FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2854: The nightmare of azure hillock!

Right!” The Shenxi Xingtian look is cold and gloomy and demented, bloodlines vine told me, it is very long, not drinking blood heartily. Star God the blood of stars, is it best nutrient.” “对!”神羲刑天眼神森冷且癫狂,“血脉藤告诉我,它已经很久,没有尽情的喝血了。星神的星辰之血,是它最好的养分。” Un.” Shenxi Xuanxi is calm enough, has not talked too much. “嗯。”神曦玄惜足够冷静,没有多言。 Pities, Ling E unreliably, you must pay attention to Yi Daiyan, today could not have processed her, preventing her to go crazy.” The Shenxi Xingtian urging said. “玄惜、凌娥,你们还是要多注意伊代颜,今天还处理不了她,防止她发疯。”神羲刑天叮嘱道。 Understood.” “明白。” Speech time, An demon this darkness ominous demon head/number of people, is flying over the Dark Star territory, goes to the azure hillock. 说话的时候,闇魔号这黑暗凶魔人头,正在飞越闇星的疆土,前往青丘山。 Under An demon, is the beast tide without limits, similarly gallops to go toward the azure hillock. 闇魔号下,就是无止境的兽潮,同样朝着青丘山奔腾而去。 Right!” Some Shenxi Xuanxi doubts, said: Does not have the Lin Feng Nine Dragons Emperor Burial position.” “对了!”神曦玄惜有些疑惑,道:“没有林枫九龙帝葬的位置。” „Hasn't he gotten down?” Shenxi Xingtian gawked. “他没下去?”神羲刑天愣了一下。 Right.” “对。” He estimated that does not dare to approach Yi Daiyan, feared that Yi Daiyan broke through Star Sea Divine Ship to extinguish him. However without the relations, light/only had the Sword God Star vestige to be enough.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “他估计不太敢靠近伊代颜,怕伊代颜突破星海神舰灭了他。不过没关系,光有剑神星遗迹就足够了。”神羲刑天道。 Perhaps this Lin Feng, the idea and you are the same , will seize the chance to destroy Yi Daiyan many World King clan bases.” Shenxi Xuanxi said. “说不定这林枫,想法和你相同,也会趁机摧毁伊代颜的诸多界王族基地。”神曦玄惜道。 Hehe......” “呵呵呵……” Shenxi Xingtian sinister smile. 神羲刑天阴笑。 At this point, front that continuous azure mountain peaks, have appeared in An demon under. 说到这里,前方那一片连绵的青色山峰,已经出现在闇魔号的下方。 The azure mound protects barrier, under backdrop, sparkle azure ray. 青丘守护结界,在天幕之下,闪耀青色光芒。 First did not say that I gave Azure Mound Tushan Clan and Spirit of Light Demon Clan deliver to warm.” “先不说了,我给青丘涂山氏光之灵魔族送温暖来了。” Azure Mound Tushan Clan, restrains Dark Clan! 青丘涂山氏,克制闇族 Spirit of Light Demon Clan, Yi Daiyan clan. 光之灵魔族,伊代颜的氏族。 Therefore, this azure hillock, absolutely is Shenxi Xingtian must take the place. 所以,这青丘山,绝对是神羲刑天的必取之地。 Not only he came, the trillions beast tide came from each direction, all appears around the azure hillock, surrounds in depth here. 不但他来了,还有数万亿兽潮从各个方向而来,全部出现在青丘山周围,将这里层层包围。 What is most fearful, in that beast tide, ten million of blood-color vines, puncture the ground, the land of this azure hillock, turned into the netted crack. 最可怕的是,那兽潮中,数以千万计的血色藤蔓,刺出地面,将这青丘山的大地,变成了网状裂纹。 Endures compared with the entire azure hillock that big blood-color vine, under the azure hillock, the innumerable blood-color vines surges. 一头堪比整个青丘山那么大的血色藤蔓,就在青丘山下方,无数血色藤蔓涌动。 In An demon, 50 ten thousand Star God, can sweep clear finally! 闇魔号内,还有五十万星神,可以最后清扫! But Tushan and Spirit of Light Demon Clan who Star God in the azure hillock, leave behind, in addition estimate less than 400,000, High God about 1.8 billion, but effect of most High God on the war are not big. 而青丘山内,留下的涂山氏和光之灵魔族星神,加起来估计不到四十万,上神则有十八亿左右,但大多数上神对战局的影响并不算大。 The azure mound protects under barrier. 青丘守护结界下。 Innumerable Tushan and Spirit of Light Demon Clan person, raised the head sees space that fierce darkness ominous demon! 无数涂山氏、光之灵魔族的人,抬头就看到天上那狰狞的黑暗凶魔! The land vibrates, the trillions beast tide approaches, the entire azure hillock has become a small isolated island in beast sea. 大地震动,数万亿兽潮靠近,整个青丘山已经成了兽海中的一个小孤岛。 That innumerably the bloodlines vine that comes out from the place facing set, is the nightmare of azure hillock, the attack of previous bloodlines vine, has made the azure hillock loss serious. 那无数从地面钻出来的血脉藤,更是青丘山的噩梦,上一次血脉藤的进攻,就已经让青丘山损失惨重。 An demon! Bloodlines vine!” “闇魔号!血脉藤!” Innumerable beast tides!” “无数兽潮!” This is the retaliation of Shenxi Xingtian! We attack too Xi city, he must ruin our azure hillock!” “这就是神羲刑天的报复!我们进攻太羲城,他也要毁掉我们青丘山!” Quickly! Quickly, reported World King! Quick!” “快!快,报告界王!快啊!” The decision, is the matter of high-rank, the average people can only take orders, they believe Yi Daiyan very much, when An demon and bloodlines vine these terrifying exist, appears, when around azure hillock, in this azure hillock all people, cannot bear tremble. 决策,是上位者的事情,普通人都只能听命,他们很相信伊代颜,可是当闇魔号、血脉藤这些恐怖存在,出现在青丘山周围的时候,这青丘山内所有的人,都忍不住瑟瑟发抖。 Many people cried directly, burst into tears. 很多人直接哭了,流泪了。 They are self-confident, noticed that An demon does not support too Xi city, instead appears here, then knows that today's azure hillock will be finished absolutely! 他们再自信,看到闇魔号不去支援太羲城,反而出现在这里,便知道今日的青丘山绝对会完蛋! God, god!” “天啊,天啊!” Azure hillocks and Tushan...... ended! Ended!” “青丘山、涂山氏……完了!完了!” Has not waited for them to be painful and sorrowful, the surroundings trillions Ominous Beast sea, had launched the attack, attacks to come toward the azure hillock loudly, suddenly the world is shivering, these Ominous Beast roars have quarrelled the ear deep place, people who let the azure hillock could not hear the sound. 还没等他们痛苦、悲哀,周围数万亿凶兽海洋,已经发动了攻击,朝着青丘山轰然冲击而来,一时间天地都在颤动,那些凶兽的吼声已经吵到耳朵深处,让青丘山的人们听不到外界的声音了。 The land violent vibration, showed the beast tide! 大地暴烈震动,更说明兽潮之多! In this beast tide, that bloodlines vine is most terrifying, it is everywhere, has appeared, in the azure mound protected barrier, by the flesh and blood, resisted the attack of barrier purely. 这兽潮之中,那血脉藤是最恐怖的,它无处不在,已经出现在了青丘守护结界内部,纯粹以血肉之躯,抗住了结界的攻击。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Only then in the position of most upper air, can see that this fights the stir of scene, compared with the decisive battle of place bottom world, azure hillock battlefield, because is more direct-viewing, instead is bloodier. 只有在最高空的位置,才能看到这一战场面之轰动,比起地底世界的大决战,青丘山这个战场,因为更直观,反而更加血腥。 The sea of Ominous Beast, swallows an isolated island, was easy. 凶兽之沧海,吞掉一个孤岛,再容易不过了。 No matter, sees on Dark Star the scale of this endless beast tide, will give birth the fear at heart to Dark Clan, they previously all domineering and self-confidence, established, in the Dark Clan ten million year inheritance and ten million years tame cultivate on Star Source Ominous Beast. 不管是谁,看到闇星上这无尽兽潮之规模,心里都会生出对闇族的恐惧,他们此前所有的强势、自信,都是建立在闇族千万年传承和千万年驯养培育恒星源凶兽上的。 They defeat in Sword God Star and Sun , because that is not their home games. 他们在剑神星、太阳战败,是因为那不是他们的主场。 Dark Star, is their home games! 闇星,是他们的主场! At this home game, they powerful far more than several times, simply dozens times. 这主场上,他们强大了何止数倍,简直数十倍。 The innumerable beast tides, are simply more effective than Star Sea Divine Ship, any with the war that the flesh can fill, they fill with Ominous Beast, even the azure mound protects the barrier lethality to be strong, in entire barrier is the Ominous Beast corpse, how to erupt the might? 无数兽潮,简直比星海神舰还管用,任何用血肉可以填的战争,他们都用凶兽去填补,就算青丘守护结界杀伤力再强,当整个结界内都是凶兽尸体的时候,如何爆发威力? Kills Ominous Beast, will kill the strength to use up., 凶兽,都会杀到力竭。, The Dark Clan person, only needed to come out finally, sweeps clear the battlefield to be OK. 闇族的人,只需要最后出来,清扫战场就可以了。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Rumbling! 轰轰! The land shatters. 大地震裂。 What is most terrifying, above that heaven, that darkness ominous demon head/number of people, float in the above of azure hillock, that bald darkness ominous demon, opens the blood red giant mouth suddenly, Immeasurable Rank miniature Star Source gathers the strength loudly, terrifying ‚the Dark Star heavenly pillar is saving the strength! 最恐怖的是,那苍天之上,那黑暗凶魔人头,已经悬浮在了青丘山的正上方,那秃头的黑暗凶魔,陡然张开血红色的巨大嘴巴,无量级的微型恒星源轰然汇聚力量,恐怖的‘闇星天柱’正在积蓄力量! Attacks protection barrier of World King clan by Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, the azure hillock, it is estimated that could not insist how long, inside 18 hundred million High God, will be reduced to ashes! 无量级星海神舰进攻界王族的守护结界,青丘山,估计坚持不住多久,里面十八亿上神,都会被化为灰烬! The beast tide and bloodlines vine sweep across. 兽潮、血脉藤席卷。 Today, the azure hillock will become the history, on this mountain each ants, will die not entire corpse!” “今日,青丘山将会成为历史,这山上每一个蝼蚁,都会死无全尸!” My Dark Clan announced, this Dark Star, is our Dark Star!” “我闇族宣告,这闇星,是我们的闇星!” „The cat dog that all and my Dark Clan opposes, azure hillock 18 hundred million Undead, are your fates!!” “所有和我闇族作对的猫狗,青丘山十八亿死灵,就是你们的下场!!” Shenxi Xingtian suppressed was too long, he laughed wildly, while inspired An demon strongest one move, saved the time of over a hundred breaths, waited for a dynasty eruption! 神羲刑天憋太久了,他一边狂笑,一边引动了闇魔号的最强一招,足足积蓄了上百息的时间,等待一朝爆发! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Scarlet ray in An demon the mouth, has embezzled entire Star Sea Divine Ship. 闇魔号嘴巴里的猩红光芒,已经将整个星海神舰吞没。 The space like presenting blazing Sun Mortal Rank Star Source, shone in the azure hillock land. 天上如同出现了一个炽烈的阳凡级恒星源,照耀在青丘山的大地上。 1.8 billion lives raise the head, sitting that shivers falls down, in the eye full is desperate and painful. 十八亿生灵抬头,都颤抖的坐倒在地上,眼中满是绝望和痛苦。 Death, I am dying.” “死,我要死了。” Wū wū......” “呜呜……” Father, father!” “爹,爹!” The azure hillock is in great confusion, before the end arrives, Tushan and Spirit of Light Demon Clan everyone, despaired. 青丘山乱成一团,末日降临前,涂山氏和光之灵魔族所有人,都绝望了。 Has the Li Tianming's Old friend Yi Taoyao. 这其中,就有李天命的老朋友-伊桃夭 She stands in the crowd, in the eye socket full is the tears, even if to her such talent, the Immeasurable Rank Star Source war, is the irresistible nightmare. 她站在人群中,眼眶内满是泪水,哪怕对她这样的天才来说,无量级恒星源战争,都是不可抵挡的噩梦。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! An demon prepares finally. 闇魔号最终准备。 The bloodlines vine and beast tide, shout heavenshaking! 血脉藤和兽潮,都嘶吼震天! The end will soon arrive! 末日即将降临! Death!” “死吧!” Shenxi Xingtian bellows, in the eye the azure hillock. 神羲刑天大吼一声,眼中只有青丘山。 He has not seen completely, above that heaven, huge nine black-gold machinery Divine Dragon threw loudly, such as the eagle grasps chicken, no matter dragon claw revolves such as broken star diamond Dragon's Tail, aimed at An demon! 他完全没看到,那苍天之上,一头巨大的九头黑金机械神龙轰然扑了下来,如老鹰抓小鸡似的,不管是龙爪还是旋转如破星钻般的龙尾,都对准了闇魔号! Li Tianming, appeared! 李天命,出现了!
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