FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2851: Dark Clan has the ingenious plan

Too Xi city! 太羲城! At this moment, the entire city alert and entire city mobilize, all Star Sea Divine Ship start, all Star God take place, the Dark Star decisive battle, is ready to be set off. 此刻,全城戒备、全城动员,所有星海神舰启动,所有星神就位,闇星决战,一触即发。 Innumerable Star Source Ominous Beast, form ten million/countless the heavy beast tide, too Xi city will surround by the flesh and blood all round, so numerous Ominous Beast, will definitely let the Yi Daiyan Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment, but also before without arriving at too Xi city, the loss is serious. 无数恒星源凶兽,结成千万重的兽潮,以血肉之躯将太羲城团团包围,如此众多的凶兽,必然会让伊代颜无量道场军团,还没来到太羲城前,就损失惨重。 The city of trillion Ominous Beast! 万亿凶兽之城! Too Dark Clan in Xi city, wears the golden red battle dress, has the soul pupil, the strength of entire city terrifying state of mind sweeps across, Barrier Spiritual Line proliferates. 太羲城内的闇族,都身穿金红色战袍,一个个都有魂瞳,恐怖的神魂之力全城席卷,结界灵线遍布。 In own domain, their same fighting intent soars to the heavens. 在自己的地盘上,他们同样战意冲天。 Historically, too Xi city and dark demon city, were attacked, but has not fallen into enemy hands, we have not defeated.” “历史上,太羲城和闇魔城,都受过进攻,但是从来没有失守过,我们从来没有战败过。” „Do only three times of troops, without Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, want to attack and capture our too Xi to protect barrier? No way!” “区区三倍人马,没有无量级星海神舰,就想攻克我们太羲守护结界?门都没有!” Our Ominous Beast quantities, are their 1 million times and ten million times! Dies of exhaustion them tired!” “我们的凶兽数量,是他们百万倍、千万倍!累都累死他们!” This is the Dark Clan first defense. 这是闇族第一次防守。 Previously they attack the unfavorable situation, the loss was huge. 此前他们都是进攻失利,损失巨大。 But, regarding the defense, they have not really feared. 但,对于防守,他们是真的没怕过。 Their taking advantage, are the terrain, Ominous Beast and barrier! 他们的依仗,就是地形、凶兽结界 Dark Star tens of millions years, the bottom world, is them forever. 闇星数千万年,地底世界,永远属于他们自己。 Facing this war, knew the Dark Clan person who the Dark Star world has erupted the beast tide, in fact did not fear, their fighting intent are very fierce, with three million Immeasurable Dao Temple regiments, absolutely is the showdown! 面对这一战,得知闇星全球已经爆发兽潮的闇族人,实际上并不怕,他们的战意很凶猛,和三百万无量道场军团,绝对是强强对决! „Can Yi Daiyan extinguish us?” 伊代颜要灭我们?” Entire Dark Star, is our world, it is estimated that she has not started to hit, her rear, made our people hold rottenly!” “整个闇星,都是我们的天地,估计她还没开始打,她的大后方,就让我们的人捅烂了!” Right, holds the rear of rotten this rottengoods, making her bruised and lacerated!” “对,捅烂这烂货的大后方,让她皮开肉绽!” Haha!” “哈哈!” Really wants to make this smelly inexpensive goods.” “真想弄这臭贱货。” If Dark Star died in battle today the trillion common people, must calculate that on this female demon, all blames her to start the war, for a oneself selfish desire, in view of our Dark Clan!” “如果今日闇星战死万亿苍生,都得算在这女魔头身上,全都怪她掀起战争,为了一己私欲,针对我们闇族!” Yi Daiyan, is the Immeasurable Dao Temple person condemned for all time, all ghosts, should pester her forever and ever!!” 伊代颜,才是无量道场的千古罪人,所有冤魂,都应该纠缠她永生永世!!” Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Too Xi city anger soars to the heavens, innumerable Dark Clan shout oneself hoarse. 太羲城怒火冲天,无数闇族声嘶力竭。 Too outside Xi city, trillion Ominous Beast roared, the innumerable Star Source flame, the cold ice and storm to sweep across everywhere, the whole world was similar to the bottom purgatory. 太羲城外,万亿凶兽咆哮、无数恒星源火焰、寒冰、风暴到处席卷,整个世界如同地底炼狱。 In such furnace, Dark Clan pities, Ling E two god Xi unreliably the beautiful woman, stands among Dark Clan powerhouses, as commander-in-chief who this fights. 在这样的熔炉中,闇族玄惜、凌娥两位神羲氏美人,站在闇族一众强者中间,作为这一战的总指挥。 Pities the solemn atmosphere unreliably, the model mother world, the imposing manner is broad. 玄惜端庄大气,母仪天下,气势恢宏。 Her day auspiciousness and Shenxi Shang mother. 她正是天禧、神羲殇的母亲。 Another Ling E, is similar to her daughter Shenxi Yao makings, although the age is big, but the appearance is very tender and delicate, the living dark young girl, is treacherous and beautiful. 另一位凌娥,则和她的女儿神曦瑶气质类似,岁数虽然不小,但长相却很娇嫩,活生生一个黑暗少女,诡谲而美艳。 Thus it can be seen, that Shenxi Xingtian good fortune is great. 由此可见,那神羲刑天福气不浅。 At present ten thousand beasts gallop. 眼前万兽奔腾。 Shenxi Xuanxi looks at this, the vision is solemn and respectful, all Dark Clan powerhouses, wait for with her. 神曦玄惜看着这一幕,目光肃穆,所有闇族强者,都和她一起等待。 At this time, the pass on message stone in her hand shone, the Shenxi Xingtian form appeared. 就在这时候,她手里的传讯石亮起,神羲刑天的身影出现。 Suddenly, many Dark Clan powerhouses, kneel down completely. 一时间,诸多闇族强者,全部跪下。 Exempted.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “免了。”神羲刑天道。 Yes!” The people facial expression is excited. “是!”众人神情激动。 Good news to come.” Shenxi Xingtian meaningfully say/way. “好消息来了。”神羲刑天意味深长道。 The people elongated the ear, listens in reverent attention. 众人伸长了耳朵,洗耳恭听。 Solar that two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, are breaking through Dark Star to protect barrier, Yi Daiyan is not in barrier, but in that 3 million armies, cannot block them.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “太阳那两艘无量级星海神舰,正在突围闇星守护结界,伊代颜不在结界内,而在那三百万大军中,拦不住他们。”神羲刑天道。 In other words, on the Lin Xiaodao mouth does not comply, is the body very honest? This also too proud tender.” Ling E sneers in a soft voice. “也就是说,林小道嘴上不答应,身体却很老实?这也太傲娇了。”凌娥轻声冷笑。 Sword God Lin Clan, is this welldoing.” Pities to despise to say unreliably. 剑神林氏,都是这德行。”玄惜鄙夷道。 „Very normal, is the person fears death, wants to go on living. Yi Daiyan is so high-profile, they are afraid are very normal. With Lin Xiaodao their styles, even if they attack the Yi Daiyan regiment, still meets to find the excuse, will not openly say in any case is collaborating with us. But, what has so-called?” The Shenxi Xingtian gloomy sound said with a smile. “很正常,是人都怕死,都想活下去。伊代颜如此高调,他们害怕很正常。以林小道他们的风格,就算他们进攻伊代颜的军团,也会自己找理由,反正不会公开说是在和我们联手。但,有什么所谓呢?”神羲刑天阴声笑道。 That...... following, how to operate?” Pities to ask unreliably. “那……接下来,怎么操作?”玄惜问。 I had suggested to Lin Xiaodao, lets him and you together, the converging attack Yi Daiyan 3 million armies.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “我已经给林小道暗示了,让他和你们一起,前后夹击伊代颜的三百万大军。”神羲刑天道。 Meaning is, we do not blow up the bottom channel, the ignores do they come in fast?” Ling E selected the eyebrow to ask. “意思就是,我们不炸毁地底通道,放任他们快速进来?”凌娥挑了挑眉毛问。 First does not explode, when they came in completely, then blasts the channel, comes a double whammy, catches a turtle in a jar.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “先不炸,等他们全部进来了,再炸掉通道,来一个双重夹击,瓮中捉鳖。”神羲刑天道。 He to Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming their lethality, is very confident, he has met with a disaster after all. 他对林小道李天命他们的杀伤力,确实很有信心,毕竟他都遭殃过。 Yi Daiyan is most important, is these three million Star God elite, once these people destroy completely, remaining World King clan Star God, do not dare to leave the den, she basically became the polished rod, completely unmanned available! Reviews us, even if there is a buckle, will become the Immeasurable Dao Temple strongest influence once again.” Shenxi Xuanxi narrowed the beautiful pupil to say. 伊代颜最重要的,就是这三百万星神精锐,一旦这些人灭掉,剩下的界王星神,根本不敢离开老巢,她基本就成了光杆,完全无人可用!反观我们,哪怕有折损,亦会再度成为无量道场最强势力。”神曦玄惜眯着美眸说。 Right. This is we disintegrates her the opportunity of potential thoroughly. In the crowded place bottom world, their front has us, behind has Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, we blast the bottom channel again, the light is a Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship attack of Sword God Lin Clan, can destroy completely Star God that innumerable nowhere hide.” Ling E eyes pupil is very bright. “没错。这是我们彻底瓦解掉她的势的机会。在密集的地底世界里,他们前面有我们,后面有无量级星海神舰,我们再炸掉地底通道,光是剑神林氏无量级星海神舰一次攻击,都能灭掉无数无处躲藏的星神。”凌娥眼眸很亮。 This is the particularity of bottom world. 这就是地底世界的特殊性。 Star Sea Divine Ship, ordinary Star Sea Divine Ship, does not suit in the place bottom particularly extremely actuates, simply does not have enough space! 星海神舰,尤其是普通的星海神舰,是极其不适合在地底驱动的,根本没有足够的空间! World King is wise, before the three parties support the arrival, first using Sword God Lin Clan, lets him and Yi Daiyan kills one another.” Many Dark Clan core powerhouse acclaimed. “还是界王高明,在三方支援到来之前,就先利用剑神林氏一把,让他和伊代颜自相残杀。”不少闇族核心强者赞叹。 In the future look! At least Yi Daiyan oneself with that two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, cannot extinguish today, but must wait for the ally to arrive. However these three million Star God and three million Star Sea Divine Ship, must bury them today here, with their corpse blood, holds a memorial service for too Xi demon beast, these for the Dark Clan future children of sacrifice......” “往后看吧!最起码伊代颜本人和那两艘无量级星海神舰,今日是灭不了的,还得等盟友到来。但是这三百万星神和三百万星海神舰,今日必须要将他们埋葬在这里,用他们的尸血,祭奠太羲魔兽,还有那些为了闇族的未来而牺牲的孩子们……” Shenxi Xingtian that old sound, was full of the endless hate. 神羲刑天那苍老的声音,充满了无尽的怨恨。 World King, you with An demon?” Some people asked. 界王,那你和闇魔号?”有人问。 Shenxi Xingtian sneers, said: You defend stubbornly too Xi to protect barrier, the issue is not big. When they come in completely, we blast the bottom channel, I use An demon, takes 50 ten thousand Star God of dark demon city, four Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, attack the Azure Mound Tushan Clan, Yushiqie Clan, Holy light envoy clan and other World King clan of the supreme headquarters, their each clan remaining Star God, but about 200,000, their barrier, cannot block Immeasurable Rank An demon, you hit are longer, my time is abundant, until finally, me must ruin protection barrier of all World King clans, destroys completely their inheritance foundations, making the so-called ten three World King clans die not to have completely burial ground, by this Immeasurable World Territory, In the future only then my Dark Clan World King clan!” 神羲刑天冷笑一声,道:“你们固守太羲守护结界,问题不大。等他们全部进来,我们炸掉地底通道,我就用闇魔号,带上闇魔城的五十万星神,还有四只无量级凶兽,进攻青丘涂山氏雨师妾族圣光使族界王族的大本营,他们每一族剩下的星神,不过二十万左右,他们的结界,也根本挡不住无量级的闇魔号,你们打越久,我的时间就越是充裕,直到最终,我要毁掉所有界王族的守护结界,灭掉他们的传承根基,让所谓的十三界王族全部死无葬身之地,让这无量界域,往后只有我闇族一个界王族!” In this case, these three million Star God, the person on one's own side had not died in battle today, have his family member and friend, died completely certainly?” The people asked excitedly. “这样的话,今日这三百万星神,自己人还没战死,他的家人、朋友,就已经全部死绝了啊?”众人激动问。 An demon too long has not shown the invincible might, I cannot capture Sun, World King clan can barrier that but, trivial was castrated by Yi Daiyan, block me?” Shenxi Xingtian sneers. “闇魔号太久没展现神威了,我没能攻下太阳,但是,区区一些被伊代颜阉割的界王结界,拦得住我么?”神羲刑天冷笑。 Most essential is, after setting out three million Star God armies, these World King clan supreme headquarters, the interior is void. 最关键是,出动三百万星神大军后,这些界王族大本营,早就已经内部空虚了。 Three million Star God, three million Star Sea Divine Ship sounds, definitely are bigger than An demon! 三百万星神,三百万星海神舰的动静,肯定大于闇魔号的! An demon action speed, compares the approaching speeds of these 3 million armies to be quick and flexible, is more difficult to ponder over, is easier to change. 闇魔号的行动速度,也比这三百万大军的行进速度要快、灵活,更难琢磨,更容易变化。 Therefore , at the same time battlefield around converging attack, another side battlefield steals family/home, is can exterminate Yi Daiyan and its numerous strategy thoroughly. 所以说,一边战场‘前后夹击’,另一边战场‘偷家’,乃是可以彻底灭绝伊代颜和其部众的计策。 Employs two methods to achieve one goal, this time, Yi Daiyan does not die also waste!” “双管齐下,这一次,伊代颜不死也废!” Waits......” “拭目以待吧……” This is one time that Shenxi Xingtian wins hopefully. 这是神羲刑天最有希望赢的一次。 He, thinks. 他自己,是这么认为的。 In their control , the Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment, through the place bottom channel, enters the bottom world thoroughly. 在他们的‘操控’下,无量道场军团,彻底通过地底通道,杀入地底世界。 The Sword God Star vestige and Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, successfully break through, enter Dark Star! 紧接着,剑神星遗迹和九龙帝葬,成功突围,杀入闇星
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