FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2840: Central Heaven Myriad Daos

Three people look at each other in blank dismay. 三人面面相觑。 Bloodlines vine, too Xi demon beast, is Ominous Beast that Yi Daiyan wants to kill, if we disclosed the position to Yi Daiyan, making Yi Daiyan destroy completely too Xi demon beast, it is estimated that can exempt Dark Star many innocent casualties.” The Lin Xiaodao ponder said. “血脉藤、太羲魔兽,都是伊代颜很想杀的凶兽,如果我们把位置透露给伊代颜,让伊代颜灭掉太羲魔兽的话,估计可以免去闇星不少无辜伤亡啊。”林小道沉思道。 May not.” Li Wudi shakes the head, say/way in this case, Dark Clan only will collapse most quickly, will then be one's turn us. Hope that some destiny also promotions grow, we can lengthen, are good.” “不可。”李无敌摇头,道“这样的话,闇族只会崩得最快,接下来就会轮到我们了。天命还有晋升成长的希望,我们能拖长点,都是有好处的。” Also yes, now Yi Daiyan is rising, the person strong soldier is strong.” Lin Xiaodao nods. “也是,现在伊代颜如日中天,人强兵壮。”林小道点头。 The war, does not do good deeds. 战争,不是行善。 Saved the Dark Star common people, but if therefore kills to support own solar people, gain does not equal the loss. 救了闇星百姓,但若是因此害死支持自己的太阳生民,得不偿失。 Continues and other opportunities!” “继续等机会!” Increases the number of dust master, even if we did not disclose temporarily, must find the remaining Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast positions as far as possible.” “增加尘爷的数量,就算我们暂时不透露,也要尽可能找到剩下无量级凶兽的位置。” Ok.” “行。” Innumerable Yin Chen (silver dust), split unceasingly, shifts on Dark Star. 无数银尘,不断分裂,在闇星上转移。 ...... …… Order Starry Sky, limitless. 秩序星空,无边无际。 Universe, eternal endless! 宇宙,永恒无尽! Takes a broad view at the sky, in the jet black lonesome night, the stars are vast. 放眼天空,漆黑寂夜中,星辰浩渺。 Space stars, far more than trillions! 天上繁星,何止万万亿 On-board mortal, there is a how much? 星上凡人,又有几何? World life three spirits, is precious, is inexpensive. 天地命三魂,又珍贵,又廉价。 The human life, to self-, is all. 人命,对自我而言,是一切。 To the universe, does not have the significance. 对宇宙而言,毫无意义。 The trillion life dies out, the vicissitudes time flies, is the universe normal state. 万亿生灵寂灭,沧海桑田时光飞逝,都是宇宙常态。 Only only then the light of Star Source, such as a grains of candlelight, in this vast star space, has point that to have the feeling. 唯独只有恒星源之光,如粒粒烛光,在这浩瀚星宇,有那么点存在感。 The universe, will not care about in this candlelight, several grains of not visible ashes, do not care about their loves to hate the rival in love and parting forever. 宇宙,根本不会关心这烛光上,有几粒看不见的灰烬,更不在乎它们的爱恨情仇、生离死别。 The Order Starry Sky deep place, the oddly shaped vortex, it is absorbing the surrounding all, including the Star Source ray. 秩序星空的深处,有一个形状古怪的漩涡,它吸收着周围的一切,包括恒星源的光芒。 Ray that these come from far away, such as the rivers are the same, interweave in this invisible vortex, formed a dazzling light halo. 那些远道而来的光芒,如河流一样,交织在这无形的漩涡上,形成了一个刺眼的光圈。 Around light halo, all distortions. 光圈周围,一切扭曲。 Around this endless invisible vortex, had not been swallowed to attract only, is over ten thousand such as the stars generally giant darkness motley stele, they like the starry sky giants, arrange above that invisible vortex, like hanging swords, ancient motionless. 在这无尽的无形漩涡周围,唯一没被吞吸的,乃是上万座如星辰一般巨大的黑暗斑驳石碑,它们如同一个个星空巨人,排列在那无形漩涡之上,如同一把把悬空之剑,亘古不动。 A frontline dark stele, hugest, is broader than and ancient Immeasurable World Monument, above each sword mark and slash, have the ancient brand mark, did not know the carrying/sustaining many time. 最前方的一座黑暗石碑,最为巨大,比无量界碑还要恢弘、古老,其上每一道剑痕、刀痕,都有着亘古的烙印,不知道承载了多少时光。 On that stele, from top to bottom, is carving four flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes scarlet large characters, each character, probably by blood of writing ancient times Ominous Beast. 那石碑上,从上到下,刻着四个龙飞凤舞的猩红大字,每一个字,都像是以远古凶兽之血书写而成。 These four characters Are Central Heaven Myriad Daos! 这四个字是-中天万道 The Central Heaven Myriad Daos why intent, Order Starry Sky many people do not know. 中天万道为何意,秩序星空很多人都不知道。 However, many World Territory having god-given wisdom come here, sees these four characters, understands at heart, Order Starry Sky Martial Dao Sacred Place Myriad Dao Valley, to! 然而,不少界域天纵之才来到这里,看到这四个字,心里都会明白,秩序星空武道圣地万道谷’,到了! Does not have Star Source, actually compared with the Star Source stars fearful world. 一个没有恒星源,却比恒星源星辰可怕的世界。 Myriad Dao Valley, has many legends. 万道谷,拥有很多的传说。 And, Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation, is its first legend. 其中,‘万道天星阵’,乃是其第一个传说。 In the Myriad Dao Valley front toward going , the end of starry sky, presented 10,000 Paradise Rank Star Source World, each has Purple Luminary Star over ten times, these 10,000 Paradise Rank Star Source stars crowded branches, neat arrangement! 万道谷前方往去,星空的尽头,出现了一万个洞天级恒星源世界,每一个都有紫曜星的十倍以上,这一万个洞天级恒星源星辰密集分部,整齐排列! On each stars, no one lives. 每一个星辰上,都没人居住。 From the above, these over ten thousand stars formed Eight Trigrams (gossip) great formation, in great formation any Paradise Rank stars, are almost deferring to the specific path rotation and movement, this makes this entire formation law seem like, has to make the feeling of person scalp tingles. 从上方看去,这上万星辰结成了一个八卦大阵,大阵内任何一个洞天级星辰,几乎都在按照特定的轨迹转动、移动,这让这整个阵法看起来,有令人头皮发麻的感觉。 Locks in these Star Source over ten thousand Fusion Barrier, obviously is specially-made, these Fusion Barrier are great formation part, the strength of Paradise Rank stars link, lets all Star Source strengths, passes in entire super Star Territory, trillions Heavenly Divine Mark like surging tides, walks randomly the starry sky, such as huge Divine Dragon, roam through the universe! 锁住这些恒星源的上万个聚变结界,显然都是特制的,这些聚变结界都是大阵的一部分,它们将一个个洞天级星辰的力量联系在一起,让所有恒星源力量,在整个超级星域中流转,万万亿如潮水般的天神纹,游走星空,如一条条巨大神龙,遨游太虚! Standard Star Territory, for example Dao Mystery Star Territory, there are over ten thousand Sun Mortal Rank Star Source, the area is vast. 一个标准星域,比如道玄星域,有上万阳凡级恒星源,疆域辽阔。 But here, over ten thousand Paradise Rank Star Source World, the intense stack, forms super great formation. 而这里,上万洞天级恒星源世界,密集堆积,形成超级大阵 Such writing skill, even if Li Tianming saw, deeply will be shocked! 这样的手笔,就算是李天命看到,都会被深深震撼! This, is inheritance innumerable time the background of Order Starry Sky super sacred place, this Myriad Dao Heavenly Star Formation on each Heavenly Divine Mark, the carrying/sustaining is the wisdom and history. 这,才是传承无数时光的秩序星空超级圣地的底蕴,这‘万道天星阵’上每一道天神纹,承载都是智慧和历史。 Also only then such broad formation chart, has the possibility to deliver to outside the endless starry sky, arrives they establish ahead of time well Star Eye. 也只有这样恢弘的阵图,才有可能将人送到无尽的星空之外,抵达他们提前设置好的‘星眼’。 The glow is infinite! 辉光无限! At this moment, sky over this magnificent interstellar great formation, there are tiny like the dust two person's shadow, here gathers. 此刻,在这辉煌的星际大阵上空,有渺小如灰尘般的两个人影,在这里相聚。 And a youth, the orange sends the orange eye, the body like the gold, the look is firm and resolute, is Myriad Dao Valley Li Fan. 其中一个青年,橙发橙眼,身如黄金,眼神坚毅,正是万道谷李凡’。 A white clothing student appears in the Li Fan front. 一个白衣书生出现在李凡的面前。 That white clothing student complexion is pale, some rickets, present the feeling of morbid state, the look is especially gloomy, if white robe variable ghost. 那白衣书生面色惨白,有些佝偻,呈现出病态的感觉,眼神尤其灰暗,一身白袍如无常鬼。 Teacher.” Li Fan bows to salute hastily. “师尊。”李凡连忙躬身行礼。 Bizarre Abyss situation how?” The white clothing student asked. 异度深渊情况如何?”白衣书生问。 Ancient Nether Clan does not know the reason, prohibited the ninth block, the search, affected our advancement wantonly. That Li Tianming has not obviously come in again.” Li Fan lowers the head, the vision slightly said coldly. 古冥族不知原因,封禁了第九街区,大肆搜查,影响了我们的进程。那李天命明显没再进来了。”李凡低头,目光微冷说。 Heavenly Ghost Sacred Demon?” The white clothing student lowers the head to ask. 天鬼圣魔呢?”白衣书生低头问。 She should experience awakened twice, the ability was increased much, in the remote abyss, by me, was very only difficult to find her.” The Li Fan regret said. “她应该经历了两次觉醒,能力提升了不少,在异地深渊,光靠我自己,很难找到她。”李凡遗憾道。 That line. Bizarre Abyss does not need to go again. I prepare to go to that Immeasurable World Territory directly, takes that Li Tianming, plants ‚a gu to him, making him go to Bizarre Abyss to look for Heavenly Ghost Sacred Demon, at the appointed time you detain then.” White clothing book unfamiliar road. “那行了。异度深渊不用再去。我准备直接去那无量界域,拿下那李天命,给他种下‘道蛊’,让他去异度深渊天鬼圣魔,届时你把人押出来即可。”白衣书生道。 Hears this saying, the Li Fan eye one brightly, he is grasping the double fist slightly, said: Teacher, that can Li Tianming, give me to process finally?” 听到这话,李凡眼睛一亮,他微微握着双拳,道:“师尊,那李天命,最后能交给我处理么?” Reason.” “缘由。” Homicide my brother Lin Ke.” Li Fan sinking sound said. “他杀了我兄弟林克。”李凡沉声道。 Cannot use you, Supreme World can also have the person, and many. Us, for did not leak, only then our two.” White clothing book unfamiliar road. “用不上你,无上界也会出人,而且还不少。我们这边,为了不泄密,就只有我们两个。”白衣书生道。 Yes.” “是。” Therefore the teacher now is?” “所以师尊现在是?” I go to Supreme World, receives that group of people, leads them to go to Vault of Heaven World Territory again.” White clothing book unfamiliar road. “我去无上界,把那批人一个个接过来,再带他们去天穹界域。”白衣书生道。 Over a hundred people?” “上百人?” Almost.” “差不多。” That estimate must spend a lot of time.” Li Fan said. “那估计要花不少时间。”李凡道。 Takes World Territory, the person is steady.” White clothing book unfamiliar road. “拿下一个界域,人多稳一点。”白衣书生道。 Un un.” “嗯嗯。” Li Fan nods, he slightly hesitant, asked: „That side teacher, can I first go?” 李凡点头,他稍微犹豫了一下,问:“师尊,我能先去那边吗?” Can go ahead of time, is clear the intelligence study. Especially about Li Tianming and Nine Dragons Emperor Burial this two information. At present the information is Supreme World gives me, they have reservation. That side Illusion Heaven God Clan, retains.” White clothing book unfamiliar road. “可以提前去,把情报研究清楚。尤其是关于李天命九龙帝葬两个点的情报。目前情报都是无上界给我的,他们有保留。幻天神族那边,保留更多。”白衣书生道。 Right, the Illusion Heaven God Clan branch, does not look for this clan, asks us to help on the contrary, definitely has the issue.” Li Fan said. “对,幻天神族分部,不找本族,反倒找我们帮忙,肯定有问题。”李凡道。 Understands well.” The white clothing student patted his shoulder, the vision sinks, said: Li Fan, this action, our Myriad Dao Valley, although only has two people, but, we are Myriad Dao Valley, we must take the biggest that head.” “明白就好。”白衣书生拍了拍他的肩膀,目光一沉,道:“李凡,这次行动,我们万道谷虽然只出两人,但,我们是万道谷,我们就要拿最大那头。” Yes, teacher!” “是,师尊!” Li Fan is excited, the eye contains the glory. 李凡激动,眼含荣耀。
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