FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2853: Attack too Xi city!

Why is too Xi city hard to capture? 太羲城为什么难以攻下? Why Dark Clan affects to have the bottom world, didn't worry? 闇族为什么作用坐拥地底世界,一点都不担忧? Answer here! 答案就在这里! In the place bottom world, they are forever kings. 在地底世界,他们就是永远的帝王。 They spent ten million years raising, to cultivate all kinds of Star Source Ominous Beast, for is now. 他们花了千万年饲养、培育各种各样的恒星源凶兽,为的就是现在。 Increases the output to proceed to clash!” “加大输出往前冲!” We can take too the method of Xi city only, kills too Xi city as soon as possible.” “我们唯一能拿下太羲城的方法,就是尽快杀到太羲城。” Cannot be surrounded by the beast tide.” “不能一直被兽潮困住。” More arrives quickly is better!” “越快抵达越好!” Makes Heavenly Weight Rank Star Sea Divine Ship lead the way! Quickly!” “让天钧级星海神舰来开路!快!” A Heavenly Weight Rank Star Sea Divine Ship large explosion, kills a ten million/countless Ominous Beast corpse sufficiently the flesh channel, remaining Star Sea Divine Ship can follow behind them. 天钧级星海神舰一次大爆炸,足以杀出一条千万凶兽尸体的血肉通道,剩下的星海神舰可以跟在他们后面。 Issue is, behind also has the Sword God Star vestige, if it attacks our rear, what to do?” “问题是,后面还有剑神星遗迹,万一它进攻我们大后方,怎么办啊?” Has no need for us worrying, first World King side us, she will kill Lin Xiaodao, extinguished that Sword God Star vestige!” “用不着我们操心,第一界王就在我们身边,她会杀了林小道,灭了那剑神星遗迹!” Right, believes that first World King, proceeds to clash!” “对,相信第一界王,往前冲!” Kills here, except for taking over too Xi city, these three million Star Sea Divine Ship armies, does not have the escape route. 杀到这里,除了攻下太羲城,这三百万星海神舰大军,已经没有了退路。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The Ominous Beast flesh blood channels, appear in this bottom world, three million Star Sea Divine Ship in this beast tide, do not appear big! 一条条凶兽的血肉鲜血通道,在这地底世界出现,三百万星海神舰在这兽潮之中,都不显得有多大! Even so, this steel army depends on the big eruption of miniature Star Source strength, the tearing this Ominous Beast sea, their field of vision end, presented that dark-red Xi too to protect barrier! 即使如此,这钢铁大军还是靠着微型恒星源力量的大爆发,生生撕裂这凶兽的海洋,他们的视野尽头,出现了那暗红色的太羲守护结界 Saw!” “看到了!” We drew near.” “我们快到了。” Kills! Continues to kill!” “杀!继续杀!” Star God and Star Sea Divine Ship coordination with each other, after seeing the destination, the Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment is more excited, everyone eyes hyperemia , the Dark Star world beast tide is attacking their homelands and rear as we all know, if they do not take too Xi city, compelling Dark Clan to withdraw, when they go home, seen will be wife and children's body! 星神星海神舰互相配合,看到了目的地后,无量道场军团更加兴奋,每个人都眼睛充血,大家都知道,闇星全球兽潮正在进攻他们的家园、大后方,如果他们不拿下太羲城,逼闇族后撤,等他们回到家,看到的就将会是妻儿的尸体! The time, is the life! 时间,就是生命! Brave, is the victory! 勇敢,就是胜利! Frightened, loses 100 percent! 恐惧,就是满盘皆输! Kills-!!” “杀-!!” Three million Star Sea Divine Ship, the crazy attack, killed too sky over Xi city shortly , the platoon had the array, blocked the following beast tide, faced too Xi city directly! 三百万星海神舰,疯狂攻击,不久后就杀到了太羲城上空,排成阵列,挡住了后面的兽潮,直接面向了太羲城! Seeing that can be clear about, too in Xi city, innumerable Dark Clan have opened too Xi to protect barrier, stimulates its might to the maximum degree, inside innumerable top war beast accumulation, the innumerable Dark Clan Star God powerhouse vision is cold and gloomy, murderous aura to soar to the heavens, massive Star Sea Divine Ship have started, will erupt the Star Source invincible might at any time. 可以清楚的看到,太羲城内,无数闇族已经开启了太羲守护结界,将其威力激发到最大程度,里面无数顶级战兽聚集,无数闇族星神强者目光森冷,杀气冲天,还有大量的星海神舰已经启动,随时都会爆发恒星源神威。 Meanwhile, a black-golden double headed dragon, appears under the support of beast tide, just like the king of the beasts to arrive in the rear of Immeasurable Dao Temple army, that invincible might, is quite terrifying. 与此同时,一头黑金色双头龙,在兽潮的拥护下出现,犹如万兽之王降临在无量道场大军的大后方,那神威,相当恐怖。 The trillion beast tide crowding around, many Ominous Beast have not actually attacked the Sword God Star vestige, this explained that these Ominous Beast have a large part already surrendered war beast. 万亿兽潮簇拥,却并没有多少凶兽进攻剑神星遗迹,这说明这些凶兽有很大一部分已经是被降服的战兽。 This explained, Lin Xiaodao stands that side Dark Clan!” “这更说明,林小道是站在闇族那边的!” Troubled, troublesome!” “麻烦了,麻烦了啊!” This Sword God Star vestige, if behind us, gives us, what to do should?” “这剑神星遗迹要是在我们后面,给我们一下,该怎么办?” Now also attacks too Xi city......” “现在还进攻太羲城吗……” Don't be upset, hears not to have! Believes that first World King, she has not come, certainly has the countermeasure, this time is we launches the attack on own initiative, she had certainly confidence!” “不要慌,听到没有!相信第一界王,她还没现身,一定有对策,这次是我们主动发起进攻,她一定有把握!” Believes first World King!” “相信第一界王!” In this dangerous time, only then Yi Daiyan such spiritual belief, can make them maintain the fighting will, in the heart has the faith, has the courage. 在这危难时刻,只有伊代颜这样的精神信仰,才能让他们保持战斗意志,心中有信念,有勇气。 Prepares to fight a decisive battle!” “准备决战!” All Star God and Star Sea Divine Ship, are under the order of attacking a city. 所有星神星海神舰,已经得到了攻城的命令。 At this time, behind the Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment endless dark abyss, broadcast the thundering sound. 就在这时候,无量道场军团后方的无尽黑暗深渊,传来了轰鸣声音。 Dark Clan will have led to the channel of ground exploding!” 闇族已经将通往地面的通道给炸了!” Exploded completely!” “全部炸了啊!” In this case, we, if defeats, will want the army to retreat will be only more difficult! Needs to face the pursuing troops and beast tide, but also needs to rumble a channel with the Star Source strength, at that time, we also had enough compression Star Source......” “这样的话,我们如果战败的话,要全军撤退只会更难!需要面对追兵、兽潮,还需要用恒星源力量轰出一条通道,那时候,我们还有足够的压缩恒星源吗……” The action that Dark Clan this explodes the channel, made the people be somewhat flustered. The Sword God Star vestige moves has not moved, but it is actually similar to float a blade in everyone top of the head, the time is frightening. 闇族这一个炸通道的举动,更让众人有些心慌了。剑神星遗迹动都没动,但是它却如同悬浮在每个人头顶上的一把刀,时刻让人心惊胆战。 Reviews too in Xi city, the appearance of Sword God Star vestige, making many Dark Clan start to laugh wildly. 反观太羲城内,剑神星遗迹的出现,让许多闇族开始狂笑。 „The converging attack, catches a turtle in a jar!” “前后夹击,瓮中捉鳖!” World King is really high! Perhaps the opposite party think, we and Sword God Lin Clan have the hatred, they will not become the ally with us.” 界王真是高!对方恐怕以为,我们和剑神林氏有仇恨,他们就不会和我们成为盟友。” Yi Daiyan was too naive!” 伊代颜太天真了!” She depends herself powerful, resorts to arms carelessly, does not have the scheme, this time loses 100 percent absolutely.” “她仗着自身强大,胡乱用兵,毫无计谋,这次绝对满盘皆输。” Too in Xi city, fighting intent soars to the heavens, the heart of each Dark Clan is fiery. 太羲城内,战意冲天,每个闇族的心都是火热的。 Without a doubt, Sword God Star vestige such Immeasurable Rank existed, lowered the morale of Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment, encouraged too Xi city Dark Clan arrogance. 毫无疑问,剑神星遗迹这样的无量级存在,打压了无量道场军团的士气,助长了太羲城闇族的气焰。 Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment, by the most dangerous time. 无量道场军团,到了最危险的时刻。 In such time, Yi Daiyan that chilly sound, actually spread over each ear of person. 在这样的时刻,伊代颜那清冷的声音,却传遍了每一个人的耳朵。 „The Immeasurable Dao Temple army obeys orders-” 无量道场全军听令-” Attack, too Xi city!” “进攻,太羲城!” Kills!!” “杀!!” The powerhouses are the powerhouses, kills the character, can make the army frantic, fights to win or die! 强者就是强者,一个杀字,就能让全军狂热,背水一战! ...... …… „The bottom channel has exploded, in addition ten trillion beast tides approach toward too Xi city, in addition the Sword God Star vestige attacks from behind, these three million Star God, must die without doubt.” “地底通道已经炸了,另外还有十万亿兽潮往太羲城靠近,加上剑神星遗迹从后面进攻,这三百万星神,已经必死无疑。” Through the pass on message stone, Shenxi Xuanxi passed on a message to Shenxi Xingtian. 通过传讯石,神曦玄惜神羲刑天传讯。 At this moment, An demon had left the dark demon city, through the place bottom channel, arrived in the ground quietly. 此刻,闇魔号已经离开了闇魔城,通过地底通道,悄然来到了地面上。 Its sound is not big, the action is quick. 它动静不大,行动快捷。 Naturally, even was discovered, Yi Daiyan battle strength that side too Xi city, cannot provide lodging completely An demon. 当然,就算被发现,伊代颜全部战力都在太羲城那边,也管不住闇魔号。 In An demon, Shenxi Xingtian stands in the left eye position of that darkness ominous demon head/number of people, ascends from the place bottom world, he takes a broad view to look, at present on the Dark Star mountains and rivers, innumerable Star Source Ominous Beast crawl, forms a tide, the vision is scarlet, shouts charges into the front, created an intermittent everything may become vulnerable. 闇魔号内,神羲刑天站在那黑暗凶魔人头的左眼位置,从地底世界升腾而起,他放眼望去,眼前闇星的山河上,无数恒星源凶兽爬出,形成一波波的浪潮,目光猩红,嘶吼冲向前方,造成了一阵阵的地动山摇。 Everywhere one visit, no matter the mountains and rivers or the rocks and trees, were torn to crush, the Dark Star land, everywhere is the scorched earth, is Ominous Beast. 所到之处,不管是山河还是岩石、树木,都被撕裂粉碎,闇星大地,到处都是焦土,都是凶兽 All that Shenxi Xingtian sees, is the scene in his dream. 神羲刑天所看到的一切,都是他梦中的场景。 Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” He cannot bear stretch out the arms, that skeleton head exuded ka ka ka the laughter, looks very strange. 他忍不住张开双臂,那骷髅头发出了咔咔咔的笑声,看起来十分诡异。 Lost too, finally made me win this time.” “输太多了,终于让我赢了这一次。” Yi Daiyan, then, just like once me, enjoyed the nightmare well.” 伊代颜,接下来,和曾经的我一样,好好享受噩梦吧。” Underestimates me, Ok. However, underestimated that the children of Sword God Lin Clan that group of destiny, you really do not know how the dead characters should write.” “低估我,可以。但是,低估剑神林氏那帮气运之子,你是真的不知道死字该怎么写。” At this point, he is pinching the pass on message stone, said to Shenxi Xuanxi: That side you, can start counter-attacked greatly, as for me, immediately starts to take action, adds a fire to this Dark Star! Let the Yi Daiyan heart such as burn down!” 说到这里,他捏着传讯石,对神曦玄惜道:“你那边,可以发动大反击了,至于我这边,亦马上开始行动,给这闇星加一把火!让伊代颜心如火烧!” You and bloodlines vine first attack the azure hillock, other three Immeasurable Rank do Ominous Beast go to Yushiqie Clan, Middle Continent Shuntian Clan and Holy light envoy clan respectively?” Shenxi Xuanxi asked. “你和血脉藤先进攻青丘山,其他三头无量级凶兽分别前往雨师妾族中洲舜天氏圣光使族是么?”神曦玄惜问。
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