FGOAA :: Volume #29

#2837: Meets your father blade

Has the change!” “有变化!” The Li Tianming three people of groups, are excited. 李天命三人组,都非常兴奋。 That Thousand Xu Divine Puppet floated in the Yanhuang Blood Soul surface, has not sunk. 千垿神傀就浮在了炎黄血魂的表面上,并没有沉下去。 golden hair black pupil, dark-red armor and blood blade! 金发黑眸,暗红色铠甲、血刀! Such image, worthily is Yanhuang Divine Clan. 这样的形象,不愧为炎黄神族 After that eye opens, he is staring at Li Wudi to look probably, the so profound look, not the slightest difference from the living person, called Li Wudi them to shiver, knelt down hastily devotionally, respects. 那一双眼睛睁开后,他就好像在盯着李无敌看,如此深邃之眼神,跟活人一般无二,直叫李无敌他们心里颤抖,连忙虔诚跪下,以示尊重。 Yan and Huang descendant, enters my god body, sweeps away the vault of heaven!” “炎黄后裔,入我神躯,横扫苍穹!” Thousand Xu Divine Puppet begins unexpectedly, said these 12 characters by the broad sound, suddenly, the entire secret room is reverberating this aggressive sound. 千垿神傀竟然开头,以恢弘的声音说出这十二个字,一时间,整个密室都在回荡这霸气的声音。 While Li Tianming thinks Li Wudi will be grateful, this old fogy flexure scratched the head, asked puzzled: Is the boys, how asking me to enter?” 正当李天命以为李无敌会感激涕零的时候,这老家伙挠了挠头,不解问道:“都是男孩,叫我怎么入?” ! 噗! A Li Tianming blood, almost spurts. 李天命一口血,差点喷出来。 Nausea even, but also especially boy! 恶心就算了,还特么男孩! Luckily, that Thousand Xu Divine Puppet is only a puppet, even if he has the will of older generation, but has no way the ponder and exchange. 幸好,那千垿神傀只是傀儡,哪怕他有先辈的意志,但也没法思考、交流。 When Yanhuang Blood Soul swamps into his whole body, after the Yan and Huang bloodlines of this Thousand Xu Divine Puppet awaken completely, his body makes ka ka the sound, that chest position, split a slit unexpectedly, in the slit, the golden red starlight sparkle, internal unexpectedly can hold a person of space. 炎黄血魂涌入其全身,将这千垿神傀的炎黄血脉全部唤醒后,其身体发出咔咔得声音,那胸口位置,竟然裂开了一条缝隙,缝隙之内,金红色星光闪耀,内部竟然有一个能容纳一人的空间。 „!!” “!!” Lin Xiaodao stares the big eye, amazed say/way: God, this Thousand Xu Divine Puppet really like small shape Star Sea Divine Ship, can unexpectedly unexpectedly with the flesh and blood stance. old Li, once you go , likely constructs the bloodlines relation through the Yan and Huang bloodlines with him, thus makes you control this Thousand Xu Divine Puppet with ease, his god body, treats as your body the same as use! I had not heard that really has such mysterious puppet!” 林小道瞪大眼睛,惊诧道:“神了,这千垿神傀竟然真的如同一艘小形星海神舰,竟然能以血肉之躯架势。老李,一旦你进去,很可能通过炎黄血脉和他构建血脉联系,从而让你轻松掌控这千垿神傀,把他的神躯,当做你的身体一样使用!我还没听说竟然有此等神奇的傀儡!” „This this? Let me enter his belly, with his son, is awkward?” The Li Wudi shock said. “这这这?让我进他肚子,跟他儿子似的,多尴尬啊?”李无敌震惊道。 You , if not want, trades on my disciple to try.” Lin Xiaodao said. “你要是不愿意,换我徒儿上试试。”林小道说。 That considers as finished, I must increase the capital, to consolidate the laudatory name of my Immeasurable World Territory first talent, when father, if cannot suppress the son, I might as well die.” Li Wudi said embarrasedly. “那算了,我必须增加资本,以稳固我无量界域第一天才的美称,当爹的要是不能镇压儿子,我不如去死。”李无敌讪讪道。 Resulted , before without success, little blows, avoid a while is awkward.” Li Tianming ridiculed. “得了,没成功前,少吹一点,省得一会儿尴尬。”李天命嘲笑道。 Waits and sees. Millennium second child!” “走着瞧。千年老二!” The Li Wudi dai Chinese zither gets up, rumble swallowed saliva, then jumped swaggering, before entering his Thousand Xu Divine Puppet chest cavity, he trembled slightly, finally clenches teeth, has turned around to face Li Tianming, then gets down toward that starlight radiant crevice supinely but actually. 李无敌嘚瑟起来,咕噜一声吞了一口唾沫,然后大摇大摆跳了下去,在进入其那千垿神傀胸腔前,他稍微哆嗦了一下,最后还是咬了咬牙,转过身面对李天命,然后朝着那星光璀璨的夹缝仰倒下去。 Entire process, incomparable conjunction. 整个过程,无比契合。 Only in a flash, Li Wudi was embezzled by the golden red ray, very clear slid into the belly of Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, the Thousand Xu Divine Puppet height more than five meters, the torso position happen to installs his less than two meters tall and strong guy. 只一瞬间,李无敌就被金红色光芒吞没,非常圆润的滑入了千垿神傀的肚子里,千垿神傀身高五米多,躯干位置正好装下他这一个不到两米的魁梧大汉。 He submerges , the slit of that Thousand Xu Divine Puppet chest cavity closes directly, does not use the needlework, sutures perfectly, at the same time that armor also restored the original design. 他没入其中后,那千垿神傀胸腔的缝隙直接关闭,不用针线,也完美缝合,与此同时那一身铠甲也恢复了原样。 How can?” “会怎样?” Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao are very curious. 李天命林小道无比好奇。 Buzz! 嗡! In this moment, the eye and long hair of that Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, turned into the blood red unexpectedly rapidly, blood fire burning down, even the facial features, had some changes, making him seem like, probably Li Wudi! 就在这一刻,那千垿神傀的眼睛、长发,竟然迅速变成了血红色,血火焚烧,甚至连面容,都发生了一些变化,让他看起来,更加像是李无敌 My God......” “我的天……” Li Tianming to this change, stares at to be dumbfounded. 李天命对这变化,瞪目结舌。 Because on this flash, these five meters high Yanhuang Divine Clan older generations, not only had the state of mind, but also seems like, looks like giant Li Wudi that strengthens the version. 因为就这一瞬间,这五米高的炎黄神族先辈,不但有了神魂,而且看起来,就像是一个加强版的巨人李无敌 Had the state of mind, facial expression! 有了神魂,还有了面部表情! From the puppet, turned into the living person. 从傀儡,变成了活人。 This absolutely and bloodlines docking has the relations, lets this Thousand Xu Divine Puppet to a certain extent, had my adoptive father's bloodlines, between both, conducted certain flesh fusion. In this case, can let my adoptive father, incomparable conjunction the strength of use this body!” “这绝对和血脉对接有关系,让这千垿神傀一定程度上,有了我义父的血脉,两者之间,进行了一定的血肉融合。这样的话,才能让我义父,无比契合的使用这一具身体的力量!” Li Tianming is excited. 李天命激动万分。 Adoptive father, what do you feel?” Li Tianming asked loudly. “义父,你感觉如何?”李天命大声问。 Hahahaha!” In that Thousand Xu Divine Puppet Li Wudi brandished started the blood-color broadsword, Universe Heavenly Yuan on that broadsword by the bloodlines unlocking, seemed to be also started the surging strength, on dark-red battle armor, the cold light sparkled, on each piece of mail-armor and helmet, as if had Beast Soul to regain consciousness. “哈哈哈哈!”那千垿神傀李无敌挥舞了一下手里的血色大刀,那大刀上的宇宙天元似乎也被血脉解锁,开始涌动力量,一身暗红色战甲上,冷光闪耀,每一片甲胄上,似乎都有兽魂正在苏醒。 Father, is very strong!” “老子,很强!” Li Wudi bellows, immediately the aggressive side leaks. 李无敌大吼一声,顿时霸气侧漏。 He raised the head suddenly, the blood red eyes stare at Li Tianming, said with a smile: Destiny my child, aren't you entrain? Meets your father blade!” 他猛然抬头,血红双眼盯上李天命,啧啧笑道:“天命我儿,你不是拽吗?接你老子一刀!” On him has the explosion strength, at this moment the Thousand Xu Divine Puppet body and strength, are completely his, he couldn't help venting. 他身上有着爆炸般的力量,这一刻千垿神傀的身躯和力量,完全是他的,他都忍不住要发泄了。 fuck!” 我擦!” Li Tianming has not thought, this old ordinary man really is so competitive, attacks toward oneself. 李天命没想到,这老匹夫还真的这么争强好胜,往自己攻击而来。 He is just about to dodge, finally raised the head saw, Li Wudi has not proceeded three steps, Thousand Xu Divine Puppet stops on the movement, then whole body starlight is dim, both hands droop immediately, even that blood blade fell into Yanhuang Blood Soul. 他正要闪避呢,结果抬头就看到,李无敌还没往前三步,千垿神傀就动作停顿,然后周身星光黯淡,双手马上耷拉下去,连那血刀都掉入了炎黄血魂中。 Rips! 撕拉! The Thousand Xu Divine Puppet chest rips open, face kidney empty Li Wudi, pale fell from inside. 千垿神傀胸口撕开,一脸肾虚的李无敌,脸色苍白从里面掉了出来。 Li Tianming catches hastily. 李天命连忙接住。 Adoptive father, what's the matter?” Li Tianming asked. “义父,怎么回事?”李天命问。 This suffers the puppets of thousand blades, itself has no strength, what attracts is my Heavenly Cycle Star Sea Power! Misses a blink, almost attracted the adult to do me. You almost delivered the red hair person on the white hair person!” Li Wudi wails to say. “这挨千刀的傀儡,本身没任何力量,吸的是我的周天星海之力!就差一眨眼,就差点把我吸成人干了。你差点就白发人送红发人了啊!”李无敌哀嚎道。 Li Tianming: „......” 李天命:“……” Lin Xiaodao caught that Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, stares saying: That said, this gadget is thoroughly useless? Only if you do have enough Heavenly Cycle Star Sea Power supplies? But, if you really have the sufficient strength, depended on itself not to?” 林小道接住了那千垿神傀,瞪眼道:“那岂不是说,这玩意儿彻底没用?除非你有足够的周天星海之力供给?但,如果你真有足够的力量,靠自己不就得了?” Yes.” Li Wudi sad say/way. “是啊。”李无敌悲催道。 I made you just boast, now tragedy? Also the Immeasurable World Territory first talent?” Li Tianming cannot bear want to smile. “我让你刚刚吹牛皮,现在悲剧了吧?还无量界域第一天才?”李天命忍不住想笑。 Right, right! Wanted is the expression that your looking down upon father, thinks oneself infallible.” Li Wudi jumps down from his arms, laughs. “对,对!要的就是你这种看不起老子、自以为是的表情。”李无敌从他怀里跳了下来,哈哈大笑。 Is sick?” Li Tianming asked speechless. “有病?”李天命无语问。 Looks at Li Wudi this welldoing, knows that had the resolution format. 李无敌这德行,就知道有解决方式了。 Brother Li, do not keep guessing.” Lin Xiaodao looks has a headache to say. 李兄,你就别卖关子了。”林小道看得头疼道。 Forest brother, since the opens the mouth, I did not tease this silly child.” Li Wudi cannot help laughing, said: My own Heavenly Cycle Star Sea Power, don't said that cannot actuate this Thousand Xu Divine Puppet, did not actuate Yanhuang Coffin. However, in Yanhuang Protection Barrier that I can use the barrier Star Source strength, actuates Yanhuang Coffin, wants to come also to depend on the barrier strength, actuates this Thousand Xu Divine Puppet.” “林兄既然开口,我就不逗这傻孩子了。”李无敌哑然失笑,道:“我自己的周天星海之力,莫说驱动不了这千垿神傀,连炎黄棺都驱动不了。不过,在炎黄守护结界那,我能动用结界恒星源力量,驱动炎黄棺,想来也能靠结界的力量,来驱动这千垿神傀。” After listening, Li Tianming and Lin Xiaodao look at each other one, the eye are one bright. 听完后,李天命林小道对视一眼,眼睛都是一亮。 Idle talk little said, tries directly!” “废话少说,直接试试!” The Lin Xiaodao line start the Sword God Star vestige, flew over in Yanhuang Protection Barrier, opens the front door of Sword God Star vestige, makes that innumerable not in Yanhuang Protection Barrier strength, floods into the Sword God Star vestige, floods the secret room. 林小道直接启动了剑神星遗迹,飞越到了炎黄守护结界中,打开剑神星遗迹的大门,让那无数不在的炎黄守护结界力量,涌入剑神星遗迹当中,充斥密室。 Really!” “果然!” Yanhuang Coffin is the Yanhuang Protection Barrier core! 炎黄棺炎黄守护结界的核心! In barrier, Yanhuang Coffin has the strength to actuate, let alone is Thousand Xu Divine Puppet that and Li Wudi shares the same roots? 结界中,炎黄棺都有力量驱动,更何况是和李无敌血脉相连的千垿神傀
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