FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2852: The sea of Ominous Beast

Joining of two Great Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, increase the uncertainty that this fought. 大无量级星海神舰的加入,增加了这一战的不确定性。 Everyone understands, once Sun and Sword God Lin Clan join, the global war on that this Dark Star, in fact is the entire Immeasurable World Territory big tangled warfare and decisive battle! 所有人都明白,一旦太阳、剑神林氏加入,那这闇星上的全球战争,实际上就是整个无量界域的大混战、大决战! Since Yi Daiyan mounts the position of World King, all hatreds, anger and contradiction that for over a hundred years save, erupt in this moment thoroughly. 伊代颜登上界王之位后,上百年来积攒的所有仇恨、怒火、矛盾,都在这一刻彻底爆发。 Powerful and overbearing Dark Clan, annoyed the entire Immeasurable World Territory anger finally! 强盛、霸道的闇族,终于惹来了全无量界域的怒火! Before, because people they powerful, cannot be a worthy opponent to awe them, exercised forbearance and lowers the head everywhere, even knelt down. But now, some people can polymerization entire Immeasurable World Territory, oppose with Dark Clan finally, Immeasurable World Territory warrior who these fully suffered the oppression, finally eruption. 以前,人们因为他们强大、不可匹敌而敬畏他们,处处忍让、低头,甚至下跪。而现在,终于有人能聚合整个无量界域,和闇族作对,那些饱受压迫的无量界域斗士,终于爆发了。 They, only asked fair! 他们,只求一个公平! Rather than Dark Clan permanent privilege, their permanent lowering the head. 而不是闇族永久的特权,他们永久的低头。 Yi Daiyan, Lin Xiaodao, Li Tianming wait/etc, brought a new spirit, that is: Dark Clan is not not conquerable. 伊代颜林小道李天命等等,都带来了一种新的精神,那就是:闇族并非是不可击败的。 Not can only defeat, but can also defeat continuously twice, three times, making them collapse completely. 不但可以击败,还可以连续击败两次、三次,让他们一败涂地。 Therefore, raging fire that this fights, not only in too Xi city, on entire Dark Star each city, even lies in each villages and small towns and family. 于是,这一战的烈火,不只是在太羲城,更在整个闇星每一座城池上,甚至在于每一个村镇、家庭。 With beast tide fight that this world erupts, is fighting with Dark Clan. 与这全球爆发的兽潮战斗,就是在跟闇族战斗。 Entire Dark Star people, shouting oneself hoarse, the vision is fiery red, with future the hope and mission, will join to this century war. 闇星生民,声嘶力竭,目光火红,怀着对未来的希望和使命,加入到这一场世纪大战当中。 „The struggle power war of top influence, Dark Clan cannot be victorious, lets the beast tide attack civilians, limits and forces first World King by this, such shameless action, high under stands sentences!” “顶级势力的争权大战,闇族打不过,就让兽潮进攻平民,以此限制、胁迫第一界王,此等无耻举动,高下立判!” Follows Yi Daiyan, not wrong.” “追随伊代颜,准没有错。” Dark Clan, attracts our blood forever, wrests away the Dark Star biggest resources, but must force the clothes eating insect that we kneel down!” 闇族,永远是吸我们血,霸占闇星最大资源,还要逼迫我们下跪的蛀虫!” Does not extinguish Dark Clan, Immeasurable World Territory forever the total darkness!” “不灭闇族,无量界域永远暗无天日!” These for hundred years, the public opinion constantly changes, Dark Clan also once in people eyes rising, everyone dreads, but since today, they absolutely have been the history, reputation most in confusion, faith lowest time. 这百年来,舆论不断变化,闇族亦曾经在民众眼中如日中天,人人畏惧,可今日,他们绝对是历史以来,名声最为狼藉,信念最为低下的时刻。 Entire Dark Star at bloody battle! 闇星都在血战! As we all know, the key of people's victory and defeat, in too Xi city, here war, affects the world, is affecting the destiny of everyone. 所有人都知道,全民胜负的关键,就在太羲城上,这里的战局,影响全球,影响着每一个人的命运。 In the focused point, the Sword God Star vestige double headed dragon from Sun, drops from the clouds, escapes into a channel that enters the Dark Star bottom, stirred the controversy. 在焦点之中,来自太阳的剑神星遗迹双头龙,从天而降,遁入一条进入闇星地底的通道,引起了轩然大波。 Lin Xiaodao appeared.” 林小道出现了。” Whom will he help?” “他到底会帮助谁?” The confrontation among three forces, first World King strongest, two does not have the issue by an enemy. Moreover just it is said Dark Star protected barrier also to stop the Sword God Star vestige......” “三足鼎立,第一界王最强,以一敌二都没问题。而且刚刚据说闇星守护结界还阻拦剑神星遗迹了……” God. In other words, on Sun that group of Sword God Lin Clan, is to again and Dark Clan stands?” “天啊。也就是说,太阳上那一帮剑神林氏,是要再度和闇族站在一起吗?” They have caused heavy losses to Dark Clan, has the intense and deep-seated hatred with Dark Clan!” “他们重创过闇族,和闇族有血海深仇啊!” „When these top influence eyes, stake, destruction, naturally is the report group warms up, who also cares about the hatred? Dark Clan most needs the Sword God Lin Clan help time, both can unite, Dark Clan happily also without enough time!” “这些顶级势力眼中,只有利害关系,覆灭之际,自然是报团取暖,谁还在乎仇恨?闇族正是最需要剑神林氏帮忙的时候,两者能联合,闇族高兴还来不及呢!” Sword God Lin Clan, although does not have many Star God battle strength, but they have two Great Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship! Once they and too Xi city in the place bottom world converging attack Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment, that may be bad together.” 剑神林氏虽然没有多少星神战力,但是他们有两大无量级星海神舰!一旦他们和太羲城在地底世界一起夹击无量道场军团,那可就糟糕了。” First World King has certainly the plan, everyone should not be flustered!” “第一界王一定有打算,所有人都别慌张!” No doubt some people stabilize the morale of troops, may speak the truth, even if self-confident about Yi Daiyan, that knows Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, is her weak area. 固然有人稳定军心,可说实话,哪怕对伊代颜再自信,那都知道无量级星海神舰,乃是她的短板。 Immeasurable World Monument is strong, is the single body, without Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship this terrifying community destruction strength. 无量界碑再强,都是单体,没有无量级星海神舰这种恐怖的群体毁灭力量。 Has the possibility, Sword God Lin Clan is helping our?” Some person of weak asking. “有没有可能,剑神林氏是在帮助我们的?”有人弱弱的问。 How possibly! Helps first World King destroy completely Dark Clan, that this Immeasurable World Territory, remaining Sword God Lin Clan and our Immeasurable Dao Temple. Sword God Lin Clan only then a choice, that turns, kneeling clothing's first World King! However, vengefulness for father's murder between Lin Feng and Yi Daiyan, the hatred of Ten Thousand Ancestors Sword Heart, how does this calculate?” “怎么可能!帮助第一界王灭掉闇族,那这无量界域,就剩下剑神林氏和我们无量道场了。剑神林氏只有一个选择,那就是投靠、跪服第一界王!但是,林枫伊代颜之间的杀父之仇,还有万祖剑心之仇恨,这怎么算?” Also said is. The Lin Feng growth ability is so terrifying, first World King definitely has the sense of crisis, the ignores he will not grow, finally ruins own landscape! After all, first World King Spirit of Light Demon Clan, truly draws the hip very much, lacks successors. This way, next generation World King absolutely is Lin Feng.” “说得也是。林枫的成长能力这么恐怖,第一界王肯定有危机感,不会放任他成长,最后毁掉自己的江山的!毕竟,第一界王光之灵魔族,确实很拉胯,后继无人。就这样下去,下一代界王绝对是林枫。” Sword God Lin Clan entire clan fool, will not go all out to help first World King even at this time. Sitting mountain Guanhu fights is they best choice. Helped Dark Clan destroy the first World King effective strength, this was their actions of adventure, but absolute maximum gain. After all now our Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment millions of people are all of one mind, is too strong!” 剑神林氏就算全族傻子,都不会这时候卖力帮助第一界王。坐山观虎斗是他们最好的选择。帮助闇族摧毁第一界王的有生力量,这是他们的冒险之举动,但绝对收益最大。毕竟现在我们无量道场军团万众一心,太强了!” Basically on Dark Star, 80% people, draw such conclusion. 基本上闇星上,百分之八十的人,都得出这样的结论。 3 million armies who the bottom world, first World King leads, ironclad immediately by converging attack, danger!” “地底世界,第一界王率领的三百万大军,铁定马上被前后夹击,危险!” Everyone worries! 所有人着急啊! Dark Clan was weakened repeatedly, but still like a julid wriggles even after being cut dead, cannot be negligent.” 闇族屡次被削弱,但仍然如百足之虫死而不僵,千万不能大意。” Suddenly, the heart of entire Dark Star, is jumping crazily, is paying attention to the ultimate war of bottom world. 一时间,全闇星的心脏,都在狂跳,都在关注地底世界的终极大战。 ...... …… Dismal place bottom world, various element Star Source strength and element god disaster and Universe Heavenly Yuan dashing and sweeping across, everywhere is a furnace. 阴暗的地底世界,各种元素恒星源力量、元素神灾、宇宙天元冲撞、席卷,到处都是熔炉。 Roar roar roar! 吼吼吼! trillions Star Source Ominous Beast forms the sea of wild animal, first bumps into with three million Star Sea Divine Ship that the place bottom channel kills. 数万亿恒星源凶兽形成野兽的沧海,第一时间就和地底通道杀进来的三百万星海神舰碰上。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Three million Star Sea Divine Ship, form the steel army, steadily advances toward the front. 三百万星海神舰,形成钢铁大军,稳步朝着前方推进。 They erupt Star Source might each time a time, can strangle to death a flesh hole, the terrifying compression Star Source strength strangles to death these Ominous Beast flesh for the ashes, starts out a channel downward. 它们每次爆发一次恒星源威力,都能绞杀出一条血肉窟窿,恐怖的压缩恒星源力量将这些凶兽血肉绞杀为灰烬,生生开出一条往下的通道。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The entire bottom world at the large explosion, entire Dark Star is vibrating loudly, the flames of war erupted the radiant fireworks, making Dark Star this dark land boiling hot, this dark stars, had half at least already by the burning red! 整个地底世界都在大爆炸,整个闇星都在轰然震动,战火爆发出了璀璨的烟花,使得闇星这黑暗的大地都变得滚烫,这一个黑暗星辰,起码有一半已经被烧红! Various types of storms howl loudly. 各种风暴轰然呼啸。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Three million Star Sea Divine Ship advance loudly, bangs into the flesh sea that Star Source Ominous Beast forms, their everywhere one visit, is the reign of terror, the ray blasting open time, the flesh and blood flying in all directions. 三百万星海神舰轰然推进,撞入那恒星源凶兽形成的血肉海洋,它们所到之处,都是腥风血雨,光芒炸裂时刻,血肉横飞。 Even so, whether there is Star Source Ominous Beast completely, attacks these Star Sea Divine Ship surfaces, with the sharp claws, magical powers and tremendous mortal body strength, hits and tears Star Sea Divine Ship! 即使如此,还是有无尽的恒星源凶兽,冲击到这些星海神舰的表面,用利爪、神通、巨大的肉身力量,来撞击、撕扯星海神舰 The attack of Star Sea Divine Ship has the dormant period, this dormant period, can only come under attack, therefore this road that penetrates the beast tide, naturally can have the loss, once Star Sea Divine Ship were torn, inside High God quickly ripped fragmentation, once compresses the Star Sea Barrier breakage of Star Source, entire Star Sea Divine Ship will explode at the scene. 星海神舰的攻击有间歇期,这个间歇期,都只能挨打,所以这一条穿透兽潮的路,自然会有损耗,一旦星海神舰被撕裂开来,里面的上神很快就会被撕裂成碎片,一旦压缩恒星源星海结界破损,整个星海神舰都会当场爆炸。 The explosion, will certainly destroy many Star Source Ominous Beast. 爆炸,当然又会毁灭不少恒星源凶兽 However, Dark Star and Dark Clan, most do not lack is Ominous Beast, inexhaustible, uses the ceaselessness! 但是,闇星闇族,最不缺的就是凶兽,取之不尽、用之不绝! Miniature Star Source that but, these Star Sea Divine Ship carry, the quantity is limited! 可是,那些星海神舰所携带的微型恒星源,数量却是有限的! Attacks probably several hundred times, Star Source will consume cleanly, when the time comes these Star Sea Divine Ship are not the transport means that these beast tides without limits want tearing into shreds, will be only simpler. 大概攻击几百次,恒星源就会消耗干净,到时候这些星海神舰连运输工具都算不上,那些无止境的兽潮想要将之撕碎,只会更加简单。 This is the Dark Clan most fearful advantage! 这就是闇族最可怕的优势!
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