FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2860: Above ruins

An demon this darkness ominous demon head/number of people, had returned to the Dark Clan last base. 闇魔号这黑暗凶魔人头,已经回到了闇族最后一座基地。 Dark demon city! 闇魔城! Last place bottom base, is the Dark Clan biggest base. 最后一座地底基地,也是闇族最大的基地。 The entire dark demon city, a darkness and deathly stillness, have the weeping sound to spread indistinctly, is very it may be said that dismal. 整个闇魔城,已经一片黑暗、死寂,隐约有哭声传出,可谓无比悲凉。 On the way of the return, Shenxi Xingtian and day auspiciousness, has heard too Xi to protect the news that barrier bursts. 回归途中,神羲刑天和天禧,就已经听到太羲守护结界破裂的消息了。 At that moment, the Shenxi Xingtian complexion, thorough is pale. 那一刻,神羲刑天的脸色,已经彻底惨白了。 Both hands and golden soul pupil, is shivering. 双手、金色魂瞳,都在颤抖。 Yi Daiyan, Lin Xiaodao and Lin Feng......” 伊代颜林小道林枫……” He bites the tooth stubbornly, the whole person malignant influences is soaring to the heavens. 他死死的咬着牙齿,整个人煞气冲天。 Father, barrier broken words, that did not have the danger to defend. Facing three million Star Sea Divine Ship......” “父亲,结界一破的话,那就无险可守了。面对三百万星海神舰……” Did not need Shenxi Tianxi saying that was individual knows, too Xi city all escapes, were the only outlet. 不用神羲天禧说,是个人都知道,太羲城全体逃命,是唯一的出路。 Lets your mother and paternal aunt comes back. Do not enter Star Sea Divine Ship!” “让你母亲和姑姑回来。千万不要进星海神舰!” Yes!” “是!” Under finishes speaking shortly, too that side Xi city spreads the news, pities, Ling E running away time to be discovered unreliably, was intercepted by Yi Daiyan, two people died in battle at the scene! 话音刚落下没多久,太羲城那边就传来消息,玄惜、凌娥逃走时候被发现,被伊代颜拦截,两人当场战死! ! 噗! Shenxi Xingtian spits blood again at the scene. 神羲刑天再度当场吐血。 The day auspiciousness collapses to the ground, both eyes shiver, has started to suspect the life. 天禧瘫坐在地上,双目颤抖,已经开始怀疑人生。 Also is the attack! 又是打击! Brothers and sisters, is a couple. 既是兄弟姐妹,也是夫妻啊。 Several thousand years of sentiment. 几千年的感情了。 At the same time finally has not been seeing, such Celestial will separate forever. 最后一面都没见着,就这样天人永隔。 „!!!” “啊!啊!啊!” Shenxi Xingtian tears the low roar, the person like the insanity, hustles in the middle of this An demon secret room. 神羲刑天撕裂低吼,人如疯魔,在这闇魔号的密室当中撞来撞去。 Yi Daiyan, Lin Xiaodao and Lin Feng! My Shenxi Xingtian and you are absolutely irreconcilable!” 伊代颜林小道林枫!我神羲刑天与你们不共戴天!” His hate, had arrived at the pinnacle. 他的恨,已经到了极致。 When does not know gets up, he has twisted. 不知道什么时候起,他就已经扭曲了。 Stands in the highest peak, the confident overlord, suffers five failure unexpectedly continuously, sent off oneself two wife for the last time, as well as Dark Clan final half. 一个站在最高巅峰,信心满满的霸主,竟然连续遭受五次失败,最后一次还送走了自己两个妻子,以及闇族最后的一半。 The overlord clan that has 400 ten thousand Star God, by the continual buckle 3 million, this matter, no one can believe. 一个拥有四百多万星神的霸主氏族,被连续折损三百万,这种事,没人敢相信。 However, the fact happened. 然而,事实就这么发生了。 Since Yi Daiyan has risen, worked as several thousand years of first World King Shenxi Xingtian, has not been elated with success again. 自从伊代颜崛起过,当了几千年第一界王神羲刑天,就没再春风得意过。 Whom hits to lose who! 打谁输谁! Loses now, the heart twisted the bread twist. 输到现在,心都拧成麻花了。 Report! Star Sea Divine Ship that too Xi city escapes from, is less than 100,000!” “报!太羲城逃出的星海神舰,不到十万!” Report! Star God that can also relate, is less than 50,000!” “报!还能联系上的星神,不到五万!” Each news passes on, is the sad news, punctures in sword at heart, lets the Shenxi Xingtian dripping with blood. 每一个消息传回来,都是噩耗,也都是刺在心里的剑,让神羲刑天鲜血淋漓。 Father, is good because of our also four Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, An demon, this is we biggest taking advantage, has them , the beast tide, us also has strength that launches the war! Perhaps as for the brothers and sisters of these sacrifices, the clansman personnel losses, needed the long-term multiplication, loss of Star Sea Divine Ship and Heavenly Soul Inheritance......” “父亲,好在我们还有四只无量级凶兽,还有闇魔号,这是我们最大的依仗,有它们在,还有兽潮在,我们就还有发动战争的实力!至于那些牺牲的兄弟姐妹,族人减员,恐怕需要很长时间的繁衍了,还有星海神舰传承天魂的损失……” The day auspiciousness wants to comfort the father, speaking of behind, actually could not comfort including oneself, the sound became icy cold. 天禧本是想安慰一下父亲,说到后面,却连自己都安慰不了,声音都变得冰凉。 Yeah!” The day auspiciousness sighed. “哎!”天禧叹气。 Dark Clan was almost castrated quickly, this is the fact. 闇族几乎快被阉割了,这是事实。 from now on, we can only all beast tides, strongly near the dark demon city, defend the final dark demon city, then waited for the support of Supreme World, Myriad Dao Valley and Vault of Heaven World Territory.” The day auspiciousness clenches teeth to say. 从此刻起,我们只能将所有的兽潮,集中在闇魔城附近,守住最后的闇魔城,然后再等待无上界万道谷天穹界域的支援了。”天禧咬牙道。 ......” “呼……” Shenxi Xingtian deeply inspires. 神羲刑天深吸了一口气。 He smiled suddenly. 他忽然笑了。 Cannot help laughing! 哑然失笑! He said: I lose so many times, has become the joke, lost is used to it! Very good! Very good! I do not believe that is my luck so forever bad? Then, do not let me win one time, once makes me win one time, I let you, beyond redemption......” 他道:“我输这么多次,都已经成了笑话了,输习惯了都!很好!非常好!我就不相信了,我的运气永远都这么糟糕?接下来,千万别让我赢一次,一旦让我赢一次,我就让你们,万劫不复……” Loses the pinnacle, he instead thought through, no longer heartache. 输到极致,他反而想通了,不再心伤了。 Traded a few words saying that this was also ready for any sacrifice thoroughly. 换一句话说,这也是彻彻底底豁出去了。 Before, he pretends that regarded itself base and low, challenges Yi Daiyan and Sun, in fact his conduct, kept aloof. 以前,他假装把自己当成一个卑微者,去挑战伊代颜和太阳,实际上他的做派,还是高高在上。 But at this moment gets up, he is regarded as himself the grassroots truly, even is the waste and trash! 而此刻起,他真正把自己当做是草根,甚至是废物、垃圾! True oneself, regarding is a mouse. 真正把自己,当成是一只老鼠。 Only strove for such a time, the opportunity of counterattack! 只求那么一次,逆袭的机会! Hehe......” “呵呵……” In spacious An demon, is reverberating the Shenxi Xingtian sad and shrill laughter, making one be afraid. 空旷的闇魔号内,回荡着神羲刑天凄厉的笑声,令人不寒而栗。 ...... …… Too Xi city ruins. 太羲城废墟。 The war of this soul-stirring attacking a city, completely ended. 这场荡气回肠的攻城之战,彻底结束。 The gunsmoke has not diverged, the innumerable Star Source storms are still sweeping across. 硝烟还没散去,无数恒星源风暴还在席卷。 However! 不过! In the Sword God Star vestige and Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, were still uneventful. 剑神星遗迹和九龙帝葬内,仍然风平浪静。 The unrivalled female who white hair flies upwards, appears in Nine Dragons Emperor Burial at present. 一个白发飞扬的旷世女子,出现在九龙帝葬眼前。 She should harvests the joy of victory, the expression is relaxed and happy, somewhat relaxes contented . 她应该是收获到了胜利的喜悦,表情轻松、欢喜,有些放松、怡然自得。 Lin Xiaodao and Lin Feng.” 林小道林枫。” The Yi Daiyan colored eye pupil flashes. 伊代颜彩色眼眸闪动。 „Does World King have what instruction?” Lin Xiaodao asked. 界王有何吩咐?”林小道问。 Among them meeting, what are many are the person is curious, such as Tushan is too abundant, Shuntian wait/etc people of World King clan, in looking here. 他们之间的会晤,多的是人好奇,如涂山太豐、舜天博海等等界王族之人,都在看着这边呢。 Is continues to deepen the union, dismantles the bridge after crossing? 是继续加深联合,还是过河拆桥? Immediately will make known. 马上就会揭晓。 Azure hillock 1.8 billion lives, Tushan and my Spirit of Light Demon Clan were attacked by An demon, the destruction nears, was lucky Lin Feng saves promptly. Too Xi city, breaks too Xi to protect barrier thanks to the Sword God Star vestige host. This destruction too Xi city, saves Dark Star all living things in the danger, the merit fair words, your two occupy over 60%.” The Yi Daiyan sound enhanced. “青丘山十八亿生灵,涂山氏和我光之灵魔族被闇魔号攻击,毁灭在即,多亏了林枫及时拯救。太羲城这边,亦多亏剑神星遗迹主持打破太羲守护结界。这次覆灭太羲城,拯救闇星众生于危难,其中功劳公平的话,你们两位占据六成以上。”伊代颜声音提高了一些。 Not only this they talked with Li Tianming, was one announces and finalizes, quick Dark Star all the people, will accept the conclusion that Yi Daiyan set. 这不只是和李天命他们对话,亦是一场宣告、定型,很快闇星全民,都会接受伊代颜定下的结论。 60%! 60%! The victory merit is divided into ten, their two person, occupied 60%, surpasses the sum total of Yi Daiyan, three million Star God and all living things. 胜利功劳分成十份,他们两个人,就占据了60%,超过伊代颜、三百万星神和众生的总和。 This very high praise! 这非常高的嘉奖! However at this moment, has not been convinced, existences of two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, reverse the war directly. 但是这一刻,并没有不服气,两艘无量级星海神舰的存在,直接逆转战局。 Without them, Xi city is too difficult broken, and azure hillock and other World King clan territories meet with a disaster surely. 没有他们,太羲城难破,且青丘山等界王族领地必定遭殃。 Lin Xiaodao!” 林小道!” Lin Feng!” 林枫!” People not only have not been convinced, instead cheers heavenshaking, this cheering sweeps across quickly, the person in many city and villages and small towns, is cheering for them. 人们不但没有不服气,反而震天欢呼起来,这种欢呼很快席卷出去,连带着许多城池、村镇的人,都为他们而欢呼。 First World King gives them the so high honor, actually hopes and Sword God Lin Clan vanishing past animosity?” “第一界王给他们如此高的荣誉,其实是希望和剑神林氏冰释前嫌的吧?” If Sword God Lin Clan can pledge allegiance to World King, that was good. So long as takes Dark Clan, Immeasurable World Territory will not have the chaos caused by war again.” “如果剑神林氏能归顺界王,那就好了。只要拿下闇族,无量界域就不会再有战乱了。” This time, was really fearful! Global beast tide, four million Star Sea Divine Ship bombing, casualty several billions people 1 “这一次,真是太可怕了!全球兽潮,四百万星海神舰轰炸,死伤数十亿人一” Dozens years ago, on Dark Star even Star Sea Divine Ship forbids to attack, can only , when transportation vehicle use. 几十年前,闇星上连星海神舰都禁止进攻,只能当交通工具使用。 The war, is truly fearful. 战争,确实可怕。 But sometimes, unavoidablily. 但有时候,又不得已。 Dark Clan is so powerful, without the war solves them, is the Immeasurable Dao Temple space, getting smaller, will only submit until everyone under the Dark Clan invincible might. 闇族如此强盛,如果没有战争解决他们,属于无量道场的空间,只会越来越小,直到所有人屈服在闇族神威之下。 Facing the applause of Yi Daiyan, Lin Xiaodao had not become confused, they still understand that on this female has too many secrets and uncertainty, does not dare to treat it lightly, by this type valiant and frank simple representation confuses. 面对伊代颜的赞许,林小道没有被冲昏头脑,他们仍然明白这个女子身上有着太多的秘密和不确定性,绝不敢掉以轻心,被她这种英姿飒爽、直率干脆的‘表象’所迷惑。
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