AlthoughYanihad been discoveredalmost20years, is actually humanhas not stepped in a until nowthoroughly the hugestar, looksfrom afar, isbrown colors, looks likeflatflategg.
亚尼格虽然已被发现了差不多二十年了,却是一颗至今为止人类都没有深入涉足过的庞大星球,远远看去,就是一片土黄色,就像是个扁扁的鸡蛋似的。Itis revolvingaround a centralheavenly body of namedTegin, onYaniplanetalsohas the water sourceby chance, afterseveral tens of thousands ofyears of evolution, in the skyalsogathers the thinozone layer, thishad the birth of primitivelife.
它围绕着一颗名为“泰因”的中心天体旋转着,恰巧亚尼格行星上也存在着水源,经过数万年的演变,天空上还聚集出稀薄的臭氧层,这才有了原始生命的诞生。Humancan the free breathingonYaniplanet, buttimelongwords to be harmful, but the air on Yaniplanetwas determinedas„to use”thiskind, thereforemoves above does not needto wear the spacesuitsto wear the helmet, only after needingput ontwostuffy nosesto filter, to be able the free breathing.
人类是可以在亚尼格行星上自由呼吸的,但时间一长的话会对身体有害,不过亚尼格行星上的空气被判定为“可以利用”这类,所以在上面活动也无需穿宇航服戴头盔,只需要戴上两只鼻塞过滤后就能自由呼吸了。Whatis differentfromEarth, the surface of thisplanethasa lot ofdesertanddesert, is the desolatedloess, the water sourcemostlyis located ineverywhereunderground, the day and nightsum totalis30hours. The generalareaistwotimes of Earth, the gravityis1.2times of Earth, thereforesomepeopleinferitshave the areaastonishingundergroundworld.
与地球不同的是,这颗行星的地表有着大量的沙漠和戈壁,到处都是荒芜的黄土,水源大多位于地下,昼夜总和为30个小时。大概面积是地球的两倍,重力是地球的1.2倍,因此有人推断其有着面积惊人的地下世界。In latest explorationhandbook, appraisesYaniisfourstarpotentialstars, thereforeonsome people have investedfiveyears ago, established a semi-permanentoutpostcamp: RatseyCamp.
在最新的探索手册上,将亚尼格评估为四星潜力星球,所以早在五年前已经有人上面投资,建立了一个半永久性的前哨营地:纳拉齐营地。Howeverprobablyisbecausebehind the investor the funding chainappearedsomeshort, therefore the original plan of depthexploratory developmentchanged.
不过大概是因为投资方后面资金链出现了一些短缺,所以深度探索开发的原计划更改了。HoweverRatseyCampis actually still maintaining the operation, andwhatis pleasantly surprised, thiscampdepends uponto the adventurer who comesthisplaceunceasinglyprovides the suppliesto earnfull, insteadbecomes the bigsource of wealth of investor.
但是纳拉齐营地却还在保持运作,并且令人惊喜的是,这个营地依靠给不断前来此地的冒险者提供补给赚得盆满钵满,反而成为了投资方的一大财源。Thismadeonethink ofLiWeiwithout doubt. Strauss------ The increasing the family fortuneshistory of jeansking.
这无疑令人想到了李维.施特劳斯------牛仔裤大王的发家史。At that timecountlesspeopleflooded intoCaliforniato make a fortune, LiWei. Straussactuallythinks the gold digger who thesecome in swarmsis the genuinegold ore, thereforepromoted the solidwear-resistinganti-dirtyjeans, provides the servicefor the gold digger.
当时无数人涌入加利福尼亚淘金,李维.施特劳斯却认为这些蜂拥而来的淘金者才是真正的金矿,于是推出了结实耐磨耐脏的牛仔裤,为淘金者提供服务。Finalresulteveryoneknew, thesefellows of panning for gold are still the poor wretches, butLiWei. Straussthreeyearslaterbecame the millionaire, 100yearslater, isvalue8.2 billionUS dollarshugeenterprise.
最后的结果大家都知道了,淘金的那些家伙依然是穷光蛋,而李维.施特劳斯三年后就成了千万富翁,一百年以后,已经是价值八十二亿美元的庞大企业。Ryanand his party who mustrescuehas certainly also gone toRatseyCampsupplies, obviously, thisrelief operationsis smoothor not, it is estimated thatwill also repair and maintaininRatseyCamp.
要救援的瑞恩一行人当然也去过纳拉齐营地补给,显然,这一次的救援行动无论顺利与否,估计也都会在纳拉齐营地内进行修整。As the spaceshipapproachesYanigradually, places the passengeronspaceshipto see, the appearance of staris actually similar to Saturn, is hugeandorange yellow, in this periodwas flowing the denseair current of greenwhitemix.
随着飞船渐渐靠近亚尼格,身处在飞船上的乘客就可以看到,星球的外貌其实跟土星差不多,巨大且橙黄,其间流动着绿白混合的氤氲气流。Naturally, thisis only the semblanceis similar, this is because the Yaniatmospheresomewhatstrangereason, the cloud layeris very thick, the visibilityis very low, and electromagnetic interferenceis very strong.
The hillgiantcan the birthevolutioninsuchadverse circumstance, seriouslybebrutaldifficult, butthiswasestablishesinEarth the standpoint on carbonbaselifeformsaidlike this, perhapsto them, thiswastheygrows the multiplicationbestregion.
丘陵巨人能在这样恶劣环境中诞生进化,当真是残酷艰难,不过这是建立在地球上的碳基生物的立场上才这样说,对于他们来说,或许这是它们生长繁衍的最佳区域呢。sideLinyansitsin the sidewindowlooksis enthralled, follows the time the intravenous dripto pass, the military transport shipalsodrove into the starouter railgradually, in the middle of the engine of Mercurymilitary transport shipspouts the longflame, startsto get readyto enter the inner space of star.
方林岩坐在靠边的窗户看得入了神,伴随时间的点滴流逝,运输舰也渐渐的驶入了星球外轨,紧接着,墨丘利运输舰的引擎当中喷出长长的火焰,开始准备进入星球的内层空间。At this timecansee, the silver-whiteshipssemblancealsostartedflashing that had the flameto keep, the annihilation, iflookedin the ground, the entiremilitary transport shipshould seem like burningtogether the meteorite the same as delimit the horizon.
这时候就可以看到,银白色的舰船外表也开始有火焰不停的闪动,湮灭,倘若在地面上看去,整艘运输舰应该就像是一块燃烧着的陨石一样划过天际。Butwhatmakeseveryonenot think, thisseems like that the normaltravelwas actually arising suddenly the accidentin an instant.
但让所有人都没想到的是,这看似再正常不过的旅行却在刹那间突发了变故。Without anyindication, in the shipresoundedone after another agitatedalarm.
在没有任何征兆的情况下,船内响起了一连串令人烦躁的警铃声。„Damn, as soon aswecame to meet the ultra-largesandstorm, everyonegrasped, buriedlowly.”
“该死,我们一进来就遇到了超大沙暴,大家抓紧,把头埋低。”Finishing speaking in communicationbroadcast, the cabin roofthenshottworows of oxygen masks, simultaneouslypromptseveryoneto filter the stuffy noseto place the chest frontin the middle ofahead of time the pocket.
通讯广播中的话音刚落,舱顶便弹下了两排氧气罩,同时提示所有人提前将过滤鼻塞放在胸前的口袋当中。Sitsis calledMaherinsideLinyanperson, heis a doctor, looked atsituation outside an eye pieceto look pale, trembled.
坐在方林岩身旁的人叫做马希尔,他是一名医生,看了一眼窗外的情况已是面色苍白,不禁哆嗦了起来。In the middle ofover15levels of strong winds, a lot ofsand dust, the stone of fistsize, this threatto the military transport shipcan be said asexceptionallyhuge, oncein the middle of the enginewere inhaledtoomanyjunks, finallyonly thenloudlyfate of explosiondamage.
超过十五级的狂风当中,还有大量的沙尘,拳头大小的石头,这对运输舰的威胁可以说是异常巨大,一旦引擎当中被吸入太多的杂物,最后就只有轰然爆炸损毁的下场。Probablyisbecauseluck not goodreason, after threeMercurymilitary transport shipbreakthroughatmosphere, banged into the sandstormcore regiondirectly, the steel work of fuselagesent outcreakingsound that made the person of toothacid, entirefuselagefierceis shivering.
大概是因为运气不好的缘故,三艘墨丘利运输舰一突破大气层之后,就直接撞入了沙暴的核心区域里,机身的金属构件都发出了令人牙酸的嘎吱声,整个机身剧烈的颤抖着。Stemming from the fearto the death, no oneis willing dead inthishalf-way, in the crewmostlywear a look ofterrifiedcomplexion and heartprayedsilently.
But how tinyhumanfacing the naturalthreatcan, the fierceelectromagnetic interferencealsocause the electronic system of Mercurymilitary transport shipfrequentlyto have problems, the gauge board the rapid rotation, the military transport ship is completely in the out of controlat an exceptional pace the edge!
但渺小的人类面对自然的威胁又能如何,偏偏剧烈的电磁干扰还致使墨丘利运输舰的电子系统频繁出现故障,仪表盘正以惊人的速度快速旋转,运输舰完全处于失控的边缘!sideLinyanwantsto have a look outside, but the galeblows the dustsand of ground, making the observation windowpollutionunclear, evendid not needto paste the earon the ice-coldmachinewall, outside canhear the giantwind movessound that heard, the military transport shipalsoinjolting that at this momentstartedto keeptremblesfiercely.
The observationcondition on seat is so bad, the situationestimate of frontcockpitalsoverymany, then, thesethreeMercurymilitary transport shipswere similar to a lone boat in raging tide, was involved in the middle of the stormcore region.
座位上的观测条件都如此恶劣,前方的驾驶舱的情况估计也好不了多少,而后,这三艘墨丘利运输舰就如同狂潮中的一叶孤舟般,被卷入了风暴的核心区域当中。Supportedprobably for twominutes, the one sidebulkhead of Mercurymilitary transport shiplets the stonehit that was howledto flytogether, ripsoneto behalfmetercrevice.
The less than halfcabin roofwas curled, is goodbecause of the internalalsosecuritybulkhead of Mercurymilitary transport ship, thereforeis insufficientto disintegratedirectly.
紧接着小半个舱顶都被卷了起来,好在墨丘利运输舰的内部还有一层安全舱壁,所以不至于直接解体。Meanwhile, the air wave of howlingalsopenetratesfrom the slit, immediatelyjust liketens of thousands of the sharpbit, cutsunceasinglyon the body of crew members, fortunatelyeveryoneis the seat belt, is insufficientto be curledsteps out of the cabinoutside, can only roll upon the seat, both handscloselyhold the head.
与此同时,呼啸的气浪也从缝隙里面穿透进来,顿时犹如成千上万把锐利刀片,不断切割在乘员们的身体上,所幸大伙都系着安全带,才不至于被卷出舱外,只能蜷缩在座位上,双手紧紧抱头。Atthis time, othertwomilitary transport shipshad disappeared without a trace, was flungotherplacesby the wildturbulent flowmostly, it is estimated that the situationalsoverymany, withbeing uncertain of one's fateto describe that is not exaggerating.
在这时候,其余两艘运输舰早就不知去向了,多半是被狂暴的乱流甩到了其他地方,估计情况也好不了多少,用生死未卜来形容也并不夸张。Is goodhas not continued is too longbecause ofthisnightmaregeneralexperience, when the military transport shipwill not soon be able to support the disintegration, the dawnapproaches, theysuccessfullywere separated from the stormcore regionfinally.
The peoplehad/leftlongair/Qisimultaneously, quick, roaringsoundtransmitsthrough the broadcast:
众人同时出了一口长气,很快的,德科亚的咆哮声就通过广播传来:„Everyoneinventorieslossinstantly, the casualties, wait formeto send peopleto countdirectly.”
“所有人即刻盘点身边的损失,还有伤亡人数,等一下我会直接派人来统计。”„Maher, comes to the cab, herehas a wounded personto need the important personto treat!”
After lookingsomewhattimidMaherheardsummonvery much, immediatelyuntied the seat belt, the deep breathtwotones, thenstood the preparationto walktoward the cabhalf step.
看起来很是有些胆小的马希尔听到了德科亚的召唤以后,立即就解开了安全带,深呼吸了两口气,然后站起来准备朝着驾驶室快步走过去。At this timesat outside sideLinyanstandsto allow to pass throughon own initiative, Maherquicklysaid the soundthanked.
这时候坐在外侧的方林岩就主动站起来让路,马希尔急忙说了声谢谢。sideLinyanpattedhisshoulder saying:
方林岩拍了拍他的肩头道:„Putwith ease, the biggestcrisispassed, calledyouto save others, how didn't youbring the medicine box?”
“放轻松点,最大的危机都过去了,德科亚叫你去救人,你怎么不带医药箱?”Maherstares, immediatelysmiles bitterlyto shake the head saying:
马希尔一愣,顿时苦笑摇头道:„Is sorry,Iwasrookiesam too anxious.”
After saying, took the medicine boxto walk.
说完了之后就拿着医药箱走了进去。Less than several minuteslater, Maherwalkedfrom the cockpitagain, thenstartsto give orders, the military transport shipseems like, althoughreceived the wound, was insistingcontinuesto fly.
没过几分钟之后,马希尔就重新从驾驶舱当中走了出来,然后德科亚就开始发号施令,运输舰看起来虽然受到了创伤,还是坚持着继续飞行。Probably after a halfhour, the pilotsomewhatanxiousvoiceresoundssuddenlyagain:
大概半个多小时以后,驾驶员有些惶急的声音忽然再次响起:„Everyoneties the seat belt!! Sitstoownposition , the radar displayfrontpresented the intensewind shearregion, wewill soon enter the turbulent currentbelt/bring!”
“所有人系上安全带!!坐到自己位置上,雷达显示前方出现了激烈风切变区域,我们即将进入激流带!”Hisfinishing speaking, thisMercurymilitary transport shipfell intointensejoltingagain, the frighteningnightmaretimearrivedagain.
他的话音刚落,这艘墨丘利运输舰再次陷入到了激烈的颠簸当中,令人心惊胆战的噩梦时刻再次降临。sideLinyancan the clearfeeling, encounter a military transport ship of disasterto exude the terrifyingdistortionsound of creakinga short time ago, the principal structurehas somewhat been unable to withstand the loadevidently.
方林岩可以清晰的感觉到,前不久才遭遇了一场劫难的运输舰发出了嘎吱嘎吱的恐怖扭曲声,看样子主体结构已经有些不堪重负。Obviously, sideLinyandetectedmatter, the pilothas not possibly neglected.
显然,方林岩都发觉了的事情,驾驶员也没可能忽略过去。Butat this time the military transport shiphas been less thanhundredmetersfrom the ground level, and is still at the condition of soonlosing control. Without a doubt, is compelled by the situation, at this timethisMercurymilitary transport shipurgentforced landingis the wisestchoice.
而此时运输舰距离地面高度已不到百米,并且还在处于即将失控的状态。毫无疑问,受形势所迫,此时这艘墨丘利运输舰紧急迫降是最明智的选择。Therefore the pilotshoutsincommunicationimmediatelygreatly:
所以驾驶员立即在通讯器里面大喊道:„It is not good, the spaceshipcould not support, everyonepays attentionto protect itself, I can only choose the forced landing, tenseconds of countdown, the collisionprepares!”
“不行了,飞船撑不住了,大家注意保护自己,我只能选择迫降,十秒倒计时,碰撞准备!”Whileissuingcollision warning, the experiencedpilothas pressed down the button of urgentforced landing, simultaneouslystarts the crazybackwardfierceoperating lever, triesto be supine the noseto reducedashing the effort, avoidstransplanting rice seedlings-typecrashvigorously.
在发出碰撞警告的同时,经验丰富的驾驶员已经按下了紧急迫降的按钮,同时开始疯狂的向后猛拉操作杆,试图仰起机头降低冲撞的力度,极力避免插秧式的坠落。In a giantbellow, Mercurymilitary transport shipdrags the longblack smoke, is stabilizing the fuselage of swingreluctantly, aimed below landto dive.
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