FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2842: Four dozens two!

Must make her try, she knows to fear. 必须要让她试试,她才知道怕。 Lin Xiaodao does not allow her to revolt, threw her directly, just went, inside transmitted the hysteric pitiful yell. 林小道不容她反抗,直接把她丢了进去,刚刚进去,里面就传来了歇斯底里的惨叫。 How to study the Lin Ke arrival way suddenly?” Lin Xiaodao asked. “怎么忽然研究林克的到来方式?”林小道问。 Originally saved small doubts, a young talent, for a woman, the navigation for a long time comes Vault of Heaven World Territory, doesn't delay his practice plan? Naturally I am speak thoughtlessly to ask, however her reply has the issue.” Li Tianming said. “本来就存了一个小疑惑,一个年轻天才,为了一个女人,航行那么久来天穹界域,不耽误他的修炼计划么?当然我就是随口问一下,但是她的回答有问题。”李天命道。 The intuition told Li Tianming, the shuttle Bizarre World the way of way as well as interplanetary navigation, was not right. 直觉告诉李天命,穿梭异度界的方式以及星际航行的方式,都不对。 If the interplanetary navigation, Fengqing Youmeng possibly is not how clear the time, she definitely starting from first day in! 如果是星际航行,风清幽梦怎么可能连时间都不清楚,她肯定从第一天开始就在等啊! More than 30 years, are more than 100 years, she does not have the concept unexpectedly. 三十多年,还是一百多年,她竟无概念。 Slightly quite a while, Fengqing Youmeng could not withstand probably. 大概小半天,风清幽梦就承受不住了。 Lin Xiaodao she draws, she with dying, the whole body is pale, pours the mouth spits the foam in Li Tianming at present, said grieved: Is Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, Myriad Dao Valley......” 林小道把她拉出来的时候,她跟死了似的,浑身惨白,倒在李天命眼前口吐白沫,惨然道:“是万道天星阵,万道谷的……” What thing?” “啥玩意?” Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao gawked. 李天命林小道都愣了一下。 Myriad Dao Valley, Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, is era stars great formation, through burning over ten thousand Paradise Rank Star Source strengths, can the person delivers to beyond the endless distance Star Eye the place, our Vault of Heaven World Territory, has Star Eye that the Myriad Dao Valley powerhouse establishes! Lin Ke is the Li Fan friend, Li Fan first is takes him to go to Myriad Dao Valley to see the world, then delivered to Vault of Heaven World Territory him......” 万道谷,有一座万道天星阵,是一座纪元星辰大阵,通过燃烧上万个洞天级恒星源的力量,能将人送到无尽距离外的‘星眼’之处,我们天穹界域,就有万道谷强者设置的星眼林克李凡的朋友,李凡先是接他去万道谷见世面,然后把他送到了天穹界域……” After listening to these words, Li Wudi, Lin Xiāo and the others who Lin Xiaodao and Li Tianming, come on the way, was silent. 听完这一段话后,林小道李天命,还有顺道过来的李无敌林猇等人,都沉默了。 In other words, has listened to this Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, actually Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World others, can arrive at Vault of Heaven World Territory and Immeasurable World Territory fast, can't use several hundred years of interplanetary navigation?” Lin Xiaodao knits the brows to say. “也就是说,听过这万道天星阵,其实万道谷无上界的其他人,都能快速到达天穹界域无量界域,根本用不上数百年星际航行?”林小道皱眉道。 They affirmed, therefore does not need Fengqing Youmeng to affirm. 他们心里都肯定了,所以根本不用风清幽梦肯定。 „Don't you, know the Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation matter?” Fengqing Youmeng asked startled. “你们,一点都不知道万道天星阵的事?”风清幽梦愕然问。 Now knew, many thanks you.” Li Tianming said. “现在知道了,多谢你了。”李天命道。 „......” “……” Fengqing Youmeng immediately illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy. 风清幽梦顿时气结。 How knew can? The powerhouse in this two place, if must come to here to be the Lin Ke revenge, even if you have the protection, still definitely will be killed!” Fengqing Youmeng somewhat said hysteric. “知道了又能如何?这两个地方的强者,如果要来这里为林克复仇,你们就算有防备,也必然会丧命!”风清幽梦有些歇斯底里说。 For Lin Ke? Is insufficient.” Li Tianming said. “为了一个林克?不至于吧。”李天命道。 What do you understand? Lin Ke is Supreme World World King Hidden Demon the child! That old woman cannot give birth to the heir for a lifetime, altogether this. Otherwise, he is so ugly, can I have a liking for him?” Fengqing Youmeng sneered. “你懂什么?林克无上界界王隐魔’之子!那老女人一辈子生不出子嗣,总共就这一个。要不然,他这么丑,我看得上他?”风清幽梦冷笑了。 She suppressed was too long, said that instead somewhat took pleasure in others' misfortunes. 她憋太久了,说出口,反而有些幸灾乐祸。 Not is only you, Yi Daiyan, your group of person treasure are too many, but also is so high-profile, do not blame others to stare at you!” Fengqing Youmeng vented. “不但是你,还有伊代颜,你们这帮人身上宝贝太多,还这么张扬,别怪别人盯上你!”风清幽梦发泄道。 Li Tianming is silent. 李天命再次沉默。 Is insufficient, my small treasure.” He said. “不至于吧,我就一点小宝贝而已。”他道。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Actually behind Li Tianming these words, but wants to make Fengqing Youmeng vent, disclosed that are more. 其实李天命后面这几句话,只是想让风清幽梦在发泄中,透露出更多罢了。 Hears the present, he has known less optimistic. 听到现在,他已经知道不容乐观了。 Existence of Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, is a big change in situation. 万道天星阵的存在,是一个大变局。 Illusion Heaven God Clan Meng Ying, has never forgotten to the small fish. Lin Ke was killed by me, this Hidden Demon should vow not to rest. Myriad Dao Valley, Li Fan still chases down me in Bizarre Abyss, he has very big idea to Zi Zhen probably......” 幻天神族梦婴,一直对小鱼念念不忘。林克被我杀了,这隐魔应该会誓不罢休。万道谷这边,李凡还在异度深渊追杀我呢,他好像对紫禛有很大的想法……” According to this logic, presents the influence outside three parties Immeasurable World Territory to meddle the civil war, has the matter of possibility very much. 这样说来,出现三方无量界域外的势力插手内战,是很有可能的事情。 Naturally, at present is only restricted in possibly. 当然,目前仅限于可能。 Supreme World and Hidden Demon, strength how?” Li Tianming asked. 无上界隐魔,实力如何?”李天命问。 Their Supreme Star has seven times of Dark Star sizes, altogether did six Xu Realm powerhouses, you say? The second kills you and Yi Daiyan!” Fengqing Youmeng stared him to say ruthlessly. “他们的‘无上星’有七倍闇星大小,一共有六个垿境强者,你说呢?秒杀你们和伊代颜!”风清幽梦狠狠瞪着他说。 Why does not second kill Shenxi Xingtian?” Li Tianming asked suddenly. “为什么不秒杀神羲刑天?”李天命忽然问。 Because they, when Shenxi Xingtian is the ally.” Li Wudi said. “因为他们当神羲刑天是盟友。”李无敌道。 „......!” “……!” Fengqing Youmeng had a mortal hatred of them, picked up the useful information from her words specially. 风清幽梦恨死他们了,专门从她的话里挑出有用的信息。 Simply quick ruthless. 简直快准狠。 She the biggest problem, suffers too many hardships in that small slave bottle gourd today, anxious, got angry at heart, moved the mood. 她今天最大的问题,就是在那小奴葫芦里吃了太多苦头,心里急了、怒了,动了情绪。 Naturally, she is one because of hating, but the extreme person, changes anyone, Li Tianming they estimate not the good polite talk. 当然,她本身就是一个因为怨恨而极端的人,换任何一个人,李天命他们估计都不好套话。 Listens to your tone, Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World comes the person, was the matter of being settled?” Li Tianming asked. “听你这语气,万道谷无上界来人,是板上钉钉的事了?”李天命问。 Fengqing Youmeng stared his one eyes, said: I do not know!” 风清幽梦瞪了他一眼,道:“我不知道!” She does not want to say. 她已经不想说了。 Also in noisy young lady temperament? Here no one is used to you. The advanced bottle gourd, you first thinks, when you find out to my useful information, you come out again.” After Li Tianming said that Lin Xiaodao rubbish, miserably will be directly howling Fengqing Youmeng gave the stopper. “还在闹大小姐脾气呢?这里没人惯着你。先进葫芦吧,你先想一想,等你想出一些对我有用的信息,你再出来。”李天命说完后,林小道也不废话,直接将惨嚎着的风清幽梦给塞了回去。 The pitiful yell sound, resounds again. 惨叫声音,再度响起。 This time, Li Tianming outside bottle gourd they, let this sudden bad news, does the mood extremely to be bad. 只是这一次,葫芦外的李天命他们,让这突如其来的坏消息,都搞得心情极差。 If we had known this Lin Ke entrains, at least keeps his dog's life?” Li Tianming said. “早知道这林克这么拽,起码留他一条狗命?”李天命道。 Did not say, after all on the bar, the conflict is sooner or later matter. Also, our Cultivator, the opposite party bullied above, in our family/home swaggering, cannot endure.” Lin Xiāo said. “不好说,毕竟已经杠上了,冲突是迟早的事。再说了,我们修炼者,对方欺负上头,在咱们家里大摇大摆,也不能忍。”林猇道。 „The present issue is, can these two sides come the person? If comes the person, how many will come?” Lin Xiaodao seeks thinking said. “现在的问题是,这两方到底会不会来人?如果来人,会来多少?”林小道寻思道。 Everyone look at each other in blank dismay. 大家面面相觑。 „If only the powerhouse arrives, without Star Sea Divine Ship and Star God army, that concrete quantity and intensity, perhaps only then Meng Ying and Shenxi Xingtian knew.” Li Tianming said. “如果只是强者降临,没有星海神舰星神大军的话,那具体数量、强度,恐怕只有们梦婴神羲刑天知道了。”李天命道。 These investigates and guards on own initiative. But is almost a little certain......” Lin Xiaodao looked at a Dark Star direction, said: If really has Myriad Dao Valley and Supreme World to come the person, that this Star Source war, the confrontation among three forces, but is four dozens two.” “这些的主动去调查、防备。但有一点几乎可以肯定……”林小道看了一眼闇星的方向,道:“如果真的有万道谷无上界来人,那这场恒星源战争,就不是三足鼎立,而是四打二。” Four dozens two? Is we must collaborate with Yi Daiyan?” Li Wudi speechless say/way. “四打二?就是我们要和伊代颜联手咯?”李无敌无语道。 Perhaps yes!” The people said with one voice. “恐怕是的!”众人齐声道。 Lin Xiāo and Dongshen Yue are more speechless. 林猇东神玥更加无语。 Then, we shift Sun to Dark Star by luckily, will otherwise be defeated one by one?” Li Tianming said. “这么说来,幸好我们把太阳转移到闇星旁边,否则会被逐一击破?”李天命道。 Everyone nods. 大家都点头。 Bumps into, instead handled to matter. 误打误撞,反而做了对的事情。 Now can go to say this matter with Yi Daiyan directly?” Dongshen Yue clenches teeth to ask. “现在要去直接和伊代颜说这事么?”东神玥咬牙问。 Should not be anxious. After all this both sides come the person, is not good to determine.” Lin Xiaodao said. “应该还不急。毕竟这双方来人,还不好确定。”林小道说。 Wait looked at this Fengqing Youmeng, does not have the news!” Li Tianming said. “等等看这风清幽梦,还有没消息吧!”李天命道。 This woman, but must press out, knows that harbors. 这女人,还得榨一榨,才知道有没有私藏。 If all these real . Moreover the person who the opposite party comes is very terrifying, matter that our must first handle, is Yi Daiyan collaborates, first hit to collapse Dark Clan.” Li Wudi said. “如果这一切是真的,而且对方来的人很恐怖,那我们第一件要做的事情,就是和伊代颜联手,先把闇族打崩了。”李无敌道。 Right!” “对!” Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, that is the Li Tianming their first step. 无量级凶兽,那就会是李天命他们的第一步。 ...... …… 6 chapters 六章 The new week, recommended the ticket to renovate. Asked the recommendation ticket! 新的一周,推荐票已经刷新了。求推荐票! From total list third, but also missed hundreds of thousands tickets, quick! 距离总榜第三,还差十几万票了,快了快了!
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