FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2857: Qian mountain break and rivers and streams burn to extinguish!

Twice blocks Dark Clan to expedite, destroys Dark Clan 1/3 battle strength! 两次阻击闇族远征,摧毁闇族三分之一的战力 At this moment was the upfront hardly just An demon! 这一刻更是正面硬刚闇魔号! Such hundred -year-old youngster Lin Feng, re-enters Dark Star at this moment, direct such as Yi Daiyan like that caused cheering of tens of trillions of common people, even if on Dark Star, his all living things line quantity, is rising dramatically crazily! 这样的百岁少年林枫,重回闇星这一刻,直接如伊代颜那般,引起了数十万亿苍生的欢呼,哪怕是在闇星上,他的众生线数量,都在疯狂飙升! Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, the invincible might is unparalleled!” 九龙帝葬,神威盖世!” Hopes Sword God Lin Clan and first World King, can convert an enemy into a friend, protects our Immeasurable Dao Temple together, in this case, has first World King and Lin Feng, no matter now or in the future, our Immeasurable World Territory, will be rising, long-term peace and good government!” “但愿剑神林氏和第一界王,能够化敌为友,共同守护我们无量道场,这样的话,有第一界王林枫,不管是现在还是未来,我们无量界域,都是如日中天,长治久安!” Hope!” “希望啊!” No matter how said, today was Lin Feng rescued the azure hillock, he had the big kindness to Spirit of Light Demon Clan and Azure Mound Tushan Clan! He compels An demon to run away, the Dark Clan beast tide contraction, he is also the benefactor who saves the Dark Star common people!” “不管怎么说,今天就是林枫救了青丘山,他对光之灵魔族青丘涂山氏都有大恩德!他逼得闇魔号逃窜,闇族兽潮收缩,他也是拯救闇星苍生的恩人!” Now, looks at too that side Xi city, first World King and can Lin Xiaodao, seize the best opportunity, destroys too Xi city, for ten million years, the first time true destroyed the basic base of Dark Clan this Dark Star malignant tumor!” “现在,就看太羲城那边,第一界王林小道,能不能抓住最好的机会,摧毁太羲城,千万年来,第一次真正毁灭掉闇族闇星毒瘤的根本基地了!” „The bottom mouse, your time, finished! Dark Star does not belong to Ominous Beast, belongs to Human Race!” “地底老鼠,你们的时代,结束了!闇星不属于凶兽,属于人族!” Countless people send out the call. 无数人发出呐喊。 These desires, can become all living things line similarly, gathers on Li Tianming's, making him stronger. 这些愿望,同样能成为众生线,汇聚在李天命的身上,让他更强。 Entire Dark Star, knows that the performance of his Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, too around Xi city that 300 ten thousand Star God and Star Sea Divine Ship, naturally know early Nine Dragons Emperor Burial strives to turn the tide in the azure hillock. 整个闇星,都知道他九龙帝葬的表现,太羲城周围那三百多万星神星海神舰,自然更早知道九龙帝葬在青丘山力挽狂澜。 Especially Tushan and Spirit of Light Demon Clan Star God. 尤其是涂山氏、光之灵魔族星神 They were so so nervous, many people heard that An demon appears in the azure hillock, cried directly. 他们原本紧张得不得了,很多人听说闇魔号出现在青丘山,直接就哭了。 But now, not only Nine Dragons Emperor Burial saved their wife and children, has the Sword God Star vestige to become the head of Star Sea Divine Ship! 而现在,不但九龙帝葬救了他们妻儿,更有剑神星遗迹成为了星海神舰之首! The aspect, from the hell pattern, flies the sky clouds directly. 局面,直接从地狱模式,飞到天空云端。 That three million Star God, everyone fills fighting intent suddenly! 那三百万星神,一时间人人充满战意 First World King long live!” “第一界王万岁!” Sword God Lin Clan cow! Lin Xiaodao cow! Lin Feng really cow!” 剑神林氏牛!林小道牛!林枫真特么牛!” You stood in this time, the real man, the father life absolutely no longer was absolutely black you!” “你们在这时候站出来,绝对真汉子,老子此生绝对不再黑你们!” Three million Star God, are very frantic. 三百万星神,无比狂热。 Three million Star Sea Divine Ship, follow the Sword God Star vestige that they were just awing, arranges outside too Xi city, on the one hand is cut off outside beast tide, on the one hand the fermentation attacks! 三百万星海神舰,跟随着它们刚刚敬畏的剑神星遗迹,就在太羲城外排列开来,一方面阻隔外面的兽潮,一方面酝酿进攻! fighting intent soars to the heavens!! 战意冲天!! When Yi Daiyan grasps Immeasurable World Monument, white hair flies upwards, stands , on Sword God Star vestige dragon's head, Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment everyone were more insane. 伊代颜手持无量界碑,白发飞扬,站在剑神星遗迹龙头上的时候,无量道场军团所有人更是疯了。 Goddess!” “女神!” This is the real goddess! 这是真女神! Makes that one has a dream awes. 令人做梦都敬畏的那种。 So the goddess, before three million Star God armies, raises in the hand Immeasurable World Monument, sword aura soars to the heavens, but two big dragon head of its below that Sword God Star vestige, its Star Source strength, has condensed the pinnacle. 如此女神,在三百万星神大军面前,举起手中无量界碑,剑气冲天,而其下方那剑神星遗迹的两大龙首,其恒星源力量,已经凝聚到了极致。 Buzz! 嗡! The Lin Xiaodao sound, expands through the Sword God Star vestige, spreads over the battlefield. 林小道的声音,通过剑神星遗迹扩大,传遍战场。 All Star Sea Divine Ship preparation reciprocals, ten! Nine! Eight!” “所有星海神舰准备倒数,十!九!八!” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! His broad sound, cannot block, he makes three million Star God excited, lets too the Dark Clan fear in Xi city. 他的恢弘声音,根本挡不住,他让三百万星神兴奋,让太羲城内的闇族恐惧。 This time, is one's turn the Dark Clan collapse! 这一次,轮到闇族崩溃! This is two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship might, basically they support anyone, who can win! 这就是两艘无量级星海神舰的威力,基本上它们支持谁,谁就能赢! At this time, An demon still returned in the attack soil ground, radically without enough time. 这时候,闇魔号还在攻击泥土地面回归,根本来不及。 Lin Xiaodao knows that the Shenxi Xingtian position, will not give him the opportunity. 林小道知道神羲刑天的位置,更不会给他机会。 Even if he comes back still uselessly, because of Li Tianming's Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, but also pursues behind him! 而且就算他回来也没用,因为李天命的九龙帝葬,还追在他后面! Three!” “三!” Lin Xiaodao shouted this number time, the place bottom world of entire too Xi city, had been shone the daytime by the Star Sea Divine Ship ray. 林小道喊到这个数字的时候,整个太羲城的地底世界,已经被星海神舰的光芒照耀成白昼。 The Dark Clan these bottom mouse, was illuminated completely, everyone was almost blind the eye. 闇族这些地底老鼠,全部被照亮了,每个人都几乎瞎了眼睛。 In front of the war machine, they are the powder! 在战争机器面前,他们都是粉末! Two!” “二!” By this moment, Star Sea Divine Ship has not moved, too protection barrier of Xi city has been shivering. 到这一刻,星海神舰还没动,太羲城的守护结界已经在颤动。 Yi Daiyan with Immeasurable World Monument, can withstand the barrier might, kills directly, but collective bombing of Star Sea Divine Ship, can demolish barrier truly, lets its be being disillusioned condition shortly and even for a long time, the structural damage, cannot support! 伊代颜无量界碑,能顶住结界威力,直接杀进去,而星海神舰的集体轰炸,能真正爆破结界,让其短暂、甚至长期处在破灭状态,结构损坏,撑不起来! That does not garrison! 那就是不设防! One!” “一!” Puts!” “放!” Bang-!! 轰隆-!! This is a crazy proactive attack, the Sword God Star vestige leads the way directly, two dragon head spouts the golden-black two giant Star Source spheroid, that two spheroid in too Xi protects in barrier to hit loudly in together, in this close place bottom world, triggers the century large explosion! 这是一次疯狂的主动进攻,剑神星遗迹直接开路,两个龙首喷出金黑色两个巨大的恒星源球体,那两个球体就在太羲守护结界内轰然撞击在一起,在这封闭的地底世界,引发世纪般的大爆炸! The attacks of three million Star Sea Divine Ship, connect the bombardment, in too Xi protects on barrier, has not fallen, after all protects barrier unable to dodge. 紧接着,三百万星海神舰的攻击,接连轰击在太羲守护结界上,一个都没落下,毕竟守护结界都不能闪避。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- This is the true bang day shakes. 这是真正的轰天震地。 Only is the complementary waves that the Star Source strength explodes, inspires to fly these Star Sea Divine Ship, is to make innumerable Ominous Beast be strangled to death at the scene. 光是恒星源力量爆炸的余波,都将这些星海神舰振飞出去,更是让无数的凶兽被当场绞杀。 The midpoint of that explosion, had been given to embezzle by the Star Source compression explosion ray, became a big cavern of revolving, the space as if burst, the terrifying strength forms the tide, dissipates and shakes toward the surroundings unceasingly! 那爆炸的正中央,早就已经被恒星源的压缩爆炸光芒给吞没,成了一个旋转的大洞窟,空间似乎都破裂了,恐怖的力量形成浪潮,不断朝着周围逸散、震荡! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! From Dark Star, can see too above Xi city this endless land, had been fired the fiery-red completely, the blazing flame sea braved from the place bottom world, sweeps across the heaven, even rushed to above the dark cloud. 闇星上看,可以看到太羲城上方这无尽土地,都已经完全被烧成了火红色,炽烈的火焰海洋从地底世界冒了出来,席卷苍天,甚至冲到了闇云之上。 Dark Star looked like falls ill was the same, became incomparably boiling hot, the hills sea of that land, has reduced for the magma, only had by the city of barrier protection, but also float above magma! 闇星就像是生病了一样,变得无比滚烫,那一块土地的群山沧海,都已经沦落为岩浆,只有一座座被结界保护的城池,还悬浮在岩浆之上! Qian mountain break, the rivers and streams burn to extinguish! 千山断裂,江河焚灭! Ten thousand avalanches, judgment day! 万道崩塌,世界末日! This is six levels of Star Source World super civil wars! 这就是六级恒星源世界的超级内战! The eyes of person, cannot see the destruction of the world. 人的眼睛,根本看不到世界的毁灭。 In a situation Star God in battlefield, can only see that around them was embezzled by the ray, the entire world covers in the light and storm, the entire world is shivering, the sound that even called out pitifully could not hear. 处身在战场中的星神,都只能看到他们周围都被光芒吞没,全世界都笼罩在光和风暴之中,全世界都在颤动,连惨叫的声音都听不到。 Until this moment, the Lin Xiaodao sound, makes a sound again! 直到这一刻,林小道的声音,再度响起来! All Star Sea Divine Ship, prepare the second wave of attack! In one vigorous effort, thorough shatter too Xi protects barrier, becomes the dregs Dark Clan!” “所有星海神舰,准备第二波进攻!一鼓作气,彻底破碎太羲守护结界,将闇族都成渣!” Yes!!” “是!!” Too hot blooded. 太热血了。 Although also in turbulent, but most Star Sea Divine Ship under the guidance of Lin Xiaodao, have started to prepare second Star Source to bomb. 虽然还在动荡,但大多数星海神舰林小道的引导下,已经开始准备第二次恒星源轰炸。 Just now the might of Sword God Star vestige, everyone saw, if such might hits they, these Star Sea Divine Ship cannot support. 方才剑神星遗迹的威力,大家都看到了,这样的威力如果命中他们,这些星海神舰都撑不住。 Luckily, such Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, is not an enemy. 幸好,这样的无量级星海神舰,不是敌人。 Not is only not an enemy, is own leader! 不但不是敌人,还是自己的领军者! This was too happy. 这太幸福了。 Comes again one time! Preparation!” “再来一次!准备!” Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰轰! Under the guidance of Lin Xiaodao, three million Star Sea Divine Ship glow are infinite, in time that the ray has not withered away, came the second wave of impact directly. 林小道的引导下,三百万星海神舰辉光无限,在光芒还没消亡的时刻,直接来了第二波冲击。 At this time, too in Xi city the foreign attack of Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship, just erupted, Lin Xiaodao behind them beast tide, is surging. 这时候,太羲城内闇族星海神舰的对外攻击,刚刚爆发,林小道他们背后的兽潮,又在涌动。 Only pitifully, Dark Clan An demon is not, simply does not have the strength to block Lin Xiaodao! 只可惜,闇族的闇魔号不在,根本没力量能挡住林小道 Especially at this time, a white hair woman, had entered too Xi city. 尤其是这时候,一个白发女人,已经杀入了太羲城内部。 Bang!” “轰!” The Sword God Star vestige shells, three million Star Sea Divine Ship follow, destructive strength suppression under. 剑神星遗迹轰击,三百万星海神舰跟随,毁灭性力量镇压而下。 At that moment! 那一刻! ten million years not captured Xi too protects barrier, under this destruction strength, is loudly stave! 千万年未曾被攻下的太羲守护结界,在这毁灭力量下,轰然破碎! Testimony history, kills!” “见证历史,杀!” Finally extinguishes the bugle that kills, plays! 最终灭杀的号角,吹奏!
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