FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2846: Too Xi city

Too Xi demon beast?” “太羲魔兽?” Yi Daiyan was startled slightly. 伊代颜微微怔了一下。 She knows certainly, wants to exterminate Dark Clan, the biggest difficult problem is anything. 她当然知道,想要诛灭闇族,最大的难题是什么。 Is these terrifying Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast! 就是这些恐怖的无量级凶兽 Each head, is the Dark Star feudal bully, has the Dark Clan support, they ride roughshod on Dark Star, eat the person to drink the blood, that is daily. 每一头,都是闇星恶霸,有闇族支撑,它们在闇星上横行无忌,吃人喝血,那都是日常。 The Dark Clan influence is too big, suffering distress is few civilians, this matter too will not be suspended to the floor in said. 闇族势力太大,受难的都是升斗小民,这事太不会被摆到台面上说。 Six levels of Star Source World, were too big. 六级恒星源世界,太大了。 Arrived a 1 million people of city, like village, even if goes into hiding suddenly, in this dark world, will not start any mighty waves. 大到一座百万人的城池,都如村落,哪怕忽然销声匿迹,都不会在这黑暗世界,掀起任何波澜。 To these Dark Star feudal bullies, in the Yi Daiyan eye obviously has the strong murderous intention. 对这些闇星恶霸,伊代颜眼中明显有着浓重的杀机。 That uses its life, announces start of Dark Star decisive battle.” Yi Daiyan said. “那就用它的命,来宣告闇星决战的开始。”伊代颜道。 „The death of Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, informed the world, raised the prestige of Immeasurable Dao Temple, was appropriate.” The Li Tianming nod said. 无量级凶兽之死,昭告天下,扬无量道场之威,再合适不过了。”李天命点头道。 It where?” Yi Daiyan asked. “它在哪里?”伊代颜问。 I use the pass on message stone, gives you to direct the position.” Li Tianming said. “我用传讯石,给你指引位置。”李天命道。 Ok.” “行。” Yi Daiyan took the pass on message stone, said to Li Tianming: If can kill it, the merit is you.” 伊代颜拿了传讯石,对李天命道:“若能杀之,功劳算你。” World King strive, I am not at all.” Li Tianming said. 界王自己出力,我不敢当。”李天命道。 This group of Ominous Beast have the Dark Clan asylum, killing is not difficult, looking is difficult. You calculate the first-class honor. If can succeed, I informed the world surely, rectified names for you.” Yi Daiyan earnest say/way. “这帮凶兽闇族庇护,杀之不难,找之才难。你算头功。若能成功,我定昭告天下,为你正名。”伊代颜认真道。 Li Tianming thinks, shakes the head saying: Ok, then the actions of our two Great Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, catching off guard are the keys. When following you attack, we even pretend that unites with Shenxi Xingtian, thwarts, making him pay the maximum price in stunned.” 李天命想了一下,摇头道:“还是算了,接下来我们两大无量级星海神舰的行动,攻其不备才是关键。后续你进攻时,我们甚至会假装与神羲刑天联合,将计就计,让他在错愕中付出最大代价。” Hears this saying, the Yi Daiyan shaking the head chuckle, said: You will deceive people.” 听到这话,伊代颜摇头轻笑,道:“还是你会骗人。” „...... Waits for World King good news.” Li Tianming is only fluent. “……等界王好消息。”李天命只能道。 Look!” “看着吧!” Yi Daiyan turns around, changes to the black meteor to crash into the Dark Star dark cloud layer together, has not started mighty waves. 伊代颜转身,化作一道黑色流星坠入闇星的黑暗云层中,没有掀起一丝波澜。 During this cooperation and talk, they imagine compared with Li Tianming, but also wants to be smoother. 这次合作、谈话,比李天命他们想象当中,还要顺利很多。 Can completely believe her?” Li Tianming asked. “能尽信她吗?”李天命问。 Did not say.” Lin Xiaodao shakes the head to say. “还是不好说。”林小道摇头道。 Naturally cannot completely believe that all defer to our rhythms to come, to protect itself good.” Li Wudi said. “当然不能尽信,一切按照我们的节奏来,保护好自己。”李无敌道。 If...... I meant if, if one day, we took that square alliance jointly, finally decides the victory and defeat with her? At the appointed time her influence, far superegos.” Li Tianming said. “假若……我是说假如,如果有一天,我们联手拿下了那四方联盟,最终还是得和她分出胜负吧?届时她的势力,远超我们。”李天命道。 This square alliance is not weak, really must win, perhaps is very difficult. Now nothing happened, can only walk one step is one step.” Lin Xiaodao said. “这四方联盟可不弱啊,真要赢,恐怕很难。现在什么都没发生,只能走一步算一步。”林小道说。 Not only did not say , even we and Yi Daiyan collaborate, is still the weak side. Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World, will come anything to exist, that did not say certainly.” Lin Xiāo said. “不但不说,真算起来,就算我们和伊代颜联手,也算是弱势方。万道谷无上界,到底会来什么存在,那都是说不准的。”林猇道。 Also to precarious time. 又到了风雨飘摇的时刻。 First did not say that I lead the way to her.” “先不说了,我给她引路。” The pass on message stone in Li Tianming hand, has shone. 李天命手中的传讯石,已经亮了起来。 You first ’ the direction go intoo Xi protects barrier.” He said to inside person's shadow. “你先往‘太羲守护结界’的方向去。”他对里面的人影道。 Good.” “好的。” Can see from the pass on message stone indistinctly, she had entered the Dark Star place bottom. 从传讯石隐约可以看出,她已经进入了闇星的地底。 For the Star Sea Divine Ship turnover, Dark Clan started out many broad channels in the place bottom world, can go directly to their two big base! 为了方便星海神舰进出,闇族在地底世界开出了许多宽阔的通道,可以直达他们的两大基地! A Yi Daiyan person must go, found Xi of too bottom deep place to protect barrier, is not difficult. 伊代颜一个人要进去,找到地底深处的太羲守护结界,并不算难。 However, because the bottom after all is the bottom, if Yi Daiyan mobilizes the Star Sea Divine Ship army, must attack through these bottom channel, will be greatly affected. 不过,因为地底毕竟是地底,如果伊代颜发动星海神舰大军,要通过这些地底通道攻下去,还是会受到很大影响的。 Bottom world, intriguing, possibly could not find including the road, is far less than the ground battlefield, is inferior to the starry sky. 地底世界,错综复杂,可能连路都找不到,远不如地面战场,更不如星空。 In starry sky, Sword God Lin Clan Star Sea Divine Ship, even can exhibit sword formation! 在星空中,剑神林氏星海神舰,甚至能摆出剑阵 Must let these galaxy great swords to the Dark Clan domain, let alone sword formation, the action was difficult. 要让这些星河巨剑到闇族地盘,别说剑阵了,行动都难。 Reviews Dark Clan Star Sea Divine Ship, designed the bottom to drill a hole, break of rock and other abilities, in round trip free. 反观闇族星海神舰,很多都设计了地底钻洞、破岩等能力,在其中来去自如。 It is said two generations of World King periods, Dark Clan was killed scared shitless, directly the two big channel of base to ground exploding, completely broke off and relation, our Sword God Lin Clan Star Sea Divine Ship cannot kill, they can survive tenaciously.” “据说两代界王时期,闇族被杀得屁滚尿流,直接把两大基地通往地面的通道给炸了,彻底断绝了和外界的联系,我们剑神林氏星海神舰杀不进去,他们才得以顽强生存下来。” The terrain advantage and Ominous Beast advantage, are the Dark Clan capital. 地形优势、凶兽优势,都是闇族资本。 Dark Clan......” 闇族……” Li Tianming and Yi Daiyan goal, before Myriad Dao Valley and other powerhouses arrived, disintegrates the Dark Clan war ability. 李天命伊代颜的目标,就是在万道谷等强者降临前,瓦解闇族的战争能力。 The attack bottom battlefield, is they have needed a pass/test! 进攻地底战场,是他们必须要过的一关! ...... …… At this time, in the Dark Star dark place bottom deep place, there is a Star Source Ominous Beast extremely crowded region. 此时,就在闇星幽暗的地底深处,有一个恒星源凶兽极其密集的区域。 That region, everywhere is Star Source Ominous Beast, the number by trillion, they howl, roar, crawl and hit, form Ominous Beast ocean waves, regarding dark-red boundless spheroid revolving. 那一片区域,到处都是恒星源凶兽,数以亿万,它们呼啸、咆哮、爬行、撞击,形成一波波的凶兽海浪,围绕着一个暗红色的无边球体旋转。 This dark-red boundless spheroid, is Dark Clan inherits innumerable carrying place bottom bases- too Xi protects barrier. 这暗红色的无边球体,就是闇族传承无数载的地底基地-太羲守护结界 Too Xi protects barrier, is majestically located the bottom world, is an endless place bottom city, its liveliness exceeds the Shuntian city, inside brilliance is infinite, is a pearl of this gloomily bottom world sparkle. 太羲守护结界,雄踞地底世界,乃是一座无尽的地底城池,它的繁华超越舜天城,里面光辉无限,乃是这阴暗地底世界一颗闪耀的明珠。 Dark Clan several common surnames, assume here, for example Guchi Clan, Qi wait/etc. 闇族好几个大姓,都坐镇此处,比如说古蚩氏、戚氏等等。 These date and time, proliferate core Dark Clan of Dark Star ground, the complete contraction in the two big base, this caused too Xi city unprecedented liveliness, if simply celebrates a holiday, is decorated with lanterns and colored streamers everywhere. 这些时日,遍布闇星地面的核心闇族,全部收缩回了两大基地中,这使得‘太羲城’前所未有的热闹,简直如过节似的,到处张灯结彩。 Xi city is too giant, just like such as a Sun Mortal Rank stars general size, holds the trillion life sufficiently, is used to protect core Dark Clan and their war beast, the space is absolutely enough. 太羲城巨大无边,俨然如一个阳凡级星辰一般大小,足以容纳万亿生灵,用来保护核心闇族和他们的战兽,空间绝对足够。 However, at the Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast mass, except for some special small build, must treat in too Xi city, some are inappropriate. 不过,以无量级凶兽的体量,除了个别特殊小体型,要待在太羲城内,就有些不合适了。 For example the bloodlines vine, too Xi demon beast, is a jumbo! 比如说血脉藤、太羲魔兽,都是巨无霸! Their usual positions, almost draw close to Dark Star Fusion Barrier, that is the place of Star Source eruption, only then they can shoulder. 它们平时的位置,几乎贴近闇星聚变结界,那更是恒星源爆发之地,只有它们才扛得住。 This period of time, can say all Dark Clan gloomiest day! 这段时日,可以说全体闇族最灰暗的日子! The successive defeats 34 times, died in battle more than one million Star God, the influence running dog all lose, are forced to hide the bottom, by entire Dark Star any cat flatter dog ridicule for place bottom mouse. 连败三四次,战死一百多万星神,势力走狗全丢,被迫躲藏地底,被全闇星的‘阿猫阿狗’嘲笑为地底老鼠。 Always keeps aloof to these, the superiority feeling full Dark Clan juniors, this frustration and attack, making them every day smelly the face, the mentality distortion. 对这些一向高高在上,优越感十足的闇族子弟来说,这种挫败、打击,让他们每日臭着脸,心态扭曲。 Too in Xi city, scolds the sound everywhere! 太羲城内,处处都是骂声! These people, are clamoring, must go out with Yi Daiyan and his running dog fights to the death. 这些人,都在叫嚣着,要出去和伊代颜和其走狗决一死战。 The unprecedented aggrievedness, is occupying their innermost feelings. 前所未有的憋屈,挤占着他们的内心。 They did not fear. 他们并不怕。 The bottom world big backing, too outside Xi city that innumerable beast tide, gave them the confidence. 地底世界大后盾,还有太羲城外那无数的兽潮,给了他们信心。 We, so long as defends the two big base, a matter does not have.” “我们只要守住两大基地,一点事都没有。” Yi Daiyan will die sooner or later, after she dies, our Dark Clan can stage a comeback.” 伊代颜迟早会死,她死后,我们闇族就能卷土重来。” Superior of bloodlines, inheritance and clan, is permanent, unprecedented powerhouse, then only has one generation! You look at that Spirit of Light Demon Clan, is the waste, where has her successor?” “血脉、传承、氏族的优越,才是永久的,破天荒的强者,则只有一代!你看那光之灵魔族,全是废物,哪里有她的接班人?” However our Dark Clan, god Xi, Guchi Clan wait/etc, stabilizes tens of millions years inheritance.” “而我们闇族,神羲氏、古蚩氏等等,都是稳定数千万年的传承。” It can be said that this two big base, gave Dark Clan to maintain the superiority feeling confidence forever. 可以说,这两大基地,给了闇族永远保持优越感的信心。
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