FE :: Volume #9

#9: Crustification! Steel and iron fire hazard fragment

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After the personnel who in the camp can arm arrive in full, Dejak ordered immediately: 等到营地里面能武装的人员到齐以后,德亚科立即下令道: Throws ten fluorescent batons to go out, in the camp extinguishes all photo sources, including bonfire.” “扔十根荧光棒出去,营内熄灭掉一切光源,包括篝火。” At this time, Maher set out partly to squat in the steel plate of railing, somewhat flustered waited and saw to the distant place, then opposite party forest Yan asked: 这时候,马希尔起身半蹲在了围栏的钢板,有些慌张的向远处观望了起来,然后对方林岩问道: You said that what thing that can be?” “你说那会是什么东西?” Hopes is not the hungry giant.” “但愿不是饥饿的巨人。” After side Linyan responded to one simply, will be used to survey the tunnel depth the fluorescent baton to throw toward outside, vulture and goat allocating standard rifle rest in nearby stockade. 方林岩简单的回应了一声后,就将原本用来探测地洞深度的荧光棒朝着外面扔了出去,秃鹫和山羊则是将配发的制式步枪架在了旁边的栅栏上。 Meanwhile, the person but who can also move also takes the weapon in abundance, dispersed was ready in full battle array in the railing. 与此同时,还能活动的人也都纷纷拿着武器,分散在了围栏边严阵以待。 Soon, around the camp shone a cold light, was thrown into the camp all around fluorescent baton, to defend stubbornly the fellows of camp provided the good field of vision. 不多时,营地周围就亮起了一圈冷光,被抛到了营地四周的荧光棒,为固守营地的这帮家伙提供了不错的视野。 side Linyan swept combatants, his heart always thought that is not quite steadfast, regardless the wounded person outside, the companion who can fight only then less than 20 people. 方林岩扫了一眼身旁的战斗人员,他的心底始终觉得不太踏实,抛开伤员外,可以战斗的同伴就只有不到二十来人。 What if comes is these hill giants, then in the camp most people must face a brutal fact: 倘若前来的是那些丘陵巨人的话,那么营地里面大部分的人都要面对一件残酷的事实: After a half hour, their thighs, the arm, the rectum will accept the corrosion of gastric juice in the middle of the stomach pouch of giant, provides the rich calorie for these monsters...... 半小时后,他们的大腿,胳膊,还有直肠都将在巨人的胃囊当中接受胃酸的腐蚀,为这些怪物提供丰富的卡路里...... But does not have venture capital company these companions as the backing, side Linyan three people of following duties will are more difficult inevitably. 而没有风险投资公司这些同伴作为依托,方林岩三人接下来的任务势必要艰难许多。 After several minutes, the far convenience heard the rapid running sound, that sound on as if horse group in galloping general frequent powerful, shadow of one crowd of fast actions approaches rapidly, the quiet green ray non-stop sparkling to rock. 几分钟之后,远方便传来了急促的奔跑声,那声音就仿佛马群在奔腾一般频繁有力,一群快速行动的黑影迅速逼近,幽绿的光芒不停闪耀晃动。 At this time from shadow externally has been able to judge that was not the hill giant, when this crowd of lifeform close to luminous range in time, relaxes, because was experienced he to distinguish the status of these unexpected visitors. 此时从黑影的外观上已经可以判断出来,那并不是丘陵巨人了,待这群生物靠近到光亮范围中的时候,德科亚松了一口气,因为经验丰富的他已经分辨出来了这些不速之客的身份。 This is one flock of wilderness place wolves. 这是一群荒野座狼。 The place wolf is on Yani planet the common species, its appearance is similar to the ordinary pack of wolves, but the volume actually wants to be big two times, the body has grey growing hair, can resist night bitter cold. 座狼乃是亚尼格行星上常见的物种,其外貌跟普通的狼群差不多,但体积却要大出两倍之多,身上更是有着灰色的长毛,可以抵御夜晚的酷寒。 This group of unexpected visitors after camp surroundings then paces back and forth unceasingly, walking randomly, their look is not only fierce, is physically strong, even that standing erect growing hair also appears the volume to be even more huge, reveals the constriction to be full. 这帮不速之客靠近营地周围后便不断徘徊,游走,它们不仅相貌狰狞,体魄强壮,甚至那身竖立的长毛也显得体积越发庞大,更显压迫感十足。 Had not detected after obvious flaw, several grown place wolves started to roar toward the camp, as if one group of fierce and brutal cavalries were ready. 没有发觉明显的破绽之后,几头成年的座狼开始朝着营地咆哮了起来,仿佛一群凶暴的骑兵般蓄势待发。 Sees only them to dig the loess of under foot respectively, as if the soldier is waiting for the charge bugle sounds, even some cannot repress in the heart the beastly nature place wolf to start to tear and bite the ground the fluorescent baton. 只见它们各自刨动脚下的黄土,仿佛战士在等待着冲锋号角的吹响似的,甚至有些都按捺不住心中兽性的座狼都开始撕咬起地上的荧光棒来。 The allotriosmia of wilderness place wolf is keen, basically can smell the surrounding area the blood smell within 20 kilometers, side Linyan speculated that this group of savage lifeform estimates smell the smell of blood that the wounded person left behind to pursue. 荒野座狼的嗅觉异常灵敏,基本上可以嗅出方圆二十公里以内的血液气味,方林岩推测这帮凶残的生物估计是闻到了伤员遗留下来的血腥味追来的。 Place wolf quantity almost about 15 that at this time comes, is a small-scale pack of wolves. 此时现身的座狼数量差不多有十五头左右,算是一支小型狼群。 Suddenly, the pack of wolves started to gather round the entire camp to run separately. 忽然之间,狼群开始分头围着整个营地奔跑了起来。 The mercenaries in camp are also critical situation, looks to the wolf shadow. 营地内的雇佣兵也是如临大敌,纷纷瞄向狼影。 „Are they doing?” “它们在干什么?” Flustered say/way that Maher has doubts. 马希尔疑惑的慌张道。 side Linyan is frowning to swing swinging, to be honest, in this aspect he is an out-and-out rookie. 方林岩皱着眉头摇了摇,说实话,在这方面他还是个不折不扣的新人。 Dejak angrily roared, he is called the experience non- to have unearned reputation evidently richly firmly: 德亚科则是怒吼了起来,看样子他被称为经验丰富确非浪得虚名: No rush! They are probing, do not open fire, puts them close , after I opened fire, begins.”, “别急!它们在试探,别开枪,放它们靠近一些,我开火了以后再动手。”、 Maher cannot bear the flustered say/way: 马希尔忍不住慌张的道: What......?” “等什么……?” „......!” “呜……!” Has not waited for Maher saying that the grating wolf streaks across the nighttime sky together howlingly, outside the camp immediately the sand dust splash, under a direction of strongest gray place wolf, this flock of cruel wild animals starts to launch the crazy surprise attack to the camp! 没等马希尔说完,一道刺耳的狼嚎划破夜空,营地外顿时沙尘飞溅,在一头最为强壮的灰色座狼的指挥下,这群残暴野兽开始对营地发起疯狂突袭! The place wolf accelerates to dash about wildly, in the mouth is almost flowing the viscous saliva fluid, is baring the miserable white tooth, seems the fine food at present. 座狼加速狂奔,口中几乎都流着粘稠的涎液,龇着惨白色的牙齿,好似美餐就在眼前。 Then can see, after these wolves arrived at back wall outside, several diving postures jump, plunge the camp, 然后就可以看到,这些座狼来到了护墙外面后,有好几头都飞身跃起,扑向营地内部, But only two can cross the pioneer to dig the good trench in advance, then lost the balanced numerous hit in the steel back wall, helpless fell. 但只有两头能越过开拓者预先挖好的壕沟,转而失去了平衡重重的撞击到了钢铁护墙上,无奈的掉了进去。 Because the wolf present kicks out, Dejak had shouted, then more than ten electromagnetism rifles also open fire. 因为在座狼扑出的时候,德亚科就已经大喊,然后十几把电磁步枪同时开火。 Fire!” “fire!” Clip clop dá dá......!” “哒哒哒哒……!” The sound of gunfire regarding the place wolf, there is an enough frightening function, this makes them divert attention in kicking out immediately. 枪声对于座狼来说,有足够的惊吓作用,这让它们在扑出的时候顿时分了心。 When throws strikes, the place wolf is in in the air, original agile cannot display, regarding the expert is completely the living target. 而在扑击的时候,座狼身在空中,本来的敏捷也发挥不出来,对于老手来说完全就是活靶子。 This first round of attacks, the place wolf has 56 to be hit, wailed in the ground tumbling. 这第一轮攻击,座狼就有五六头被击中,在地上翻滚哀嚎了起来。 Even if has thrown the place wolf of trench, finally was also numerous collisions on the front temporary steel plate bunker, then the volume fire. 哪怕是扑过了壕沟的座狼,最后也是重重的撞在了前方的临时钢板掩体上,然后惨遭集火。 Gets down sees in the railing of steel build the flame twinkle, ten electromagnetism rifles one and fires, the target of attack is in the trench wild animal, 就下来就见到钢铁搭建的围栏上火光闪烁,十来支电磁步枪一并射击,攻击的目标就是壕沟里面的野兽, Brilliant large flame brutal living that the muzzle spouts extinguishes, the prey that will be caught hits wails again and again, the electromagnetism bullet submerges the flesh, the young tiger has blood arrow. 枪口喷出的绚烂火舌无情的生灭,直将落网的猎物打得哀嚎连连,电磁子弹没入血肉,彪出一道道血箭。 At this time side Linyan detected, these wolves are really may be called skin coarse meat be thick, the fight record demonstrated that although oneself used was the rescue crew provides the standard weapon that actually each spear/gun can only cause 50 point about damage to the place wolf! 这时候方林岩才发觉,这些座狼真的是堪称皮糙肉厚啊,战斗记录显示,自己虽然使用的是救援队提供的制式武器,却每一枪都只能对座狼造成50点左右的伤害! But the life values of these fellows often reach as high as over 2000! Worthily is the SS task difficulty. 而这些家伙的生命值往往都高达2000以上!不愧是SS的任务难度。 At this time, the vulture is also prompt after will investigate , the material that obtained transmitted. 这时候,秃鹫也是及时的将自己侦查后获得的资料发送了过来。 Wilderness scavenger place wolf 荒原食腐座狼 Type: Wolf class. But this place wolf is very unique carbon- nitrilo-D mix lifeform. 种类:狼类。但这种座狼乃是十分独特的碳-氮基混合生物。 This kind of life by the carbon, the nitrogen is the core element, therefore compares the pure carbon base lifeform wolf class, has especially tenacious vitality and defensive power. 此类生命是以碳,氮为核心元素,因此相比起纯粹的碳基生物狼类来说,拥有格外顽强的生命力和防御力。 Strength: 35 力量:35 Agile: 30 敏捷:30 Physical strength: 25 体力:25 Spirit: 8 精神:八 By dynamic energy: Compound skin( passive), the wilderness scavenger place wolf takes carbon- nitrilo-D mix lifeform, its fur/superficial knowledge has the astonishing defensive power, therefore made its life value upper limit increase 800 points additionally, and significantly reduced the aching feeling, enhancement defensive power. 被动能力:复合皮肤(被动),荒原食腐座狼作为碳-氮基混合生物,其皮毛拥有惊人的防御力,因此令其生命值上限额外增加800点,并且大幅度降低疼痛感,增强防御力。 By dynamic energy: Community survival, when over three wilderness scavenger place wolves gather, its striking power defensive power will increase 15 simultaneously. 被动能力:群体生存,当三头以上的荒原食腐座狼聚集在一起的时候,其攻击力防御力同时会增加15。 By dynamic energy: The brutal command, the wilderness scavenger place wolf grows up in the middle of the pack of wolves since childhood, therefore the order of surface right wolf will always carry out loyally. 被动能力:残酷号令,荒原食腐座狼从小就在狼群当中长大,所以面对头狼的命令总是会忠诚执行。 By dynamic energy: Licks to lick the wound, the wilderness scavenger place wolf through licking to lick own wound to make the injury rapidly restore, but the price will consume the physical strength rapidly, and causes it be at the extremely hungry condition, if cannot obtain enough food in a short time, periphery attack that even can go crazy all lifeform. 被动能力:舔舐伤口,荒原食腐座狼通过舔舐自己的伤口可以使伤势快速恢复,但代价就会急速消耗体力,并且使其处于极度饥饿的状态,若是在短时间内得不到足够的食物,甚至会发狂的攻击周围所有的生物。 *** *** After the fight continued for about five minutes, 战斗持续了五分钟左右之后, „......!” “呜……!” At this time, the distant place actually spread a sad and shrill wolf howling sound, was hit the panic pack of wolves stampede under hint of leader. 这时,远方却又传出一声凄厉的狼嚎声,被打得惊慌失措的狼群才在首领的示意下狼狈逃窜。 Reading benefits Gives you a cash red packet! 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The wolf tide retreats, sound of gunfire idle time. 狼潮退去,枪声停歇。 The vitality of place wolf can be said as extremely tenacious, at the scene killed only then two heads, most injured struggles to run away, finally was remained unexpectedly only then two dead wolves and three severely wounded place wolves, surplus successfully ran away. 只是座狼的生命力可以说是极其顽强,被当场击毙的只有两头,大部分受伤的都挣扎逃窜,最后被留下来的居然只有两只死狼和三只重伤的座狼而已,剩余的都成功逃走了。 That two dying place wolves poured in trench that in the pioneer unearthed, the corpse was motionless, braving the light smoke, air inside to have ill-smelling burnt odor aura slowly. 那两头死掉的座狼则是倒在了开拓者挖掘的壕沟内,尸体一动不动,冒着徐徐青烟,空气里面有一股难闻的焦臭气息。 However this is also because in the base only used the ordinary electromagnetism rifle, without using the reasons of heavy firepower and other special weapons, because the aspect has not deteriorated to that degree, a penny saved , a penny earned. 不过这也是因为基地里面只动用了普通的电磁步枪,没有使用重火力和其余的特殊武器的缘故,因为局面还没恶化到那程度,能省则省。 Saw that the general situation has decided that Maher looked around around, puts out atmosphere, patted the bunker say/way before body: 见到大局已定,马希尔张望了一下四周,吐出一口大气,拍了拍身前的掩体道: Mother, is prepared luckily early, did they walk?” “妈的,幸好早有准备,它们走了么?” side Linyan thinks saying: 方林岩想了想道: This fellows feared that has not walked far, if trades to do is you, will give up the present feast? This place grass does not have long one, we cannot do well are away from their recent food, will not easily lose heart.” “这帮家伙怕是没走多远,若换作是你,会放弃眼前的大餐吗?况且这地方草都没长一根,我们搞不好是距离它们最近的食物,不会这么轻易死心的。” Say/Way that Maher worries about: 马希尔担忧的道: What to do we should, our here weapons and supplies keep in stock insufficiently, most ammunition reserves on other two spaceships, if they bring more wolves to attack again, that must die here.” “那我们该怎么办,咱们的这边的武器和补给都库存不够啊,大部分的弹药储备都在其余的两艘飞船上,若是它们带着更多的狼群再次来袭,那岂不是都得都死在这儿。” side Linyan patted his shoulder comfort saying: 方林岩拍了拍他的肩膀安慰道: Felt relieved, the opposite party is only the probe, we do not have a full power, machine gun turret card in a hand has not begun using, tonight temporarily is first defending, when can try to erect contact after dawn, hopes that can the somersault they converge as soon as possible.” “放心了,对方只是试探,我们也没出全力呢,机枪塔这张底牌都还没启用,今夜暂时先守着,等到天亮以后可以试试架设联络器,希望能尽快跟头他们汇合。” Maher's shocking say/way: 马希尔震惊的道: Contact? Which our also has what contact? The spanner do not crack a joke!” “联络器?我们哪还有什么联络器?扳手你别开玩笑了!” side Linyan referred to outside spaceship wreckage saying: 方林岩指了指外面的飞船残骸道: I thought that can make use of waste, before I paid attention, inside most communication parts are complete, restoring should not be difficult.” “我觉得可以废物利用一下,之前我就有留意,里面的大部分通讯部件都完整的,修复起来应该不难。” I had just chatted with the machine repair master, he thought that the issue is not big, said again we do not need to make advanced contact, so long as can transmit the simple signal to be good, after all this star above human are not many.” “刚刚我已经和机修师聊过了,他觉得问题不大,再说我们不需要造出多先进的联络器,只要能传送出去简单的信号就好了,毕竟这星球上面的人类并不多。” That has the means to make in tonight newly?” “那有办法在今晚内造个新的吗?” Maher quickly inquired. 马希尔急忙询问道。 „The words that many several people help, could, but this damned place disturbance is big, if wants that gadget normal communication, to suppose it on the high ground, I refer to at least must have several hundred meters summit that place, you understand my meaning.” “多几个人来帮忙的话,或许可以,但这鬼地方干扰非常大,要想那玩意儿正常通信,就必须将之假设在高地上,我是指至少得有几百米的山巅那种地方,你明白我的意思。” side Linyan said. 方林岩道。 When two people chatted, the vulture had jumped directly, still made up the blade to that three in the severely wounded place wolf of struggling, saw his action, Dejak also shouted: 就在两人聊天的时候,秃鹫已经直接跳了下去,给那三头还在挣扎的重伤座狼补刀,见到了他的举动,德亚科也是喊道: Hey! Careful!” “嘿!小心一点!” Vulture does not return, one will raise one's head the severely wounded place wolf head that bites according to the ground, then a dagger wiped the neck of this fellow! Then answered: 秃鹫头也不回,一把就将伸头咬来的重伤座狼脑袋按在了地上,然后一匕首就抹了这家伙的脖子!然后才回话道: SIR, our supplies and ammunition are insufficient, a wolf good and evil can also have dozens jin (0.5 kg) meat! Cannot put them to escape.” “SIR,我们的补给和弹药都不足啊,一头狼好歹也能有几十斤肉呢!可不能放它们逃了。” His deft skill and callous simple shearing throat technique, made the profound impression on others. 他麻利的身手和冷酷干脆的割喉手法,都给其余的人留下了深刻的印象。 But vulture slippery customer knows oneself do not seem like the goat and side Linyan, has powerful legend to protect the body, everyone meets must respect, must therefore find this opportunity to kill the wolf intentionally to set up the prestige, so as to avoid there is any cannon fodder duty, some people did not keep eyes open make themselves directly. 而秃鹫这老油条知道自己不像是山羊和方林岩,有着强大的传说度护体,人人见面都要敬仰一番,所以故意要找这个机会来杀狼立威,免得有什么炮灰任务,有人不长眼就直接让自己去了。 After Dejak listened to the words of vulture, immediately thought is very reasonable, although the place wolf meat is not delicious, but is hungry the eyes send the green time, the flesh can under result in the mouth, let alone is the wolf meat? 德亚科听了秃鹫的话以后,顿时觉得很有道理,虽然座狼肉不好吃,但饿得双眼发绿的时候,人肉都能下得了嘴,何况是狼肉? Therefore said immediately: 于是就立即道: That blood do not waste, Maher gets down with two troughs then! Bavaria that I make smokes the black pudding to make you swallow down the tongue.” “那血就别浪费了,马希尔拿两个盆下去接着!我做的巴伐利亚熏血肠能让你们把舌头都吞下去。” Maher complies to say immediately: 马希尔立即答应道: Good! Petty, comes the help.” “好的!裴迪,过来帮忙。” side Linyan also jumps the help to skin, detected that the fur of this wilderness scavenger place wolf touches really with the imagination in different, unexpectedly in a fur/superficial knowledge mixed the feeling of rubber, no wonder the defensive power is astonishing. 方林岩也跳下去帮忙扒皮,发觉这荒原食腐座狼的毛皮摸起来果然与想象中不一样,居然有一种皮毛里面混合了橡胶的感觉,难怪防御力惊人。 *** *** After Maher processes the dead wolf, he arrived at Dejak's front to say side Linyan the proposition. 等到马希尔处理完死狼以后,他就到了德亚科的面前将方林岩的提议说了。 Dejak is also worrying this matter, side Linyan the proposition looks like gives opportune help to be the same completely, immediately decides, the important person wants the thing to give the thing. 德亚科也正在烦恼这件事,方林岩的提议完全就像是雪中送炭一样,立即拍板,要人给人要物给物。 Therefore quick, side Linyan then found several people to take the tool to turn around to walk toward the crash wreckage, then heard in the wreckage to spread the electric spark of grating cutting sound and sparkle. 于是很快的,方林岩便找了几个人带上工具转身就朝坠机残骸走去,然后就听见残骸内传出刺耳的切割声和闪耀的电火花。 That flock of place wolves seemed like should be frightened, had not come back to retaliate. 那群座狼看起来应该是被打怕了,也一直都没有回来报复。 side Linyan they after conducting a series of cutting, disintegration, assembly and spot welding, finally caught up to produce in a hurry crude communication before dawn, this was under having a helper of specialized communication engineer. 方林岩他们在进行了一系列的切割、解体、组装、点焊之后,终于赶在天亮前赶制出了一台简陋的通讯器,这都还是在有一名专业的通讯工程师的帮手下。 At this time to pursue efficiency, the thing modeling that they transform was very strange, communication was put up like an iron saucepan on three clubs, iron saucepan under is a data box, on the foundation is joined to a high-energy peaked pulse generator, after the circular telegram, can smooth starting. 此时为了追求效率,他们改造出来的东西造型就很怪异了,通讯器就像一口铁锅被架在三根棒子上,“铁锅”下面乃是一个数据盒,底座上配上一台高能尖脉冲生成器,通电以后就能顺利开机。 That specialized communication engineer enrolled the coordinates of current camp in the box, in this case, this communication, once activates, can beyond the unidirectional transmission coordinates toward the surrounding several hundred kilometers. 那名专业的通讯工程师在盒中编入了当前营地的坐标,这样的话,这台通讯器一旦激活,就能朝着周围数百公里外单向发送坐标。 However must achieve this point, must erect to transmit the antenna in nearby high place, transmitting the antenna is higher, the coverage scope is bigger. 但是要做到这一点,就必须要在附近的高处架设传输天线,传输天线越高,覆盖范围就越大。 To be honest, can the dependence the abandonment surplus spaceship components make this thing thoroughly, they have made best effort. 说实话,能依靠已经彻底报废的剩余的飞船零件制造出这玩意,他们已是尽了最大努力。 Next morning, the temperature starts to rise again, the person who several have the rich field survival experience blew the whistling, because they used the desert last night at night the tapping, made the mechanisms/organizations of more than ten pumping with the plastic bag, this morning really discovered that received had almost the appearance of three bottles of fresh water. 第二天早上,气温开始回升,好几名具有丰富野外生存经验的人吹起了口哨,因为他们昨晚使用了沙漠夜间取水法,用塑料袋做了十几个取水的机关,今天早上果然发现就接到了差不多有三瓶淡水的样子。 The logistics that is responsible for preparing food starts to skin the cooking wolf meat, considering that does not know how long will insist in this damned place, and had not found the water source. 紧接着负责做饭的后勤开始剥皮烹饪狼肉,考虑到不知道会在这鬼地方坚持多久,并且还没有找到水源。 Therefore wolf meat with reserve water plant grass clean, therefore in the middle of the barbecue fishy smell flavor is very heavy, and taste looks like after chewing slipper bottom......, but insisted that eats several to taste the meat to be fragrant, hot food also made each customer on the scene as if raise a ray of rescued hope. 所以狼肉只是用储备水草草清洗的,因此烤肉当中的腥臊味道很重,并且口感就像是在嘴嚼拖鞋底......但坚持吃几口后还是能尝到肉香,热腾腾的食物也令在场的每一个吃客都仿佛升起了一丝获救的希望。 The wolf skin that remains was also developed the effective use, after tanning air-dries, can make the back cushion and mattress. 残留下来的狼皮也被开拓有效的利用起来,经过鞣制晾晒后,可以做成靠垫和褥子。 After breakfast, side Linyan made the best use of the time to bind the sleeping bag to rest for almost four hours, he has the ability of strengthened sleep, four hours of rest was almost equal to a normal person seven hours of sleep, when probably noon time then got up. 早饭过后,方林岩抓紧时间裹着睡袋小憩了差不多四个小时,他有着强化睡眠的能力,四个小时的休息差不多等于正常人七个小时的睡眠,大概等到中午的时候便起来了。 At this time he called oneself tent the goat and vulture, was mysterious says with a smile: 这时候他将山羊和秃鹫叫到了自己的帐篷这边来,接着神秘一笑道: Now, was the time reduces the task difficulty.” “现在,是时候降低一下任务难度了。” Goat strange say/way: 山羊奇道: How to reduce?” “怎么降低?” side Linyan smiles saying: 方林岩微笑道: Steel and iron fire hazard fragment in my hands, I have attempted, when I attempt to improve certain skills, this gadget can produce the resonance with it! Then lets my skill variation, then made my strength have the qualitative change.” “钢铁火源碎片在我的手里面,我已经尝试过,当我尝试提升某些技能的时候,这玩意儿就可以与之产生共鸣!进而让我的技能变异,进而令我的实力产生质变。” However the difficulty of this duty has locked in this time, then I come to fuse with my skill the steel fire hazard fragment now again, after strength large scale rise, then the task difficulty did drop in disguised form?” “而本次任务的难度在此时已经锁定,那么我现在再来将钢铁火源碎片与自己的技能融合,实力大幅度提升以后,那么任务难度岂不是就变相下降了?” The goat could not bear explode the swearing: 山羊忍不住爆了粗口: I go, is this also good?” “我去,这样也行?” side Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: Stratagem decides, but the rear drive, I underwent the close investigation before, determined the feasibility of this matter, this carried out this plan, now seems like should no major problem.” “谋定而后动,我之前经过了详细调查,确定了这件事的可操作性,这才执行了这个计划,现在看起来应该没有什么大问题。” Then side Linyan very simple plans to strengthen B kinds of occupational abilities directly: War machinery control LV3, hopes finally for a long time prompt really appears: 接下来方林岩很干脆的就直接打算强化B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3,结果期盼已久的提示果然出现: Trial ZB419, you chose to B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control LV3 strengthens.” “试炼者ZB419号,你选择了对B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3进行强化。” Trial ZB419, your body carries the legend level special item: Steel and iron fire hazard fragment.” “试炼者ZB419号,你身上携带有传说级特殊道具:钢铁火源碎片。” B kinds of occupational abilities: The war machinery control LV3 grade is too low, is unable to produce the resonance with the steel fire hazard fragment!!” “B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3品级太低,无法与钢铁火源碎片产生共鸣!!” Saw here, side Linyan almost does not have an old blood to spurt, will present such prompt unexpectedly? 看到了这里,方林岩差点没一口老血喷出来,竟然会出现这样的提示? However thinks also normally, steel fire hazard fragment or scrap time, has been claimed as the legend level item, it is estimated that guarantees a minimum is the SS appraisal. 不过想一想也正常,钢铁火源碎片还是小块的时候,就已经被评价为传说级道具,估计保底都是SS评价。 But the appraisal of war machinery control this ability is only B kinds, why seems flamboyant , because side Linyan the personal ability is too strong, agrees with very perfectly with it, causes its ultra level display. 而战争机械操控者这个能力的评价只是B类而已,为什么显得牛逼,是因为方林岩个人能力太强,与之契合得很完美,使其超水平发挥。 Without mechanical dire wolf heart and mechanical lance falcon egg of side Linyan careful manufacture, then war machinery control this ability also can only be able to become the outstanding two characters. 倘若没有方林岩精心制造的机械恐狼心脏和机械矛隼卵的话,那么战争机械操控者这项能力也就只能当得上优秀两个字而已。 Was good after separating a small little while, there is a prompt to spring: 好在隔了一小会儿之后,又有提示弹出: You can adopt the way of embed to make the two fuse limitedly in together.” “你可以采取镶嵌的方式来使二者有限融合在一起。” Steel and iron fire hazard fragment mounts into B kinds of occupational abilities: After war machinery control LV3, the skill will conduct the direct sublimation!” “钢铁火源碎片镶嵌入B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3以后,将会对此技能进行直接升华!” And in the middle of this skill will present the steel fire hazard fragment the exclusive option!” “并且此技能当中会出现钢铁火源碎片的专属选项!” Under the embed pattern, the steel fire hazard fragment can still maintain own independence, but will lose activates the surrounding metal the ability.” “在镶嵌模式下,钢铁火源碎片依然可以保持自身的独立性,但将失去活化周围金属的能力。” If you to mounting the addition of pattern are discontented, then you can in the space interior choice the steel fire hazard fragment detachment, thus finished the embed pattern, but you will pay 100,000 universe points for this reason, and can only choose in the middle of both retains one.” “如果你对镶嵌模式的加成不满,那么你可以在空间内部选择将钢铁火源碎片移除,从而结束镶嵌模式,但是你将会为此支付10万通用点,并且只能选择在两者当中保留一项。” If the choice retains the steel fire hazard fragment, then B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control LV3 will be cancelled directly.” “如果选择保留钢铁火源碎片,那么B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3将会被直接抹去。” If chooses B kinds of occupational abilities: War machinery control LV3, then the steel fire hazard fragment will be destroyed.” “如果选择B类职业能力:战争机械操控者LV3,那么钢铁火源碎片将会被摧毁。”
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