FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2856: Character

Did not need them saying that actually Shenxi Xingtian operated An demon, while related Lin Xiaodao through the pass on message stone, did to this time, Lin Xiaodao simply has not responded. 不用他们多说,其实神羲刑天一边操纵闇魔号,一边通过传讯石联系林小道,奈何这个时候,林小道根本没有回应。 What situation?” Shenxi Xingtian cannot think through. “到底什么情况?”神羲刑天自己都想不通。 He suddenly some ominous premonition, directly that side situation with pass on message stone relation too Xi city. 他陡然有了更不祥的预感,直接用传讯石联系太羲城那边的情况。 Without thinking at this time, too the pass on message stone of Xi city, just puts through toward here. 没想到就在这时候,太羲城的传讯石,也刚好往这边接通。 Shenxi Xingtian and his two wife, altogether 12 eyes look at each other suddenly. 神羲刑天和他的两个妻子,一共十二个眼睛陡然对视。 Punishment day, is not good!” Pities this tear five characters unreliably, lets Shenxi Xingtian at heart thump, even if his face is a skeleton, at this time became paler. “刑天,不好了!”玄惜这撕裂般的五个字,让神羲刑天心里咯噔一声,哪怕他的脸是骷髅,这时候都变得更加惨白。 What......” the Shenxi Xingtian sound is hoarse, just said, his An demon was thrown by Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, pounds down at the scene, the facial skin of this darkness ominous demon head/number of people, was given to extract downward by Nine Dragons Emperor Burial. “什么……”神羲刑天声音沙哑,刚说完,他的闇魔号又被九龙帝葬扑中,当场砸下,这黑暗凶魔人头的脸皮,都被九龙帝葬生生给拔了下来。 „The Sword God Star vestige shifts to the upfront, is saving the Star Source strength, I thought that its offensive direction seems like our too Xi city! These Yi Daiyan Star Sea Divine Ship, have encircled now completely in his side, with its altogether onset and retreat! What situation is this?” Pities the fright to say unreliably. 剑神星遗迹转向正面,正在积蓄恒星源力量,我看它的进攻方向好像是我们太羲城!那些伊代颜星海神舰,现在已经全部围在了他的旁边,和它共进退!这到底是什么情况?”玄惜惊魂道。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Shenxi Xingtian calls out in alarm one, puts out a black blood at the scene. 神羲刑天惊呼一声,当场吐出一口黑血。 Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, attacks itself! 九龙帝葬,进攻自己! Sword God Star vestige, attack too Xi city! 剑神星遗迹,进攻太羲城! This and he expects just right opposite. 这和他预料的正好相反。 All Dark Clan cannot think through, all Immeasurable Dao Temple regiments cannot think through! 所有闇族都想不通,所有无量道场军团也都想不通! Lin Xiaodao was insane, was sick? He did not sit mountain Guanhu to fight even, but must help Yi Daiyan, he does not know that his such action, will make their Sword God Lin Clan beyond redemption?” Ling E voice cold and still say/way. 林小道是疯了,有病?他不坐山观虎斗就算了,还要帮助伊代颜,他不知道他这样的举动,会让他们剑神林氏万劫不复么?”凌娥声音冷寂道。 Yi Daiyan absolutely is not the good kind. Lin Xiaodao this act is digging one's own grave. What toxicant he took, will make the so inconceivable foolish matter? You have a look to contact with him quickly!” Pitied unreliably is very anxious. 伊代颜绝对不是善类。林小道此举是在自掘坟墓。他到底吃了什么毒药,会做出如此不可思议的傻事?你快看看能不能联系上他啊!”玄惜已经很紧张了。 Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, it attacks anyone, to the entire bottom world World Core moral battle field, is quite essential. 一座无量级星海神舰,它到底进攻谁,对整个地底世界核心战场来说,相当关键。 Even in the azure hillock, supposed that Nine Dragons Emperor Burial attacks Azure Mound Tushan Clan, that Tushan accelerates to exterminate inevitably. 就算是在青丘山,假设九龙帝葬进攻青丘涂山氏,那涂山氏必然加速灭绝。 In that bottom battlefield, around converging attack destruction general situation of Dark Clan design, the goal change because of Sword God Star vestige, makes too Xi city by the object of converging attack sufficiently! 在那地底战场,闇族设计的前后夹击覆灭大局,因为剑神星遗迹的目标改变,足以让太羲城成为被前后夹击的对象! Moreover, too Xi protects barrier this Heavenly Weight Rank to protect barrier, most fears is the impact of Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship! 而且,太羲守护结界这种天钧级守护结界,最怕得就是无量级星海神舰的冲击! The beast tide cannot block. 兽潮都挡不住。 Lin Xiaodao!” 林小道!” The Shenxi Xingtian pass on message stone has lightened, but does not have the news, he is quick must sweat anxiously. 神羲刑天的传讯石一直点亮,但就是没有消息,他都快已经急得冒汗。 Li Tianming does not respond him! 李天命不搭理他! Lin Xiaodao does not respond him! 林小道也不搭理他! This explained completely, the opposite party iron core must oppose with them. 这完全说明,对方已经铁了心要和他们作对。 You are quite ruthless! You! You!” “你们好狠!你们!你们!” Shenxi Xingtian spits blood again. 神羲刑天再度吐血。 This is he most desperate, one time that most collapses. 这是他最绝望,最崩溃的一次。 The front several expeditions defeat, he also has the faith, is this most confident one time, because of two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship all general situations that treachery, he supposes, will collapse surely at the scene. 前面几次远征战败,他还有信念,可是这最有信心的一次,因为两艘无量级星海神舰的‘倒戈’,他所设下的所有大局,必定会当场崩溃。 His goal, is to defend too Xi city, takes azure the hillock and other World King clans! 他的目标,是守住太羲城,拿下青丘山等界王族! Now, the azure hillock cannot capture continually, too Xi city also has the possibility destruction. 现在,连青丘山都攻不下,太羲城还有可能覆灭。 Yi Daiyan appeared! You come back quickly! Beast tide contraction!” That side the pass on message stone, transmitted pitied the sad and shrill sound unreliably. 伊代颜出现了!你快回来!兽潮收缩!”传讯石那边,传来了玄惜凄厉的声音。 Even in her sound, appeared at this moment desperately. 连她的声音里,此刻都出现了绝望。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Shenxi Xingtian spits blood continuously three, the heavy losses in mind, have been similar to the nightmare. 神羲刑天连续吐血三口,心灵上的重创,已经如同噩梦。 Yi Daiyan appears, means that all these to Dark Clan, is a fatal destruction snare. 伊代颜出现,意味着这一切对闇族来说,就是一个致命的覆灭圈套。 You, are quite ruthless, is quite ruthless!” Shenxi Xingtian already hemp. “你们,好狠,好狠!”神羲刑天已经麻了。 All Dark Clan looked at dumbly at the scene, directly the hemp. 全体闇族呆立当场,直接都麻了。 Even if at this moment, cannot think through again, all Dark Clan know, must give up a rook to save a king as soon as possible, otherwise Dark Clan will certainly lose 100 percent, more than ten million years inherit, are destroyed in a moment today! 此时此刻,哪怕再想不通,所有闇族都知道,必须要尽快弃车保帅,否则闇族必将会满盘皆输,上千万年传承,在今日毁于一旦! Ah--!” 啊——!” Shenxi Xingtian does not hold the hope to Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming. 神羲刑天再不对林小道李天命抱有希望。 He tears to howl, adjusts the blackout demon number directly the direction, flushes away in too the direction of Xi city, is separated from the instance of Nine Dragons Emperor Burial control in it, that bloodlines vine has trillion bloodlines long vine to put on the ground, flies the horizon forcefully, bound Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, twined hundreds of thousands of inside and outside heavily, trillion above Star Source Ominous Beast rushes to come, clears the way for An demon! 他撕裂吼叫一声,直接调转闇魔号的方向,朝着太羲城的方向冲去,在它脱离九龙帝葬掌控的瞬间,那血脉藤有亿万的血脉长藤穿出地面,硬生生飞到天际,绑住了九龙帝葬,里里外外缠绕了数十万重,还有万亿以上的恒星源凶兽奔赴而来,为闇魔号开道! Dark Clan defends one dozen of plans, thorough avalanche. 闇族的守一打一之策,彻底雪崩。 The azure hillock cannot take, they only want to defend too Xi city. 青丘山拿不下,他们只想守住太羲城。 However at this time, Shenxi Xingtian remembered one move that they dug one's own grave, that was- too the place bottom channel of Xi city, had been ruined by them. 然而这时候,神羲刑天又想起了他们自掘坟墓的一招,那就是-太羲城的地底通道,已经被他们自己毁掉了。 An demon wants to return to too Xi city fast, only then two means that one type will first be the dark demon city, passed the dark demon city and too the channel of Xi city in the past. 闇魔号想要快速回到太羲城,只有两种办法,一种是先会闇魔城,通过闇魔城和太羲城的通道过去。 Another type, drives out the ground, by the Star Source strength melting soil, kills directly. 另外一种,就是轰开地面,以恒星源力量融化泥土,直接杀进去。 These two means that is inferior to the channel to blow up , are so before actually convenient, will lose the time. 这两种办法,其实都不如通道炸毁前那么方便,都会耽误时间。 In order to save too Xi city, many top Star Source Ominous Beast are returning to too Xi city, but obviously without enough time, all can only depend on An demon. 为了拯救太羲城,很多顶级的恒星源凶兽都在返回太羲城,但明显都来不及,一切都只能靠闇魔号。 Then, the World King clan supreme headquarters represented by azure hillock, announced in this war safely worry-free. 如此一来,以青丘山为代表的界王族大本营,宣告在这一战当中安然无忧。 The azure hillock, the Dark Star bloodlines vine pestered Nine Dragons Emperor Burial full power, even/including Shouchao retreated much, in that azure hillock, 1.8 billion people wept copiously, start to cheer the celebration to win. 青丘山这边,闇星血脉藤全力纠缠九龙帝葬,连兽潮都退去了不少,那青丘山内,十八亿人泪如雨下,开始欢呼庆祝胜利。 Other World King clans, except for having three Great Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast that three clans, other did not have the issue, moreover can dispatch troops to support that three big World King clans. 其他界王族,除了有三大无量级凶兽那三族,其他都还没问题,而且还能派兵支援那三大界王族。 As for peak clan and city, after experience just Dark Clan beast tide fiercest impact, does not have the broken city, has fiercely competed and successfully competed. 至于巅峰氏族、城池,经历刚刚闇族兽潮最凶猛的冲击后,没破的城池,都已经愈战愈勇。 Entire Dark Star world battlefield, because the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial domineering joins, at the scene reversal war! 整个闇星全球战场,因为九龙帝葬的强势加入,当场逆转战局! The Nine Dragons Emperor Burial resistance steamroll An demon good news, in this moment through the pass on message stone, the twinkling spreads over Dark Star, passes to the middle of each and every family each city, as we all know, is Sword God Lin Clan Lin Feng and Lin Xiaodao, in the face of the principle of righteousness, stood this side Immeasurable Dao Temple. 九龙帝葬对抗碾压闇魔号的喜讯,就在这一刻通过传讯石,瞬息传遍闇星,传到家家户户每一个城池当中,所有人都知道,是剑神林氏林枫林小道,在大义面前,站在了无量道场这一边。 Dark Clan to resist first World King, mobilizes the global beast tide attack world common people, the so despicable and shameless action, had shown that they stood in the opposite of common people thoroughly, stood that side the historical criminal, Dark Clan was the entire Immeasurable World Territory enemy!” 闇族为了对抗第一界王,发动全球兽潮进攻天下苍生,如此卑鄙无耻举动,已经说明他们彻底站在了苍生的对立面,站在了历史罪人那一边,闇族就是全无量界域的敌人!” At this time, Sword God Lin Clan was righteous, disagreement/not with Dark Clan collaborated, at crucial moment reversed the war, the merit was huge, is worth admiring!” “这种时候,剑神林氏深明大义,不和闇族同流合污,关键时候逆转战局,功劳巨大,值得敬佩!” Sword God Lin Clan, really does not owe the character of sword god! I and others admired!” 剑神林氏,真不亏有剑神之风骨!我等佩服!” The information dissemination is quick, Dark Star each and every family, the eye of people are sharp, at this moment, they saw the entire Immeasurable Dao Temple big tide! 信息传播很快,闇星家家户户,群众的眼睛是雪亮的,这一刻,他们看到了整个无量道场的大浪潮! Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, is really strong!” 九龙帝葬,真是强啊!” Lin Feng! Lin Feng!” 林枫林枫!” really ox cross/crotch, clothing/taking!” “真特么牛叉,服了!”
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