FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2841: hit/prick this is not sore

Sun. 太阳。 Sword God Star vestige. 剑神星遗迹。 Li Tianming and Li Wudi same place, two ‚the universe honorable person, makes the best use of the time, in the middle of Yanhuang Divine Clan Xu Realm Heavenly Soul of inheritance palace, restores the bubble on Order. 李天命李无敌一起,两个‘太虚真人’,都抓紧时间,在传承殿的炎黄神族垿境天魂当中,修复秩序上的泡沫。 These days, the Dark Star pattern is more distinct. 这段时间,闇星格局更加分明。 Yi Daiyan with the name of Immeasurable Dao Temple, rising, the supporter are innumerable. 伊代颜无量道场之名,如日中天,拥护者无数。 The Dark Clan comprehensive contraction, such as the target of universal detestation, is isolated and cuts off from help. 闇族全面收缩,如过街老鼠,孤立无援。 This aspect, places for hundred years ago, no one dares to believe. 这局面,放在百年前,都没人敢信。 Placed Li Tianming just to arrive at Dark Star at that time, no one believes. 放在李天命刚到闇星那时候,都没人相信。 At that time Sword God Lin Clan, some massive Dark Clan kneeling clans. 那时候连剑神林氏中,都有大量闇族的跪族。 Under this aspect, Li Tianming except for looking for Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast and practice, anything is undoable. 这种局面下,李天命除了找无量级凶兽修行,什么都不能做。 He goes to Bizarre Abyss occasionally, eavesdrops on the present situation, according to Zi Zhen. 他偶尔去异度深渊,探听一下现状,照一照紫禛 Zi Zhen also, but she does not want to meet. 紫禛还在,但她不想见面。 Li Tianming does not have idea with her. 李天命拿她没辙。 Does not know that also has not to have the opportunity, again with top Order Ruins!” “不知道还有没机会,再拿顶级秩序墟!” Li Tianming is thinking this matter, walks in the Sword God Star vestige, suddenly hears not far away to broadcast bang bang the sound. 李天命想着这事,在剑神星遗迹上行走,忽然听到不远处传来砰砰的声音。 He enters looked, originally was shrunk Fengqing Youmeng in Sword God Star vestige by Lin Xiaodao. 他走进一看,原来是被林小道缩在剑神星遗迹上的风清幽梦 This miss was imprisoned for a long time, already some collapses, even so, snow white she, is like that the dream and moving, each movement and look, have me to see still the feeling of pitying. 这姑娘被囚禁久了,已然有些崩溃,即使如此,一身雪白的她,还是那般梦幻、动人,每一个动作、眼神,都有我见犹怜之感。 You come.” She is nipping the lips and teeth, the beautiful pupil looks at Li Tianming. “你过来。”她咬着唇齿,美眸看着李天命 Does the woolen cloth?” Li Tianming asked. “干毛呢?”李天命问。 Although this miss beautiful, but is actually others the wife, is not easy to do, without interest. 这姑娘虽美,但却是他人之妻,不好办,没兴趣。 50 Weisheng Moran, are the Li Tianming at heart most perfect Illusion Heaven God Clan type beautiful women. 五十个微生墨染,已经是李天命心里最完美的幻天神族式美人了。 I must speak with my parents, you put forward the condition to them, then put me.” Fengqing Youmeng said. “我要和我父母说话,你们向他们提条件,然后放了我。”风清幽梦道。 Forget it.” “得了吧。” Leaves behind her, to prevent Illusion Heaven God Clan disturbs the Immeasurable World Territory general situation, before Illusion Heaven God Clan has not begun, no matter Li Tianming they put forward what condition not to have the significance, the opposite party not necessarily observes. 留下她,是为了防止幻天神族干扰无量界域的大局,在幻天神族没动手前,不管李天命他们提什么条件都没意义,对方不一定遵守。 Li Tianming only wants to make Meng Ying die! 李天命只想让梦婴去死! Can Meng Ying comply? 梦婴能答应么? Obviously cannot. 显然不能。 Li Tianming, you halt to me!” Fengqing Youmeng choked. 李天命,你给我站住!”风清幽梦哽咽道。 Li Tianming turn head looks. 李天命回头一看。 My goodness. 好家伙。 Is pulling the clothing. 在扯衣物。 In a flash, white and shiny piece, eyes cannot take it all. 转瞬间,白花花一片,目不暇接。 Putting me is free, I serve you, is good? I compared with your woman difference, Vault of Heaven World Territory do not want to obtain my person trillions.” Fengqing Youmeng clenches teeth to say. “放我自由,我伺候你,好不好?我不比你的女人差,天穹界域想得到我的人万万亿。”风清幽梦咬牙道。 She very can, knowing the man wants to look at anything. 她挺会,知道男人想看什么。 Your isn't Illusion Heaven God Clan very loyal? Has the spouse inborn, is greedy you, who letter/believes?” Li Tianming looks at steadily to stare at her, ridiculed asked. “你们幻天神族不都很忠贞么?都天生有配偶,都还馋你,谁信呢?”李天命目不转睛凝望着她,略带讥讽问。 Fengqing Youmeng smiles desolately, said: You look is the representation that they propagandize outward, this clanhad been suppressed byinborn this two character insanely, if not kill the wife to kill the husband to ruin itself, that this dirty clan, absolutely each one couples remnant!” 风清幽梦冷淡一笑,道:“你看的不过是他们向外宣传的表象,这个氏族早就被‘天生’这两个字憋疯了,如果不是杀妻杀夫会毁掉自己,那这肮脏一族,绝对个个夫妻相残!” „......!” “……!” Li Tianming can see her hysteria, she longs for the freedom, person who is not willing to be fettered, therefore Illusion Heaven God Clan this status, to her is the nightmare. 李天命看得出她的歇斯底里,她是渴望自由,不愿意被束缚的人,所以幻天神族这个身份,对她来说是噩梦。 Others' wife, does not need you to be responsible, Ok?” Her snow supercilious look pupil trembles, extends a pair of hand, expecting Li Tianming can hug her. “别人的妻子,不用你负责,可以吗?”她雪白眼眸微颤,伸出一双手,期望李天命能拥抱她。 Li Tianming takes a look at her up and down, suddenly said with a smile: Star God, comprised of the stars particle, if I break your Universe Great Chart, you are pile of sand dust. even/including Hongyan the white bones are not. Impulsion of seventh star organ, but is in the bloodlines the residual reproduction and inheritance instinct is causing trouble, it is not meaningful, understands?” 李天命上下打量她,忽然笑道:“星神,由星辰微粒组成,如果我打破你的宇宙宏图,你就是一堆沙尘。连红颜白骨都算不上。第七星脏的冲动,不过是血脉里残留的繁殖、传承本能在作祟,其本身没有任何意义,懂吗?” I understand, but why do you have the tent?” Fengqing Youmeng asked. “我懂,但你为什么有帐篷?”风清幽梦怔怔问。 Li Tianming lowers the head looks. 李天命低头一看。 „...... Rolls!” “……滚!” The critical moment, first star organ of human brain, always loses to seventh star organ that does not make every effort to succeed. 关键时刻,人类智慧的第一星脏,总是输给不争气的第七星脏 Li Tianming coughs two, he puts out a Heavenly Yuan Divine Item rank the mail-armor and helmet, gives to lock to this fellow, wraps solid, is then pinching her ear, cold sound said: I happen to have the matter to ask you, if you did not reply honestly, I will make you suffer loss absolutely.” 李天命干咳两声,他拿出一件天元神器级别的甲胄,给这家伙给锁上,包得严严实实,然后捏着她的耳朵,冷声道:“我正好有事问你,如果你不老实回答,我绝对会让你吃苦头。” You have the skill to use the status of your man to conquer me, other suffering, I did not fear.” Fengqing Youmeng bites the semi-transparent jade lip to say. “你有本事就用你男人的身份征服我,其他苦头,我都不怕。”风清幽梦咬着羊脂玉般的嘴唇道。 „......!” “……!” Simply poisonous. 简直有毒。 Li Tianming is disinclined politely, Eastern Sovereign Sword puts out, penetrated her chest cavity directly, Emperor Sword Prison poured into. 李天命懒得客气,东皇剑拿出,直接穿透了她的胸腔,帝君剑狱注入。 Doesn't hurt sorely?” “疼不疼?” hit/prick here is not sore.” “扎这里并不疼。” „?” “?” He meow, such as the wolf such as the tiger this is. 他喵的,如狼如虎了这是。 Quick, Fengqing Youmeng is also only on the mouth boasts, when Emperor Sword Prison covers its whole body stars particle, she realizes frequently the pain that the life and death flickers, a Li Tianming thought that can let her body tearing. 很快,风清幽梦也只是嘴上吹牛,当帝君剑狱覆盖其全身星辰微粒的时候,她时刻体会到生死一瞬的痛苦,李天命一个念头,都能让她身体撕裂。 Finally stated one time with you, I have not joked with you.” Li Tianming sinking sound said. “最后跟你声明一次,我没跟你开玩笑。”李天命沉声道。 „......” “……” Fengqing Youmeng is wrinkling the beautiful woman, finally does not dare. 风清幽梦皱着娥眉,终于不敢了。 Li Tianming asks: How does Lin Ke arrive at your Vault of Heaven World Territory?” 李天命开口问:“林克是怎么到你天穹界域的?” Fengqing Youmeng also wants to shut up did not say, finally Li Tianming one tore her arm, when she looks helplessly own arm jumps slowly broken, the pain of that tearing, is quite uncomfortable. 风清幽梦还想闭嘴不说,结果李天命一下就撕裂了她的手臂,当她眼睁睁看着自己手臂缓慢蹦碎,那种撕裂之痛苦,相当难受。 I from Bizarre World in the past, met his!” Fengqing Youmeng clenches teeth to say. “我从异度界过去,接他的!”风清幽梦咬牙道。 pā! 啪! Li Tianming flung her palm of the hand, makes into the pink her white and tender cheek, then said: „I see, Illusion Heaven God Clan in the Bizarre World shuttle distance, to Supreme World. Although Bizarre World has not been away from, but there is a boundary, many boundaries are not you can pass.” 李天命甩了她一巴掌,把她白嫩的脸蛋打成桃红色,然后道:“我了解过了,幻天神族异度界的穿梭距离,到不了无上界异度界虽然没有距离,但有界限,很多界限不是你能通过的。” Good!” Fengqing Youmeng sees him is not good to deceive, is only fluent: He navigates through Star Sea Divine Ship.” “好吧!”风清幽梦见他不好糊弄,只能道:“他是通过星海神舰航行过来的。” What Star Sea Divine Ship, used how long?” Li Tianming asked. “什么星海神舰,用了多长时间?”李天命问。 Big did Heavenly Weight Rank, use for probably more than 30 years?” Fengqing Youmeng said not completely indifferently. “大天钧级,用了大概三十多年吧?”风清幽梦满不在乎的说。 Li Tianming observes her eye, thought that she is lying. 李天命观察她的眼睛,觉得她在撒谎。 Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! This time, her whole body cracks, starlight emerges from within the body, Emperor Sword Prison is strangling to death her five main internal organs (entrails). 这一次,她全身崩裂,星光从体内涌现出来,帝君剑狱在绞杀她的五脏六腑。 Stops!” The Fengqing Youmeng pain called out. “停!”风清幽梦痛叫道。 „Do you deceive me to try again one time? I have inquired, at the Supreme World distance, arrives in Vault of Heaven World Territory, even big Heavenly Weight Rank Star Sea Divine Ship, must need over 100 years, can the Lin Ke more than 30 years?” Li Tianming cold sound said. “你再糊弄我一次试试?我早就打听过了,以无上界的距离,抵达天穹界域,就算是大天钧级星海神舰,都得要一百年以上,林克三十多年就能到?”李天命冷声道。 I just did not speak incorrectly carefully, is more than 100 years, how?” Fengqing Youmeng clenches teeth to say. “我刚不小心说错了,就是一百多年,怎么了?”风清幽梦咬牙道。 Li Tianming indifferent is staring at her, then opens a pass on message stone, said: Teacher, you come, Fengqing Youmeng here have the situation.” 李天命冷漠的盯着她,然后打开一个传讯石,道:“师尊,你过来一下,风清幽梦这边有情况。” Hears his saying, the Fengqing Youmeng look one. 听到他这话,风清幽梦神色一慌。 Actually I do not know how long Supreme World wants, more than 100 years are I arrange.” Li Tianming said. “其实我也不知道无上界过来要多久,一百多年是我编的。”李天命道。 However, she followed saying that was 100 years, this had the issue. 但是,她跟着说是一百年,这就有问题了。 She is lying absolutely! 她绝对在撒谎! Shortly, Lin Xiaodao came, Li Tianming said directly: Virgin forest, puts in her the bottle gourd, when she told me, Lin Ke arrived at the Vault of Heaven World Territory true way, put again her.” 不久后,林小道就来了,李天命直接说:“老林,把她放葫芦里,等她什么时候告诉我,林克到达天穹界域的真正方式,再把她放出来。” Ok, inside may be fun, every time each stars particle, is burning enjoyment.” Lin Xiaodao said with a smile. “行啊,里面可好玩了,每时每刻每个星辰微粒,都是火辣辣的享受。”林小道笑道。
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