FE :: Volume #9

#8: Difficult opening

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This forced landing is most frightening, in fierce dashing of landing, had fully suffered the military transport ship that suffers possibly to disintegrate momentarily ........ 这种迫降是最令人心惊胆颤的,在降落的剧烈冲撞当中,已经饱受折磨的运输舰随时可能解体........ Moreover, sparks/Mars and high temperature that the forced landing time friction produces , may cause the radical explosion momentarily, the military transport ship point will become a torch of flaming combustion! 不仅如此,迫降时候摩擦产生的火星和高温,也随时可能会导致剧烈的爆炸,将运输舰点成一支熊熊燃烧的火炬! Therefore, everyone can only silently prayed in the heart, expected the lucky god stands oneself. 因此,所有人只能默默的在心里面进行祈祷,期望幸运之神站在自己这边。 Is good is quite wise because of the technology of pilot, landing consistently is maintaining the airplane tail instantaneously below, the nose on stance, after a series of fierce jolt, odd/surplus potential of dive completely, Mercury military transport ship on this desolated ground crazily had not flushed several hundred meters, plows a strip width big and straight thick trace. 好在驾驶员的技术相当高明,着陆的瞬间始终保持着机尾在下,机头在上的姿态,一连串的剧烈颠簸以后,俯冲的余势未尽,墨丘利运输舰又在这片荒芜之地上疯狂的冲了几百米,耕出一条宽大且笔直的粗大痕迹。 This time crew was also tossed about fearful and apprehensive, all has a dizzy spell, finally Mercury military transport ship by the mound of earth that under the fuselage built blocking. 此时的船员也是被折腾得心惊胆颤,个个头晕目眩,最终墨丘利运输舰被机身下垒起的土丘给拦了下来。 At this time the shipboard situation is not very certainly good: 此时舰上的情况当然很不好: Some crew members fainted directly, some people carried over the issue safely, after being thrown flies , the hit almost to suffocate directly everywhere, the faces of some injured almost suffered the heavy losses in varying degrees, the dripping with blood flowed, it can be said that can also maintain complete few. 有的乘员直接晕了过去,有的人安全带出了问题,直接被抛飞后四处撞击已经差不多奄奄一息,还有一些伤者的面部几乎都受到了不同程度的重创,鲜血淋漓流淌,可以说是还能保持完好的没有几个了。 Circling is so, when the broken Mercury military transport ship completely stopped rocking, Maher just now cannot repress the mood, crazily and bellowed excitedly, following close on, in the ship is erupting similarly demented cheering. 绕是如此,待残破的墨丘利运输舰完全停止了晃动,马希尔方才按捺不住心情,疯狂而兴奋的大吼了一声,紧跟着,船内就爆发出了一片同样癫狂的欢呼。 After the moment, Dejak then directs the logistics squad to start to work as the team leader, they must first do, the severely wounded crew lifting, accepts the temporary treatment. 片刻后,德亚科作为队长便指挥后勤小队开始干活,他们首先要做的,就是把重伤的船员给抬出去,接受临时救治。 Those who are good conducts this ship is the logistic personnel, doctor as well as portable medical instrument that have accompanying many, the severely wounded personnel can also obtain the complete treatment. 好在这条船上搭载的是后勤人员,不乏有随行的医生以及便携式医疗器械,重伤人员也能得到周全的救治。 Director Dejak saves others, side Linyan they are responsible for transporting the commodity in goods warehouse with several physical condition good people, the selected location, built the camp, quick has the long welding ray to glisten. 德亚科指挥救人,方林岩他们则跟几名身体状况不错的人负责搬运货仓中的物资,就地选址,搭建营地,很快就有长长的焊接光芒闪亮了起来。 What is worth mentioning is, this team truly is filthy rich, even the military the special-purpose welding robot does two at present, and has started to thunder. 值得一提的是,这支团队确实是财大气粗,甚至连军方目前专用的焊接机器人都搞来了两台,并且已经发动轰鸣了起来。 At this time starts the steel plate that cuts to carry to be used to construct the fortification directly, another is to start to climb directly the build sentry post building and windbreak. 此时有一台直接就开始切割携带的钢板用来构筑工事,另外一台则是开始直接爬上爬下搭建哨楼和防风墙。 Those who proposed first builds the defense facility was several experienced field survival experts: 提出先建立防御设施的乃是几名经验丰富的野外生存老手: This damn star is not Hawaii such has the sunlight, Baisha, the vacation sacred place of coconut palm and bikini girl, 这个该死的星球可不是夏威夷那样有着阳光,白沙,椰子树和比基尼女郎的度假圣地, At this time is about 5 : 00 pm, the tumult that the crash triggers has the possibility has caused local to hunt for the lifeform extremely the vigilance, to avoid at night no stop the predator in bitter experience surface, must therefore first consider that everyone's safety, then considers other issues. 此时已经是下午 5 点左右,坠机引发的骚动极有可能已经引起了当地的捕猎生物的警觉,为避免夜晚毫无阻拦的遭遇地表的捕食者,所以必须先考虑所有人的安全,再考虑其余的问题。 Is good in the middle of under Mercury military transport ship are hanging two all-terrain vehicles, basically keeps complete, after opening directly, wounded person then by unified arrangement inside. 好在墨丘利运输舰下方挂着的两辆全地形车当中,还有一架基本保持完好,直接开出来了之后,伤员便被统一的安排进了里面。 Maher was entrusted to take inventory of goods and materials by Dejak, after inventorying discovered, the plan for building the facility of camp supplied in addition only surplus one less than half, it is estimated that was curled in the middle of the storm went out most, at this time the surplus materials are far from enough. 马希尔被德亚科委托清点物资,经过一番盘点以后才发现,原本计划用于搭建营地的设施外加补给只剩余了一小半,估计是在风暴当中被卷了出去大半,此时剩余的物质已经远远不够了。 Dejak this/Ben wants to fell some trees to make the railing, what a pity range estimate nearby surrounding area in several li (0.5 km) only has the yellow sand, the stone, compared with the hair also sparse bush of Qiyu teacher...... 德亚科本想砍伐些树木来建造围栏,可惜目测附近方圆几里内却只有黄沙,石块,还有比琦玉老师的头发还稀疏的灌木...... This may really be the clever and dexterous woman does not have the gruel of meter/rice unendurablily, therefore has to find others to discuss the countermeasure. 这可真是巧妇难熬无米之粥,于是只好找来其余的人商量对策。 Without a doubt, lacking the commodity to everyone is the huge sad news, finally discussed, then can only have crash the idea of military transport ship. 毋庸置疑,缺乏物资对每个人来说都是天大的噩耗,最后讨论了一番之后,便只能打起来了坠落的运输舰的主意。 After removing military transport ship safety danger, the active people return above directly, starts to disassemble some useless parts of spaceship. 在排除了运输舰内部的安全隐患以后,能动的人都直接重新回到上面,开始拆卸飞船的一些无用部件。 They the outer wall of breakage fuselage will cut to be the same -size, steel plate of one meter five high long linearity, makes the strength big person help transport to the open area in welds again by this, the idle personnel also deep cut the trench at this time using the tool along the railing. 他们将破裂机身的外壁切割成大小均匀,一米五高的长条形的钢板,再让力量大的人帮忙将之搬运到空地上以此焊接,空闲人员也在这时候利用工具沿着围栏深挖了壕沟。 The depth of trench was three meters, the wide approximately four meters, its function is keeps certainly the middle-and-small wild animal from overstepping, can be stranded it in inside intercepts. 壕沟的深度达到了三米,宽约四米有余,其作用当然是让中小型野兽无法逾越,更可以将之困在里边截杀。 Until 2-3 hours pass by, under the people work as one, various places hit the steel railing of patch are being the reorganization complete. 直到2-3个小时过去,在众人齐心合力下,一圈各处打着补丁的钢铁围栏才算重组完成。 This gadget looks very ugly from the outward appearance, the sparse height is uneven, seems like very crude careless, really must persecute to death the obsession. 这玩意儿从外观看起来很是难看,稀稀拉拉的高低不齐,看起来十分简陋草率,真的是要逼死强迫症。 But is such railing is also even if limited because of available material, only made part, side Linyan they can only weld regarding the railing of half camp, but another side of circular arc made up by a low rocky mountain. 而哪怕是这样的围栏也是因为可用的材料有限,只制造出来了一部分,方林岩他们就只能焊接出围绕半个营地的围栏,而圆弧的另一侧则是以一座低矮的石山来补上。 What situated in camp center is several large containers that drag from the cabin, this gadget is can keep out wind and rain reluctantly, provides the lodging. 位于营地中央的是从船舱里面拖出来的几个大型集装箱,这玩意儿算是勉强可以遮风挡雨,提供住宿。 On the camp west rocky mountain, built a high approximately four meters sentry post tower, above installs on two very infrared automatic machine gun turrets temporarily, battalion's only exit|to speak is a steel plate that in the east side trench builds. 在营地西侧的石山上,架起了一座高约四米的哨塔,上面临时加装上了两挺红外线自动机枪塔,营地唯一的出口乃是东面壕沟上架起的一块钢板。 The area in camp is limited, and must be occupied the larger part by the low rocky mountain, therefore that all-terrain vehicle can only be put outside the camp, and by two soldier who grasps the weapon guards in turn, for around admonishing. 营地里的面积有限,并且还要被低矮石山占据一大半,于是那架全地形车就只能被搁在了营地外,并由两名手持武器的战士轮流看守,用于警戒四周。 The contour of this type of all-terrain vehicle looks like the Earth period the mouse tank, the body form torso is joined to six rounds, can adapt to overwhelming majority terrain barrels. 这种全地形车的外形酷似地球时期的鼠式坦克,船型的躯干配上六轮,可以适应绝大部分的地形快速行进。 But the key point of all-terrain vehicle is to guarantee reliability and mobility that cross country time, inside has not naturally provided the artillery and so on heavy weapons, look like the tank, rather is armed vehicles. 但全地形车的重点是在于确保越野时候的可靠性和机动性,里边自然就没有配备火炮之类的重型武器,与其说像坦克,倒不如说是一架武装车辆。 After at nightfall, the function of all-terrain vehicle displayed the important effectiveness, but all -terrain vehicle the bringing surveillance system, the function of this gadget is quite powerful, can monitor any fluctuation that the surrounding radius 2-3 kilometers ground transmits. 等到入夜以后,全地形车的功能就发挥了至关重要的效用,全地形车可是自带侦测系统的,这玩意儿的功能相当强大,可以监控周围半径2-3公里地面传来的任何波动。 Therefore, the pioneer who is responsible for admonishing drills to inside in turn monitors the real-time picture, its monitoring picture in the small map with side forest phacolith is similar, a green thin needle in revolving that on the video screen non-stop, so long as long as was the activity object gives to demonstrate the tilak. 所以,负责警戒的开拓者就轮流钻到里边监控实时画面,其监控画面就跟方林岩眼中的小地图差不多,一根绿色细针在荧光幕上不停的旋转,但凡只要是活动的物体都给显示成了小红点。 The night falls, the desolated place is colder, the light container wall cannot resist the piercing cool breeze, the temperature dropped abruptly about the zero degree, but in Yani, because the water source was scarce, therefore not floating snow. 夜幕降临,荒芜之地更加寒冷,薄薄的集装箱壁也抵挡不住刺骨的凉风,气温骤降到了零度左右,但亚尼格上因为水源稀少,所以并没有飘雪。 In such environment, food is precious with the reserve water, after side Linyan helps Maher is taking inventory of goods and materials discover, the grain ration that they remain only supplies the team to support for less than one week, if several days later could not find touchable food, perhaps at the appointed time starving to death. 在这样的环境下,食物跟储备水就弥足珍贵,方林岩帮着马希尔清点物资后发现,他们所剩的口粮仅供全队支撑一周不到,若几天后仍找不到可食用的食物,恐怕届时都的饿死。 Has a plan for the present, can only the distribution according to need, limit the food supply, everyone each meal grain ration cuts in half. 为今之计,只能按需分配,限食供应,每人每餐口粮减半。 Nearby except for desolated loess, the wind erosion rock that only then stands tall and erect, lacks the trees is not naturally able to light a fire, fortunately the new sleeping bag of entire team has not lost, this sleeping bag has the self-heating function, and solar charge effect, is lets person and the wounded person finally can rest in the evening calmly and steadily. 附近除了荒芜的黄土,就只有高耸的风蚀岩石,缺乏树木自然无法生火,值得庆幸的是整个团队的新型睡袋都没有遗失,这睡袋具有自热功能,并且还有太阳能充电效果,总算是让人和伤员晚上能睡得安稳一些。 After the camp almost settled, finished backed on to smoke the cigarette with Maher in the railing, after two people chatted several, beckoning made side Linyan come: 当营地差不多安顿下来了以后,忙完了的德科亚才跟马希尔背靠在围栏边抽起了香烟,两人聊了几句之后,德科亚招手让方林岩过来: Brothers, today looked that your work does well, right, can another all-terrain vehicle fix tomorrow?” “兄弟,今天看你的活儿干得不错啊,对了,另外一辆全地形车明天能修好吗?” side Linyan shakes the head saying: 方林岩摇摇头道: I estimate very difficultly, the service box lost, lacks several important components only experts to move the processing, this may be difficult saying that how long must wait.” “我估计很难,维修箱失落了,缺少好几个重要零件只能手动加工,这可就难说要等多久了。” Dead point nodded, throws cigarette to come, then heaved a deep sigh: 德科亚点点头,丢了一支烟过来,然后长叹一声道: „Did Maher, how you say other two spaceships now?” “马希尔,你说其他两架飞船现在怎么样了?” Maher's heavyhearted say/way: 马希尔忧心忡忡的道: It is estimated that is worse than us, on that two spaceships may not have the loading medical supply, only feared that the casualties are serious.” “估计比我们更差,那两艘飞船上可没装载医疗物资,只怕伤亡惨重。” Deeply attracts one, the cigarette butt burns immediately red, he ponders after long time, said: 德科亚深吸一口,烟蒂顿时燃得通红,他沉思半晌后道: Now the first important matter, should be attempts to restore the communications system, then finds the way to contact the large unit, hopes that can soon converge. “现在我们的第一要务,应该就是尝试修复通讯系统,然后想办法联络到大部队,希望能早日汇合。 At this time, in the aircraft interphone broadcast the rapid sound suddenly: 这时候,通话器里面忽然传来了急促的声音: Sir! Has the situation.” “sir!有情况。” The soldier who two are responsible for standing sentry steps on the bridge-floor clang clang makes noise, ran from the camp, is breathing the gas channel/angrily said: 紧接着,两名负责放哨的战士将桥板踩得铛铛作响,从营地外跑了回来,然后喘着气道: Team leader, on the scanner transmits red, their traveling speed is quick, does not know that is anything, but can determine that they are catching up toward here..” “队长,扫描仪上传来许多红点,它们移动速度很快,不知道那是什么东西,但可以确定它们正朝这边赶来。。” Maher immediately terrified asking: 马希尔立即惶恐的问道: Can be other separate people?” “会不会是失散的其余人啊?” The sentries denied firmly: 哨兵坚决否定道: Is impossible, human cannot run absolutely such speed.” “不可能,人类绝对跑不出那样的速度。” At this time, realized the gravity that immediately situation, the heart felt the unprecedented sense of crisis. 这时候,德科亚顿时意识到事态的严重性,心底充满了前所未有的危机感. He sounded the warning very much decisively, the sad and shrill sound reverberated in the camp, is the big roar! 他很果断的拉响了警报,凄厉的声音在营地里面回荡了起来,然后就是德科亚的大吼声! Hello, our public. The number will send the cash and point coin red packet every day, so long as pays attention can receive. At the end of the year the last time benefits, asking everyone to seize the opportunity. Public number[ book friend supreme headquarters] 大家好,我们公众.号每天都会发现金、点币红包,只要关注就可以领取。年末最后一次福利,请大家抓住机会。公众号[书友大本营] Please note, we were hit by the attack, please note, we were hit by the attack!” “请注意,我们遭受到了袭击,请注意,我们遭受到了袭击!” Everyone returns the camp, receives the bridge-floor, but also active takes up the weapon to come out, standing by!” “所有人退回营地,收起桥板,还能动的都拿起武器出来,准备战斗!”
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