FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2839: Too Xi demon beast

No matter how said that during...... this secret room buried treasure, imagined me good is too bigger, absolutely was in the middle of the pleasant surprise pleasant surprise!” Li Tianming said. “不管怎么说……这个密室宝藏,比我想象之中好太大了,绝对是惊喜当中的惊喜!”李天命道。 Right! Even battle range that he can use, is smaller than your all living things line, only limited to Yanhuang Protection Barrier, but for guarding Sun, was really enough. Then, if Yi Daiyan must attack, our blood brother copes with her jointly!” Lin Xiaodao big gas channel/angrily said. “对!就算他能动用的交战范围,比你的众生线还小,仅限于炎黄守护结界内,但用于守卫太阳,真的足够了。如此一来,如果伊代颜要攻进来,我们亲兄弟联手对付她!”林小道大气道。 My goodness, can you blood brother?” Li Tianming stares to say. “好家伙,你们俩都能亲兄弟了?”李天命瞪眼道。 That is, I and forest the brother am perfectly suited to each other...... am not! A meeting of minds...... is not! His mother's father does not have the culture, in any case is that meaning, only may get an idea cannot explain.” Li Wudi said with a smile. “那是,我和林兄情投意合……啊不是!臭味相投……啊也不是!他娘的老子没文化,反正就是那意思,只可意会不可言传。”李无敌笑道。 „......!” “……!” On the fight range, because of the relations of strength supplies, the Li Wudi Thousand Xu Divine Puppet fight range, is a little truly small, goes to Dark Star to have more than enough. 论战斗范围,因为力量供给的关系,李无敌千垿神傀战斗范围,确实有点小,去闇星都用不了。 By Sun and Dark Star present distance, Li Tianming in Dark Star, can use all living things line at least! 以太阳和闇星现在的距离,李天命起码在闇星,都能动用众生线 Even, in the solar surface, Li Wudi is it is estimated that unbearable. 甚至,在太阳表面上,估计李无敌都够呛。 Is certain is in Yanhuang Protection Barrier. 一定得是炎黄守护结界内。 Yanhuang Coffin and Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, have the effect. 炎黄棺千垿神傀,才有效果。 Even so, has such adoptive father, guards the rear, becomes the Li Tianming's backing, his at heart, truly relaxed. 即使如此,有这样的义父,镇守大后方,成为李天命的后盾,他的心里,确实放松多了。 Then, they have the capital, watches changes quietly! 如此一来,他们更有资本,静观其变! Then, how Yi Daiyan and Shenxi Xingtian will hit, is very essential.” “接下来,伊代颜神羲刑天会怎么打,很关键。” Had Lin Xiaodao and Li Wudi two big capital, Li Tianming can also calm down. 林小道李无敌两大资本,李天命也沉得住气了。 Has these two palatial mountains to withstand/top, he has the opportunity to continue to grow safely. 有这两座巍峨山岳顶着,他就有机会继续安心成长。 Clever disciple, Dark Star that side dust master, now how?” Lin Xiaodao asked. “乖徒儿,闇星那边的尘爷,现在怎样了?”林小道问。 I brought Bizarre Abyss Yin Chen (silver dust), now nearby Sun, it has 90 billion individuals. At present, I am destroying here individual, quite lets Dark Star that side individual, has quota that’ continues to split.” Li Tianming said. “我把异度深渊银尘都带回来了,现在太阳附近,它有九百亿个体。目前,我正在销毁这边的个体,好让闇星那边的个体,有继续分裂的‘额度’。”李天命道。 The mystery of Yin Chen (silver dust), lies in this. 银尘的神奇,就在于此。 Its present fission limit, is 100 billion! 它现在的分裂极限,是一千亿 This 100 billion Yin Chen (silver dust), was protected barrier to stop, to have no way by Dark Star to infiltrate enters Dark Star. 千亿银尘,都被闇星守护结界阻拦,没法渗透进入闇星 However, because on Dark Star had Yin Chen (silver dust), Li Tianming, so long as destroys the individual, that side Yin Chen (silver dust), can through eating metal divine ore splits, increases the individual. 不过,因为闇星上本来就有银尘,李天命这边只要销毁个体,那边的银尘,就能通过吃金属神矿分裂,增加个体。 Through this entire process, achieves Yin Chen (silver dust) strategic big shift the goal. 通过这整个过程,达成银尘‘战略大转移’的目的。 How many now that side has?” Lin Xiaodao asked. “现在那边有多少?”林小道问。 Has risen to about 10 billion.” Li Tianming said. “已经上涨到百亿左右了。”李天命道。 For that side 10 billion, Li Tianming, needs to destroy to be close to 10 billion Yin Chen (silver dust) individuals. 为了那边的百亿,李天命这边,也需要销毁接近百亿的银尘个体。 The so-called destruction, is to make Yin Chen (silver dust) turn into eight star ladybugs from exploding, is very simple. 所谓销毁,就是让银尘自己变成八星瓢虫自爆,简单得很。 But, because Yin Chen (silver dust) on Dark Star, is 300,000 star point, therefore their evolution degrees are slightly lower. The efficiency is inferior to my side these.” Li Tianming said. “不过,因为闇星上的银尘,是三十万星点的,所以它们的进化程度稍微低一些。效率不如我身边这些。”李天命道。 Doesn't matter, can hide and inquires the information, find the person to be OK. Had better be able increase to about 30 billion, even 50 billion.” Lin Xiaodao said. “没关系,能隐藏、打探情报、找人就可以了。最好能增加到三百亿左右,甚至五百亿。”林小道说。 Issue is not big, that side adds one, me explodes one.” Li Tianming said with a smile. “问题不大,那边加一个,我这边就炸一个。”李天命笑道。 Now Yin Chen (silver dust) daily from exploding, doing it is very speechless. 现在银尘天天自爆,搞得它都挺无语。 Dark Star metal divine ore are many, although Sword God Lin Clan the entire clan flees, Immeasurable Sword Sea was occupied, some mineral lode that but leave behind, temporarily because of chaos caused by war, but also no one dares to invade, therefore Yin Chen (silver dust) can eat to the heart's content, duplicates to increase the individual unceasingly. 闇星金属神矿不少,剑神林氏虽然全族逃离,无量剑海被占据,但留下的一些矿脉,暂时因为战乱,还没人敢去侵占,因此银尘才能大快朵颐,不断复制增加个体。 I heard that the Yi Daiyan following goal, is to defend stubbornly the World King clan, to win over all peak clans, congeals the entire Immeasurable Dao Temple influence on besiege Dark Clan.” Lin Xiaodao said. “听说,伊代颜接下来的目标,是固守界王族、拉拢所有巅峰氏族,凝结整个无量道场势力围攻闇族。”林小道说。 Right. Yin Chen (silver dust) said, she basic has achieved. Now Dark Clan tightens completely, on Dark Star all peak clans, various Big City and villages and small towns, almost all the people stand Immeasurable Dao Temple, in addition these non- World King clan influence, the Yi Daiyan section numerous, the light is the Star God quantity, almost achieved Dark Clan three times, almost calculated universal!” Li Tianming said. “对。银尘说,她基本已经做到了。现在闇族全部收紧,闇星上所有巅峰氏族、各大城池、村镇,几乎全民站在无量道场这边,加上这些‘非界王族势力’,伊代颜的部众,光是星神数量,几乎都达到了闇族的三倍,几乎算大一统了!”李天命道。 Everyone supports Yi Daiyan! 所有人都支撑伊代颜 This is very fearful. 这是很可怕的。 How many times is our?” Li Wudi speechless to ask. “是我们的多少倍?”李无敌哑然问。 Calculates the Star God quantity the words, minimum over ten times. After all we are a World King clan add Sword God Star, but their 11 World King clans. Is willing by Yi Daiyan to be urged including Holy light envoy clan that Heavenly Weight Rank Star Sea Divine Ship has not retained.” Li Tianming said. “算星神数量的话,起码十倍以上。毕竟我们是一个界王族加剑神星,而他们十一个界王族。连一艘天钧级星海神舰都没保留下来的圣光使族都甘愿被伊代颜驱使了。”李天命道。 „Is the deterrent force of powerhouse, is stronger than Star Sea Divine Ship?” Li Wudi stares to say. “强者的威慑力,还是比星海神舰强啊?”李无敌瞪眼道。 That has Immeasurable World Monument, and strength surpasses many powerhouses.” Lin Xiaodao smiles to say. “那得是拥有无量界碑,且实力超出很多的强者。”林小道莞尔道。 Then, we help Dark Clan rashly, the risk is bigger. By the present aspect, Dark Clan cannot withdraw absolutely, if we are not tactful, instead can be the person who takes the lead.” Li Wudi said. “如此一来,我们贸然帮助闇族,风险更大。以现在的局面,闇族绝对龟缩不出,我们要是不识趣,反而会是出头鸟。”李无敌道。 Un......” “嗯……” Those words, can only watch changes quietly. 还是那句话,只能静观其变。 „The Yi Daiyan present strategy, further conforms with the Immeasurable Dao Temple complete strength, forms a rope everyone, forms ‚the anti- Dark Clan alliance. Meanwhile, her own go it alone, the first goal is first to solve Dark Clan Immeasurable Rank Star Source Ominous Beast.” Li Tianming said. 伊代颜现在的战略,就是进一步整合无量道场全部力量,将所有人结成一股绳,形成‘反闇族联盟’。与此同时,她自己则单独行动,第一目标是先解决闇族无量级恒星源凶兽。”李天命道。 „Couldn't she find?” Lin Xiaodao asked. “她找得到吗?”林小道问。 Could not find. Shenxi Xingtian clearly knows that she will look, naturally makes these Ominous Beast hide deeply.” Li Tianming said. “找不到。神羲刑天明知道她会找,自然让那些凶兽藏得最深。”李天命道。 It is said these Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, can't majority even life boundary stone install?” Li Wudi asked. “据说这些无量级凶兽,大部分连生灵界石都装不下?”李无敌问。 Yes, for example that bloodlines vine, needs entire Dark Star to come the carrying/sustaining, the body to be found in the world, where does not know the fatal point.” Lin Xiaodao said. “是的,比如那血脉藤,需要整个闇星来承载,身体遍布全球,根本不知道致命点在哪里。”林小道说。 That may be really difficult to kill! Looking at it like this, Yi Daiyan will have a headache. Because compelled anxiously Dark Star, light/only by these Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, Shenxi Xingtian can kill too the innocent common people.” Li Wudi said. “那可真难杀!这样看来,伊代颜也会头疼。因为逼急了闇星,光靠这些无量级凶兽,神羲刑天就能杀太多无辜的百姓了。”李无敌道。 trillion starts!” Lin Xiaodao said. 万亿都是起步!”林小道说。 Initially the day wolf flame star and day wolf cold star, were the death of this rank. 当初天狼焰星和天狼寒星,都是这个级别的死亡。 However, the common people on Dark Star, start High God! 不过,闇星上的百姓,起步上神 Actually, Yin Chen (silver dust) found a head.” Li Tianming said suddenly. “其实,银尘找到了一头。”李天命忽然道。 What?” Lin Xiaodao and Li Wudi are shocked. “啥?”林小道李无敌都愣住。 Li Tianming said repeatedly: Yin Chen (silver dust) had found Shenxi Xingtian Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, should be that only too Xi demon beast, Dark Clan strongest god Soul Beast, it hides, in too Xi protects barrier , the physique is very big.” 李天命重复道:“银尘已经找到了一只神羲刑天无量级凶兽,应该是那只‘太羲魔兽’,闇族最强的神魂兽,它就藏在‘太羲守护结界’下方,形体很大。” Dark Clan in place bottom abyss most deep place, has the two big base, is protected the barrier protection by Heavenly Weight Rank, one is too Xi protects barrier, another is dark demon protects barrier. 闇族在地底深渊最深处,有两大基地,都由天钧级守护结界保护,一个是‘太羲守护结界’,另一个是‘闇魔守护结界’。 And, Shenxi Xingtian assumes the dark demon to protect barrier generally, An demon frequently here. Another too Xi protects barrier, is assumed personal command by his two wife. Pities, Ling E unreliably, these two are also the Shenxi Xingtian elder sister and younger sister. 其中,神羲刑天一般坐镇闇魔守护结界,闇魔号经常在这里。另一个太羲守护结界,则由他的两个妻子坐镇。玄惜、凌娥,这两人亦是神羲刑天的姐姐、妹妹。 Too Xi demon beast? This was for generations, related best Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast with Dark Clan.” Lin Xiaodao said. “太羲魔兽?这可是世世代代,和闇族关系最好的无量级凶兽了。”林小道说。 Right.” “对。” Shenxi Xingtian surrenders other Immeasurable Rank Ominous Beast, must consume many times, but too Xi demon beast, for generations and Dark Clan powerhouse accompanied, only recognized strongest, surrendered does not use. 神羲刑天降服其他无量级凶兽,都得耗费不少功夫,但太羲魔兽,世世代代都和闇族强者结伴,只认最强者,连降服都不用。
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