FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2859: Strong!

Too Saint Domain Rank above Star Sea Divine Ship in Xi city, was almost locked. 太羲城内的圣域级以上星海神舰,几乎都被锁定。 After game is as good as lost, these two desperate Dark Clan god Xi, have planned to lead the clansman of most core to retreat. 大势已去后,这两位绝望的闇族神羲氏,就已经打算带着最核心的族人撤退了。 Gives up too Xi city, sought means of livelihood! 放弃太羲城,求一条活路! Therefore, they cannot operate Star Sea Divine Ship to depart, by their 12 Universe Chart boundary, hardly refuses stubbornly to extinguish, leaves by the manpower, in this chaotic battlefield, is instead more relaxed. 因此,她们不能操纵星海神舰离去,以她们十二宙图的境界,几乎不死不灭,靠人力离开,在这混乱战场中,反而更轻松。 Many Dark Clan powerhouses, run away like this. 不少闇族强者,都是这样逃走的。 However, good skillful unfortunately, they were seen by Yin Chen (silver dust). 不过,好巧不巧,她们被银尘看到了。 Li Tianming passed on to Yi Daiyan the news immediately. 李天命当即将消息转告伊代颜 Yi Daiyan too Xi city is concluding, after hearing the news, she in the direction of Li Tianming instruction, directly kills, chases down. 伊代颜正在太羲城收尾,听到消息后,她按照李天命指示的方向,直接杀出,追杀出去。 Entire bottom world, but also is fighting fiery, but the discerning people look, this is the final conclusion of Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment. 整个地底世界,还在斗得火热,可明眼人都看出来,这是无量道场军团的最后收尾。 Harvest spoils of war! 收获战利品! Processing falls the army! 处理降军! Disintegrates the resistance of Dark Clan thoroughly. 彻底瓦解闇族的抵抗。 Calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks this jumbo to dismember. 一点点将这巨无霸肢解。 Until this time, the Star Sea Divine Ship flames of war weakened slowly, this by the space that the war destroyed, already a piece in confusion. 直到这时候,星海神舰的战火才慢慢减弱,这一个被战争摧毁的空间,已经一片狼藉。 Everywhere is the Star Sea Divine Ship fragments! 遍地都是星海神舰碎片! Ominous Beast, Companion Beast, the person and so on corpse, piles up everywhere in the later period is. 凶兽伴生兽、人等等的尸体,在后期亦堆积得到处都是。 Said is the corpse mountain blood sea, that is not overrated. 说是尸山血海,那都不为过。 Takes too Xi city, the soldiers of most Immeasurable Dao Temple regiments, cannot feel suddenly excitedly, instead is a brain blank. 拿下太羲城,大多数无量道场军团的战士,一时间都感受不到兴奋,反而是脑子一片空白。 At the same time, just now Star Sea Divine Ship war, deeply trembles the heart of everyone. 一方面,方才的星海神舰大战,深深震颤每个人的内心。 On the other hand, this pioneering work broke the history, created the miracle, in many will of the people could not have responded. 另一方面,这种创举打破了历史,创造了奇迹,许多人心里还反应不过来。 That side!” “那边!” At this time, called out in alarm alarmed many people. 就在这时候,一声声惊呼惊动了许多人。 Gloomy horizon, Consciousness Spirit birth of Yi Daiyan, is that 6-Layer Pseudo Shape ‚the Emperor Heaven light. 阴暗的天际,伊代颜识神诞生,又是那六重拟象帝天光’。 Can make her display Consciousness Spirit, that explained that her opponent is not simple. 能让她施展出识神,那说明她的对手不简单。 Sure enough, when people see clearly her opponent time, the innermost feelings are excited immediately. 果不其然,当人们看清楚她的对手时候,内心顿时万分激动。 Pities, Ling E unreliably!” “是玄惜、凌娥!” „Haven't they run away unexpectedly?” “她们竟然没跑掉?” Was then fun! If these two were killed and is captured takes, we will occupy a bigger initiative.” “这下好玩了!这两位要是被杀、被擒拿,我们将会占据更大的主动。” Shenxi Xingtian this time, must cry.” 神羲刑天这一次,又得哭死。” Even if he plans Yin completely, cannot think that Sword God Lin Clan that two have such character, person who is not willing not to have the bottom line with him collaborates.” “纵使他阴谋算尽,都想不到剑神林氏那两位有如此风骨,根本不愿意和他没有底线的人同流合污。” Really happy!” “真痛快!” Yi Daiyan and that pities, Ling E's fight unreliably, attracted the attention of countless person, these Star Sea Divine Ship by the same place, the cage that almost forms, makes these two god Xi be doomed. 伊代颜和那玄惜、凌娥的战斗,吸引了无数人的注意,那些星海神舰靠在一起,几乎形成的牢笼,更让这两位神羲氏在劫难逃。 Although said, they are this Immeasurable World Territory strongest three women, but that two among disparity with Yi Daiyan, is considerably large. 虽然说,她们是这无量界域最强的三个女人,但是那两位和伊代颜之间的差距,还是相当大的。 Some Immeasurable World Monument in Yi Daiyan of hand, so long as discovered them, means, they have lost, had been finished! 无量界碑在手的伊代颜,只要发现了她们,就意味着,她们已经输了、完蛋了! Sure enough! 果不其然! Yi Daiyan by an enemy two, how long simply has not hit, that two god Xi used Extreme Xi Soul, cannot limit Yi Daiyan completely, two people war beasts were cut to kill completely! 伊代颜以一敌二,根本没打多久,那两个神羲氏连太羲魂都用了,完全限制不住伊代颜,两人的战兽被全部斩杀! Be a focus of public attention! 万众瞩目! Ten thousand numerous ebullition! 万众沸腾! After cutting kills their war beasts, Yi Daiyan does not want to kill them, is only the captivity and suppression, will treat as will cope with the Shenxi Xingtian chip in the future. 斩杀她们的战兽后,伊代颜本来没想杀她们,只是囚禁、镇压,当做未来对付神羲刑天的筹码。 However, even she has not thought, this two woman is actually unafraid of death, would rather die than to fall, stimulates to movement the Dark Clan together secret skill, is based on altogether 24 Universe Great Chart, detonates Heavenly Cycle Star Sea Power, is to perish together with Yi Daiyan! 不过,连她都没有想到,这两个女人竟然视死如归,宁死不降,催动闇族一道秘技,以一共二十四张宇宙宏图为基础,引爆周天星海之力,意欲和伊代颜同归于尽! The imagination is very heroical, reality very bone feeling. 想象很壮烈,现实很骨感。 Two people struck at risk of life, burnt own life and spirit, actually simply cannot injure to Yi Daiyan. 两人的拼死一击,燃烧了自己的命和魂灵,却根本没能伤到伊代颜 Brilliant fireworks blasting open. 绚烂烟花炸裂。 Pities, Ling E dead unreliably, too Xi city has extinguished! Today puts to death the suppression revolting clan, our Immeasurable Dao Temple, wins total victories, worldwide celebration!” “玄惜、凌娥已死,太羲城已灭!今日诛杀镇压叛族,我们无量道场,大获全胜,普天同庆!” When Yi Daiyan these words sweep across the entire bottom battlefield, after all combatant hear, bustling, is excited, sends out roars heavenshaking. 伊代颜这一句话席卷整个地底战场的时候,所有参战者听到后,一个个热火朝天,心情激动,发出震天咆哮。 This war, surely in Immeasurable World Territory historical, leaves behind strong one!” “这一战,必定会在无量界域的历史上,留下浓重的一笔!” Bloody everywhere, soul-stirring!” “血腥漫天,荡气回肠!” We, won!” “我们,赢了!” Loses too Dark Clan of Xi city, was equal to that the final foundation, was extinguished half, except for capitulant, no matter Star God or High God, cannot escape many!” “失去太羲城的闇族,等于最后的根基,都被灭了一半,除了投降者,不管是星神还是上神,都没能逃出去多少!” In other words, Dark Clan on the remaining dark demon cities, about 1 million Star God! Also compares an ordinary World King clan slightly.” “也就是说,闇族就剩下一个闇魔城,百万左右星神了!也就比一个普通界王族稍微强一点。” „!” “啧啧!” We carried the dark demon city, Dark Clan was finished thoroughly!” “等我们把闇魔城都端了,闇族彻底完蛋!” The news of victory, almost from the ruins of this too Xi city, spreads over Dark Star synchronously. 胜利的消息,几乎同步从这太羲城的废墟上,传遍闇星 Entire day under is paying attention to here. 全天下都在关注这里。 Too Xi city broken, the star ship extinguishes and pities, Ling E dead unreliably! 太羲城破、星舰灭、玄惜、凌娥死! News, stir Dark Star. 一个个消息,轰动闇星 Each news, makes these be equal to the Dark Star people that beast tide are excited. 每一个消息,都让那些正在等于兽潮的闇星民众兴奋。 This scene, truly can describe for worldwide celebration. 这场面,确实可以形容为普天同庆。 Beats severely don't hit a person when he's down! 痛打落水狗! Naturally, Dark Clan awes from everyone, reduces to the situation of being chased by all, that is they do. 当然,闇族之所以从人人敬畏,沦落到人人喊打的地步,那都是他们自己作出来的。 Does not do not dead. 不作死就不会死。 This does, ten million years inherited, ruined half. 这一作,千万年传承,毁掉了一半。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Even if the war ended temporarily, this fights the created complementary waves, but also is vibrating these six levels of Star Source World. 哪怕战争暂时结束,这一战所造成的余波,还在震动这六级恒星源世界 But its significance, is spreads the minimum 1 million years, the inheritance eternity! 而它的意义,更是流传起码百万年,传承千古! Announcement of Yi Daiyan, lets her the invincible might on Dark Star, still further, if she has the Chaos Divine Emperor inheritance, feared is at this time, on Dark Star minimum five ten trillion people, will become her follower. 伊代颜的宣告,让她在闇星上的神威,更进一步,如果她有混沌神帝传承,怕是这时候,闇星上起码五十万亿人,都会成为她的信徒。 First World King, unsurpassed!” “第一界王,盖世无双!” Throughout the ages, series Immeasurable!” “千秋万代,一统无量!” Endless cheers, sweeps across Dark Star. 无尽欢呼,席卷闇星 This dark stars, because of the flames of war and faith, become redder. 这一个黑暗星辰,因为战火和信念,变得更加赤红。 By this moment, in the heaven land also has not to have fireworks completely! 到这一刻,苍天大地上还有无尽焰火! Too the conclusion of Xi city, the processing of collection, assignment and captive spoils of war, must continue for several months. 太羲城的收尾,战利品的收集、分配、俘虏的处理,恐怕都要持续好几个月的时间。 However, these matter Tushan are too abundant and the others, for Yi Daiyan processing. 不过,这些事情涂山太豐等人,都会为伊代颜处理。 No matter Yi Daiyan or Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao, their duties, have been accomplished. 不管是伊代颜还是李天命林小道,他们的任务,都已经完成了。 Could not find too Xi to protect barrier Barrier Core, then destroys its barrier foundation on the possibility thoroughly, lets this barrier, the support does not get up again.” Lin Xiaodao said. “找不到太羲守护结界结界核,那就可能将它的结界基础彻底毁灭,让这个结界,再也支撑更不起来了。”林小道说。 On Immeasurable Rank World, in a region, creates Heavenly Weight Rank barrier, is very difficult?” Some Li Tianming regrets asked. “在一个无量级世界上,一片区域内,创造一个天钧级结界,还是很难的吧?”李天命有些遗憾问。 Right. At least several thousand generations of found together diligently, one generation , can only make a fur/superficial knowledge. Now we have all protects barrier, is the painstaking care of older generation, is the time must witness.” Lin Xiaodao said. “对。起码有数千代人一起努力创建,一代人,都只能弄点皮毛。我们现在所拥有的所有守护结界,都是先辈的心血,亦是时代得见证。”林小道说。 Ruins, a little regrettable feeling.” Li Tianming said. “就这么毁掉,有点遗憾的感觉。”李天命道。 One generation for the older generation advances uninterruptedly, definitely does not hope these barrier destruction. 一代代先辈前赴后继的时候,肯定不希望这些结界覆灭的。 Does not have the means that has stood erect ten million years, actually already value.” Lin Xiaodao said. “没办法,已经屹立千万年,其实已经值了。”林小道说。 Also yes!” “也是!” Li Tianming is not then puzzled. 李天命便不纠结了。 Does not know Shenxi Xingtian, what mood is the present?” Li Tianming sneers to say. “不知道神羲刑天,现在是什么心情?”李天命冷笑道。 Haha, I also want to know.” Lin Xiaodao suppresses to say with a smile. “哈哈,我也很想知道。”林小道憋笑道。
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