FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2843: Justice is inescapable is sparse and leakproof

Luckily, our here increased two Xu Realm battle strength, otherwise this time, escapes not to be possible to escape.” “幸好,我们这边新增了两个垿境战力,否则这一次,逃无可逃。” Even if the powerhouse invasion of Supreme World and Myriad Dao Valley, had not been confirmed that Li Tianming they believe that possibility very big. 哪怕无上界万道谷的强者入侵,还没被证实,李天命他们都认为,可能性非常之大。 Arrived must start to do to deal. 大到必须要开始做应对了。 Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, they were very previously optimistic, but now, is not optimistic. 先前千垿神傀一出,他们都很乐观,而现在,又不乐观了。 Li Tianming has an emotional tie with Sun, the pressure somewhat is also big. 李天命心系太阳,压力亦有些大。 In this case, he will be more impolite with Fengqing Youmeng. 这种情况下,他更不会跟风清幽梦客气。 Lin Xiaodao directly small slave bottle gourd suffering, opens to the hell pattern. 林小道直接将‘小奴葫芦’的折磨,开启到地狱模式。 Can hear, Fengqing Youmeng wails and cries in inside unceasingly miserably, cannot seek livehood, to ask unable simply. 可以听到,风清幽梦不断在里面哀嚎、惨哭,简直求生不得、求死不能。 Fengqing Youmeng thought that Li Tianming is good to speak, will show tender affection. 风清幽梦觉得李天命好说话,会怜香惜玉。 Therefore, Li Tianming lets on Li Wudi directly. 于是,李天命直接让李无敌上。 Straight male, infertile. 直男一出,寸草不生。 Li Wudi said outside directly: 李无敌直接在外面道: Young girl, you thinks again well, has anything to our useful information, said can come out.” “小妞,你再好好想想,有没有什么对我们有用的信息,说了就能出来了。” „If no exactly, you are very unfortunate, can only continue to enjoy.” “如果恰好没有,那你很不幸,只能继续享受了。” Responded his, was Fengqing Youmeng sad and shrill, desperate cry. 回应他的,是风清幽梦凄厉的、绝望的叫声。 Of pleasant to hear , to continue to call.” Li Wudi said. “好听,继续叫。”李无敌道。 Lin Xiaodao this small slave bottle gourd, is very one set, shortly, Fengqing Youmeng called out in inside howlingly: Puts me to go out, I have the information!” 林小道这小奴葫芦,还是很有一套,没多长时间,风清幽梦在里面嚎叫道:“放我出去,我有信息!” "oh?" “哦?” People eyes one bright. 众人眼睛一亮。 Originally wants to press out her , but also really extracted the thing to come. 本来只是想榨一下她,没想到,还真的榨出东西来了。 When they come out Lane Fengqing Youmeng, she is horrible to look , the whole body snow white becomes pale. 当他们把风清幽梦出来的时候,她已经惨不忍睹了,浑身雪白变惨白。 First reaches an agreement, I confessed, you cannot put again me.” Fengqing Youmeng cries to say. “先说好,我招供,你们可不能再将我放进去了。”风清幽梦哭道。 Visited you saying that was useful.” Li Tianming said. “看你说的,到底有没有用吧。”李天命道。 „It is not good, before I said that I want you to pledge......” “不行,我说之前,我要你们发誓……” Sends a wool, pledged I also renege on a promise casually, can you only be able to maintain a livelihood now obedient, understand?” Li Tianming ruthless sound said. “发个毛,发誓了我也随便反悔,你现在只能听话才能活命,懂?”李天命狠声道。 Fengqing Youmeng stagnates. 风清幽梦一滞。 Said that if useful, gives you means of livelihood.” Lin Xiaodao said. “说吧,如果有用,就给你活路。”林小道说。 Fengqing Youmeng clenches teeth, said: Star Hunter big, but also on your Sun.” 风清幽梦咬咬牙,道:“猎星者的大当家,还在你们太阳上。” What?” “什么?” Li Tianming they stayed dull one. 李天命他们都呆了一呆。 „It is not right, his Universe Great Chart was extinguished cleanly, I extinguished him personally.” Lin Xiaodao shakes the head to say. “不对啊,他宇宙宏图都被灭干净了,我亲手灭了他。”林小道摇头道。 Divine Hidden Clan vitality is very strong, particularly the boundary is high. Before I and Lin Ke you found, has seen him.” Fengqing Youmeng said. 神隐族生命力很强,尤其是境界高的。我和林克被你们找到前,就见过他了。”风清幽梦道。 Has seen?” “见过了?” Li Tianming they look at each other in blank dismay. 李天命他们面面相觑。 First makes Yin Chen (silver dust) search, especially the attention river sea lake, looked to find.” Li Wudi said. “先让银尘搜索一遍,尤其关注河海湖泊,看能不能找到。”李无敌道。 His Universe Great Chart did not have, the strength should not be good, purely by hiding life?” Li Tianming asked Fengqing Youmeng. “他宇宙宏图都没了,实力应该不行,纯靠躲藏活命吧?”李天命风清幽梦 Right.” Fengqing Youmeng has given up resisting, replied very simply. “对。”风清幽梦已经放弃抵抗了,回答得很干脆。 Where has he and Lin Ke met?” Li Tianming asked again. “他和林克在什么地方见过面?”李天命再问。 In you killed nearby the Lin Ke place.” Fengqing Youmeng clenches teeth to say. “就在你杀了林克的地方附近。”风清幽梦咬牙道。 Li Tianming told Yin Chen (silver dust) this position. 李天命把这个位置告诉了银尘 Has not previously thought completely this person can also live, therefore Yin Chen (silver dust) has not paid attention to the change in fluent, he loses battle strength, cannot escape the far, comprehensive search the words, not necessarily cannot clutch.” Li Tianming said to the elders. “先前是完全没想到这人还能活着,所以银尘也没关注水流方面的异动,他失去战力,跑不了多远,全面搜查的话,未必不能揪出来。”李天命对长辈们说。 Elder nod. 长辈点头。 After saying, they take a fresh look at Fengqing Youmeng. 说完后,他们重新看风清幽梦 So many cold and still looks, this makes Fengqing Youmeng somewhat dread, she said: I have not deceived you, you look for him, found him, you know that I have not lain.” 这么多冷寂的眼神,这让风清幽梦有些畏惧,她道:“我没骗你们,你们去找他,找到他,你们就知道我没撒谎了。” Experiences suffering of too small slave bottle gourd, she truly honest many. 经历过小奴葫芦的折磨,她确实老实不少。 Lin Ke and he talked, what said?” Li Tianming continues to ask. 林克和他谈话,说什么?”李天命继续问。 Fengqing Youmeng is nipping the lips and teeth, experiences a psychology to struggle, finally sees the small slave bottle gourd, she feared thoroughly, said: „, I told you even, should come will come, Supreme World and Myriad Dao Valley powerhouse arrived, whatever you did plant the preparation ten million/countless, was doomed does not have any use.” 风清幽梦咬着唇齿,经历一段心理挣扎,最后看到小奴葫芦,她彻底怕了,道:“也罢,我就算告诉你们,该来的都会来,无上界万道谷的强者一到,任凭你们做千万种准备,都注定没有任何用处。” Really must say altogether, she instead does not fear. 真要一股脑说完,她反而不怕了。 That said.” Li Tianming said. “那就说。”李天命道。 Mainly said several matters, first, your Heavenly Weight Rank world, there are two Great Immeasurable Rank Star Sea Divine Ship. Second, you do not know that with what means that can use all living things strength to use for oneself unexpectedly. Supreme World is interested in your practice system, wants to study you.” Fengqing Youmeng said. “主要说了几件事,第一,你这天钧级世界,有两大无量级星海神舰。第二,你不知道用何种办法,竟然能动用众生力量为自己所用。无上界对你的修炼体系非常感兴趣,想研究你。”风清幽梦道。 Understanding.” “了解了。” That Star Hunter manages a household greatly on Sun, since were dormant such a long time, then about all living things line the matter, it is estimated that cannot conceal the truth. 猎星者大当家在太阳上,既然蛰伏了这么长时间,那关于‘众生线’的事情,估计瞒不住。 Through this point, basically can judge, the Supreme World person, must come absolutely. 通过这一点,基本可以判断,无上界的人,绝对是必来的。 How many people will come specifically?” Lin Xiaodao asked. “具体会来多少人?”林小道问。 This I really do not know, I estimated perhaps the specific digit does not know my parents. Supreme World only said that can give the name of Lin Ke revenge to come the person.” Fengqing Youmeng spoke these words, somewhat trembled, because she feared that Li Tianming they recognized she is lying. “这我真的不知道,我估计具体数字恐怕连我父母都不知道。无上界只说会以给林克复仇的名义来人。”风清幽梦说这句话,都有些瑟瑟发抖了,因为她怕李天命他们认定她是在说谎。 „Can look hold that Star Hunter greatly, asked that Supreme World powerhouse structure, above each Xu Realm, needs to understand emphatically.” Lin Xiāo summarized. “看看能不能抓住那猎星者大当家,问出无上界的强者结构,每一个垿境以上的,都需要着重了解。”林猇总结道。 Yin Chen (silver dust) has started to take action. 银尘已经开始行动了。 That Star Hunter greatly, it is estimated that was inferior that Fengqing Youmeng fears death, the big probability cannot ask the thing. 猎星者大当家,估计不如风清幽梦这么怕死,大概率问不出东西。 Myriad Dao Valley? If they will come, what the motive is?” Lin Xiaodao also asked. 万道谷这边呢?如果他们会来,动机是什么?”林小道又问。 Fengqing Youmeng shakes the head: This I do not know. But since will use Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, can slice?” 风清幽梦摇头:“这我也不知道。但既然会用上万道天星阵,总得来分一杯羹吧?” She does not know, but Li Tianming knows. 她不知道,可李天命知道。 Has the possibility very much, is Zi Zhen! 很有可能,就是紫禛 Ok!” “行!” Actually unearths here, everyone has known how things stand. 其实挖掘到这里,大家心里都已经有数了。 Fengqing Youmeng this time gave many critical information, Li Tianming had no interest in plant the willow tree, actually drew out such big crisis, has gained very much. 风清幽梦这次给了不少关键信息,李天命无心栽柳,却套出了这么大的危机,已经很赚了。 Therefore, they do not toss about her. 于是,他们也不折腾她。 Then probably about five days, Sun 500 hundred million Yin Chen (silver dust) show the skills, changes to water shape insect, enters rivers and streams lake sea that solar many just formed, seeks for some unusual sound. 接下来大概五天左右,太阳这边五百亿银尘施展浑身解数,化作‘水形虫’,进入太阳许多刚刚形成的江河湖海,寻找一些不寻常动静。 Sun belongs to the new student/life world, the trees do not have many, no matter Divine Hidden Clan is covert, must find the person, instead is not difficult. 太阳属于新生世界,树木都没多少,不管神隐族多隐蔽,要找人,反而不难。 Five days later, found the person! 五天后,找到人了! Facing one loses Universe Great Chart remnant blood, Yin Chen (silver dust) on, it convened several billions individuals, forms a silver big ball, is stranded that fellow in inside forcefully. 面对一个失去宇宙宏图的‘残血’,银尘自己就上了,它召集数十亿的个体,结成一个银色大球,硬生生将那家伙困在里面。 That Star Hunter greatly, has not highlighted actually. 猎星者大当家,硬是没突出来。 Li Tianming they rush by the Sword God Star vestige, its catches Star Sea Divine Ship directly, blocks completely! 李天命他们以剑神星遗迹赶到,直接将其抓到星海神舰内部,全部封死! From now on, the foreign enemy who on this Sun ambushes, was basically swept clear cleanly. 自此,这太阳上潜伏的外敌,基本上都被清扫干净了。 In the Sword God Star vestige, they managed a household to throw into the small slave bottle gourd that Star Hunter greatly. 剑神星遗迹内,他们将那猎星者大当家扔进了小奴葫芦内部。 The Star Hunter second in command, three manages a household, in this small slave bottle gourd, was built up while still alive dies. 猎星者二当家、三当家,就是在这小奴葫芦中,被活活炼化而死的。 You!” “你们!” That manages a household greatly in miserable howling. 那大当家在其中惨嚎。 Honest.” Li Wudi said. “老实点。”李无敌道。 Haha......” “哈哈……” Miserable howling Star Hunter greatly, in the pain, actually happened to laugh. 惨嚎中的猎星者大当家,在痛苦之中,竟然发生大笑。 „, It seems like your wants from my polite talk?” “诸位,看来你们这是想从我这套话呢?” Does not wait for Li Tianming they to begin, Star Hunter manages a household greatly first then ridicules again and again. 不等李天命他们开头,猎星者大当家首先便讥笑连连。 Dies with honestly, oneself choose one.” Lin Xiaodao said. “死和老实,自己选一个吧。”林小道说。 That did not need to choose, my Universe Great Chart did not have, disabled person, chose certainly dead! Lin Xiaodao, I do not fear you, you killed my so many brothers, I have a dream want to make you pay the heavy price! You suffer me although, begs for mercy to calculate that I lose!” The greatly sound is fierce, hysteric. “那不用挑选了,我宇宙宏图都没了,废人一个,当然选择死!林小道,我不怕你,你杀了我那么多兄弟,我做梦都想让你付出惨重代价!你尽管折磨我,求饶一句都算我输!”大当家声音狰狞,歇斯底里。 His hatred to Sun, is not the average person can understand. 他对太阳的仇恨,不是一般人能理解的。
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