FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2849: Global beast tide

This war orders secretly together, quick spread, is completely not the secret. 这一道战争密令,很快就传开了,完全不是秘密。 Receives the World King clan, peak clan that fights the command, makes the best use of the time to prepare immediately. 收到战令的界王族、巅峰氏族等,立马抓紧时间备战。 Entire Dark Star has been the alert posture, Star God and Star Sea Divine Ship of major influences, have been able to go to battle, can assemble momentarily. 整个闇星早就是战备状态,各大势力的星神星海神舰,早就可以出战,随时都能集结。 Under Yi Daiyan games command, less than a double-hour, three million Star God armies, over 3 million Star Sea Divine Ship, have in fact built up in the respective domain. 伊代颜令之下,不到一个时辰,三百万星神大军,三百万以上的星海神舰,实际上就已经在各自的地盘上集结完毕。 Only waits for a Yi Daiyan signal, they will leave the domain, first slightly assembles, then assembles greatly, finally gathers to suppress the Dark Clan Immeasurable Dao Temple army! 只等伊代颜一个信号,他们就会离开自家地盘,先小集结,再大集结,最终汇聚镇压闇族无量道场大军! Dark Clan, obtains certainly the news. 闇族,肯定早就已经得到消息了。 Yin Chen (silver dust) told Li Tianming quickly, Star Source Ominous Beast of various Dark Star bottom places has very big change, the beast tide roared crazily, riot, had arrived at the eruption critical point. 银尘很快就告诉李天命,闇星地底各处的恒星源凶兽有很大异动,兽潮疯狂咆哮、暴乱,已经到了爆发的临界点。 Entire Dark Star, is extremely gloomy and dignified, has arrived at the eve that the storm arrived , a 1 million years of some largest war, has not been ready. 整个闇星,极其阴暗、凝重,已经到了暴风雨降临的前夕,一场百万年未曾有的最大规模之战,已经蓄势待发。 At this time, the order of Yi Daiyan, spread over Dark Star! 就在这时候,伊代颜的命令,传遍闇星 „The Immeasurable Dao Temple gentlemen, I am first World King Yi Daiyan.” 无量道场诸君,我乃第一界王伊代颜’。” It is well known, Dark Clan colludes with Star Hunter, kills the Immeasurable Dao Temple people, betrays Immeasurable Dao Temple, is to overthrow Immeasurable Dao Temple, establishes World Territory that its Dark Clan lords over, such behavior, the world does not accommodate.” “众所周知,闇族勾结猎星者,杀害无量道场民众,背叛无量道场,意欲推翻无量道场,建立其闇族独霸的界域,此等行为,天下不容。” Today, I present the wills of Immeasurable Dao Temple ten million year, by the Immeasurable Dao Temple gentlemen was held, to assemble three million Star God armies, conducts to the Dark Clan petty people sweeps clear finally, with its decisive battle!” “今日,我奉无量道场千万年之意志,受无量道场诸君所托,集结三百万星神大军,对闇族鼠辈进行最终清扫,与其决战!” This war, must make heavy losses to Dark Clan, in the future, must extinguish Dark Star Ominous Beast, but also a world purity, but also Immeasurable Dao Temple ringing universe, but also these by innocent person of justice Ominous Beast casualties.” “此战,必重创闇族,往后,亦必灭闇星凶兽,还天下一个清净,还无量道场朗朗乾坤,还那些被凶兽伤亡的无辜之人一个公道。” From, passes on my command at this moment-” “自此刻起,传我号令-” To prevent Dark Clan is crazed, inspires the beast tidal waves and innocent civilians, making Dark Star world hundreds of billions barrier open completely! Dark Star all living things, strive to protect oneself, is then static and other victory reports of Immeasurable army!” “为防止闇族丧心病狂,引动兽潮波及无辜百姓,令闇星全球数千亿结界全部开启!闇星众生,争取自保,尔后静等无量大军之捷报!” Dark Star has hundred trillion population, innumerable barrier, to the villages and small towns city, have to protect oneself barrier. 闇星有百万亿人口,无数的结界,小到村镇城池,都有保护自己的结界 Yi Daiyan announced that is placed Dark Clan in the Dark Star opposite thoroughly, making Dark Star all the people alert, all the people kill the enemy! 伊代颜宣告的,就是彻底将闇族摆在闇星的对立面,让闇星全民戒备,全民杀敌! Obviously, once Dark Clan disregards all consequences, that this absolutely is one global war that affects entire Dark Star, the attack and defense of bottom world Dark Clan base, but the core component of this six levels of Star Source World big civil wars. 很显然,一旦闇族不计后果,那这绝对是一场波及整个闇星的全球大战,地底世界闇族基地的攻防,只不过这场六级恒星源世界大内战的核心部分。 At this moment, on Dark Star this dark stars, shone innumerable starlight, star point that in each darkness sparkled, was barrier that the people protected oneself. 这一刻,闇星这黑暗星辰上,亮起了无数的星光,每一个黑暗中闪耀的星点,都是生民们自我保护的结界 Suddenly, this stretch of endless dark land sparkles, trillion radiance gathers in together, like a starlight sea of flowers piece by piece, decorated colored stars Dark Star! 一时间,这一片无尽黑暗大地闪耀起来,亿万的光华汇聚在一起,如同一片片的星光花海,将闇星装点成了一个彩色星辰! Brilliant! 绚烂! But is also terrifying. 但也恐怖。 Dark Star was very long has not entered this time, all the people fought Ominous Beast, each city and each peak clan, inevitably extreme frigid. 闇星很久没进入这种时刻了,全民大战凶兽,每一座城池、每一个巅峰氏族,势必都会极端惨烈。 Light magnificent, is rivers of blood and corpse is piled up. 灯光辉煌下,是血流成河、尸体堆积成山。 This war, will decide in the future who controls Dark Star! 这一战,将会决定未来谁主宰闇星 Either is a person, either, is Ominous Beast! 要么是人,要么,是凶兽 Dark Clan, is only the Ominous Beast spokesman, they seek the benefit and inheritance by Ominous Beast. 闇族,只是凶兽的代言人,他们靠凶兽来谋取利益和传承。 At this moment, on Dark Star several hundred trillion common people, stood this side Immeasurable Dao Temple truly, completely abandoned Dark Clan! 这一刻,闇星上数百万亿苍生,都真正站在了无量道场这一边,彻底摈弃闇族 After Yi Daiyan announced that Cultivator and soldiers, guarded in their barrier addendum circles, prepared and Ominous Beast life and death slaughters. 伊代颜宣告后,一个个修炼者、战士,驻守在他们的结界外圈,准备好了和凶兽生死厮杀。 The elderly and infirm, in the barrier protection, grasp Barrier Spiritual Line layer upon layer, with the Companion Beast same place, prepares to contribute own strength. 一个个老弱妇孺,亦在层层结界保护当中,手持结界灵线,和伴生兽一起,准备贡献自己的力量。 Many Star Sea Divine Ship, even if has not joined the establishment of Immeasurable army, speeds along in the sky of homeland, once the Ominous Beast tide runs out of the ground, that these Star Sea Divine Ship, kill absolutely greatly. 许多星海神舰,就算没加入无量大军的编制,亦在家园的上空飞驰,一旦凶兽潮冲出地面,那这些星海神舰,绝对是大杀器。 Once Dark Star forbade to use Star Sea Divine Ship, but Dark Clan destroyed this to ban the law, today the flames of war sweep across, on Dark Star, innumerable Star Sea Divine Ship started and howls, formed groups in the horizon. 曾经闇星禁止动用星海神舰,但是闇族破坏了这个禁律,今日战火席卷,闇星上,无数星海神舰启动、呼啸,在天际成群结队。 Land vibration and sea surges! 大地震动、海洋翻腾! Under the actuation and action of driving away of Dark Clan, over a hundred times in Star Source Ominous Beast of Dark Star people, crawl unceasingly the ground, has eyed covetously to the domain of Dark Star people! 闇族的驱动、驱赶下,上百倍于闇星生民的恒星源凶兽,不断爬出地面,已经对闇星民众的地盘虎视眈眈! The Dark Star world, is cloudy, the engulfed the entire world flames of war, have started to ferment, three million Immeasurable armies have not built up thoroughly, many cities have faced the attack of riot beast tide. 闇星全球,乌云密布,席卷全球的战火,已经开始酝酿,三百万无量大军还没彻底集结,很多城池就已经面临了暴乱兽潮的进攻。 This scene, the light was listens to Yin Chen (silver dust) saying that Li Tianming has been able to feel frigid forthcoming. 这场面,光是听银尘说,李天命都已经能感受到即将到来的惨烈了。 The lake, rivers and streams and mountain valley, hundred million trillion Ominous Beast raise the head, vision blood red, the facial expression is wild. 湖泊、江河、山谷,亿亿万凶兽抬头,目光血红,神情狂暴。 Many no man's lands, Star Source Ominous Beast forms groups, dashes about wildly to howl. 许多无人区域,恒星源凶兽成群结队,狂奔呼啸。 Space underground, bird vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered! 天上地下,飞鸟纵横! The beast roar sound of exceedingly high penetrating place, gathers in together, has shaken on Sun. 通天彻地的兽吼声音,汇聚在一起,已经震荡到了太阳上。 How many murder cases will they commit? 它们会制造多少血案? Dark Clan has known your attack plan, starting the beast tide is to your shock and awe, once we start to attack too Xi city, will provode the global beast moist riot inevitably, produces the entire Dark Star war. Then, decides will have many people to engage in a decisive battle dead, will have many cities and homelands by the destruction, many people break up a family, homeless.” Li Tianming said. 闇族已经知晓你的进攻计划,发动兽潮便是对你的震慑,一旦我们开始攻击太羲城,势必会引发全球兽潮暴乱,引发全闇星的战争。如此一来,定会有不少人会战死,会有很多城池、家园被覆灭,很多人妻离子散,无家可归。”李天命道。 Right. But the war eventually is the meeting deceased person.” Li Wudi said. “对。但战争终究是会死人的。”李无敌说。 But if, can completely solve Dark Clan and beast tide today, the person who the posterity was therefore killed, will die.” Li Tianming said. “但如果,今日能彻底解决闇族、兽潮的话,子孙后代因此丧命的人,就会死很多。”李天命道。 Right. This war, we do not hit, will be one's turn our posterity to hit, sacrificed. Wants the deceased person eventually, that might as well little die some people.” Li Wudi said. “对。这一场战争,我们不打,就会轮到我们的子孙后代去打、去牺牲。终究都是要死人的,那就不如少死一些人。”李无敌道。 Sometimes as highest control, has no way to care about deep love between man and woman of person. 作为最高的掌控者,有时候没法去顾及一个人的儿女情长。 Yi Daiyan at this moment quick ruthless, truly is a boldness of top control. 伊代颜此刻的快准狠,确实是一个顶级掌控者的魄力。 She knows early Dark Clan will start the global beast tide, but she decides to attack resolutely. 她早知道闇族会发动全球兽潮,但她还是毅然决定进攻。 She and Li Tianming understands, now does not cause heavy losses to Dark Clan, when that three parties supported, did not have such good opportunity. 她和李天命都明白,现在不重创闇族,等那三方支援到了,就没这么好的机会了。 Even if some people will certainly sacrifice, must fight with all might! 纵使一定会有人牺牲,还是要拼杀! Therefore, this war, looked that is Yi Daiyan first attacks and captures too Xi city, is the Dark Clan beast tide and surprise-attack forces, first attacks and captures the Yi Daiyan section numerous, first slaughter extinguishes the endless common people. Who first cannot defend, who first defeats!” Li Tianming clenches teeth to say. “所以,这一战,就看是伊代颜先攻克太羲城,还是闇族的兽潮、奇兵,先攻克伊代颜部众,先屠灭无尽苍生。谁先守不住,谁先战败!”李天命咬牙道。 Therefore, even if for these innocent common people, this war, we will still stand in the Dark Clan opposite.” Lin Xiaodao said. “所以啊,就算是为了那些无辜的百姓,这一战,我们也应该站在闇族的对面。”林小道说。 Un!” “嗯!” The Li Tianming's heart, is very firm. 李天命的心,十分坚定。 At this time, Yi Daiyan called three million Star God armies who came from World King clan, peak clan, extra mundane powerhouse and other places, three million Star Sea Divine Ship, have built up! 这时候,伊代颜界王族、巅峰氏族、世外强者等处召集而来的三百万星神大军,还有三百万星海神舰,已经集结完毕! They have a common name, is the Immeasurable Dao Temple regiment. 他们有一个共同的名字,就是无量道场军团。 These Star Sea Divine Ship, part of Sun Mortal Rank, are controlled by High God, their Star Sea Divine Ship operates well, is the elite in battlefield. 这些星海神舰,有一部分阳凡级,是由上神控制的,他们星海神舰操纵得好,也是战场上的精英。 The armies gather, murderous aura to soar to the heavens. 大军汇聚,杀气冲天。
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