FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2855: Emperor Burial invincible might

At a crucial moment! 千钧一发! Electric light flint! 电光火石! An demon and bloodlines vine and end of trillion Ominous Beast manufacture, has let the azure hillock close to the shatter edge. 闇魔号、血脉藤、万亿凶兽制造的末日,已经让青丘山临近破碎的边缘。 1.8 billion people, will soon exterminate! 十八亿人,即将灭绝! In such time, that black-golden nine machinery Divine Dragon appear above the heaven, plunges that An demon , such as the Savior is without a doubt common, in an instant, is causing a stir in the heart of everyone. 在这样的时刻,那黑金色九头机械神龙出现在苍天之上,扑向那闇魔号,毫无疑问,就如救世主一般,刹那之间,轰动着每一个人的内心。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The battlefield is very noisy, even Shenxi Xingtian is when Nine Dragons Emperor Burial will soon throw, discovers the back this colossus. 战场无比嘈杂,连神羲刑天都是在九龙帝葬即将扑下来的时候,才发现背后这庞然大物的。 What?!” “什么?!” At that moment, Shenxi Xingtian that skeleton head was about to explode, the liquid eyes boiled at the scene, being hard word the anger rushed to the top of the head. 那一刻,神羲刑天那骷髅头都快爆炸了,液态双眼当场沸腾,难以言之的怒火冲上头顶。 Lin Feng, you send what insanity! Calls a halt quickly!” 林枫,你发什么疯!快停手!” Although has not established the treaty of alliance, but Shenxi Xingtian thinks he with Sun, the present is the fact alliance. 虽没立下盟约,但神羲刑天自以为他和太阳,现在是事实联盟啊。 That Nine Dragons Emperor Burial speed does not reduce, kills completely to An demon! 九龙帝葬速度不减,完全是冲着闇魔号杀来的! Lin Feng!!” 林枫!!” Shenxi Xingtian bellows, the sound shakes through An demon, Shenxi Xingtian anger and distortion, it can be imagined. 神羲刑天大吼一声,声音通过闇魔号震荡开去,神羲刑天的怒火、扭曲,可想而知。 This startled day changes, vibrates the entire battlefield, even these Ominous Beast, can feel the fearfulness from Nine Dragons Emperor Burial! 这惊天之变,震动整个战场,甚至连那些凶兽,都能感受到来自九龙帝葬的可怕! The Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship unparalleled invincible might, in the place without Yi Daiyan, shocks the world absolutely. 无量级星海神舰的盖世神威,在没有伊代颜的地方,绝对震慑天下。 Shenxi Xingtian is still cursing angrily, however Nine Dragons Emperor Burial not only has not changed down, instead picked up the speed! 神羲刑天还在怒骂,然而九龙帝葬不但没有降速,反而加快了速度! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! It curls up the dark thick smoke, such as a star pounds down, the riot hits in An demon the flank. 它卷起黑暗浓烟,如一个星球般砸下,暴乱撞击在闇魔号的侧方。 Bang-!! 轰隆-!! The startled day loud sound, vibrates half Dark Star. 惊天巨响,震动半个闇星 Under this hits loudly, An demon is just about to erupt Dark Star heavenly pillar attack, is at the scene confused, the entire dark ominous demon head/number of people transferred, that Dark Star heavenly pillar this violent dark divine light, directly changed the direction together, cannot the hit azure hillock, instead such as the sword of heaven, sweep away from azure hillock nearby land together, strangles to death and evaporates several billions Star Source Ominous Beast directly is completely the ashes! 在这轰然撞击之下,闇魔号正要爆发的‘闇星天柱’攻击,当场错乱,整个黑暗凶魔人头调转了过来,那闇星天柱这一道暴烈的黑暗神光,直接改变了方向,没能命中青丘山,反而如一道苍天之剑,从青丘山旁边的大地上横扫了过去,直接将数十亿的恒星源凶兽全部绞杀、蒸发为灰烬! The abyss gully that is too deep to see the bottom together, appears by the azure hillock, under magma, storm wait/etc Star Source strengths, are spraying upward! 一道深不见底的深渊沟壑,出现在青丘山旁边,底下的岩浆、风暴等等恒星源力量,都在往上喷洒! This, shocks countless people. 这一幕,震动无数人。 Above the sky, two Great Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship have hit in one! 天空之上,两大无量级星海神舰已经撞击在了一起! Rumbling! 轰轰! Nine Dragons Emperor Burial sends out the machinery to angrily roar, the dragon's head that nine completely gluttonous demon dragon gold/metal comprised of the Immeasurable ore, Dragon's Tail and dragon claw, have bitten to nip in that darkness ominous demon head/number of people, particularly that broken star diamond same giant Dragon's Tail, its super revolving, exudes the grating fricative, forcefully toward the mouth position of that ominous demon head/number of people puncturing! 九龙帝葬发出机械怒吼,那九个完全由无量矿‘饕魔龙金’组成的龙头,还有龙尾、龙爪,已经噬咬在那黑暗凶魔人头上,尤其是那破星钻一样的巨大龙尾,它高速旋转,发出刺耳的摩擦声,硬生生朝着那凶魔人头的嘴巴位置给刺去! When ding-dong! 当当当! The incomparably sharp sound, passes on the penetrating world, even under that trillions Star Source Ominous Beast angry roaring sound will give to suppress, in the azure hillock countless people covered the ear. 无比尖锐的声音,传彻天地,甚至将底下那数万亿恒星源凶兽的怒吼声音都给压住了,青丘山内无数人更是捂住了耳朵。 In even/including Anmo 50 ten thousand Star God, were hit at this moment earth-shakingly. 连闇魔号内的五十万星神,此刻都被撞得天翻地覆。 Bang! 轰隆! Under the hit of Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, An demon drops from the clouds, two big super Star Sea Divine Ship pounded directly on the ground, hit the land to thunder, Qian mountain collapse, the land earthquake, the innumerable sea trees cremated at the scene! 九龙帝葬的撞击下,闇魔号从天而降,两大超级星海神舰直接砸在了地上,撞得大地轰鸣,千山倒塌,陆地地震,无数沧海树木当场焚化! Sees here, in azure hillock 1.8 billion people, after experience some time delay, people who these are in the tears, responded finally. 看到这里,青丘山内十八亿人,经历一段时间的呆滞后,这些含着热泪的人们,终于反应了过来。 Yes, is Sword God Lin Clan Lin Feng!” “是,是剑神林氏林枫!” Is that hundred -year-old young people who controls five levels of Star Source World!” “就是那个掌控五级恒星源世界的百岁年轻人!” Right! Right! Is he!” “对!对!就是他!” He saves us......” “他来救我们……” Some people did not forecast, he can with the Dark Clan union, look for the Yi Daiyan report vengefulness for father's murder?” “不是有人预测,他会和闇族联合,找伊代颜报杀父之仇么?” Again bad, he is also sits mountain Guanhu to fight, he is how possible to protect us! In our azure hillock, their Sword God Lin Clan death enmity, Spirit of Light Demon Clan!” “再不济,他也是坐山观虎斗啊,他怎么可能来保护我们!我们青丘山内,还有他们剑神林氏的死仇,光之灵魔族!” Does not know......” “不知道……” During the azure hillock, many people, fell into confused, let alone opposite Dark Clan. 青丘山内,许许多多的人,都陷入了迷惑当中,更何况对面的闇族 No one can think through, reason that Li Tianming acts at this moment. 没人能想通,李天命此刻出手的理由。 Could not think through do not think!” “想不通就别想了!” He is helping us, this enough!” “他在帮助我们,这就够了!” Perhaps he is our World King card in a hand! Perhaps he has become reconciled with our World King! Perhaps World King surrendered him! Has not related, more importantly, he saved us, we must support, defends the azure hillock!” “也许他就是我们界王的底牌!也许他已经和我们界王和好了!也许界王降服了他!都没关系,重要的是,他救了我们,我们必须撑起来,守住青丘山!” Right! Defends the azure hillock!” “对!守住青丘山!” Suddenly, people in 1.8 billion azure hillock, like hitting the chicken blood, under the faith that Nine Dragons Emperor Burial brought, they saw the dawn of hope. 一时间,十八亿青丘山内的人,一个个如同打了鸡血,在九龙帝葬带来的信念之下,他们看到了希望的曙光。 Clearly, in the Star Sea Divine Ship level, Nine Dragons Emperor Burial suppresses An demon!” “很明显,在星海神舰层面上,九龙帝葬压制闇魔号!” Even the bloodlines vine helped, Ominous Beast was also dispersed much, we have the opportunity.” “连血脉藤都去帮忙了,凶兽也被分散了不少,我们还有机会。” Nine Dragons Emperor Burial and Lin Feng, are really strong! Really strong!” 九龙帝葬林枫,真是强啊!真强!” Exploded, this is only hundred years old!” “强炸了,这才百岁!” They were too excited. 他们太激动了。 No matter what who looks that space two Great Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship fight hand-to-hand in body, deeply will be shocked. 任谁看着天上两大无量级星海神舰在近身肉搏,都会被深深震撼。 Fights hand-to-hand the aspect in body, Nine Dragons Emperor Burial absolutely is the god in Star Sea Divine Ship, don't said that An demon, that Sword God Star vestige and Meng Ying, is not the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial opponent. 在近身肉搏方面,九龙帝葬绝对是星海神舰中的神,莫说闇魔号,那剑神星遗迹、梦婴号,亦不是九龙帝葬的对手。 It can be said that Nine Dragons Emperor Burial is present two big World Territory strongest Star Sea Divine Ship! 可以说,九龙帝葬就是现在两大界域最强星海神舰 An demon escaped from Sun initially time, to escape, but also the self-destruction these like the hair chains, that are it very important close-in weapon, now bald An demon, battle strength harmed! 况且,闇魔号当初逃出太阳的时候,为了逃命,还自毁了那些如头发般的锁链,那是它非常重要的近战武器,现在‘秃头’的闇魔号,战力本来就有损! Long-distance competes the Star Source strength to be good, slaughters with the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial close combat, with Li Tianming compared with operation, An demon is extremely passive. 远程比拼恒星源力量还行,和九龙帝葬近战厮杀,和李天命比‘操作’,闇魔号万分被动。 When ding-dong! 当当当! On it has large number of parts, made that nine black-gold machinery Divine Dragon tear forcefully. 它身上有大量部件,都让那九头黑金机械神龙给强行撕扯了下来。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! If not the bloodlines vines and innumerable Ominous Beast helps one another, ties down, bang to kill Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, An demon cannot move absolutely, can only take a beating. 如果不是血脉藤和无数凶兽来相助,缠住、轰杀九龙帝葬,闇魔号绝对动弹不得,只能挨揍。 Lin Feng! Your teacher Lin Xiaodao and I collaborate, resists the seductress together! You stop me secretly, how facing your teacher?” The Shenxi Xingtian anger is dreadful. 林枫!你师尊林小道和我联手,共同对抗妖女!你私自阻拦我,如何面对你师尊?”神羲刑天怒火滔天。 However what makes him extremely depressed is, Li Tianming simply has not responded him, he follows not to exist. 然而让他万分郁闷的是,李天命根本没搭理他,他就跟不存在似的。 Bang! 轰隆! Nine dragon's head erupt together, Star Source strength of blowout Gluttony Demon Dragon Breath cremates the Emperor Burial surrounding bloodlines vine directly completely, at least several hundreds of millions Star Source Ominous Beast were evaporated by Gluttony Demon Dragon Breath! 九个龙头一起爆发,喷出的恒星源力量‘饕魔龙息’直接将帝葬周围的血脉藤全部焚化,起码有数亿恒星源凶兽饕魔龙息蒸发! These rank not high Ominous Beast, no matter comes many, in front of Gluttony Demon Dragon Breath of Immeasurable ore forging, is the cannon fodder who the paper sticks, coming many dead, can only camouflage the line of sight of Nine Dragons Emperor Burial at most. 这些等级不高的凶兽,不管来多少,在无量矿锻造的饕魔龙息面前,都是纸糊的炮灰,来多少都是死,顶多只能遮蔽一下九龙帝葬的视线。 As for the bloodlines vine, it is not good! 至于血脉藤,它也不行! Its lethality on all, the rattan are many, cannot block sharp black-gold gluttonous demon dragon gold/metal. 它的杀伤力在全体上,藤条再多,都拦不住锋利的黑金饕魔龙金。 Just it congealed a Sun Mortal Rank Star Source World that big bloodlines rattan big spheroid, has not deadlocked Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, made Gluttony Demon Dragon Breath burning directly cleanly. 刚刚它凝结成一个阳凡级恒星源世界那么大的血脉藤条大球体,都没锁死九龙帝葬,直接让饕魔龙息给烧干净了。 The bloodlines vine body are many, was destroyed like this, it cannot support. 血脉藤身体再多,被这样摧毁,它也吃不住。 Moreover at this moment its energy, once on Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, that will cause them unable clone to invade the azure hillock. 而且此刻它的精力一旦在九龙帝葬上,那就会导致它们无法分身入侵青丘山。 But, the azure hillock time is their strategic targets! 但,青丘山才是他们这一次的战略目标啊! When An demon was hit by Gluttony Demon Dragon Breath again, pounds ruthlessly on the ground, inside 50 ten thousand Star God hit confused, complaining constantly time, Shenxi Xingtian exploded thoroughly. 当闇魔号再次被饕魔龙息命中,狠狠砸在地上,里面五十万星神晕头撞向,叫苦不迭的时候,神羲刑天彻底炸了。 „Should World King, now what to do? Has this fool in this stop, we could not destroy the azure hillock! The words this way, will delay the fighter aircraft.” The Dark Clan powerhouses worry to ask. 界王,现在该怎么办?有这傻子在这阻拦,我们根本毁灭不了青丘山!这样下去的话,就会延误战机了。”闇族强者们着急问。 This is Lin Feng the brain has the issue, misses today the meeting, he later suppresses Yi Daiyan with anything!” “这林枫是不是脑子有问题,错过今日会,他以后拿什么压制伊代颜啊!” Really has the big sickness! Is sick!” “真是有大病!有病!” World King, but also there is means and he negotiates?” 界王,还有没有办法和他谈判?”
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