The secondform, is because the hillgiantuniquelymultiplicationway, making that gadget of hiscrotch very preciousaphrodisiac, the mainingredient of excitants, the keywasalsoreallyeffective! Therefore the content of thisorderat leastneeds20hillgiantwhips( belt/bringegg), the more the better.
第二个单子,则是因为丘陵巨人独特的繁衍方式,令其胯下的那玩意儿成为了非常名贵的春药,兴奋药的主要配料,关键是还真的有效!所以这笔订单的内容就是至少需要20根丘陵巨人鞭(带蛋),多多益善。Ryanliked the adventure, in additionhisyoungmulti-gold/metal/fine, the sidedoes not lack the womanabsolutely, therefore must owe the emptyissuefaced with the body.
瑞恩本来就喜欢冒险,加上他年少多金/精,身边绝对不缺乏女人,所以必然要面临身体亏虚的问题。Heheard that hunts for the hillgiantto be very exciting, and scene attended to the foods with Chinese medicines mixed in the freshhillgiantwhip, eatingis especially bigto the bodybenefit, thereforegoesjoyfully.
他听说捕猎丘陵巨人十分刺激,并且现场用新鲜的丘陵巨人鞭料理药膳,吃下去对身体补益尤大,所以就欣然前往。Buthedoes not gorashly, the side is also the accompanimenthas the bodyguard, but alsohastwofemalesof age, it is estimated thatis usedto confirm the drug efficacy.
The whole story of matter, was his sidebodyguardsends out the requesting reinforcementsmessagebeforedying, suffocationsaid that ran intoa group ofenemiesto attack.
事情的原委,是他身边的一位保镖在死前发出了求援消息,奄奄一息的说遇到了大群敌人袭击。However, analyzesaftermanyexperts, onthisbodyguardhas the bullet wound, thiseven moremakes the whole thingconfusing.
不过,经过多名专家分析,这名保镖身上却是有着枪伤,这就越发使得整件事情扑朔迷离。Afterunderstandingthesematerials, the magnetic suspensioncar(riage)had delivered to a sethallthem.
在了解到这些资料以后,磁悬浮车已经将他们送到了一处集合大厅当中。Inthishasmanypeople, includinghalf is the member of venture capital company, otherlooks likebeyondsideLinyan their typesto hire the member.
这里面已经有着不少人,其中有一半是风险投资公司的成员,其余的就像是方林岩他们这种外聘成员。Hasthispersoncomplexsituation, is the form that becausethesesaves otherstimerushes to timevery much.
But the strength of venture capital company is also quite powerful, itsstrengthwas actually distributedinvariousuniverseplaces, was impossibleto have foresight, knows that Ryanwill have an accidentinthisstararea, all daybuilding upis waitinginthisstarterritory!
The strongestmanpower who whenwill haveconvenes, it is estimated that the grave moundgrass of Ryanthisfellowgerminated.
等到将自身拥有的最强的人手召集起来,估计瑞恩这家伙的坟头草都发芽了。Thereforerescues the teamin factto focus onKennyteam of venture capital companyheremanagement, the outsourcingteamfor the structure, sideLinyantheirsquads, outsourcesin the middle ofteamone.
所以救援团队实际上就是以风险投资公司在这里主持的“肯尼”团队为主,外包团队为辅的结构,方林岩他们的小队,就是外包团队当中的一员。sideLinyantheir three peopleenter the halltime, but alsofilled in a questionnairespecially, abovewritesveryclearly:
方林岩他们三人进入大厅的时候,还特别填写了一份调查问卷,上面写得很清楚:Youbesidesfight, but can also maketo contribute?
Obviously, sideLinyanfilled in the mobile mechanics repair, the vulturefilled in the detection.
很显然,方林岩填写了机械维修,秃鹫填写了侦查。Butin the middle ofhallthesepeople, there arealmostmore than tenfellow who wears the blacksteelbadgeis very conspicuous, thesemore than tenpeopleunifiedput on the bodyheavy/thickblackexoskeletonto fightarmor, thishuman formfoughtarmorconstruction cost not poor, actuatedby the small reactor, contoura littlelikebysteelhero of metal coating.
而在大厅当中的这些人当中,有差不多十几名佩戴黑色钢铁徽章的家伙特别显眼,这十几个人统一都穿了身厚重的黑色外骨骼战甲,这种人形战甲造价不菲,靠小型反应堆驱动,外形就有点像被金属覆盖的钢铁侠那样。Fightsarmorat the back at the same timesimilarlyheavy/thickexplosion-proofshield, the waistdon'ttwo-sidedshortaxes, looksfrom afar, in the hallas ifhad/left the knightstatuesuchsolemn silence of more than tenmiddle agesto be intrepid.
战甲均是背着一面同样厚重的防爆盾牌,腰间别着一柄双面短斧,远远望去,大厅内就仿佛多出了十几具中世纪的骑士雕像那样庄严肃穆强悍。Theseelitesoldierswere the headquarters troops of venture capital company, theywill be responsible fornearbodyfight, was the actioncaptainKenny'sbodyguard, was called the steelknight.
这些精英战士就是风险投资公司的直属部队了,他们会负责近身战斗,也是行动指挥者肯尼的亲卫队,被称为钢铁骑士。Most of the time, whattheyactis the role of protector, shieldone's own sideback rowfirepoweroutputpersonnelinfight.
大多数时候,他们都扮演的是守护者的角色,在战斗当中掩护己方后排的火力输出人员。Thatenduredcompared with the dooris ordinary the size the heavyshieldwhen necessary, but can also each otherconnectonepiece, combined the seamlessdefensebarrierfast, andthiscanresist the barrier that the high-energybeamspear/gunbombedstill to maintain the movement, the assistanceback rowfirepowerprompted forwardstep by step.
身后那堪比房门一般大小的重盾在必要时,还可以彼此连接成一片,快速组合成无缝的防御壁垒,并且这面能抵御高能射线枪轰炸的壁垒仍能保持移动,协助后排火力步步向前推进。Butifthinks that thesetanksonlywill come under attackthatto be completely mistaken, thesefellowdefensive powersare not only astonishing, close combatabilityalsoquiteoutstanding, the backvent holecanmakethemhave the strong capability of shorttimehigh-speedadvance.
但若以为这些坦克只会挨打那就大错特错,这些家伙不仅防御力惊人,近战能力也相当的出众,背后的喷气口能让他们具有短时间高速突进的强大能力。Once after nearbody, thattwo-sidedshortaxesare equipped with the waveblade that the high-frequencyvibrates, caneasilycut open12millimetersthicksteel plate. Andin the above of right armdesignsin the mouth, but also is equipped withhigh explosive projectilelaunchmouth that deals with the short distancecrowdedenemy.
一旦近身之后,那柄双面短斧配备有高频率震动的波刃,能轻易切开12毫米厚的钢板。且在右臂的上方设计口中,还配备有对付近距离密集敌人的高爆榴弹发射口。Soon, thistimeteamleaderKennythencomesdirectly, startsto conduct the registrationcheckingtoeachteam member.
不多时,本次的团队领袖“肯尼”便直接现身,开始对各个队员进行签到核实。Kennyalsoputs onblackto fightarmor, tall and powerfully built, movement of walkingslightlyobviouslymechanical, but, underthattopdarkastronavigationhelmet, sideLinyanis seeing is actually a stiffandcallousface, in the middle of an eyeballis sparkling the red light, evenin the middle of the voicehas the thickelectronicsound.
肯尼同样穿着一身黑色战甲,身材魁梧,走路的动作略显机械,不过,在那顶黝黑的宇航头盔下,方林岩见着的却是一张僵硬而冷酷的脸,一只眼球当中都闪耀着红光,甚至话音当中都有浓浓的电子音。Whywill havesuchcondition, thatisbecauseKennycarries the severe woundin the beforehandduty, unavoidablilyreplaced the machinerybodymajority, the transformationdegreesurpassed0%imposing manners, underthatdistinctivecoldface, mostorgansforbecomingice-coldelectronic component.
After mentioning by name, Kennyis pacingsame placeseveral, the floorexudesextremelycarried a heavy load of the stepping onsoundinstantly, seemed like40overteams leaderto sweepfrontteam memberto saywith the look of sinister and vicious:
点名完毕后,肯尼就在原地踱步了几下,地板即刻发出不堪负重般的踩踏声,看起来四十出头的队长用阴鸷的眼神扫过面前的队员道:„Thankeveryoneto participate inthisemergency task, no matterhas followedmy brother, was the newpartner, Iwill treat impartially.”
“感谢各位参与本次紧急任务,不管是跟过我的兄弟,还是新加入的伙计,我都会一视同仁。”„I do not likeplayingempty, only then a request, thatobeys the command, finally, the trusteelooksveryimpatient, the life-savingbonuswill raise50again, therefore.....everyoneis livingtogether a cent of money!”
“我这人不喜欢玩虚的,只有一点要求,那就是服从指挥,最后,委托人看起来十分心急,将救人奖金再次上调了50,所以.....大家一起活着回来分钱!”„Moreover, ifreallysomepeopletragically died, Ihope that eachmember in teamcandelimit10%from the reward, family member who thissum of moneywill be used in the comforting and aiding a bereaved familycompanion, the abovefinished, what issuebut alsothere is?”
“另外,如若真的有人不幸遇难,我希望团队中的每位成员都能从报酬中划出10%,这笔钱将用于抚恤同伴的家人,以上完毕,还有什么问题吗?”Kenny'sbodyguardsaidsimultaneouslywith one voice:
Others alsocomplied withonesparse.
其余的人也是稀稀拉拉的答应了一声。RegardingKenny'sspeech, sideLinyanslight nod.
对于肯尼的发言,方林岩微微点头。At this timelooks like, thisbig shotattitudehard line, makes noisefor the team at least on the surfaceeverywhere, itscharismais worthfollowing, naturally, one may know a person's face but not what's in his heart, sideLinyan the approvalis onlypreliminary, allalsoneedto wait and seelater.
, under the leadership of Kenny, the rescue crewis then official, takes the vehiclesto go to the middle ofanotherSingapore and Hong Kong, will transferanotherspaceship there them, directlystar that goes toRyanto fall to the enemy: Yani.
就这样,在肯尼的带领下,救援队正式出发,乘坐车辆前往另外一处星港当中,在那里他们将转乘另外一艘飞船,直接前往瑞恩失陷的星球:亚尼格。Aftertwohours of travel, outside the parking lot of vehiclesstoppedinSingapore and Hong Kong, some peopleget outto ventilatein abundance, smoke, move the hands and feet.
经过了两个多小时的行驶以后,车辆在星港外的停车场停了下来,一干人纷纷下车透气,抽烟,活动手脚。Because of the starshipin the reason of supplies, was unable to board the shipat this time, thereforeKennydoes not restraintheirbehaviors.
因为星舰还在补给的缘故,此时也是无法登舰,所以肯尼也并不约束他们的行为。At this timeskyovercast sky, but alsonextlightly the light rain, airinsidehad the lightsmellyeggflavor, according tonearbyperson, thisis the starcharacteristics.
此时天空阴云密布,还下起来了淅淅沥沥的小雨,空气里面有淡淡的臭鸡蛋味道,据旁边的人说,这是本星球的特色。Hello, ourpublic. The numberwill send the cash and pointcoinred packetevery day, so long aspays attentioncanreceive. At the end of the year the last timebenefits, askingeveryoneto seize the opportunity. Publicnumber[ bookfriendsupreme headquarters]
大家好,我们公众.号每天都会发现金、点币红包,只要关注就可以领取。年末最后一次福利,请大家抓住机会。公众号[书友大本营]Butinnearbyopen area, several people have stoodtherewaits forthem, shouldbe the reinforcements that the venture capital companysendsto converge.
After Kennygets out, the man who wears the windproof coathas stood up, glowing with healthwelcomed, laughsto walk upto hugKennyto patsaid:
肯尼下车以后,一名身穿风衣的男子已经站起身来,红光满面的迎了上来,大笑走上前去拥抱着肯尼轻拍道:„Hey! The old companion, do not seefor a long time, recentlycrossed?”
“嘿!老伙计,好久不见,最近过的好吗?”Kennysighed, raisedpoints atreferred to itselfsaying:
肯尼叹息一声,扬手指了指自己道:„Withoutthisrain, is good, the rainwateris the powerful enemy of mycarbonalloy steeljoint, right, did Bai Ruide, your sideprepare?”
“如果没有这场雨的话,那么挺好的,雨水可是我的碳素合金钢关节的劲敌啊,对了,白瑞德,你那边准备好了吗?”ThisBai Ruideis the assistant commandant who the venture capital companysends, wears a cream-coloredwindproof coat, insidewas joined to the casualsuit, has seemedseems like a successful person. But how to see, notlikesuccessfulmerchant, even ifby the clothespackage, could not be coveredinside the obviousmuscleline.
***Roughlycrossed for a halfhour, Kennywas calling the requestsome peopleboarded the ship.
约莫过了半个小时,肯尼就吆喝着要求一干人登舰了。Thisventure capital companyusedthreeMercurymilitary transport shipsto go togoalstarYani, the contour of spaceshipwas ordinaryonsuch as a bigairplane, the flavor of a littleoldtimecivilBoeing aircraft, and both sides of eachmilitary transport shipalsoused the external stores setting, carriedtwomultipurposeall-terrain vehicles.
这一次风险投资公司动用了三艘墨丘利运输舰前往目标星球亚尼格,飞船的外形就如一只大铁鸟一般,有点旧时代民用波音飞机的味道,并且每艘运输舰的两侧还利用外挂装置,挂载上了两辆多功能全地形车。Simultaneously the teamalsopressesitsfunction, divided3independentteamsto take the shipsrespectively, andbyKenny, a team leadernamedDejak, as well asBai Ruideled.
同时团队也按其功用,划分成了三个独立的团队分别乘坐舰船,并由肯尼、一名叫做德亚科的队长,以及白瑞德带领。BecausesideLinyan, when the filling inspecial skill, wrote the machineryrepairdirectly, but this the talent in aspectis few, thereforehissquadwas included withinDejak'sdirectly, as one of the logistics group.
因为方林岩在填写特长的时候,直接将机械修理写了上去,而这一次这方面的人才很少,所以他的小队直接被划入了德亚科的旗下,作为后勤组的一员。DejakisKenny'strusted aide, usually the itself/Benismanages the logistics the role, the eloquenceis quite good, working is also fair, belongingwill not be pleasantly surprised, butwill not violateConato plantabsolutely, thereforeentrusted with an important task.
Before onmilitary transport ship, sideLinyandiscovered that Bai Ruidetheirplaceshipobviouslywantsonbig 1st, andtwotrailer tractorsare entraining two heavy duty machinery that underwent the camouflageentered the underbelly, does not know that is any secret weapon. Howeverhehas not goneto talk too much the inquiry, thiscard in a handwill take the usesooner or later.
上运输舰之前,方林岩发现白瑞德他们的座舰明显要大上一号,并且有两架牵引车拽着两个经过了伪装的重型机械进了机腹,也不知道是什么秘密武器。不过他也没有去多嘴询问,想必这底牌迟早都会拿出来使用。Thenis about threehoursflights.
接下来就是三个小时左右的飞行。Duringthisentire flight, sideLinyanthreepeoplestartto usebeing similar of rationto collect the information of thisworldin the installment of IPADalong, and investigation, downloads the correlation datawhile convenient, the thing that becausetheyunderstandis the publicinformation, thereforealsono onepays attentionradically.
在这个飞行过程当中,方林岩三人就开始利用随身配给的类似于IPAD的装置收集本世界的情报,并且顺带调查,下载相关数据,因为他们了解的东西都是属于公开信息,所以根本也没有人留意。Duringthisprocess, the military transport shipalsopassed through a wormhole, finallyYaniappearedin the middle of the porthole of military transport ship.
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