianming hear, shows the whites of the eyes. 李天命听后翻翻白眼。 Light has reputation/honorary anything to use, does not give the advantage, if gives me the Immeasurable World Monument reward, I also help you take the dark demon city.” “光有名誉啥用,又不给好处,要是把无量界碑奖赏给我,我还帮你拿下闇魔城。” Naturally, his is only thinks at heart. 当然,他这只是心里想想。 However Li Tianming has not thought, at this time, a Yi Daiyan voice revolution, she then stared at Li Tianming, said: 不过李天命没想到,就在这时候,伊代颜话音一转,她转而凝视李天命,道: Now, Dark Clan entire clan rout, time of restlessing. But our Immeasurable Dao Temple armies, although there is a certain loss, but main battle strength still, in addition two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship assumes personal command, does not need to fear that An demon, we take the dark demon city at this moment in one vigorous effort, destroys the Dark Clan final foundation, disintegrates the best time of this revolting clan thoroughly! Therefore, I think at this moment, we should start immediately, under leadership of two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, the destruction dark demon city, puts to death Shenxi Xingtian, but also Immeasurable Dao Temple ringing universe! How...... two do think?” “如今,闇族正是全族溃败,心神不宁的时刻。而我们的无量道场大军,虽然有一定损失,但主体战力还在,再加上有两艘无量级星海神舰坐镇,不用怕闇魔号,此刻正是我们一鼓作气拿下闇魔城,摧毁闇族最后根基,彻底瓦解这叛族的最佳时机!故,我认为此时此刻,我们应该立刻启程,在两艘无量级星海神舰的率领下,覆灭闇魔城,诛杀神羲刑天,还无量道场朗朗乾坤!……两位认为如何?” She spoke this saying under big crowd of people! 她是在大庭广众之下说这话的! Before then, Li Tianming and she discussed Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World matter, that union, was in private. 在这之前,李天命和她谈论万道谷无上界的事情,那一次联合,是私下的。 Yi Daiyan is at heart clear, Li Tianming they lash out too Xi city, so-called protects morality and justice of Dark Clan common people, is only part of reasons, a bigger reason is Myriad Dao Valley Supreme World. 伊代颜心里清楚,李天命他们出手攻击太羲城,所谓守护闇族苍生的道义,只是一部分原因,更大的原因是万道谷无上界 But now, she seems like must take the reputation/honorary, forces Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming. 而现在,她好像是要拿名誉,来胁迫林小道李天命 These words, impression of Li Tianming to Yi Daiyan, drops immediately. 这一段话一出,李天命伊代颜的印象,立刻就下降了很多。 In just, him was also somewhat subdued by her, felt she is one special, the aggressive female, is full of the charisma. 就在刚刚,他还有些被她折服,感觉她是一个特殊的、霸气的女子,充满着人格魅力。 But now, Li Tianming discovered, during she does not seem to imagine is so pure. 而现在,李天命发现,她好像并没有想象当中那么纯粹。 If is so pure, she first will not wear the honorary hat to us, delivers the podium us, then in being a focus of public attention, drove us to fight for her with the reputation/honorary!” “如果真的这么纯粹,她就不会先给我们扣上名誉的帽子,把我们送上领奖台,然后在万众瞩目的时候,用名誉驱使我们为她而战了!” As litigant, Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao, at heart clear. 作为当事人,李天命林小道,心里都清清楚楚。 However the bystander does not know, they unite because of Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World! 然而外人根本不知道,他们是因为万道谷无上界而联合的! Morality and justice and reputation/honorary, are not basic! 道义、名誉,不是根本! Under Yi Daiyan finishes speaking, everyone anticipates to look at Li Tianming they, is longing for a simple and simple answer. 伊代颜话音刚落下,所有人都期待得看着李天命他们,渴望着一个简单而干脆的答案。 Teacher, our plans, are only too Xi cities, if the dark demon city takes, on this Dark Star no one can divert her again, Myriad Dao Valley Supreme World comes eventually is only the powerhouse, is not the army...... if at the appointed time she has illegal, we extreme passive, right?” Li Tianming asked. “师尊,我们这次的计划,只是太羲城,如果闇魔城都拿下的话,这闇星上再无人能牵制她,万道谷无上界来的终究只是强者,不是大军……届时如果她心怀不轨,我们就会极端被动,对吧?”李天命问。 Un!” Lin Xiaodao knits the brows. “嗯!”林小道皱眉。 Everyone is waiting for them to reply, is silent, is has ghost! 所有人都在等待他们回答,越是沉默,越是有鬼! Li Tianming confirmed this matter, he has several, then opens the mouth to say directly: World King, I think that now does not attack the good time in dark demon city, the concrete reason is as follows!” 李天命确认了这一件事,他心里就有数了,便直接开口道:“界王,我认为现在并不是进攻闇魔城的好时机,具体理由如下!” First: Experience just a war, although our Star God battle strength are complete, but the compression Star Source basic uses of three million Star Sea Divine Ship are clean, needs some time recharge. Only is this point, we want to hit a time difference, making the opposite party be caught off guard, is actually unlikely. Waited for three million Star Sea Divine Ship recharge to finish, to be honest, the opposite party estimate has responded, our psychological advantages will not be big.” “第一:经历刚刚一战,虽然我们的星神战力还算完整,但三百万星海神舰的压缩恒星源基本使用干净,需要一定时间充能。光是这一点,我们想打一个时间差,让对方措手不及,其实不太可能。等三百万星海神舰充能完毕,说实话,对方估计已经反应过来,我们的心理优势就不会很大了。” Second: In order to defend the final base, as far as I know, Shenxi Xingtian has prepared fighting to win or die. He is driving away entire Dark Star Star Source Ominous Beast at present, gathers at the surroundings of dark demon city completely, no longer attack surface. In this case, the Ominous Beast defense of dark demon city has over 50 times of Xi city too at least, the light is this Ominous Beast wall, needs our Star Sea Divine Ship recharge ten times, it is estimated that to kill back and forth.” “第二:为了守住最后的基地,据我所知,神羲刑天已经做好了背水一战的准备。他目前正在驱赶整个闇星恒星源凶兽,全部聚集在闇魔城的周围,不再进攻地表。这样的话,闇魔城的凶兽防御强起码有太羲城的五十倍以上,光是这个凶兽墙体,都需要我们星海神舰来回充能十次,估计才能杀进去。” This second reason, is the Shenxi Xingtian last resort, was Yin Chen (silver dust) just found out by secret inquiry. 这第二个理由,是神羲刑天最后的手段,也是银尘刚刚探知的。 People just heard Li Tianming first, originally is very disappointed, really has the disloyalty relates to Sword God Lin Clan. 人们刚听到李天命第一句,本来很失望,联想到剑神林氏果然有异心。 They have not thought actually, Li Tianming receives the two reason, unexpectedly really convincing. 他们倒是没想到,李天命接下来说的两个理由,竟然真的让人信服。 50 times of thickness?” “五十倍的厚度?” Just they killed, had been frightened by the beast tide. 刚刚他们杀进来的时候,就已经被兽潮吓到了。 50 times, are simply terrorist! 五十倍,简直恐怖! Never have such thoughts! 想都不敢想! We can take too Xi city smoothly, in fact hit Dark Clan one to be caught off guard. Was open about the facts everyone saying that we pre-war with Shenxi Xingtian hypocrisy union, making him take for our two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship is his helper, when our temporary treachery, created the psychological breakdown of opposite party. But this time, the Shenxi Xingtian mentality is different. If we attack now, did not say the victory and defeat, at least the loss meets over dozens times absolutely.” Li Tianming very earnest say/way. “我们能顺利拿下太羲城,实际上打了闇族一个措手不及。不瞒大家说,我们战前和神羲刑天假意联合,让他误认为我们两艘无量级星海神舰是他的帮手,当我们临时倒戈的时候,才造成了对方的心理崩溃。但这一次,神羲刑天的心态已经不同了。如果我们现在进攻,不说胜负,最起码损失绝对会数十倍以上。”李天命非常认真道。 Some actually truth.” “倒是有些道理啊。” We cannot, because took too Xi city, thinks that the dark demon city is easy.” “我们不能因为拿下了太羲城,就以为闇魔城轻而易举。” Dark Clan every loses one time , because has a low opinion of the enemy, we cannot have a low opinion of the enemy.” 闇族每一次输,都是因为轻敌,我们可不能轻敌。” Somewhat was just scared, I also want to go home to have a look......” “刚刚有些吓着了,我也想回家看看……” Li Tianming these reasons, making the people on this too Xi city ruins peaceful. 李天命这些理由,让这太羲城废墟上的人们都还算安静。 The Yi Daiyan complexion is tranquil, as if unhappy does not get angry, does not know that is thinking anything. 伊代颜面色平静,似乎不喜不怒,不知道在想什么。 „!” “不过!” Li Tianming seizing the chance added: „The opposite party contracts the beast tide completely, to us, has the two advantage!” 李天命趁机补充道:“对方完全收缩兽潮,对我们来说,有两个好处!” First, the villages and small towns, city , the peak clan base Dark Star surface, in a short time, will not come under the attack of beast tide, now the global beast tide on Dark Star has worn off thoroughly, their wars, ended temporarily.” “第一,闇星表面的村镇、城池、巅峰氏族基地等,短时间内,不会受到兽潮的攻击,现在闇星上的全球兽潮已经彻底消退,他们的战争,暂时结束了。” Second, Star Source Ominous Beast, reason that becomes our serious hidden troubles , because they disperse in various Dark Star places, is extremely scattered in disorder, strikes to kill the speed unable to keep up with their multiplication speeds, now was good, they around the dark demon city, formed the crowded Ominous Beast wall, we can use the Star Sea Divine Ship attack, to destroy greatly, reduces the Dark Star Star Source Ominous Beast quantity by this, this in fact, is nibbling and destroying Dark Clan step by step!” “第二,恒星源凶兽,之所以成为我们的心腹大患,就是因为它们分散在闇星各处,太过散乱,击杀速度都赶不上它们的繁衍速度,现在好了,它们在闇魔城周围,结成了密集的凶兽墙,那我们大可以使用星海神舰攻击、毁灭,以此减少闇星恒星源凶兽数量,这实际上,也是在一步步蚕食、毁灭闇族!”
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