FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2844: Maternal brilliance

During this person, they imagines Li Tianming is harder to deal with. 此人,比李天命他们想象当中还要难缠。 Does not want to kill you, if you solid disclosed that Supreme World will come many people, we can give your way out, at the appointed time exchanges as the hostage and Supreme World.” Lin Xiaodao is still striving. “没想杀你,若是你老实透露无上界会来多少人,我们可以放你一条生路,届时作为人质和无上界交换。”林小道还在争取。 „Did you know?” Manages a household to know greatly, was who leaks the news. “你们都知道了啊?”大当家一下就知道,是谁泄露消息了。 He despises smiles, said: Knows also useless, Immeasurable World Territory is no doubt big, but if you do not want to give up this stars escaping, your where did not hide! My Supreme World powerhouse, conquers by killing your evil stars inevitably, making your group of people be buried along with the dead for my Star Hunter! No matter your Lin Xiaodao, is this little animal, you in all of this world, finally are my Supreme World!” 他鄙夷一笑,道:“知道了也没用,无量界域固然大,可要是你们不想放弃这星辰逃命,你们哪里都躲不了!我无上界强者,必然血洗你这个罪恶星辰,让你们这帮人为我猎星者陪葬!不管是你林小道,还是这小畜生,你们在这个世界的一切,最终都是我无上界的!” Manages a household greatly laughs dissolutely. 大当家放肆大笑。 He and Lin Ke met with in first, Li Tianming kills Lin Ke. 他和林克会面在先,李天命林克在后。 In other words, before Lin Ke died in battle, this managed a household to report him to be dormant greatly in these years story, Supreme World prepares the person.” Li Tianming thinks at heart. “也就是说,林克战死之前,这大当家就报了他蛰伏在这几年的见闻,无上界就准备来人了。”李天命心里想。 Then, Lin Ke refuses stubbornly dead, relates not in a big way, only has a nominal difference at most. 如此一来,林克死不死,关系不大,顶多只有一个名义上的区别。 Through this hysteric big, they completely affirmed that Supreme World will mix! 通过这歇斯底里的大当家,他们完全肯定无上界会掺和了! Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming, wait for death, haha, I had requested our World King, must extinguish your entire star, takes revenge for my Brother Star Hunter!” 林小道李天命,等死吧,哈哈,我已经请求过我们界王,必灭了你全星,为我猎星者兄弟复仇!” „Are trillions all living things, your people? You Order, making the world break through? I must have a look but actually, everyone died certainly, what ability did he have?” 数万亿众生,都是你的子民?你得秩序,让全球突破?那我倒要看看,所有人死绝了,他还有什么能耐?” Haha!” “哈哈!” Came to the end, Star Hunter manages a household greatly was completely insane, he shouted in the small slave bottle gourd, laughs. 走到尽头,猎星者大当家完全疯了,他在小奴葫芦里嘶吼,大笑。 Brothers, I accompanied you.” “兄弟们,我来陪你们了。” He suffices to be unyielding, has not operated his opportunity to Lin Xiaodao completely. 他够硬气,完全没给林小道丝毫操作他的机会。 In the small slave bottle gourd, he gave the disintegration the incomplete body. 就在小奴葫芦内,他就将自己残缺的身体给崩解了。 Before dying, he laughs loudly, the look said spiritedly: Soon, you will also go to hell, I am waiting for you, hehe......” 死之前,他放声大笑,神色激昂道:“用不了多久,你们也会下地狱的,我等着你们,呵呵……” Buzz! 嗡! Star Hunter greatly, radical dissipation. 猎星者大当家,彻底消散。 Leaves behind Li Tianming they, is sadder. 留下李天命他们,心情更加沉重。 Revenge is the name, making them span World Territory to come from far away, in the final analysis, is the buried treasure.” Lin Xiaodao vision gloomy say/way. “复仇是名义,让他们跨越界域远道而来的,归根结底,还是宝藏。”林小道目光灰暗道。 To them, Li Tianming such practice system, is a potential buried treasure. 对他们来说,李天命这样的修炼体系,就是一种潜在的宝藏。 „Will Star Source World that has six Xu Realm powerhouses, come several people?” Li Tianming asked. “一个拥有六个垿境强者的恒星源世界,会来几人?”李天命问。 Must look at the influence distribution of Supreme World, if six Xu Realm powerhouses, all are Divine Hidden Clan, that possible entire. Words, should be Divine Hidden Clan have several, comes several. This did not use with the bystander minute/share.” Li Wudi said. “得看无上界的势力分布,如果六个垿境强者,全是神隐族,那可能全来。要不是的话,应该是神隐族有几个,就来几个。这样就不用和外人分了。”李无敌道。 Reasonable.” “有道理。” The issue is, they do not know that Divine Hidden Clan has several Xu Realm powerhouses. 问题是,他们不知道神隐族有几个垿境强者。 No matter comes several, the laws of our only dealing, seeks the union of Yi Daiyan.” Li Wudi said. “不管来几个,我们唯一的应对之法,就是寻求伊代颜的联合。”李无敌道。 This matter, the Sword God Lin Clan patriarchal clan ancestral temple member is uncomfortable, must manage. 这事,剑神林氏众位宗族祠堂成员再难受,都得去办。 „Will she be interested?” Li Tianming asked. “她会有兴趣么?”李天命问。 Certainly has. Immeasurable World Territory is now through, is her domain, even your I am her prey, others come in her bowl to fight, how ok? Furthermore, wants to make her join a gambling game, we made up an excuse again on the line.” Lin Xiaodao said. “一定有。无量界域现在彻头彻尾,是她的地盘,甚至你我都是她的猎物,别人来她碗里争抢,怎么行?再者,想让她入局,我们再编一个理由就行了。”林小道说。 What arranges?” “编什么?” Said that Myriad Dao Valley had a liking for her Immeasurable World Monument, like this is more reasonable.” Lin Xiaodao said. “就说万道谷看上了她的无量界碑,这样合理一些。”林小道说。 Right!” “对!” People nod. 众人点头。 Moreover previously Fengqing Youmeng did not say inadvertently, by the relations of Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian, they should also continue to cooperate. The Shenxi Xingtian ally, is the Yi Daiyan enemy.” Li Wudi said. “而且此前风清幽梦不是说漏嘴了呢,以梦婴神羲刑天的关系,他们应该还会继续合作。神羲刑天的盟友,就是伊代颜的敌人。”李无敌道。 At this point, Sun and Dark Star this two stars, meet in this boundless starry sky, seems like destined to meet head-on hand in hand. 说到这里,太阳和闇星两个星辰,在这茫茫星空相遇,就像是命中注定要携手迎战。 I contact with her!” Lin Xiaodao said. “那我联系她!”林小道说。 Ok.” “行。” Lin Xiaodao has the Yi Daiyan pass on message stone, he had cooperated with Yi Daiyan before, is very experienced. 林小道伊代颜的传讯石,他以前就和伊代颜合作过,很有经验。 Has the matter, met saying that passed on a message stone to say?” Lin Xiaodao asked briefly and to the point. “有事,见面说,还是传讯石说?”林小道言简意赅问。 Opposite of the pass on message stone, is together the black clothes white hair beautiful figure, double pupil color light. 传讯石对面,是一道黑衣白发倩影,双眸彩光。 Met to say.” “见面说。” After Yi Daiyan said that closed/pass the pass on message stone, about probably one double-hour, Yin Chen (silver dust) told Li Tianming, the person has arrived at outside Yanhuang Protection Barrier. 伊代颜说完后,就关了传讯石,大概一个时辰左右,银尘就告诉李天命,人已经到炎黄守护结界外了。 In the previous that place! 就在上次那个地方! The Sword God Star vestige takes off, emerges the solar surface, arrived around Yi Daiyan. 剑神星遗迹起飞,浮出太阳表面,来到了伊代颜跟前。 This time is to discuss the cooperation, moreover there is Lin Xiaodao and Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, naturally does not need such as previous time to fear her like that. 这次是谈合作的,而且还有林小道千垿神傀,自然不用如上次那般惧怕她。 Previous meeting, Lin Xiaodao not. 上次会面,林小道并不在。 At this moment, Sword God Star vestige dragon head becomes transparent, the people here, are almost equivalent to Yi Daiyan face-to-face. 此刻,剑神星遗迹其中一个龙首变得透明,众人就在这里,几乎相当于和伊代颜面对面。 Sees her again, Li Tianming somewhat will be strange, an appearance and mother extremely similar person, no matter she again how callous, Li Tianming can always on her, feel the maternal brilliance...... 再次看到她,李天命还是会有些古怪,一个长相和母亲极度相似的人,不管她再怎么冷酷,李天命总是能在她身上,感受到母性的光辉…… This is a special feeling. 这是一种特殊的感觉。 The reason warned itself, Yi Daiyan was very dangerous, even was possibly fatal, but in mentality, repelled and loathes her very much difficultly truly. 理智告诫自己,伊代颜很危险,甚至可能致命,但心态上,又很难真正排斥、厌恶她。 In the starry sky, her white hair flies upwards, the color pupil flashes, inverts all living things like that inviolable. 星空中,她白发飞扬,彩眸闪动,还是那般颠倒众生,不容侵犯。 Her that colored eye pupil, swept Lin Xiaodao. 她那彩色眼眸,一眼就扫到了林小道 Xu Realm.” She said. 垿境了。”她道。 Lucky breakthrough.” Lin Xiaodao hehe modest say/way. “侥幸突破了。”林小道嘿嘿谦虚道。 practice, not lucky, can break xu, trillions does not have one.” Yi Daiyan said in a soft voice. 修行,没有侥幸,能破垿者,万万亿无一。”伊代颜轻声道。 The tone is very light, is also very delightful, passes to the ear of everyone clearly. 语气很轻,亦很悦耳,清楚传到每个人的耳朵。 Because of the Lin Mu rebirth, Lin Xiāo and Dongshen Yue, truly somewhat hate now motionless, now the biggest obstruction, became Ten Thousand Ancestors Sword Heart. 因为林慕重生,林猇东神玥,现在确实有些恨不动了,现在最大的芥蒂,成了万祖剑心 Contrasts Lin Xiaodao, Yi Daiyan as if likes speaking with Li Tianming, her eye pupil stares at the Li Tianming's golden-black eye pupil, asked: „Doesn't the previous time ask you to leave? Not to be how obedient.” 对比林小道,伊代颜似乎更喜欢和李天命说话,她的眼眸凝望李天命的金黑色眼瞳,问:“上次不是让你走么?怎么不听话。” This tone looked like Wei Jing to blame, Li Tianming a little could not receive. 这语气太像卫婧责备了,李天命有点受不住。 His subconsciousness must same be difficult with the childhood. 他都下意识要跟小时候一样挠头了。 The hand just lifted, he clenches teeth to put down, the sound is low and deep: Originally by World King the prestige of shock and awe of Immeasurable World Territory, was planned to evacuate, but, some new variables, Immeasurable Dao Temple soon will currently face a bigger crisis, therefore we decide to stay behind, is Immeasurable Dao Temple dies to fight.” 手刚举起来,他咬咬牙放下,声音低沉道:“本来被界王无量界域之威震慑,打算撤离的,不过,目前发生的一些新的变数,无量道场即将面临更大的危机,于是我们决定留下,为无量道场死战到底。” Bigger crisis?” Yi Daiyan is startled slightly. “更大的危机?”伊代颜略微一怔。 She nods slightly , to continue saying: Said.” 她微微颔首,继续道:“说吧。” Li Tianming is then brief and to the point, will soon send out the powerhouse Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World, must with the Shenxi Xingtian union, the news of composition four directions super influence alliance, tell Li Tianming doubtful. 李天命便简明扼要,将万道谷无上界即将派出强者,疑似要和神羲刑天联合,组成四方超级势力联盟的消息,告诉了李天命 It is said Myriad Dao Valley had a liking for your Immeasurable World Monument, Supreme World had a liking for my Nine Dragons Emperor Burial, in addition Illusion Heaven God Clan Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian had cooperated, they shifted the powerhouse to come by Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, did not need too for a long time. Once their four directions union, we and you, only then jointly resists this road.” Li Tianming sincere say/way. “据说万道谷看上了你的无量界碑,无上界看上了我的九龙帝葬,加上幻天神族梦婴神羲刑天本就合作过,他们以万道天星阵转移强者过来,并不需要太久。一旦他们四方联合,我们与你只有联合抵抗这一条路。”李天命正色道。 Listens to all these, the Yi Daiyan complexion is quiet, the vision is actually getting more and more cold. 听完这一切,伊代颜脸色沉静,目光倒是越来越冷。
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