FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2858: Ray shining world!

Xi who too under the general trend, for ten million years stands upright gorgeously protects barrier, cannot support unexpectedly second, had had the collapse of structure. 大势所趋之下,千万年来巍然挺立的太羲守护结界,竟然没能撑住第二下,就已经发生了结构的崩溃。 This regional protection barrier, contrasts Stars Protection Barrier, relies on the Barrier Spiritual Line strength, but the Barrier Spiritual Line strength, depends on all Dark Clan wills, coordination and faith, the desire of striving for victory. 这种区域性的守护结界,对比星辰守护结界,更依赖结界灵线的力量,而结界灵线的力量,取决于所有闇族的意志、配合、信念,求胜的欲望。 Obviously! 很显然! Nine Dragons Emperor Burial and strange treachery of Sword God Star vestige, keeping most Dark Clan at heart from withstanding, at this moment, the shadow of rout well uped recently for successive four times, became the nightmare unexpectedly! 九龙帝葬剑神星遗迹的古怪倒戈,让大多数闇族心里都无法承受,这一刻,他们最近连续四次溃败的阴影涌上心头,竟然成了梦魇! All Dark Clan, under that dreadful Star Source strength impact, the mentality exploded thoroughly. 全体闇族,在那滔天的恒星源力量冲击下,心态彻底炸了。 Too Xi protects being shattered of barrier, is the fifth rout, is most serious one time, its being shattered, means that Dark Clan has dropped the valley thoroughly, for ten million years, even if the Sword God Lin Clan two generations of World King time, cannot make their disastrous defeat become this. 太羲守护结界之破灭,是第五次溃败,也是最为严重的一次,它的破灭,意味着闇族已经彻底跌落谷底,千万年来,哪怕是剑神林氏两代界王的时代,都没能让他们惨败成这样。 Contrasts this time, front defeat four times, is the upholstery. 对比这次,前面四次战败,都是铺垫。 The first time, Shenxi Xingtian losses the war of World King, second, third, expedited the failure twice, the fourth time, was rebelled against by five big World King clan treachery...... 第一次,神羲刑天界王之战,第二、第三,两次远征失败,第四次,被五大界王族倒戈反叛…… Too Xi city, has broken!” “太羲城,已破!” Kills!” “杀!” They want to run away with Star Sea Divine Ship, first encircles kills their Star Sea Divine Ship!” “他们想用星海神舰逃走,先围杀他们的星海神舰!” Too after Xi protects barrier is shattered, in this too Xi city, even if barrier, some even achieves Saint Domain Rank ten million/countless, but that is unsafe, sooner or later broken. 太羲守护结界破灭后,这太羲城内,哪怕还有千万结界,有些甚至达到圣域级,但那也不安全,迟早得破。 Only then rides Star Sea Divine Ship to flee, some life hopes. 只有乘坐星海神舰逃离,才有活命希望。 Suddenly, Star Sea Divine Ship that Dark Clan these have started, gives up too Xi city decisively, breaks through directly. 一时间,闇族那些早已经启动的星海神舰,断然放弃太羲城,直接突围。 This is also the order that Shenxi Xingtian spits blood issues. 这也是神羲刑天吐血中下达的命令。 Breaks through!” “突围!” Kills, goes to the dark demon city!” “杀出去,去闇魔城!” Other, can escape to escape leave alone......” “别管其他了,能逃一个就逃一个啊……” Too Xi city had been filled flurriedly and pitifully. 太羲城已经被慌乱、凄惨挤满。 These ordinary day superiority feeling are full, nostril Dark Clan upwards, is at this moment panic, such as true target of universal detestation, flees like a scared rat, they who were once insufferably arrogant, now bursts into tears in a panic, pitiful yell again and again. 这些平日优越感十足,鼻孔朝天的闇族,此刻惊慌失措,一个个如真正的过街老鼠,抱头鼠窜,曾经不可一世的他们,如今仓皇流泪,惨叫连连。 Must destroy the Dark Clan war ability!” “必须摧毁闇族的战争能力!” Protected barrier to break, Star Sea Divine Ship first!” “守护结界破了,星海神舰优先!” Right!” “对!” The battle strength composition of Dark Clan, Star Sea Divine Ship and place bottom Ominous Beast, is very important part, eliminating bottom Ominous Beast is a long process, but today, is the golden opportunities of taking these Star Sea Divine Ship. 闇族战力组成,星海神舰和地底凶兽,都是很重要的部分,消灭地底凶兽是一个漫长过程,而今日,是一个拿下这些星海神舰的大好机会。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Three million Star Sea Divine Ship, encircle in this bottom world kills Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship! 三百万星海神舰,在这地底世界围杀闇族星海神舰 The Star Source might, erupts unceasingly! 恒星源威力,不断爆发! Terrifying bellow, persistent impact battlefield. 恐怖的轰鸣声,持续的冲击战场。 Star Sea Divine Ship, hit and bombs in the world, demolishes. 一艘艘星海神舰,在天地之间撞击、轰炸,紧接着爆破。 Once demolishes, High God was very easy dead in battle, only then Star God can live in the explosion of miniature Star Source by the strong vitality. 一旦爆破,上神很容易就战死,只有星神才能以强大的生命力在微型恒星源的爆炸当中活下来。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The battlefield midpoint, Yi Daiyan grasps Immeasurable World Monument, stares at Star Sea Divine Ship to be shattered . Moreover, she stares is Heavenly Weight Rank above Star Sea Divine Ship! 战场的正中央,伊代颜手持无量界碑,亦盯着星海神舰破灭,而且,她盯上的都是天钧级以上的星海神舰 A sword puncture! 一剑穿刺! Immeasurable World Monument pierces the Heavenly Weight ore, punctures the hole these top Star Sea Divine Ship, once tears Star Sea Barrier, even Heavenly Weight Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, must explode at the scene, the Star Source strength dissipates, hides such as Dark Clan in Star Sea Divine Ship these, complete evaporation! 无量界碑洞穿天钧矿,将那些顶级星海神舰刺出窟窿,一旦撕裂星海结界,就算是天钧级星海神舰,都得当场爆炸,恒星源力量逸散,将那些躲藏如星海神舰内的闇族,全部蒸发! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Too Xi city, was embezzled by the Star Source anger thoroughly! 太羲城,彻底被恒星源的怒火吞没! This absolutely is in the Dark Star history, the most frigid war, by Xi city place base space was very too big, endures compared with Paradise Rank Star Source, but now is opened greatly, the soil rock mineral lode becomes the ashes completely, purest Star Source and element god disaster and Universe Heavenly Yuan dash everywhere. 这绝对是闇星历史上,最为惨烈的一战,太羲城旁边的地底空间本来就很大,堪比洞天级恒星源,而现在则被开得更大,泥土岩石矿脉全部成为灰烬,最纯粹的恒星源、元素神灾和宇宙天元到处冲撞。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang! 轰隆! Ray shining world! 光芒耀世! The explosive sound is lingering on faintly. 爆炸声不绝于耳。 Similar to the Yi Daiyan ruination, Lin Xiaodao Sword God Star vestige! 伊代颜毁灭性差不多的,还有林小道剑神星遗迹! It protects the flash of barrier demolition in too Xi, entered in the middle of the Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship community! 它在太羲守护结界爆破的第一瞬间,就杀入了闇族星海神舰群体当中! That huge double headed Divine Dragon, ruination, although is inferior to Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, but facing Star Sea Divine Ship of low rank, that is cuts the melon to cut the vegetable/dish. 那巨大的双头神龙,毁灭性虽然不如九龙帝葬,但面对比自己低级别的星海神舰,那都是砍瓜切菜。 Even if Heavenly Weight Rank, can bite to nip the explosion directly. 哪怕是天钧级,都能直接噬咬爆炸。 Initially the Star Hunter Heavenly Weight Rank Star Sea Divine Ship gear, could not block the Sword God Star vestige. 当初猎星者天钧级星海神舰齿轮,都挡不住剑神星遗迹。 Roar roar! 吼吼! A chaotic Star Sea Divine Ship war! 一场混乱的星海神舰大战! Battle without limits! 无止境的厮杀! Arrived finally, many Star Sea Divine Ship Star Source strengths, almost consumed cleanly. 到最后,很多星海神舰恒星源力量,几乎都消耗干净了。 Space underground, everywhere is the Star Sea Divine Ship fragments. 天上地下,到处都是星海神舰的碎片。 Only then these fragments can save, the person, Star God, Ominous Beast, had been crushed. 只有这些碎片能存下来,人、星神凶兽,早就被粉碎了。 This star ship slaughters greatly, continued the half-day time, arrived to behind even Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, joins to the interception of Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship during. 这一场星舰大厮杀,足足持续了半天时间,到后面连九龙帝葬都到了,加入对闇族星海神舰的拦截之中。 Compared with the Sword God Star vestige, Nine Dragons Emperor Burial has nine dragon head, bites one , cripy delicious, even if it compresses Star Source to blast out, to the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial gluttonous demon dragon gold/metal, seems like the firecracker. 比起剑神星遗迹,九龙帝葬有九个龙首,一咬一个准,一口一个,香脆可口,哪怕其压缩恒星源炸开,对九龙帝葬的饕魔龙金来说,亦不过像是炮竹罢了。 Nine Dragons Emperor Burial arrived, why An demon hasn't arrived? 九龙帝葬都到了,为何闇魔号没到? The answer is very obvious! 答案很明显! He knows obviously, too Xi city general situation has decided that can only give up. 他显然是知道,太羲城大局已定,只能放弃。 If An demon also dares to come, that walks into a trap simply, was encircled by Yi Daiyan, Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming three people kills. 闇魔号要是还敢来,那简直就是自投罗网,被伊代颜林小道李天命三人围杀。 Shenxi Xingtian under the sorrow, gave up too Xi city, it can be imagined too Dark Clan of Xi city, can be what kind of despaired. 神羲刑天在悲哀之下,都放弃了太羲城,可想而知太羲城的闇族,会是何等的绝望了。 Slaughters , to continue for quite a while! 厮杀,足足持续半天! The dead are innumerable. 死者无数。 After Nine Dragons Emperor Burial joins, Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship that can run away, is few. 九龙帝葬加入后,能逃走的闇族星海神舰,更是寥寥无几。 Arrived finally, too Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship of Xi city, was shot down, suppressed and kidnapped over 900,000 at least, can while break through truly randomly, remaining is less than 100,000. 到最后,太羲城的闇族星海神舰,起码被击落、镇压、劫持九十万以上,真正能趁乱突围的,剩下不到十万。 Ten go to its nine! 十去其九! Dark Clan also million Star God here, after Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment three million Star God join the battlefield, their similarly comprehensive rout. 闇族还有百万星神在这里,在无量道场军团三百万星神加入战场后,他们同样全面溃败。 The capitulant number, achieved 500,000! 投降者数量,都达到了五十万! Died in battle 300,000! 战死三十万! Remaining, runs away either, either heavy losses. 剩下的,要么逃走,要么重创。 These defeated general, have not threatened. 这些败军之将,已经没有威胁。 The entire too Xi city collapsed thoroughly! 整个太羲城彻底崩了! Throughly was captured! 彻头彻尾被攻陷! The city that this stands erect ten million years, is almost equivalent is erased, looking into the distance, everywhere is the remnant eave cliffs, falls the army! 这座屹立千万年的城池,几乎相当于被抹掉,放眼望去,到处都是残檐断壁,还有降军! Too in Xi city High God, the quantity has over 10 billion, these may be the pure Dark Clan bloodlines, is the Dark Clan true core. 太羲城内上神,数量都有百亿以上,这些可都是纯正的闇族血脉,是闇族真正的核心。 Previously the Star Sea Divine Ship chaotic war, these Dark Clan broke through furiously, in fact had been affected, died minimum 1/3. 此前星海神舰乱战,这些闇族奋力突围,实际上就已经被波及,死去了起码三分之一。 Since this has been both sides makes war the biggest casualties. 这是双方开战以来最大的伤亡。 Majority by Star Sea Divine Ship explodes the time killed! 大多数都是被星海神舰爆炸的时候炸死的! From these casualty figures, can see the frigidity of this war. 从这些伤亡数字,都能看出这场战争的惨烈。 At this moment, too barrier, Star Sea Divine Ship, Star God and High God Xi city, are almost are disintegrated completely, surrounding beast tide accumulation again many useless, could not save them. 这一刻起,太羲城的结界星海神舰星神上神,几乎算是全部被瓦解,周围的兽潮聚集再多都没用,救不了他们。 However, means truly Dark Clan big rout, is another matter. 然而,真正意味着闇族大溃败的,还是另一件事。 That is- 那就是- Pities, Ling E unreliably, god Xi World King that these two have Extreme Xi God Eye, was caught! 玄惜、凌娥,这两位拥有太羲神眼的神羲氏界王,被逮出来了! ...... …… Sunday 1 chapter. Tomorrow on Monday, according to convention, after renewal ahead of time to 12 : 00 pm . 周日一章。明天周一,按照惯例,更新提前至今晚12点后。 This week's recommendation ticket, wanted immediately expired, the treasure remember that threw! 本周的推荐票,马上就要过期了,宝贝们记得投一下!
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