FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2847: Over a hundred million soul eye

Loses again thoroughly, defends the base, they can wait ten thousand years later future. 输得再彻底,守住基地,他们都能等万年后的未来。 Yi Daiyan and are Li Tianming very strong? 伊代颜李天命很强? That also can only the strong ten thousand years. 那也只能强万年。 Ten thousand years, regarding top powerhouse, 2-3 for the matter of person. 万年,对于顶级强者来说,不过2-3代人的事情。 Once they choose to attack our two big base, we blow up the bottom channel directly, asking them Star Sea Divine Ship to come but not return.” “一旦他们选择进攻我们两大基地,我们直接炸毁地底通道,叫他们星海神舰有来无回。” Yi Daiyan is strong, we have World King, has Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, she does not think that such as copes with Holy light envoy clan to be the same, handled us single-handedly.” 伊代颜再强,我们也有界王,有无量级凶兽,她就别想如对付圣光使族一样,单枪匹马搞定我们了。” Compelled anxiously us, started the entire Dark Star beast tide directly, exterminated the trillion common people to look to her!” “逼急了我们,直接发动全闇星兽潮,灭绝万亿苍生给她看!” Too in Xi city, complaining, the anger is dreadful. 太羲城内,怨声载道,怒火滔天。 At present the bottom channel has not blown up, that is once because blows up, Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship must kill, must consume many times. 目前地底通道还没炸毁,那是因为一旦炸毁,闇族星海神舰要杀出去,也要耗费不少功夫。 Our World King has not blasted the channel directly, explained that he is confident, we have the possibility of turning defeat into victory.” “我们界王没直接炸掉通道,就说明他有信心,我们还有反败为胜的可能。” Right! Believes World King.” “对!相信界王。” Our Dark Clan had the Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast partner, Yi Daiyan cannot cope with them!” “我们闇族无量级凶兽伙伴,伊代颜根本对付不了它们!” They, the trump card in trump card, the myth in myth!” “它们,王牌中的王牌,神话中的神话!” Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, each head, is the totem in all Dark Clan heart. 无量级凶兽,每一头,都是全体闇族心中的图腾。 While too in Xi city, discussed bustling time, under that barrier the beast moist deep place, broadcasts the grating neighing sound unexpectedly suddenly. 正当太羲城内,热议的热火朝天的时候,那结界下方兽潮深处,竟然陡然传来刺耳的嘶叫声音。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The entire bottom world, the vibration, the undercurrent erupts loudly, the silt tumbles, the lavas of innumerable burning red scatter, the Star Source strength of howling surges and sweeps across. 整个地底世界,轰然震动,暗流爆发,泥沙翻滚,无数烧红的熔岩四溅,呼啸的恒星源力量涌动、席卷。 Too around Xi city, except for the Star Source strength, basically is the rocks of universe ore rank, even their scrap, obviously big of sound. 太羲城周围,除了恒星源力量,基本上都是宇宙矿石级别的山石,连它们都炸碎,可见动静之大。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Roar roar roar! 吼吼吼! The rock the earth beast roar sound from conveys in all directions, the trillion beast tide as if received frightening, the fright ran away, hustles, many small and weak Ominous Beast, even was hit the muddy flesh directly. 震天动地的兽吼声音从四面八方传来,万亿兽潮似乎都受到了惊吓,惊魂逃窜,撞来撞去,很多弱小的凶兽,甚至被直接撞击成肉泥。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Too Xi protects the barrier dramatic turmoil, massive Ominous Beast hits above, at the scene smashing. 太羲守护结界剧烈动荡,大量凶兽撞击在上面,当场粉碎。 Earth-shattering, everything may become vulnerable. 天崩地裂,地动山摇。 Neighing sound that the bottom broadcasts, even lets too Dark Clan in Xi city, the state of mind received affect. 地底传来的嘶叫声音,甚至让太羲城内的闇族,神魂都受到了波及。 They are the state of mind strong clans, is very sensitive to this aspect. 他们是神魂强族,对这方面十分敏感。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Is too Xi demon beast! It has the change!” “是太羲魔兽!它有异动!” What......” “什么……” Many people lose one's voice. 很多人失声。 Too Xi demon beast, that is Dark Clan the life, is the Dark Clan people's spiritual belief, this too Xi demon beast generation is the Dark Clan partner. 太羲魔兽,那是闇族的本命,亦是闇族民众的精神信仰,这太羲魔兽世代都是闇族的伙伴。 As Dark Star strongest Soul Beast, too Xi demon beast is rare soul Ominous Beast, it is also wisdom highest Ominous Beast, although only has Beast Soul, but its Beast Soul intensity, endures to compare the Xu Realm three spirits! 作为闇星最强灵魂兽,太羲魔兽是罕见的灵魂凶兽,它也算是智慧最高的凶兽,虽然只有兽魂,可它的兽魂强度,堪比垿境的三魂! As the Dark Clan energetic totem, it is always most intimate with Dark Clan, most of the time, its position, will also approach the two big base as far as possible. 作为闇族的精神图腾,它向来和闇族最为亲近,大多数时候,它的位置,亦会尽量靠近两大基地。 Therefore, it is truly easy to expose! 因此,它确实容易暴露! Even so, Yin Chen (silver dust) still abandoned very big time to find it, Yin Chen (silver dust), Yi Daiyan could not really have caught it. 就算如此,银尘也废了很大功夫找到了它,要不是银尘,伊代颜还真逮不住它。 Li Tianming shows the way personally, brings too Xi demon beast Yi Daiyan at present. 李天命亲自指路,把伊代颜带到了太羲魔兽眼前。 She bears a grudge for a long time, naturally is meets begins, killed directly, the flash affected too Xi city. 她怀恨在心已久,自然是见面就动手,直接杀了起来,一瞬之间就波及到了太羲城。 Too Xi demon beast screamed crazily! 太羲魔兽疯狂尖叫! To be honest, it is not single body battle type Ominous Beast, its great strength lies in its large-scale state of mind lethality, seizing every opportunity, can say it is Dark Clan in the battlefield finally kills. 说实话,它不是单体交战类型的凶兽,它的强大在于它的大规模神魂杀伤力,无孔不入,可以说它是闇族在战场上的最终杀器。 Its food, must eat million Life Soul! 它一顿饭,都得吃百万命魂 In order to raise too Xi demon beast, Dark Clan has the special organization, makes an arrest everywhere, state of mind that for these years, too Xi demon beast eats up, minimum several billions. 为了养太羲魔兽,闇族有专门的组织,四处抓人回来,这么多年来,太羲魔兽吃下的神魂,起码数十亿。 Because Dark Clan is distributed makes an arrest, but Dark Star is too big, therefore has not caused anything to affect. 只是因为闇族是分散式抓人,而闇星太大,所以没造成什么影响罢了。 The state of mind lethality of ether Xi demon beast, moves the battlefield, one is a wave of human life, Star Sea Divine Ship cannot block. 以太羲魔兽的神魂杀伤力,搬上战场,一口就是一波人命,星海神舰都挡不住。 Some people attack too Xi demon beast!” “有人进攻太羲魔兽!” This sound, clearly is too praying for rescue of Xi demon beast. 这动静,分明就是太羲魔兽的求救。 It hides by too Xi city, for was rescued. 它躲在太羲城旁边,也是为了方便被救援。 Suddenly, too in Xi city had the response immediately, many top powerhouses turn out in full strength, has pities, Ling E two unreliably. 一时间,太羲城内马上就有了回应,很多顶级强者倾巢而出,其中就有玄惜、凌娥两位。 Who?!” “谁?!” Many people protect barrier under to go toward too Xi. 很多人朝着太羲守护结界的下方而去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! That bottom world presented a boundless monster. 那地底世界出现了一个无边怪物。 Looks from afar, this is a black meatball, above has over a hundred million crowded red. 远远看去,这是一个黑色的肉球,其上有上亿密集的红点。 Close to looking discovered, these red, is the eyes! 靠近看才发现,这些红点,都是眼睛! In other words, this too Xi demon beast is the monster that over a hundred million eyes compose, this each blood red eye, is rotating, is staring at the different directions, has the different looks, struggles probably the living person, in most looks has the pain! 也就是说,这太羲魔兽乃是上亿眼睛组成的怪物,这每一只血红眼睛,都在转动,盯着不同的方向,有着不同的眼神,一个个都像是挣扎中的活人,大多数眼神里都含着痛苦! Why? 为什么? That is because, too Xi demon beast eats the state of mind, does not digest, absorption, it does not have Soul Demon and Ye Lingfeng this ability, it with the special physique- soul eye, imprisons these states of mind, treats as own nourishment, the little absorption and digestion, fuse over a hundred million Life Soul by several billions Life Soul, forms a soul collective forcefully, is actuating the strengths of these states of mind, uses for oneself. 那是因为,太羲魔兽吃神魂,并非是消化、吸收,它没魂魔夜凌风这种能力,它只是用自己特殊的体质-一个个‘魂眼’,将这些神魂囚禁起来,当做自身的养料,一点点吸收、消化,以数十亿命魂融合成上亿命魂,强行形成一个灵魂集体,驱动着这些神魂的力量,为自己所用。 In other words, these scarlet, has various painful and desperate looks eyes, the state of mind of inside carrying/sustaining, may be very living, has the will. 也就是说,这些猩红的、有着各种痛苦、绝望眼神的眼睛,里面承载的神魂,很可能是活着的,是有意志的。 Too Xi demon beast does not die, they suffer distress forever. 太羲魔兽不死,他们永远受难。 Without many people have seen the real Xi demon beast too, so long as looks at one, by his body over a hundred million, the stunned rotation and pain, the desperate and rending look shocks unceasingly frightened . 没多少人见过真实的太羲魔兽,但只要看一眼,就会被其身体上亿的、不断错愕转动、痛苦、绝望、撕心裂肺的眼神所震撼、恐惧。 Saves me...... to save me......” “救我……救我……” Eats! Eats!” “吃!吃!” I am quite hungry, is quite hungry.” “我好饿,好饿。” Mother, mother, where are you at? Yaya could not find you, wū wū, do not throw down me, I quite feared.” “娘,娘,你在哪?丫丫找不到你,呜呜,不要丢下我,我好怕。” Decadent music that spirits establish, but also reverberates in this bottom world. 一个个魂灵立下的靡靡之音,还在这地底世界回响。 This spirit is very fragrant.” “这个魂灵很香甜。” Yi Daiyan, your courage is big, dares to come to our domains to bring death.” 伊代颜,你胆子不小,敢来我们的地盘送死。” Came not to walk, you must die in this today. My soul feast, but also lacks together the main course!” “来了就别走了,你今天必须都死在这。我的灵魂大餐,还缺少一道主菜!” This clearly is a three -year-old girl's voice, is immature and fragrant, is actually sent out unceasingly by this too Xi demon beast, many makes people feel the nausea. 这分明是一个三岁女孩的声音,稚嫩且香甜,却由这太羲魔兽不断散发出来,多少让人感觉恶心。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Behind Yi Daiyan, the spirit Demon Heaven wing arrives, the strength of Consciousness Spirit gathers in the middle of Immeasurable World Monument in hand, her a few words had not said that in eye only then the indifference of pinnacle. 伊代颜背后,灵魔天翼降临,识神之力汇聚在手中的无量界碑当中,她一句话都没说,眼中只有极致的冷漠。 She looks up, too in Xi city has several tens of thousands of forms, they in the barrier edge, these people threaten, but when they see Yi Daiyan, does not dare. 她抬头一看,太羲城内有数万道身影,他们就在结界的边缘上,这些人气势汹汹,可当他们看到伊代颜的时候,并不敢下来。 And two lofty beautiful figures, pity, Ling E unreliably. 其中有两道崇高的倩影,正是玄惜、凌娥两人。 Just in time, Shenxi Xingtian not in too Xi city, yes?” “正巧,神羲刑天不在太羲城,是么?” Yi Daiyan sneers. 伊代颜冷笑一声。 Li Tianming selected a good time to her. 李天命给她挑了个好时间。 Too Xi protects outside barrier, really no one dares to come out to stop her. 太羲守护结界外,真没人敢出来阻拦她。 She must grasp the Shenxi Xingtian position, is not quite easy. 她要把握神羲刑天的位置,还不太容易。 In fact the Immeasurable Dao Temple intelligence personnel are also many, reaches as high as several hundreds of millions, however cannot enter this extreme area mostly, even gets up, everyone sees, hears is different, exchange also to have the wrong possibility, therefore the information credibility is not high. 实际上无量道场的情报人员也很多,高达数亿,然而大多数进不了这种极端地区,就算起来,每个人看到的、听到的都不同、交流亦有错误可能性,所以情报的可信度不高。
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