FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2848: The secret fights the command

Reviews Yin Chen (silver dust), exists, the countless eyes, each other coordinate very much easily, confirmation truth. 反观银尘,一个存在,无数眼睛,很容易彼此协调,确认真相。 You court death!” “你找死!” Too Xi demon beast traded the voice of boy, shouted sad and shrill, above all eyes shone, is very dazzling, the terrifying state of mind strength is similar to the sea, toward Yi Daiyan sweeping, the middle has several tens of thousands of to flee in all directions to here Star Source Ominous Beast to stare the big eye at least at the scene, the tragic death at the scene. 太羲魔兽换了个男童的声音,凄厉一喊,其上所有眼睛都亮了起来,无比刺眼,恐怖的神魂力量如同沧海,朝着伊代颜扫荡,中间起码有数万只流窜到这里的恒星源凶兽当场瞪大眼睛,惨死当场。 You feared.” “你怕了。” Yi Daiyan smiles indifferently, grasps black-golden sword glow, changes to together the cold light, charges into that too Xi demon beast directly. 伊代颜冷漠一笑,手持黑金色剑芒,化作一道冷光,直接冲向那太羲魔兽。 Bang! 轰! Sword light eruption! 剑光爆发! black-golden sword glow congeals the prison, sweeps across the bottom world, everywhere one visit, several million place bottom Ominous Beast blood splash at the scene, was strangled to death the muddy flesh, was embezzled and burnt down by the Star Source strength. 黑金色剑芒凝结成囚牢,席卷地底世界,所到之处,数百万地底凶兽血溅当场,被绞杀成肉泥,被恒星源力量吞没、焚烧。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The bottom world rebellion continues, black-golden sword glow and Star Source strength dashes everywhere, even hits too Xi to protect on barrier, triggers the greater super earthquake. 地底世界暴动继续,黑金色剑芒恒星源力量到处冲撞,甚至撞击到太羲守护结界上,引发更大程度的超级地震。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang! 轰隆! Too outside Xi city, the landslide cracks in the earth, the magma such as the sea howls, the giant beast such as the mosquito chaotic dance, is similar to falls into the end in the world, thunders unceasingly. 太羲城外,山崩地裂,岩浆如沧海呼啸,巨兽如蚊虫乱舞,全世界如同陷入末日,不断轰鸣。 Various types chaotic, various bangs! 各种混乱、各种巨响! However what is most resounding is too the wailing of Xi demon beast, its sound penetration spirit, sweeps across too Xi city, innumerable Dark Clan kneel calls out pitifully, even many people make the wailing of this too Xi demon beast be killed by shock at the scene! 然而最响亮的还是太羲魔兽的尖啸,它的声音穿透魂灵,席卷太羲城,无数闇族跪地惨叫,甚至有不少人让这太羲魔兽的尖啸当场震死! People can only see, the under bottom world blood are only innumerable, these dazzling blood are only hiding too the anger of Xi demon beast, what a pity quickly embezzles by the Star Source storm and black sword astral. 人们只能看到,下方地底世界血光无数,那些刺眼的血光藏着太羲魔兽的愤怒,可惜很快就被恒星源风暴和黑色剑罡吞没。 Two World King! Does not go out to rescue too Xi demon beast, it might die in battle!” “两位界王!再不出去救太羲魔兽,它很可能会阵亡啊!” Too in Xi city, many Dark Clan old man voice shivered to say. 太羲城内,很多闇族老者声音颤抖说。 In the crowd, wears the black red long gown, is elegant, has model mother world stance graceful bearing beautiful woman Shenxi Xuanxi complexion to be quiet, both hands conceals in sleeves. 人群中,身穿黑红长袍,气质高雅,有母仪天下般姿态的风韵美人‘神曦玄惜’面色沉静,双手藏于衣袖之中。 Her eyelash trembles, the eye closes gently, bites the red lip lightly, said: Yi Daiyan, is different at this time in those days, cannot go out, otherwise must die. Stays in the Xi city too, opportunity of fight.” 她睫毛微颤,眼睛轻轻闭上,轻咬红唇,道:“伊代颜,今时不同往日,不能出去,否则都得死。留在太羲城,还有战斗的机会。” That too Xi demon beast what to do......” “那太羲魔兽怎么办……” Many Dark Clan at heart in drop blood. 很多闇族心里都在滴血。 This is Dark Clan kills greatly, it the might in battlefield, is not worse than the bloodlines vine. 这可是闇族的大杀器啊,它在战场上的威力,不比血脉藤差。 Loses too Xi demon beast, the strength damages greatly. 失去太羲魔兽,实力又是大损。 It even compares 50 ten thousand Star God to be important. 它甚至比五十万星神都重要。 Did not have the means.” Shenxi Xuanxi sighs, in the golden eye pupil on palm, welled up the gloomy color, her vision was even more cold and gloomy, said: Passed today this disaster, waits for some time again, is the time of our Dark Clan revenge, at the appointed time, all stands on our opposite, no matter the person or the dog, cannot remain.” “没办法了。”神曦玄惜叹了一口气,手掌上的金色眼眸里,亦涌上了灰暗之色,她目光愈加森冷,道:“度过今日这一劫难,再等一段时间,就是我们闇族复仇的时刻,届时,所有站在我们对立面上的,不管是人还是狗,一个都不能留。” Her voice just fell, at this time, under transmitted the saddest worst pitiful yell, by their vision, can absolutely relaxed seeing, under the Immeasurable World Monument suppression violent killed, single body battle strength was not the strong Xi demon beast is too strangled to death by Yi Daiyan thoroughly. 她的话音刚刚落下,就在这时候,下方传来最为凄厉的惨叫,以他们的目光,绝对能轻松的看到,在无量界碑的镇压暴杀之下,单体战力不算强的太羲魔兽被伊代颜彻底绞杀。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Under strangling to death of black-golden sword aura, the Xi demon beast at the scene scrap that too that over a hundred million eyeball gatherings become, changes to the innumerable eyes to scatter, the look of each eyeball was gradually gloomy, lost the appearance. 黑金色剑气的绞杀下,那上亿眼球汇聚而成的太羲魔兽当场炸碎,化作无数的眼睛散落出来,每一个眼球的眼神逐渐暗淡,失去了神采。 Meanwhile, lost the hate, pain and fear. 与此同时,也失去了怨恨、痛苦、恐惧。 Were many a extrication! 多了一丝解脱! Finished, will have the new start eventually. 结束了,也终究会有新的开始。 Forever cannot finish in the pain, seeks livehood cannot, asked to refuse stubbornly, was the world is most bitter. 永远在痛苦中不能结束,求生不能,求死不得,才是人间最苦。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! The Star Source flame, storm and cold ice sweep across, each flesh eyeball was burnt down the ashes, the dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth. 恒星源火焰、风暴、寒冰席卷而过,每一个血肉眼球都被焚烧成灰烬,尘归尘,土归土。 Too Xi demon beast, perishes! 太羲魔兽,灭亡! It final pitiful yell has not sent out, the Dark Star feudal bully of this bottom world ambush, dies in front of Yi Daiyan like this. 它连最后的惨叫都没发出,这地底世界潜伏的闇星恶霸,就这样死在伊代颜面前。 Too in Xi city, these Dark Clan powerhouses look at this, the fart do not dare to put one. 太羲城内,那些闇族强者们看着这一幕,屁都不敢放一个。 Until this time, the place bottom of this riot, shifted reluctantly peacefully. 直到这时候,这暴乱的地底,才勉强转向安宁。 Only then beast tide, but also is roaring, turmoil. 只有兽潮,还在咆哮、动乱。 Yi Daiyan received Immeasurable World Monument, without delay, shook the spirit Demon Heaven wing, the preparation leaves. 伊代颜收起了无量界碑,二话不说,震荡灵魔天翼,准备离开。 She does not have like that kills too Xi demon beast that Dark Clan expects, attacks Dark Clan forcefully. 她并没闇族预料的那般,杀完太羲魔兽,强行进攻闇族 Dark Clan, is eventually stronger than Holy light envoy clan! 闇族,终究比圣光使族强! Yi Daiyan!” 伊代颜!” The Shenxi Xuanxi sinking sound shouted one. 神曦玄惜沉声喊了一句。 If Yi Daiyan is this Immeasurable World Territory strongest female, Shenxi Xuanxi, ranks second, she is the Shenxi Xingtian elder sister, old, but seems like is also old yet still graceful, is lofty, is the character and style. 如果伊代颜是这无量界域最强的女子,神曦玄惜,算是排名第二,她还是神羲刑天的姐姐,岁数不小,但看起来还风韵犹存,越是崇高,越是风情。 Yi Daiyan stops the footsteps, looked at her one eyes. 伊代颜停下脚步,看了她一眼。 One day, my Dark Clan will use the blood of you and all your followers, holds a memorial service for too Xi demon beast.” Shenxi Xuanxi said. “总有一天,我闇族会用你和你所有追随者的血,祭奠太羲魔兽。”神曦玄惜道。 „.” “呵。” Yi Daiyan sips to purse the lips, helpless smiled, said: I also think that you will say innovative.” 伊代颜抿抿嘴,无奈笑了一下,道:“我还以为你会说点有创意的呢。” She took a fast look around too Xi city one , said again: Does not use one day, I will kill my opportunity to you quickly.” 她扫视了太羲城一眼,顿了顿,再说道:“不用等‘总有一天’,我很快就会给你们一个杀我的机会。” Then, the spirit Demon Heaven wing shakes, she following the place bottom channel, flew. 说完,灵魔天翼一震,她顺着地底通道,飞了出去。 ...... …… Too Xi demon beast had been cut to kill by first World King!” “太羲魔兽已经被第一界王斩杀!” After Yi Daiyan lets out this news, in the short time, spreads over Dark Star. 伊代颜将这个消息放出去后,短短时间内,传遍闇星 Suddenly, all World King clans, the peak clans, the extra mundane powerhouse and side Dacheng wait/etc, ten thousand numerous ebullition, all the people celebrate. 一时间,所有界王族、巅峰氏族、世外强者、一方大城等等,万众沸腾,全民庆祝。 Dark Clan falls the well, all the people beat severely don't hit a person when he's down. 闇族落井,全民痛打落水狗。 This was first dying in battle Immeasurable Ominous Beast.” “这是第一头战死的无量凶兽。” Then, will more die!” “接下来,会越死越多!” Until one day, this Dark Star on, does not have Ominous Beast to injure someone again, does not have Dark Clan again!” “直到有一天,这闇星上,再无凶兽害人,再无闇族!” To be honest, place bottom Ominous Beast on Dark Star multiplies to this degree, certainly is Dark Clan adds fuel to the flames. They are the chief criminals.” “说实话,闇星上的地底凶兽繁衍到这种程度,一定是闇族在其中推波助澜。他们是罪魁祸首。” On Dark Star, all the people are encouraged. 闇星上,全民振奋。 The major World King clans, saw Yi Daiyan to have the new score, suddenly joyfully. 各大界王族,看到伊代颜有了新的战绩,一时间都欣喜非常。 Shortly after this good news to travel, a secret fights the command, to the control hand of the major World King clan and in peak clan. 就在这好消息传开后不久,一条秘密战令,到了各大界王族、巅峰氏族的掌控者手中。 Above wrote: 其上写道: Immediately prepares, Immeasurable Dao Temple has three million Star God armies, the attack too Xi city!” “立刻备战,无量道场出三百万星神大军,进攻太羲城!” Yi Daiyan now, besides Sword God Lin Clan and Dark Clan, 11 World King clans, the support of several thousand peak clans. 伊代颜现在,除了剑神林氏闇族外,有十一个界王族,还有数千个巅峰氏族的支持。 The influences of these peak clans, in addition also cannot be underestimated. 那些巅峰氏族的势力,加起来也不容小觑。 At present too Xi protects barrier and dark demon protects barrier Dark Clan Star God, each one has about 1 million, Star Sea Divine Ship approximately is also 1 million. 目前太羲守护结界和闇魔守护结界闇族星神,各自都有百万左右,星海神舰大约也是百万。 Sets out three million Star God, the attack too Xi city, is three times of military forces! 出动三百万星神,进攻太羲城,就是三倍军力! All peak clans add, can leave to more than one million Star God, remaining about 1.7 million, each World King clan, only needs to send out to be close to 20 ten thousand Star God, close to each World King clan half of battle strength. 这其中,所有巅峰氏族加起来,都能出到一百多万星神,剩下一百七十万左右,每个界王族,只需要出动接近二十万星神,接近每一个界王族一半的战力 The remaining half, naturally guard oneself barrier, prevents the sneak attack of beast moist and dark demon city. 剩下一半,自然是驻守自己的结界,防止兽潮和闇魔城的偷袭。 This war orders secretly one together, everyone was daunted. 这一道战争密令一出,所有人都被吓住了。 They think, on this day is very far. 他们本以为,这一天还有很远。 Has not expected completely, comes unexpectedly such quickly, such decidedly. 完全没预料到,竟然来得这么快,这么决然。 Such ruthless! 这么狠!
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