FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2850: Jackals from the same lair

In Yi Daiyan and Tushan are too abundant and the others under the pre-battle mobilizations, 3 million army imposing manners are turbulent, enters the bottom channel directly, Star Sea Divine Ship drive loudly, everywhere one visit, the entire world is thundering, the air wave that Star Source initiates curled up the endless thick smoke, camouflaged the line of sight. 伊代颜、涂山太豐等人的战前动员下,三百万大军气势汹涌,直接杀入地底通道,一艘艘星海神舰轰然驶入,所到之处,全世界都在轰鸣,恒星源引发的气浪卷起了无尽的浓烟,遮蔽了视线。 This goes, the halfway will not withdraw. 这一去,绝不会半途退出。 Exterminates the Dark Clan petty people!” “灭绝闇族鼠辈!” Eliminates Star Source Ominous Beast!” “消灭恒星源凶兽!” Also my Dark Star ringing universe!” “还我闇星朗朗乾坤!” Also my Immeasurable Dao Temple peace throughout the country and long-term peace and good government.” “还我无量道场天下太平、长治久安。” Their banners, naturally are just, lofty, this sense of mission made each soldier one's blood bubbles up to the brim, dares to fight and dares sacrifice. 他们的旗号,自然是正义的、崇高的,这种使命感让每一个战士都热血沸腾,敢于战斗、敢于牺牲。 The spiritual strength in the battlefield, the function is big. 精神力量在战场上,作用非常大。 Our World King has killed too Xi demon beast, this is the Dark Clan energetic totem!” “我们界王已经杀了太羲魔兽,这是闇族的精神图腾!” They were finished.” “他们完蛋了。” Even Shenxi Xingtian can only run away!” “连神羲刑天都只能逃窜!” Has World King, who keeps off who dies!” “有界王在,谁挡谁死!” Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Three million Star Sea Divine Ship, submerge the horizon thoroughly, enters the bottom world from hundreds of thousands of place bottom channels, charges into too Xi city, initiates the bottom world shakes loudly greatly, less than half Dark Star therefore earthquake, innumerable ground cracks, if not for there is a barrier protection, many villages and small towns cities, feared that is must be cut. 三百万星海神舰,彻底没入地平线,从数十万的地底通道进入地底世界,冲向太羲城,引发地底世界的轰然巨震,小半个闇星都因此地震,无数地面龟裂,若不是有结界保护,许多村镇城池,怕是都要被切割开来。 We also almost must prepare.” Lin Xiaodao said. “我们也差不多要准备了。”林小道说。 Li Wudi has returned to Sun, Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming, assume Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship respectively, in the middle of Yanhuang Protection Barrier, prepares to set sail. 李无敌已经返回太阳了,林小道李天命,各自坐镇一艘无量级星海神舰,在炎黄守护结界当中,准备起航。 At this time! 就在这时候! In Lin Xiaodao hand, Shenxi Xingtian passed on a message stone bright/light. 林小道手中,神羲刑天的传讯石亮起来了。 „It is not as expected, really came.” “不出预料,果然来了。” The Lin Xiaodao opening pass on message stone, Shenxi Xingtian that dark golden shadow, appeared above the pass on message stone. 林小道开启传讯石,神羲刑天那暗金色的阴影,出现在了传讯石之上。 Lin Xiaodao.” The Shenxi Xingtian complexion is sincere. 林小道。”神羲刑天面色诚恳。 „, God Xi World King also had the time at this time and I chats.” Lin Xiaodao said with a smile lightly. “都这时候了,神羲界王还有时间和我闲聊呢。”林小道轻笑道。 Chatted?” Shenxi Xingtian shakes the head, said: You understand that I look for your reason, I rubbish am not many said that now, the Yi Daiyan domineering and great strength, you also see, you really did not fear, after she took me, turned the head to lead these 3 million armies, conquered by killing your Sun?” “闲聊?”神羲刑天摇摇头,道:“你明白我找你的缘由,我废话就不多说了,如今,伊代颜的强势、强大,你也都看到了,你就真的不怕,她拿下我后,转头就率领这三百万大军,血洗你太阳吗?” Feared. I feared certainly.” The Lin Xiaodao nod said. “怕。我当然怕。”林小道点头说。 Since feared, at this time, you could also sit still? At this time, are you still having the fond dream of when the snipe and clam grapple , the fisherman profits? As long as you can see the Dark Star present aspect, perhaps you so will not be optimistic.” Shenxi Xingtian said. “既然怕,这种时候,你还坐得住?这时候,你还在做鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利的美梦么?但凡你能看到闇星现在的局面,恐怕你都不会这么乐观。”神羲刑天道。 World King chatted, we have several jin (0.5 kg) several two, at heart is clear.” Lin Xiaodao said embarrasedly. 界王说笑了,我们自己有几斤几两,心里还是清楚的。”林小道讪讪道。 Shenxi Xingtian sighs, said: To be honest with you, my too Xi demon beast, had been cut to kill by Yi Daiyan. In million Star God by too Xi city, cannot only block Yi Daiyan to add on three million Star God armies. The matter that too Xi city broken, I can handle sooner or later only, by the beast tide counter-attack, attacks various Dark Star Big City and peak clans, to force Yi Daiyan to be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt to draw back troops. However this means that could not disintegrate her domineering, will make me the Dark Star person condemned for all time, making the innumerable innocent civilians therefore die a tragic death......, but, in addition, I really did not have the means that our Dark Clan only sought a survival, difficultly what had? That 10000.00000001 trillion the innocent civilians, do they have what crime?” 神羲刑天叹了一口气,道:“不瞒你说吧,我一只太羲魔兽,已经被伊代颜斩杀。光靠太羲城内百万星神,根本挡不住伊代颜加上三百万星神大军。太羲城迟早得破,我唯一能做的事情,就是以兽潮反击,攻击闇星各大城池、巅峰氏族,以迫使伊代颜投鼠忌器退兵。然而这种办法,根本瓦解不了她的强势,亦会让我成为闇星千古罪人,让无数无辜百姓因此惨死……但,除此之外,我真无办法,我们闇族只求一个生存,有什么难吗?那亿亿万得无辜百姓,他们又有何罪?” World King, if your common people, can not start the beast tide tender greatly.” Lin Xiaodao said. 界王,如果你怜惜那么百姓的话,大可以不发动兽潮。”林小道说。 My Dark Clan what to do? Do ten million years inherit, wait for death? Yi Daiyan has Immeasurable World Monument, she is what strength you clearest! The direct engagement, I do not dare to bump into her! Your Sun is not better. Said honestly, once too Xi city broken, my Dark Clan was extinguished 1 million again, is only left over the dark demon city and An demon, how long I could not insist. Once An demon falls into her hand, she controls An demon, leads over 5 million Star God, more than ten million Star Sea Divine Ship embezzle the day of your Sun, is absolutely close. To be honest with you, has Dark Star demon bat, where you hide, is difficult to escape dies!” Shenxi Xingtian sinking sound said. “那我闇族怎么办?千万年传承,就此等死么?伊代颜拥有无量界碑,她是什么实力你最清楚!正面交战,我都不敢碰上她!你们太阳更不行。坦白说,一旦太羲城破,我闇族再被灭百万,只剩下闇魔城和闇魔号,我根本坚持不了多久。一旦闇魔号落入她的手中,她驾驭闇魔号,率领五百万以上星神,上千万星海神舰吞没你太阳的日子,绝对近在咫尺。不瞒你说,有闇星魔蝠在,你们躲到哪里,都难逃一死!”神羲刑天沉声道。 Lin Xiaodao was silent. 林小道沉默了。 Lin Xiaodao, if you are willing to work as Saint time, if you are willing to save the Dark Star common people, making them be exempt from the misery, you help my helping hand, this is also helping you! Yi Daiyan ignores Lin Feng will not grow absolutely, vengefulness for father's murder, but how child's play? She is overbearing and domineering, no one can keep off, if you will be optimistic and withdraw, you to harm entire Sword God Lin Clan! Our Dark Clan has not resisted the entire Immeasurable Dao Temple strength, do not have the fantasy!” Shenxi Xingtian has said does best to convince. 林小道,如果你愿意当一次圣人,如果你愿意拯救闇星苍生,让他们免受苦难,你就助我一臂之力,这同样也是在帮助你们自己!伊代颜绝对不会放任林枫成长起来,杀父之仇,岂可儿戏?她霸道、强势,无人能挡,如果你再乐观、龟缩、你会害了整个剑神林氏!我们闇族已经没有对抗整个无量道场的实力了,你千万别心存幻想啊!”神羲刑天已经说得苦口婆心了。 Lin Xiaodao deeply inspires, clenches teeth saying: God Xi World King, your Dark Clan is notorious, has the big enmity with my Sword God Lin Clan, now you stand in the entire Immeasurable Dao Temple opposite, I said that anything cannot become the jackals from the same lair with you. Thank you to think highly of us, but the matter of union, is not no need saying that our Sword God Lin Clan had the plan.” 林小道深吸一口气,咬牙道:“神羲界王,你们闇族臭名昭著,和我剑神林氏亦有大仇,如今你们站在整个无量道场的对立面,我说什么都不能和你们成为一丘之貉。感谢你看得起我们,但联合之事,不必多说,我们剑神林氏自有打算。” Lin Xiaodao, opportunity, only then one time, after I die, you are the Yi Daiyan first serious hidden trouble! Do not be muddled, misses the final machine......” 林小道,机会只有一次,我死之后,你就是伊代颜第一心腹大患啊!千万别糊涂,错过最终机……” The Shenxi Xingtian words have not said thoroughly, Lin Xiaodao will pass on message the stone switching off. 神羲刑天话还没彻底说完,林小道就将传讯石给关掉了。 „Did you reject?” Li Tianming asked startled. “你拒绝了?”李天命愕然问。 Right.” Lin Xiaodao hehe said with a smile. “对啊。”林小道嘿嘿笑道。 We can pretend to comply, the halfway treachery, happen to kills his one unexpectedly.” Li Tianming said. “我们可以假装答应,半路倒戈,正好杀他一个出其不意啊。”李天命道。 This you do not understand, if I comply directly, he will instead have the questionable point. By my Sword God Lin Clan character, is such coy, once our Star Sea Divine Ship appear, Shenxi Xingtian believes assuredly, we are help his.” Lin Xiaodao is showing the whites of the eyes to say. “这你就不懂了,如果我直接答应,他反而会生出疑点。以我剑神林氏的风骨,就是这样扭扭捏捏的,一旦我们的星海神舰出现,神羲刑天才会笃定相信,我们是来帮助他的。”林小道翻着白眼道。 Chrysanthemum air vent only sought one happily, really talks nonsense must look at your mouth.” Li Tianming ridiculed. “菊花出气只求一乐,真放屁还得看你的嘴。”李天命嘲笑道。 Rolls rolling!” “滚滚滚!” Although said him to break wind, but Li Tianming thinks he said is reasonable. 虽然说他放屁,但李天命还是认为他说得有道理。 Lin Xiaodao understands Sword God Lin Clan after all character. 林小道毕竟更了解剑神林氏的‘风骨’。 Does not need to make Shenxi Xingtian hear own affirmation to answer, only needing makes he himself go to the brain to make up, instead will be more reasonable. 不需要让神羲刑天听到自己的肯定答复,只需要让他自己去脑补,反而会更合理。 „!” “出发!” Rumble. 轰隆隆。 A double headed dragon, first nine machinery black-gold Divine Dragon, runs out of the solar sea of fire one after another, protects barrier to go toward Dark Star. 一只双头龙,一头九头机械黑金神龙,接连冲出太阳火海,朝着闇星守护结界而去。 World King.” Li Tianming through the pass on message stone, shouts Yi Daiyan. 界王。”李天命通过传讯石,呼喊伊代颜 What's wrong?” Yi Daiyan said. “怎么?”伊代颜道。 We break through to enter Dark Star to protect barrier, do not allow to pass, but must stop.” Li Tianming said. “我们突围杀入闇星守护结界,你不要放行,还要阻拦。”李天命道。 Why?” Yi Daiyan asked. “为何?”伊代颜问。 Confuses Shenxi Xingtian.” Li Tianming said. “迷惑神羲刑天。”李天命道。 „Did he look for you? Understood.” “他找你们了?懂了。” Yi Daiyan is extremely bright, one understood the Li Tianming's meaning. 伊代颜冰雪聪明,一下就懂李天命的意思了。 So long as makes Shenxi Xingtian see that Dark Star protects barrier to stop Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming, explained that Yi Daiyan does not want to make them come, then, Lin Xiaodao, although does not comply orally, but in fact, wasn't the union? 只要让神羲刑天看到闇星守护结界阻拦林小道李天命,就说明伊代颜不想让他们进来,如此一来,林小道虽然口头上不答应,但实际上,不就是联合了嘛?
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