FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2845: I must kill it

„, I did not speak incorrectly a moment ago, you are Immeasurable Dao Temple first World King, we are Immeasurable Dao Temple one, therefore did not have a so- called joint saying. Now in Immeasurable Dao Temple has the Dark Clan rebellion, outside has the tripartite foreign invasion, the intention bribes my Immeasurable Dao Temple landscape, kills my Immeasurable Dao Temple people, seizes my Immeasurable Dao Temple inheritance, World Territory the difficult overhead, I and others naturally did not pass on responsibilities, support World King, performs the strength of life, guards the territory, puts to death the foreign enemy!” “啊不,我刚才说错了,你是无量道场第一界王,我们都是无量道场的一员,所以就没所谓的联合一说。如今无量道场内有闇族叛乱,外有三方外敌入侵,意图染指我无量道场河山,杀我无量道场生民,夺我无量道场传承,界域之难当头,我等自然当仁不让,拥护界王,尽一生之力,守卫疆土,诛杀外敌!” Li Tianming more said is smoother, arrives at behind, gave to say oneself hot blooded. 李天命越说越顺,到后面,把自己都给说热血了。 Do not support oneself for the king?” Yi Daiyan is still visiting him, the corners of the mouth bring back slightly. “你不是要自立为王么?”伊代颜还在看着他,嘴角微微勾起。 No matter, works as little king at most, you are a king.” Li Tianming said. “没有的事儿,顶多当个小王,你才是大王。”李天命道。 Stubbornly disobedient.” “顽劣。” Yi Daiyan puts out these two characters gently, at that moment her the expression, somewhat is really familiar. 伊代颜轻轻吐出这二字,那一刻她的表情,着实有些熟悉。 „......!” “……!” Li Tianming gawked a while, cannot bear ask: All these that I said that do not know that first World King does believe? If believes, World King had planned?” 李天命愣了一会儿,才忍不住问:“我说的这一切,不知道第一界王是否相信?若是相信,请问界王有所打算?” How can also plan? The revolting clan colludes with the foreign enemy, serves the interest of outsiders, manages his several side alliances, violates my Immeasurable Dao Temple territory, although must execute.” Yi Daiyan said. “还能如何打算?叛族勾结外敌,吃里扒外,管他几方联盟,犯我无量道场疆土者,虽远必诛。”伊代颜道。 That can World King know Supreme World and Myriad Dao Valley to come the person is what kind of strength? As far as I know, they are not good to cope.” Li Tianming said. “那界王可知无上界万道谷来人是何等实力?据我所知,他们可不好对付。”李天命道。 My Spirit of Light Demon Clan ancestor then migrates to come from Supreme World, naturally knows that they lord the mass of star, Divine Hidden Clan Xu Realm have three to five year to year.” Yi Daiyan said very much directly. “我光之灵魔族先祖便是从无上界迁移而来,自然知道他们主星的体量,神隐族垿境常年有三到五位。”伊代颜很直接就说了。 I obtain the news, entire Supreme World altogether six Xu Realm.” Li Tianming said. “我得到消息,整个无上界一共六个垿境。”李天命道。 That Divine Hidden Clan about four.” Yi Daiyan said. “那神隐族大约四个。”伊代颜道。 Myriad Dao Valley, World King whether has the understanding?” Li Tianming sees her to be simple, he also asked simply. 万道谷,界王是否有了解?”李天命见她干脆,他也干脆问。 Myriad Dao Valley...... I have gone.” She said. 万道谷啊……我去过。”她说。 „......!” “……!” Li Tianming has not thought. 李天命没想到。 They guessed that Yi Daiyan has possibly gone to Bizarre Abyss , her Myriad Dao Valley has gone. 他们猜测伊代颜可能去过异度深渊,没想到,她连万道谷都去过。 He does not have to ask downward, Yi Daiyan access road/simply said: „The Myriad Dao Valley influence is intriguing, that Li Fan that you said that in Myriad Dao Valley should not be what character, if there is a person, should be his Teacher and so on, if only has a liking for my Immeasurable World Monument, that estimate will only have one person.” 他没往下问,伊代颜便道:“万道谷势力错综复杂,你说的那个李凡,在万道谷内应该不算什么人物,若有来人,应该是其师长之类,若只看上我无量界碑,那预计只会有一人。” The people were many, that was not good to assign. 人多了,那就不好分配了。 Immeasurable World Monument is purely Lin Xiaodao to ramble on, but she believed that Li Tianming also took seriously. 无量界碑纯属林小道瞎扯的,但她相信了,李天命也就当真了。 After all did not say Immeasurable World Monument, probably this invasion, with the Yi Daiyan not most personal stake. 毕竟不说无量界碑,好像这入侵,和伊代颜没有最切身的利害关系。 However, what Li Tianming is curious, Yi Daiyan is probably assured, can Shenxi Xingtian unite with their three parties? 不过,李天命好奇的是,伊代颜好像非常笃定,神羲刑天会和他们三方联合? He probes to ask: Shenxi Xingtian and this group of people unite, did not fear that Immeasurable World Monument hollowed out, he defeats you even, will become the historical criminal?” 他试探问:“神羲刑天和这帮人联合,不怕无量界碑被挖空,他就算打败你,都会成为历史罪人吗?” Order Starry Sky has ‚the Order Starry Sky combined method, Myriad Dao Valley cannot therefore launch the aggressive war in any World Territory, they must meddle our Immeasurable Dao Temple suppression revolting clan, needs the name surely. Seeking help of Shenxi Xingtian is their reasonable name. They do not unite, Myriad Dao Valley has no way.” Yi Daiyan said. 秩序星空有‘秩序星空联合法’,万道谷不能所以在任何界域发动侵略战争,他们要插手我们无量道场镇压叛族,必定需要名义。神羲刑天的求助就是他们的合理名义。他们不联合,万道谷没法来。”伊代颜道。 Really, has the supervision! 果然,有监督! Communicates with her, is truly convenient, although she is a female, but always did not beat around the bush. 和她沟通,确实方便,她虽然是个女子,但向来都不拐弯抹角。 Li Tianming they still guard against her in the Sword God Star vestige, appears the pattern to be small actually. 李天命他们还在剑神星遗迹内防备她,倒是显得格局小。 Naturally, this is to make it so carefully, after all has the relations of death of Lin Mu, Yi Daiyan is the enemy is a friend, is not good to judge. 当然,这是小心使然,毕竟有林慕之死的关系在,伊代颜是敌是友,还是不好判断。 I had her is so strong, the pattern can also be so big.” Li Tianming thought. “等我有她这么强,格局也能这么大。”李天命心想。 At this time, Yi Daiyan is hesitating. 这时候,伊代颜在沉吟。 Thought a while, her vision cold severe, said: Shenxi Xingtian took the road of crime disciple, the intention is beyond redemption Immeasurable Dao Temple, if makes him work, Immeasurable World Territory will certainly sink into the Dark Clan tyranny for a long time, you said right, does not exterminate they, Immeasurable Dao Temple always can not be peaceful.” 想了一会儿,她目光冷厉,道:“神羲刑天走了一条罪徒之路,意图将无量道场万劫不复,若让他得逞,无量界域必将长久陷于闇族暴政之中,你说得对,不诛灭他们,无量道场永世不得安宁。” Right!” Li Tianming nods. “对!”李天命点头。 „The shift of Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, a strength stronger person, the needed time is longer, the person who if this both sides shift are enough many enough, threatens to us is bigger, but corresponds, the time of our preparation more are much.” Yi Daiyan said. 万道天星阵的转移,实力越强的人,需要的时间越长,这双方若是转移的人够强够多,对我们威胁就越大,但对应的,我们前期准备的时间就越多。”伊代颜道。 Right. No matter Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World, are Illusion Heaven God Clan, they will not send Star Sea Divine Ship and Star God army, therefore then our Immeasurable Dao Temple guard war, the enemy side only has Dark Clan, can launch the large-scale people's war, particularly the Dark Clan beast tide, can affect entire Dark Star, the wound to the innocent people.” Li Tianming said. “对。不管是万道谷无上界,还是幻天神族,他们都不会派星海神舰星神大军,所以接下来我们无量道场的守卫战,敌方只有闇族,才能发动大规模的全民战争,尤其是闇族的兽潮,能波及到整个闇星,伤到无辜平民。”李天命道。 In other words, once we can before that tripartite foreign enemy powerhouse arrives, the heavily damaged Dark Clan as far as possible war ability, the future battlefield will be separated from the people, shifts to the battlefield of peak powerhouse, by casualties that this reduces the general public.” Yi Daiyan following going. “也就是说,一旦我们能在那三方外敌强者降临之前,尽可能的重创闇族的战争能力,未来的战场就会脱离民众,转向巅峰强者的战场,以此降低普通民众的伤亡。”伊代颜顺着接下去。 Their this sang a duet, looked at Lin Xiaodao their complexion to be strange. 他们这一唱一和,看得林小道他们面色古怪了。 Right. Star Sea Divine Ship and beast tide, top Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, is our Immeasurable Dao Temple then biggest goal. World King has conformed with entire Dark Clan Star God and Star Sea Divine Ship battle strength now, almost three times in Dark Clan, if not the opposite party has two big Heavenly Weight Rank to protect barrier, you can scatter Dark Clan directly.” Li Tianming said. “没错。星海神舰、兽潮,还有顶级的无量级凶兽,是我们无量道场接下来最大的目标。界王如今已经整合了全闇族星神星海神舰战力,几乎三倍于闇族,如果不是对方有两大天钧级守护结界,你就可以直接打散闇族了。”李天命道。 In my hand cannot break through Heavenly Weight Rank to protect barrier Star Sea Divine Ship.” Yi Daiyan said. “我手上没有能攻破天钧级守护结界星海神舰。”伊代颜道。 I have two, may help World King.” Li Tianming said. “我有两艘,可助界王。”李天命道。 This is also they discusses from the beginning. 这也是他们一开始商议好的。 They strive with the Yi Daiyan cooperation, only needs the Sword God Star vestige and Nine Dragons Emperor Burial. 他们出力和伊代颜合作,只需要出剑神星遗迹和九龙帝葬 Star God and other Star Sea Divine Ship, or are the top powerhouse, Yi Daiyan have, and many. 星神、其他星海神舰,亦或者是顶级强者,伊代颜自己都有,而且不少。 Other strengths, defend stubbornly Sun completely! 其他实力,全部固守太阳! Preserves battle strength. 保存战力 Two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, can protect oneself. 两艘无量级星海神舰,亦能自保。 Heard Li Tianming they to have two Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, Yi Daiyan that colored eye pupil shone much, the corners of the mouth also had the rare smile, this means that a she weakest weak area, not only making up, but also became killed to incur. 听到李天命他们出两艘无量级星海神舰,伊代颜那彩色眼眸亮了不少,嘴角亦有了难得的笑容,这意味着,她最弱的一块短板,不但给补上了,还成了杀招。 Good, Immeasurable Dao Temple all living things, will remember contribution of your Sword God Lin Clan. From now on, besides revolting clan Dark Clan, ten two World King clans unites, Immeasurable Dao Temple returns to perfection, good.” Yi Daiyan said. “不错,无量道场众生,会记住你们剑神林氏的贡献。自此,除了叛族闇族外,十二界王族联合,无量道场回归圆满,甚好。”伊代颜道。 Yes, the kidney is good.” Li Tianming nods, then a voice revolution, said: However after the matter becomes, if our Sword God Lin Clan aimed by an numerous Xu Realm powerhouse, how we should? Only then my teacher virgin forest, cannot support completely.” “是,肾好。”李天命点头,然后话音一转,道:“然而事成之后,若是我们剑神林氏被一众垿境强者针对,我们该如何?只有我师尊老林,完全撑不住。” You help me extinguish Dark Clan, makes the great merit, if the foreign enemy powerhouse begins to you, I must kill it.” Yi Daiyan said. “你们助我灭闇族,立下大功,外敌强者若对你们动手,我必杀之。”伊代颜道。 I must kill, the eye narrows the eyes, is truly overbearing. 一句‘我必杀之’,眼睛微眯的时候,确实霸道。 Li Tianming they felt, Yi Daiyan speaks now, is substantive. 李天命他们感觉,伊代颜现在说话,还是有份量的。 Only Dongshen Yue thought aloud: „The mouth of woman, the ghost of deceiving people, she is not the matter that dismantles the bridge after crossing for the first time dry/does, when the time comes attacks Dark Clan, holds back one trick.” 唯独东神玥自言自语道:“女人的嘴,骗人的鬼,她可不是第一次干过河拆桥的事情,到时候进攻闇族,还是留一手吧。” Li Tianming they will definitely hold back one trick. 李天命他们肯定会留一手。 At present is most important, neat collaboration. 目前最重要的,还是干脆利落的联手。 Lin Feng.” 林枫。” After approximate reaching an agreement detail, Yi Daiyan raised the head slightly, said: Lets your Sun close to Dark Star, I look to form the size binary star, protects barrier to protect you by Dark Star.” 大致谈好细节后,伊代颜微微抬头,道:“让你的太阳靠近闇星,我看能不能结成大小双星系统,以闇星守护结界保护你们。” This was gives favored treatment. 这是优待了。 She and Li Tianming, are control of this two big stars, truly can make both Fusion Barrier have some relations, realizes to protect protecting each other of barrier one time. 她和李天命,是这两大星辰的掌控者,确实可以让两者聚变结界产生一些联系,一次实现守护结界的互相保护。 And Dark Star protects the barrier range to be big, truly can help Sun. 其中闇星守护结界的范围大,确实能帮助到太阳。 Risk, Li Tianming did not fear actually, Sun is Yanhuang Emperor Star, not only there is a solar lance, Ji Ji actuates, do not visit it to be small, is actually perhaps harder than Dark Star, fears destruction all living things, Sun pounds to Dark Star, who refers to being uncertain first to break. 风险方面,李天命倒是不怕,太阳是炎黄帝星,不但有太阳长矛,还有姬姬驱动,别看它小,其实恐怕比闇星还硬,要不是怕毁灭众生,太阳砸向闇星,指不定谁先破呢。 He makes Ji Ji urge Sun directly close to Dark Star. 他直接就让姬姬驱使太阳靠近闇星 In the starry sky, black pink color, the two superstar gathers in together, one big is small! 星空中,一个黑色一个粉色,两个超级巨星汇聚在一起,一大一小! Dark Star greatly does not have up. 闇星巨大却无光。 Sun only then its 1/10, are extremely dazzling. 太阳只有其十分之一,却极其耀眼。 Stands looks at this two boundless stars in the distant place, will discover, they look like mother and child. 站在远处看这两个无边星辰,就会发现,它们就像是母子似的。 Also Lin Xiaodao their elder, the expression was no wonder stranger. 也难怪林小道他们一众长辈,表情更怪异了。 Dark Star, the mind/bosom is spacious, immeasurably deep. 闇星,胸怀宽大,深不可测。 Sun, burns fiercely scarlet Yang, full of vigor! 太阳,灼烈赤阳,血气方刚! Both's Star Source strength, because extremely approaches, starts to attract mutually, suddenly on Dark Star were many pink raging fire, but on Sun were many dark aura. 两者的恒星源力量,因为太过靠近,开始互相吸引,一时间闇星上多了粉色烈火,而太阳上多了黑暗气息。 The two world, interactive revolving, concluded in one. 两个世界,交互旋转,缔结在了一起。 Sun really had a protected feeling. 太阳确实有了一种被保护的感觉。 Such, Dark Clan will definitely see, as for them can think this is a nightmare signal, that looked at their perceptions. 这样的一幕,闇族肯定会看到,至于他们会不会认为这是一种噩梦信号,那就看他们的悟性了。 After handling, Li Tianming said to Yi Daiyan simply: I know that too the position of Xi demon beast, now, does kill it?” 搞定后,李天命干脆对伊代颜道:“我知道太羲魔兽的位置,现在,杀它么?”
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