FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2838: Above Xu Realm

Li Wudi re-entered in Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, suddenly, innumerably by the Yanhuang Protection Barrier absorption and transformation the Star Source strength, flooded into Thousand Xu Divine Puppet. 李无敌重新进入了千垿神傀内,一时间,无数由炎黄守护结界吸收、转化来的恒星源力量,涌入千垿神傀之中。 This process, is equivalent to Yanhuang Great Demon recharge! 这个过程,也相当于炎黄大魔充能 At that moment, the Thousand Xu Divine Puppet invincible might presently, will not bump for the first time but actually, this blood sends the Yanhuang Divine Clan older generation of blood pupil, stood on Yanhuang Coffin directly, a person of blade one armor coffin, departed the Sword God Star vestige loudly, integrated anger dreadful Yanhuang Protection Barrier thoroughly. 那一刻,千垿神傀神威乍现,再也不会一碰就倒,这血发血眸的炎黄神族先辈,直接站在了炎黄棺上,一人一刀一甲一棺,轰然飞出剑神星遗迹,彻底融入到怒火滔天的炎黄守护结界当中。 Enters this raging fire world, Thousand Xu Divine Puppet absorbs the Star Source strength again crazily, he wears dark red battle armor, grasps the blood-color sword, Yanhuang Coffin that another is lifting the reduction, the blood sends in the middle of the raging fire dances in the air! 进入这烈火世界,千垿神傀再度疯狂吸收恒星源力量,他身穿暗红战甲,手持血色战刀,另一手抬着缩小的炎黄棺,血发在烈火当中飞舞! Roar! 吼! Under the helmet, his mouth exudes one to angrily roar, suddenly, entire Yanhuang Protection Barrier is vibrating, internal innumerable Yanhuang Great Demon like receiving leader's summons, came, forms the innumerable Yanhuang Great Demon armies, overall arrangement before Thousand Xu Divine Puppet! 头盔之下,他的嘴巴发出一声怒吼,一时间,整个炎黄守护结界都在震动,内部无数的炎黄大魔如同受到了首领的号召,呼啸而来,形成无数炎黄大魔大军,整体的排列在千垿神傀之前! Li Tianming takes a broad view to look, is at heart excited. 李天命放眼望去,心里激动万分。 This scene, is not general shock! 这场面,不是一般的震撼! Has saying that the adoptive father now is really aggressive!” Li Tianming says with emotion. “不得不说,义父现在真是霸气!”李天命感慨道。 „His is the father depending on child expensive/noble, depends entirely on you to cultivate, is really enviable.” Lin Xiaodao said with a smile. “他这是父凭子贵,全靠你栽培,真叫人羡慕。”林小道笑道。 Reasonable!” Li Tianming deeply thinks is. “有道理!”李天命深以为是。 Naturally, he feels grateful Li Wudi to guard the rear for him from the bottom of the heart, enabling him to feel relieved Sun, coming Dark Star to look for the opportunity of growth. 当然,他打心底感激李无敌为他镇守大后方,让他可以放心太阳,来闇星寻找成长的机会。 That Thousand Xu Divine Puppet is similar to the True God in this Yanhuang Protection Barrier simply, round trip free, the invincible might is vast, everywhere one visit raging fire tumbles, the big demon howls, that blood red cloak flap flap dances in the air, perfectly conforms to the Li Wudi makings. 千垿神傀简直如同这炎黄守护结界内的真神,来去自如,神威浩瀚,所到之处烈火翻滚,大魔呼啸,那血红色的披风猎猎飞舞,非常符合李无敌的气质。 Perhaps bystander cannot look, this is Realm of Order is controlling Star God puppet unexpectedly!” “外人恐怕都看不出来,这竟然是一个秩序之境在控制星神傀!” It is estimated that most people think, unknown Li Wudi, unexpectedly is a hidden world powerhouse. 估计大多数人都以为,一个名不见经传的李无敌,竟然是一个隐世强者。 When Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao are sigh with emotion, Li Wudi by the body of Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, turn head looks to Lin Xiaodao, heroic say/way: Forest brother, tries the blade!” 就在李天命林小道感慨的时候,李无敌千垿神傀之身,回头看向林小道,豪迈道:“林兄,过来试一试刀!” Wishes for earnestly!” “求之不得!” Lin Xiaodao has wanted to know, this invincible might unparalleled Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, in the middle of this Yanhuang Protection Barrier, absorbs the solar strength fight, has what kind of level? 林小道早就想知道,这神威盖世的千垿神傀,在这炎黄守护结界当中,吸收太阳力量战斗,到底有何等水平? After achieving Xu Realm, Lin Xiaodao on Sun, almost no move of enemy. 达到垿境后,林小道在太阳上,几乎没有一招之敌。 He grasps a grey sword, a small slave bottle gourd, kills Li Wudi rapidly at present. 他手持一把灰剑,一手小奴葫芦,迅速杀到了李无敌眼前。 Ding! 叮! Sword intersection! 刀剑相交! Blade, overbearing unparalleled, a blade chops to cut, the air wave is dreadful! 刀者,霸道无双,一刀劈斩,气浪滔天! Sword, the ominous offense point, a sword cold star, takes the life! 剑者,凶戾锋芒,一剑寒星,直取命脉! They, are completely two styles. 他们两人,完全是两种风格。 Thousand Xu Divine Puppet gathers the Yanhuang Protection Barrier strength, a world Lord breadth of spirit, but Lin Xiaodao that Undead illusory Xu Realm Order launches, becomes the city, each sword is extremely mysterious, is as deep as a well! 千垿神傀汇聚炎黄守护结界的力量,有一种世界之主的气魄,而林小道死灵虚幻垿境秩序展开,自成城池,每一剑都极度玄妙,高深莫测! Is complex by the simple resistance! 以简单对抗复杂! Resists Order at the strength! 以力量对抗秩序 Two people fight, this Yanhuang Protection Barrier the anger tumbles immediately, blade astral and sword aura sweep across, suddenly gave to hit to fly the Sword God Star vestige. 两人一斗起来,这炎黄守护结界顿时怒火翻滚,刀罡和剑气席卷,一时间把剑神星遗迹都给撞飞了出去。 Li Tianming takes a broad view to look, saw only the front gray sword shadow to form the prison of Yi Daiyan such sword, covers at present all lines of sight, but in this sword glow, golden red blade astral overbearing unparalleled, had the epoch-making potential, its breadth of spirit invincible might, contrasted that sword glow, might as well let unexpectedly! 李天命放眼望去,只见前方灰色剑影形成了伊代颜那样的剑之囚牢,覆盖眼前所有的视线,而这剑芒之中,一道道金红色刀罡霸道无双,有开天辟地之势,其气魄神威,对比那剑芒,竟然不妨多让! Does not use a minute/share of victory and defeat, light/only just started, Li Tianming has shocked. 不用分胜负,光是刚开打,李天命就已经震惊了。 I depend, this not real?” “我靠,这不是真的吧?” Before today, the Li Tianming even boundary and Li Tianming are the same, Li Tianming has the potential of all living things on this Sun, acts bashful him casually. 在今天之前,李天命就算境界和李天命相同,李天命在这太阳上有众生之势,随便拿捏他。 However at this moment, Thousand Xu Divine Puppet adds on Yanhuang Protection Barrier, but also in addition Yanhuang Coffin, making Li Wudi really have the capital and arrives at Xu Realm Lin Xiaodao to meet the tough head-on with toughness! 然而此刻,千垿神傀加上炎黄守护结界,还加上炎黄棺,让李无敌竟然有资本和到达垿境林小道硬碰硬! The pleasant surprise came suddenly. 惊喜来得太突然了。 My adoptive father this is turns over/stands up greatly!” Li Tianming envies to say. “我义父这是大翻身啊!”李天命羡慕道。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! barrier explodes greatly, the fervor rushes, on the two old man bar, hit for quite a while unexpectedly, has to have, did Li Tianming to come up to insert one. 结界大爆,激情澎湃,两个老男人杠上了,竟然打了半天,有来有回,搞得李天命都想上去插一手了。 He no doubt is inferior to Xu Realm now, but that is also Immeasurable World Territory top powerhouse, moreover continuously in progress. 他现在固然不如垿境,但那也是无量界域顶级强者行列,而且一直都在进步当中。 Finally! 终于! They fired off. 他们打完了。 The two fellow, returns to side Li Tianming one on the left and other on the right. 两个家伙,一左一右回到李天命身边。 The Lin Xiaodao disorderly hair, was more disorderly. 林小道本来凌乱的头发,更凌乱了。 As for Li Wudi, he can only gasp for breath greatly, smiles while coughs, the whole face is the complacency that the salt fish turns over/stands up. 至于李无敌,他只能大喘气,一边笑一边咳嗽,满脸都是咸鱼翻身的得意洋洋。 How can I say, two?” Li Tianming was asking. “怎么说呢,两位?”李天命笑着问。 I can only say- pleasantly surprised.” Lin Xiaodao says with emotion. “我只能说-惊喜。”林小道感慨道。 He was the true Xu Realm powerhouse, quick replied after all, calm. 他毕竟是真正的垿境强者,很快就回复了,气定神闲。 How pleasantly surprised?” Li Tianming asked. “如何惊喜?”李天命问。 Li Wudi has come out from that Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, Thousand Xu Divine Puppet disappears, wants to come to be sunk Yanhuang Coffin by him, once must fight, can take momentarily. 李无敌已经从那千垿神傀出来,千垿神傀不见了,想来应该是被他沉到了炎黄棺,一旦要战斗,随时都能拿出来。 That Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, without the Order strength, does not have exquisite Immeasurable Rank battle skill, the absolute strength of but he driven by Star Source strength, erupts, achieves my two to over three times, moreover looks has not reached the limit of development. By this absolute strength, your adoptive father resisted my Order suppression, almost fought to a draw with me, do you dare to believe?” Lin Xiaodao mentioned these, somewhat was absent-minded. “那千垿神傀,没有秩序力量,没有精妙的无量级战诀,但他在恒星源力量的驱动下,所爆发的绝对力量,达到我的两到三倍以上,而且看起来还没到开发的极限。就靠这绝对力量,你义父抗住了我的秩序镇压,几乎和我打成平手,你敢信?”林小道说起这些,都有些恍惚。 Is so fierce?” Li Tianming could not bear to Li Wudi holds in high esteem. “这么猛?”李天命都忍不住对李无敌刮目相看了。 Boy, your father cow?” Li Wudi haha said. “小子,你老子牛吧?”李无敌哈哈道。 This is the space falls the pie, pounded on you, what relations had with your sluggard?” Li Tianming said. “这是天上掉馅饼,砸你头上了,和你这懒鬼有啥关系?”李天命道。 Envy! The envy of scarlet fruits!” Li Wudi despises to say. “嫉妒!赤果果的嫉妒!”李无敌鄙视道。 They in the bar, Lin Xiaodao are also sighing with emotion: Yanhuang Divine Clan, is really abnormal! A puppet can display the Xu Realm battle efficiency, what concept is this? Explained this senior, his before death boundary, should above Xu Realm! Absolutely is the one breath, can pinch our group of Xu Realm Cultivator degree.” 他们在杠,林小道还在感慨道:“炎黄神族,真是变态啊!一个傀儡能发挥出垿境的战斗力,这是什么概念?说明这位前辈,他生前的境界,应该在垿境之上!绝对是一口气,都能捏死我们这帮垿境修炼者的程度。” „Are this old seniors so strong?” Li Wudi was also daunted. “这老前辈这么强?”李无敌也被吓住了。 Nonsense, you also can only use mortal body strength after his failure, can strength broken ten thousand Qiao, who know that his most flourishing time, is that mortal body can fly over the Order Starry Sky eternal big energy?” The Lin Xiaodao respect said. “废话,你也就只能用一下他衰竭后的肉身力量,都能一力破万巧,谁知道他全盛时候,是不是那种肉身都能飞越秩序星空的万古大能?”林小道崇敬道。 Gained.” Li Wudi that called refreshed. “赚了赚了。”李无敌那叫一个爽快。 Naturally, you can encounter with me, has the relations with this battle armor and sword. This battle armor can resist my a large part of Order suppression for you, your is quite fierce the Universe Heavenly Yuan strength of blade. No matter battle armor or the sword, it is estimated that exceeded Immeasurable Rank! At least in the sword the forests of two masters is stronger.” Lin Xiaodao said. “当然了,你能和我交锋,和这战甲、战刀有关系。这战甲能为你抵挡我很大一部分的秩序镇压,你这把刀的宇宙天元力量相当凶猛。不管是战甲还是战刀,估计都超越了无量级!起码比二爷的林中剑还强一些。”林小道说。 To say, is equivalent to Immeasurable World Monument?” The Li Tianming shock said. “岂不是说,和无量界碑相当?”李天命震惊道。 That did not say, exceeded Immeasurable Rank, should also in steps distinguish. Moreover, your father borrows Thousand Xu Divine Puppet after all, uses this two big Heavenly Yuan Divine Item, the might that can show is limited. He has not controlled this two big Heavenly Yuan Divine Item Item Soul truly. Therefore, should the weapon name not know?” Lin Xiaodao asked. “那不好说,超越无量级,应该也有层次区别。而且,你老子毕竟是借用千垿神傀,动用这两大天元神器,能施展的威力有限。他并没有真正掌控这两大天元神器器魂。所以,应该连兵器名字都不知道吧?”林小道问。 Truly does not know.” Li Wudi scratches the head says with a smile embarrasedly. “确实不知道。”李无敌挠头讪讪笑道。
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